MessageBird 服务水平协议
您正在查看一个已存档的页面。本服务水平协议适用于2023年5月3日至2024年2月1日之间。请查看我们当前的一般条款和条件 这里。
SLA 符合条件的服务
Uptime Percentage for SLA Eligible Service
(per column on the left)
Uptime Percentage Threshold
Uptime Percentage for each individual SLA Eligible Service is calculated by us by subtracting from 100% the percentage of continuous five (5) minute periods during a given calendar month in which the applicable SLA Eligible Service was Unavailable excluding any Uptime Exclusions.
每月 99.9%
Uptime Percentage for each individual SLA Eligible SMS Service is calculated by us by subtracting from 100% the percentage of continuous five (5) minute periods during a given calendar month in which the applicable SLA Eligible SMS Service was Unavailable excluding any Uptime Exclusions.
每月 99.95%
Uptime Percentage for each individual SLA Eligible Service is calculated by us by subtracting from 100% the percentage of seconds during a given calendar month in which the relevant SLA Eligible Service was Unavailable excluding any Uptime Exclusions.
每月 99.99%
每年 99.95%
Uptime Percentage is the percentage of time during which the API is responsive to requests on an annual basis which will be calculated by us by subtracting from 100% the percentage of five (5) minute periods of Unavailability during an annual term excluding any Uptime Exclusions
每年 99.95%
Uptime Percentage for each Video Service is calculated by us by the following formula:
Uptime percentage % = ((time available - Unavailability)/time available) x 100%
每月 99.9%
每年 99.9%
每年 99.9%
正常运行时间百分比是在测量期间,SLA 合格服务可用的时间,不包括任何正常运行排除。测量期为自激活日起一年,并在每年同一天开始的每年。
我们将以合理的商业努力在通知后的四(4)小时内解决任何不可用情况(又称为“修复时间”或“TTR”)。TTR 仅适用于 SLA 合格服务不可用的情况。它不适用于减少提供SLA 合格服务或SLA 合格服务质量的故障。
在发生非网内问题的情况下,四(4)小时的 TTR 承诺不适用。“非网内问题”是指需要在第三方运营或拥有的系统或网络中采取行动的任何问题。在这些情况下,我们将以合理的商业努力争取实现八(8)小时的 TTR,但在这方面不适用服务信用。
每年 99.9%
“Unavailable” 或 “Unavailability” 根据特定的SLA合格服务表示以下含义:
SLA 适用服务
Unavailable is when one (1) or more of the SLA Eligible Services are not available for use.
Unavailability is determined according to third party performance and monitoring services contracted by us at our sole discretion (the “Monitoring Service''). The Monitoring Service will be the sole determinator of unavailability. The Monitoring Service reports of availability are currently available at; provided that service issues or outages relating to any Uptime Exclusions shall not be deemed as unavailability. Unavailability is calculated per each individual SLA Eligible Service , not combined as a total, averaged, or aggregated across the SLA Eligible Service.
Unavailability is determined according to third party performance and monitoring services contracted by us at our sole discretion (the “Monitoring Service''). The Monitoring Service will be the sole determinator of unavailability. The Monitoring Service reports of availability are currently available at; provided that service issues or outages relating to any Uptime Exclusions shall not be deemed as unavailability. Unavailability is calculated per each individual SLA Eligible Service Platform Service, not combined as a total, averaged, or aggregated across the SLA Eligible ServicePlatform Services.
不可用是指在某一秒钟内,您尝试执行以下操作: (a) 对SLA合格服务进行API调用,并且由于SLA合格服务的服务器端超时或内部服务错误,所有这些API调用均失败;和/或 (b) 对SLA合格服务进行SMTP注入,并且由于SLA合格服务的服务器端超时或内部服务错误,所有这些SMTP注入均失败。
Unavailable is any period of time during which the API is non-responsive to requests, or the notification publishing throughput goes below one hundred thousand (100,000) notifications per minute. “API” means the Pusher REST API through which the services are delivered.
