MessageBird 隐私声明 2022
作为一个全渠道通信平台,MessageBird及其附属公司 (24sessions, Pusher, SparkPost, 和 Telvox)(统称为“我们”、“我们”或“MessageBird”)提供广泛的解决方案,改善开发者、企业和目标受众的通信体验。我们处理个人数据以提供这些服务,运营我们的网站,并开展日常业务。在本隐私声明中,“您”、“您的”或“客户”是指您本人。“附属公司”指任何直接或间接控制,或被控制,或与指定方共同控制的实体。为定义之目的,“控制”是指直接或间接拥有主体实体超过百分之五十 (50%) 的投票权益或有权指挥主体实体的管理和政策。
1. 关于我们的个人数据处理实践
We will only process personal data to the extent necessary to fulfill the specific purpose(s) for which you have submitted personal data. When you sign up to our services through our website, we request you to provide contact information details such as your name and email address. We subsequently use that information to create your account, facilitate your use of the services, billing purposes, and to provide you with relevant information about our services. Some basic examples of actions that result in us processing your personal data are (a) when you sign up to our newsletter, (b) you sign up for the services via our website and accept the General Terms and Conditions (the “Terms”), or (c) sign up for the services through an order form. To the extent permitted or required by applicable law, you will be given the opportunity to explicitly agree to the collection, use, disclosure, and sharing of the personal data you’ve provided. We do not use your personal data for any other purposes than those agreed to by you or as permitted by the Terms and this privacy statement.
When you share personal data with us, we commit to handle that information in accordance with the applicable data protection and e-privacy regulations, including the General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”). Due to the nature of the services we do not interact with End Users directly. You are responsible for ensuring that you have all applicable rights and consents to share any End User personal data with us and that the personal data is accurate and complete.
1.1 Roles and responsibilities. When it comes to processing personal data, there are several different roles and responsibilities that come into play. This privacy statement provides an explanation of the relevant roles, the corresponding responsibilities of each role, and the systems of governance that play an integral part in protecting your personal data.
The data controller determines the purpose (why) and means (how) of personal data processing and remains ultimately responsible for the correct handling of the data subject’s personal data. In practice, the data controller is often the company that an individual (or data subject) provides their personal data to directly.
The data processor is a company that provides services to the data controller, and receives personal data from or on behalf of the data controller in order to perform those services. To give an example, when one of our customers sends a marketing campaign through our communications platform, we receive personal data from the customer, such as a phone number or email address of the intended recipient, in order to provide the service. In this example MessageBird acts as the data processor of the customer, who in turn is acting as the data controller of the phone number or email address entrusted to it by the individual to which this personal data belongs. The data processor only processes personal data according to the instructions of the data controller. These instructions are typically laid down in a data processing agreement between the controller and the processor.
Depending on your relationship with us, we can be either data controller or data processor, or in certain circumstances we can be both. If you have any questions about these practices or more general inquiries about how we handle personal data, you can contact us at privacy[at]
2. 我们为什么收集个人数据
2.1 法律依据。所有我们处理的个人数据都是合法获取的,只有在我们有法律依据时才会处理。我们依赖的处理个人数据的法律依据包括:(a) 同意,(b) 合同履行,(c) 法律义务履行,以及 (d) 合法利益。当您从位于欧洲经济区(“EEA”)之外的实体接收我们的服务时,允许我们处理您个人数据的具体法律依据可能有所不同,因此服务和我们的处理义务可能会受到非欧盟数据保护要求的约束。
(a) 数据主体的明确同意。例如,当您希望下载产品信息时,在我们网站上勾选一个框。
(b) 合同履行。这不仅包括提供服务,还包括为接收服务而进行合同谈判和签署。
(c) 履行适用于我们的法律义务。例如,防止滥用我们的服务,配合正式的披露请求,以及保留客户账户数据和财务数据。
(d) 我们的合法利益。这适用于例如以退出为基础的现有客户直接营销或保持您对我们服务信息的更新。我们依赖于合法利益时,已评估处理不具有高风险,不涉及特殊类别个人数据的处理,并且不会侵犯基本的人隐私权。
2.2 目的。我们处理您的个人信息的目的取决于您与我们的关系。开始时,当创建账户时,您将被要求提交与您及您工作的企业相关的个人数据。此外,为了让您和您的最终用户(如适用)能够使用我们的服务,我们可能还需要个人数据。在其他情况下,我们可能会处理您的个人数据以进行和扩展我们的日常业务,例如服务的分析改进、支持、销售、营销和合法商业目的。个人数据还可以帮助我们改善服务质量,并开发新的功能以满足客户的需求,例如产品和体验个性化。在我们的数据处理协议(DPA)中,我们将这些目的一并称为“合法业务目的”。
3. 我们收集哪些个人数据以及如何收集
The exact type of data we collect depends on the relationship we have with you and the product or service you use. Applying your cookie management settings on our website, signing up for a newsletter, downloading marketing materials, requesting to be contacted by our Sales team, creating an account, or using any of our products and services, are all examples of actions you take that require you to share certain personal data with us that is specific to that particular interaction.
3.1 Personal data directly collected from you. The categories of personal data we collect from you include personal identifiers, employment or professional information, financial information, commercial information, information related to internet activities, and location related information.
Personal identifiers. When you create an account and make use of any of our products and services, you are required to provide us with personal identifiers. Personal identifiers submitted as part of account creation or use of products and services are referred to as “Customer Account Data”. Customer Account Data consists of your name, contact details such as business address, phone number, and email address, financial information, gender (optional), and signature (subject to our business interactions). Additionally, when you request product related information, request to be contacted by our sales team, or attend events, we may request personal identifiers from you such as your name and contact details.
Employment or professional information. The information we process about you that relates to your employment or profession, the company you work for, and your job title.
Financial information. The payment and billing information we require you to share with us or directly with a payment-service provider, such as billing name and related address, bank account number, or credit card information.
Commercial information. Commercial data relates to your interest in products, your use of services, platforms, and account dashboards, and any of our web pages you visit.
Internet activity information. When you interact with our websites, marketing emails, and services, data is collected about your device and browser, time zone setting, web pages visited, products you view or search for, page response times, download errors, length of visits to certain pages, page interaction information, internet protocol (IP) address used to connect your computer to the internet, use of cookies, pixels, or similar technologies.
Location related information. The use of our services and products involves the processing of location related information. The type of data involved will differ depending on the service you use but location related information may include your and/or your End User’s IP address, business address, and service traffic related metadata such as the routing path and terminating carriers.
Support interaction information. When you interact with our Customer Support team over the phone we process the phone number you use and inform you that the call may be recorded in accordance with applicable laws.
3.2 Personal data collected from other sources. We may use personal data we obtain from sources other than you (“Third Party Data”). Third Party Data may be combined with personal data that you provide to us. Third Party Data may include, but is not limited to, (a) personal identifiers, and (b) employment or professional information, such as company name, company description and website, company (estimated) revenue and employee range, company industry, employment role and title, seniority, full name, and phone number. Most of the information we collect about you from other sources is business related but even in a business relationship certain information might be considered personal data and process that information accordingly. This information is used to develop our business by updating, expanding, and analyzing our customer relationship records.
Third Party Data is collected from the following sources:
Third party service providers of business information. We obtain business data such as employment or professional information from third parties. This information includes email addresses, the company an individual works for, job titles, phone numbers, and URLs of LinkedIn profiles. We obtain this information to expand our business through direct marketing, targeted advertising, and event promotion.
Third party social media providers. Depending on your and/or your End Users' privacy settings, third party social media service providers such as Google, Twitter, and Facebook can provide us with information about you or an End User, as applicable. However, if you or an End User connects to a social media page you may (depending on the platform) be presented with the option to decide whether or not you would like to share that information with us.
Someone else working for your company. Colleagues of yours can provide us with personal data about you such as your name, job title, email address, or phone number.
If you no longer want to be contacted by our sales and marketing teams, you can always unsubscribe from an email campaign by contacting your account manager or our Support team via support[at]
Subject to any exceptions noted in this privacy statement or in the Terms, you will always have a choice when it comes to the types and extent of the personal data you share with us. When we ask you to provide personal data to us, you can decline. However, many of our products and services require personal data so your choice not to provide personal data in certain instances can prevent you from using a certain product, service, or functionality.