不可用时间是 SLA 合格服务 未能完全可用供您和您的用户使用的时间,符合协议。 SLA 合格服务的可用性统计信息可以在status.messagebird.com找到。
Unavailable is any period of time during which the SLA Eligible Service has a loss of signal in one (1) or both transmission directions. In all other cases, the SLA Eligible Service is considered to be available. Unavailability for each SLA Eligible Service is measured per number, not combined as a total, averaged, or aggregated across the SLA Eligible Service
Unavailable is any period of time during which the SLA Eligible Service has a loss of signal in one (1) or both transmission directions. In all other cases, the SLA Eligible Service is considered to be available. Unavailability for each SLA Eligible Service is measured per number, not combined as a total, averaged, or aggregated across the SLA Eligible Service.
Unavailable is any period of time during which the SLA Eligible Service has a loss of signal in one (1) or both transmission directions for an SLA Eligible Service. In all other cases, the SLA Eligible Serviceis considered to be available. Unavailability for each SLA Eligible Service is measured per number, not combined as a total, averaged, or aggregated across SLA Eligible Services.
除欺诈或明显的重大报告错误外,我们对于每个 SLA 适用服务的数据是具有约束力的并且是最终的。
为了计算我们是否达到了适用的正常运行时间百分比阈值并尽管有任何相反的规定,如果以下原因导致或产生了不可用性,则 SLA 适用服务不被视为不可用(“正常运行时间排除”):
超出我们合理控制范围的因素,包括但不限于任何不可抗力事件、天气事件、建筑物和结构的影响(在适用于相关 SLA 适用服务的情况下)、电信提供商相关的问题或问题、超出我们服务分界点(或我们的直接托管分包商,即超出我们对相关服务保持访问和控制的网络节点)之外发生的互联网接入或相关问题、符合监管要求、法律或类似义务;
您、您的用户或任何第三方(我们的代理和分包商除外)的任何行为或不作为,包括在适用于 SLA 适用服务的情况下,您未能遵守我们的指示或未能提供对相关设备的合理访问;
由您的应用程序(包括客户应用程序)、设备、软件或其他技术和/或 MessageBird(包括其任何关联公司)未提供的第三方设备、软件或其他技术导致或产生的问题(根据订单表,与应用订单表);
非生产性使用 Email Service;
包括计划维护、灾难恢复测试或优化或修复可能影响 Video Services 可用性的 Video Service 维护,前提是我们提前七(7)个工作日通知您此类维护。视频服务的任何计划维护将不会在 08:00 - 20:00 CET 之间进行。
在正常营业时间 09:00 到 17:00 UTC 以外对 Push Notification API Service 进行的非计划维护,前提是我们已经进行了合理努力,并至少提前四(4)小时通知您;
违反协议使用相关 SLA 适用服务;
Beta 产品; 和
对 Telserv Services 的更新或修改,前提是 Telserv Service 通知您可能的更新或修改;
如果我们未能达到您购买的 SLA 适用服务的适用正常运行时间百分比阈值,您将有权根据下表请求适用的服务积分。在每一种情况下,您认为有权获得服务积分,您必须根据以下适用的积分请求程序通知我们。
无法申索的人。如果 (i) 您违反了协议,或 (ii) 您的申索涉及我们服务的某个方面,而该方面不适用于服务积分(包括在订单单中未指定适用于服务积分的地方,协议,产品特定条款或其他情况),或 (iii) 如果您通过在线自助服务门户以免费或按需付费方式使用 SLA 适用服务,则您无权获得任何服务积分。
SLA 符合条件的服务
Service Credit for SLA Eligible Service
(per column on the left)
Credit Request Procedure
Failure to comply with these Service Credit request procedures will forfeit your right to receive a Service Credit.
A credit of ten percent (10%) of the pro rata fee paid by you for the specific SLA Eligible Service experiencing Unavailability during the calendar month in which the Uptime Percentage falls below the Uptime Percentage Threshold.
工单必须包括 (i) “SLA Claim” 作为工单的主题; (ii) 您申请抵扣的不可用情况的日期和时间;以及 (iii) 记录所声称中断的任何适用信息。不遵守这些服务信用请求程序将导致您失去获得服务信用的权利。
A credit of ten percent (10%) of the pro rata fee paid by you for the specific SLA Eligible Platform Service experiencing Unavailability during the calendar month in which the Uptime Percentage falls below the Uptime Percentage Threshold.