End User personal data per service
Categories of End User personal data involved
(本地号码,短代码,Programmable Numbers API)
Flow Builder
电子邮件地址、电话号码或频道ID包含在客户创建的Flow Builder调用中,服务/频道特定数据
Omnichannel Widget
(WhatsApp for Business, Google Business Messages, Facebook Messenger, Instagram, Line, Twitter, Viber, WeChat)
(Pusher RTC Channels Service 和 Pusher Beams Service)
* 交通数据是为传输通信而处理的数据,例如路由数据,以及关于通信日期、时间和持续时间的数据。
** 位置相关数据是可以根据所用供应商确定承载设备或通信设备的地理位置的数据。
4. 我们共享个人数据的各方
MessageBird 子公司; 和
4.1 (电信)通信服务提供商。为了向您提供某些产品和服务,我们与电信运营商、聚合商、运营商以及其他通信服务提供商合作,以实现路由和连接。为了确保您发送的消息能够到达目标收件人,无论他们的实际位置如何,我们使用全球电信供应商网络。关于通信提供商传输的电子通信内容,这些运营商、聚合商和服务提供商既不是数据控制者也不是数据处理者,因为他们仅充当通信内容传输的通道。如果通信服务提供商为了他们自己的目的(例如,欺诈预防、计费、过滤或法律要求的数据保留活动)处理任何个人数据,他们将作为数据控制者。
4.2 第三方服务和技术提供商。我们与第三方服务提供商共享个人数据,例如分析、数据科学和欺诈预防服务提供商,以及我们的云托管提供商。在未经事先审查并拥有必要的合同、技术和组织保障措施之前,我们决不与第三方共享信息。有关第三方服务提供商的概述可以通过本隐私声明的‘Approved Processors’部分查看。
我们不出售任何信息给第三方用于广告或营销目的。我们使用直接营销技术,例如 Google Adwords、LinkedIn 和 Facebook,用于我们自己的内部业务目的。要了解更多关于如何管理您的广告偏好,请查看您的 Cookie 管理设置,或访问您的网络浏览器中的广告设置。
4.3 Payment Service Providers (PSPs)。 当您为我们的产品和服务支付费用时, PSPs 为您提供两个辅助服务,除了基本的支付服务: (a) 储存支付方式和 (b) 自动充值。Stripe、Mollie 和 Adyen 是收集、处理和存储您所有的支付请求的 PSP,它们在自己的权利范围内作为数据控制者。
储存支付方式功能允许客户根据同意保存特定支付方式的财务信息以便于使用。提供此服务所需的信息因选择的支付方式而异(例如,信用卡、iDeal 或 PayPal)。对于信用卡,您需要提供信用卡号码的最后四位数字、到期日期和持卡人的姓名。对于 iDeal,您需要提供 IBAN/BIC 号码和账户名称。对于 PayPal,需要的唯一信息是您的 PayPal 账户电子邮件地址。
自动充值功能允许您在账户余额低于您预设的最低限度时自动充值。您可以通过启用开关按钮的方式来开启此辅助服务,从而授权我们和我们的 PSP 使用您的支付信息自动充值您的余额。您的首选银行可能会要求您进行额外身份验证才能使用自动充值功能。
4.4 MessageBird 子公司。为了在全球办公室开展业务,我们可能需要在所有 MessageBird 集团公司之间共享个人数据。MessageBird B.V. 和我们的所有子公司将仅按照本隐私声明、条款、DPA 以及在适用法律允许的范围内使用数据。
5. International transfer of personal data
6. 我们应用的数据保护和安全标准
Data security is paramount to MessageBird. We invest in state-of-the-art technology and thorough security screenings of our infrastructure and employees to minimize security risks. Additionally, depending on the platform, services, and products you are using, we hold multiple globally recognised information security standards for Information Security Management Systems, like ISO/IEC 27001:2013, SOC 2 Type II, and NEN7510 certifications just to name a few.. All of our hosting providers are ISO/IEC 27001:2013 and SOC 2 Type II compliant as well.
Since all our accounts to access our platform services are password protected (with optional two-factor authentication), you should be the only person with access to your account. You are responsible for safeguarding the credentials to your account. If your login information is stolen or used without your permission, it is imperative that you notify us immediately so we can take steps to secure your account. You can notify us of any unauthorized use of your account by sending an email to security[at] with the subject 'Urgent: account credentials'.
If you want to know more about the measures we take to keep your data secure, please review our Security web page and Security Overview. These documents contain information about the industry standard, administrative, technical, physical, and organizational safeguards designed to prevent unauthorized access and use of your personal data.
7. 我们保留个人数据的时间
7.1 SMS和Voice。 关于SMS和Voice服务使用的个人数据的默认保留期为六(6)个月。保留与这些服务相关的个人数据是必要的,(a)履行我们的法律义务以确保服务的完整性和安全性,并积极防止滥用电信服务,(b)通过服务传输信息,以及(c)确保我们能够履行我们的法律义务,以协助正式政府当局。有关披露请求的更多信息,请查看我们的披露请求政策。在其他辖区,电信服务提供商的保留义务可能会延长,最长可达两年。
7.2 全渠道通信服务。 对于所有其他通信服务、功能和产品,我们保留个人数据的时间为我们与您的合同期限或我们为您提供服务的期间,或在可能的情况下为与您作为客户达成协议的不同期间。此外,我们还提供某些辅助服务,包括但不限于为您的方便维护一个在线通讯录‘联系人’,以及在我们与您的合同期或我们为您提供服务期间,提供账户特定的通信使用和传输历史的见解。您承认并同意,任何终端用户/通信接收人的个人数据,如电话号码、电子邮件地址等,由您控制,任何由您的终端用户行使的数据保护权利必须由您执行。作为数据控制者或代表数据控制者行事,确保履行对您控制的终端用户的义务是您的责任。
7.3 市场营销和销售。 我们将个人数据用于市场营销和销售目的的保留期限最长为十二(12)个月,或者,如果您是现有客户,则服务期间,除非您已撤回同意或取消接收营销信息的订阅。
7.4 遵守公司和财务法律义务。 我们有义务证明遵守适用的国家和欧盟金融和税收法律法规。为此,我们保留客户账户数据,例如名称、电子邮件地址、(公司)地址、(公司)银行详细信息、发票和公司内的职位,最长保留十(10)年。
8. 如何控制您的数据保护权利和选择
Even though we collect your personal data for the various purposes outlined in this privacy statement, your personal data stays your own. You are in control of your personal data, as well as the personal data of End Users (if applicable). Unless we are under a legal obligation, your data protection rights and freedoms are controlled by you. You can change your cookie management settings as a website visitor, withdraw consent to our processing of your data if applicable, control and review your personal data, object to the processing of personal data when this is done on the legal basis of legitimate interest, or obtain restriction of the processing of data if necessary in accordance with applicable data protection laws.
8.1 Exercising your data protection rights: control your personal data.
Customer of MessageBird or SparkPost. If you have an account for any of our products or services at or you can view, amend, delete, and transfer the personal data you control (including the personal data of your End Users). If you want to exercise control over your or your End Users’ personal data, you can do so via the privacy dashboard on your online account. We provide all of our customers with reasonable assistance to fulfill their obligations as a data controller towards the recipients of the communications you have sent over our platform. In order to verify your identity, or the validity of a request you make on behalf of the end-user whose data you control, we have made technical and organizational measures available that allow you to fulfill these obligations via your online account. For the avoidance of doubt, you as a customer acting as a data controller are responsible for processing any requests or complaints on behalf of your End Users whose personal data you control.
Customers of 24sessions, Pusher, or Telvox, and all other individuals. If you do not have an account for any of our products or services, and therefore do not have access to the privacy dashboard you can exercise your personal data rights by sending a request to privacy[at] or via written request addressed to our headquarters in Amsterdam.
8.2 Withdraw consent to our processing of your personal data. If you have provided us with your personal data on a consent basis and you no longer want us to use that personal data for any reason then you are always free to change your mind and revoke consent. If you make a legitimate withdrawal of consent request to us, we will always comply with your request, unless we're legally required to keep your personal data (such as to demonstrate that we have acted upon a withdrawal of consent request).
8.3 Object to and restrict the processing of data. If we are processing your personal data using a legitimate interest basis, you have the ability to object to this processing and can exercise your right to restrict this processing. If you exercise your right to restrict personal data we process on a legitimate interest basis, we will assess each request on a case-by-case basis according to the rules set out by applicable data protection laws. If we reject your request we will demonstrate that we have compelling grounds to do so or that there’s a legal claim which allows us to retain personal data. If you do not agree with how we’ve handled your request, you can file a complaint with the Data Protection Supervisory Authority of The Netherlands, the authority related to the European member state you live or work in, or the country in which the suspected infringement of your right to restrict personal data has taken place.
8.4 Processing time of data subject requests. Under normal circumstances, we will process your request as soon as possible but no later than within one (1) month of receiving the request. If a request is complicated or we receive too many requests during a given time period, our response time may be extended up to two (2) months from the date the request was received. We will inform you if you should expect a two (2) month response time. When you choose to delete your personal data, we may hold onto fully anonymised and aggregated data. If we do so, this anonymised and aggregated data will not be able to identify you as a person in any way. If we’re required to retain your information for legal reasons, we will let you know when we respond to your request.
Specifically for California based individuals, consumers shall not be discriminated because of the exercise of their rights under the CCPA.
9. Cookie 通知
When you use our website, we place small data files, called cookies, or similar technologies on your browser. A cookie is a small text file saved on your computer or mobile device when you visit a website.
In the cookie banner and in this notice we will explain in clear and plain language the relevant details about our use of cookies, including where cookies are hosted, the lifespan of cookies, and the purpose of cookies. This list is subject to change and it may not include all cookie providers at any given time.
9.1 Types of cookie categories. Our websites primarily use four types of cookies; strictly necessary, performance, functional, and marketing cookies. These include first and third party cookies: first party cookies are set and controlled by us, while third party cookies are set and controlled by a third party tool or service provider. The duration for which a cookie is set varies. Session cookies disappear from your computer or browser when you logout of your account or close your browser, while persistent cookies are stored even after you have closed the page. The retention periods for cookies are specified below. With the exception of strictly necessary cookies, cookies will only be placed on your device and/or browser after you confirm or update your preferences through the cookie management settings.
If you decide to not allow opt-in performance and functional cookies on a site, the site may not function fully as designed. For example, you may face issues logging in or retaining set preferences, such as the preferred language the website displays.
Strictly Necessary. These cookies are necessary for the website to function and cannot be switched off in our systems. They are set in response to actions made by you which amount to a request for services, such as setting your privacy preferences, logging in, or filling in forms.
Functional. These cookies enable the website to provide enhanced functionality and personalisation such as the website content being provided in the preferred language for your location. They may be set by us or by third party providers whose services we have added to our pages.
Performance. These cookies allow us to measure visits, traffic sources, and engagement so we can improve the performance of our site. They help us learn which pages are the most and least popular and see how visitors move around the site. All information these cookies collect is aggregated and therefore anonymous.
Marketing. These cookies allow advertising parties to uniquely identify your browser and internet device. These cookies have the capability to either alone or in conjunction with others uniquely identify a person directly or indirectly. They may be regarded as personal data under the relevant Data Protection Legislation.
Unclassified cookies are cookies that we are in the process of classifying, together with the providers of individual cookies.
IP Addresses: when you visit our website or account portal or use our products and services, we process your IP address. We use IP addresses to track and analyze information about the devices that interact with our systems and to know where these devices are located. For example, for the purpose of detecting the location of customer account logins to help us combat potential fraud or malicious activity.
Web Beacons: a web beacon is an object placed in a web page or email we use to check whether a user has accessed its content. We use web beacons along with cookies to gather data about your use of our site and account portal. For example, we may use web beacons in marketing emails that notify us when you open an email or click on a link.
9.2 Change your cookie settings. When you visit one of our websites for the first time, you can either allow us to place all the cookies we use on your browser, decide to accept specific cookies, or deny all cookies that are not strictly necessary. You can always change your preferences either in your browser settings or in the cookie settings on our website. Within our cookie management settings, we outline each cookie type in use on our site and provide an explanation of the implications of accepting each cookie type.
9.3 Manage cookies from your browser. Find out more on how to update, activate, deactivate, or remove cookies using your browser by visiting the links below:
9. Cookie 通知
10. 儿童
我们的服务和产品不针对18岁以下的儿童,也不打算为他们使用。我们从不故意收集和/或处理任何18岁以下儿童的个人数据。如果我们发现我们在未经父母或法律同意的情况下收到儿童的个人数据,我们将采取合理的步骤尽快删除这些信息。如果您认为我们有任何来自或关于儿童的信息,请通过 privacy[at] 联系我们,主题为:‘Children’。
11. 链接、第三方网站和社交网络网站
12. 更改我们的隐私声明
13. 争议
14. Approved Subprocessors 核准的子处理器
An overview of the third-parties used for the processing of personal data can be found here. In addition, the Help Center page contains a ‘subscribe’ button that allows you to subscribe to notifications of changes to our use of third-party (sub)processors.
15. 如何联系我们
If you have any questions left regarding the processing of personal data after reading this privacy statement, or when you have feedback or suggestions to make this privacy statement better, please do not hesitate to contact us.
If you’re not satisfied with our reply, you may refer your complaint to the relevant regulator in your jurisdiction.
You can reach our Data Protection Officer at privacy[at] or at our HQ address:
MessageBird B.V.
attn. Legal Department (Data Protection)
Trompenburgstraat 2C
1079 TX Amsterdam
The Netherlands
Do you live in the USA, Singapore, Germany, China, Colombia, Australia or in the UK? Check out our local addresses if you prefer old-fashioned mail.