You must submit a ticket here within thirty (30) days of the date in which the Unavailability occurred.
The ticket must include (i) “SLA Claim” as the subject of the ticket; (ii) the dates and times of the Unavailability for which you are requesting credit; and (iii) any applicable information that documents the claimed outage. Failure to comply with these service credit request procedures will forfeit your right to receive a Service Credit.
If we determine that you are eligible for a Service Credit, we will apply any such Service Credits within sixty (60) days after the Service Credit was approved by us.
A credit of five percent (5%) of the pro rata fee paid for the relevant SLA Eligible Service during the calendar month in which the Monthly Uptime Percentage falls below the Monthly Uptime Percentage Threshold for that SLA Eligible Service. Service Credits for the SLA Eligible Service will not exceed fifty percent (50%) of fees payable for the SLA Eligible Service in a single month. Service credits that would be available but for this limitation will not be carried forward to a future billing period.
电子邮件必须包括 (i) 电子邮件的主题为“SLA Claim”;(ii) 您请求信用的不可用性日期和时间;以及 (iii) 证明所声称中断的任何相关信息。
Every thirty (30) minutes of Unavailability is equal to five percent (5%) of the fees payable for the SLA Eligible Service affected by Unavailability, provided that the maximum aggregate service credit that can be applied for any billing period will not exceed 100% of the fees payable during that billing period. Service credits that would be available but for this limitation will not be carried forward to a future billing period.
A credit of one (1) day of additional SLA Eligible Service shall be added to the end of the billing cycle for every 0.1% below the Uptime Percentage Threshold for the applicable Video Service.
电子邮件必须包括 (i) 电子邮件主题为“SLA Claim”; (ii) 您请求积分的不可用日期和时间;以及 (iii) 任何记录所声称中断的适用信息。
99.89% - 99.80% 等于年度 MRC 的 15%;
99.79% - 99.70% 等于年度 MRC 的 20%;
低于 99.70% 等于年度 MRC 的 30%。定期(通常为每月)产生的常规成本总额,
独立于 SLA 适用服务的使用,是月度经常性费用(“MRC”)。
高级费率或共享成本号码的 TTR(修复时间)如下:
>4 和 ≤6 小时等于年度 MRC 的 10%;
>6 和 ≤8 小时等于年度 MRC 的 20%;
>8 和 ≤10 小时等于年度 MRC 的 30%;
>10 小时等于年度 MRC 的 40%。
所有其他号码的 TTR 如下:
>4 和 ≤6 小时等于平均呼叫费用的 1%;
>6 和 ≤8 小时等于平均呼叫费用的 2%;
>8 和 ≤10 小时等于平均呼叫费用的 3%;
>10 小时等于平均呼叫费用的 4%。
在任何情况下,任何给定年度的服务抵免金额不得超过 €5,000。即使由于此限制而不可用的服务抵免也不会结转到未来的结算期。
TTR 由故障管理系统(“FMS”)最终测量。FMS 从您根据本 SLA 报告不合格故障并由我们开启报告时开始。TTR 在我们解决问题并关闭报告时结束。我们会尝试在故障解决后通知您。如果 SLA 合格服务未在 TTR 内修复(不包括非网络问题),您可以提交服务信用的请求。
您必须在适用的测量期结束后三十(30)天内或从适用的 TTR 事件起,以书面形式向您的客户经理报告 SLA 合格服务的故障,并说明理由。您的报告应明确表明您是在请求服务信用。
99.89% - 99.80% 等于年度 MRC 的 15%;
99.79% - 99.70% 等于年度 MRC 的 20%;
低于 99.70% 等于年度 MRC 的 30%。定期产生的总费用
与 SLA 合格服务的使用无关 是月度经常性费用(“MRC”)。
Premium Rate 或 Shared Cost Numbers 的 TTR(修复时间)如下:
>4 和 ≤6 小时等于年度 MRC 的 10%;
>6 和 ≤8 小时等于年度 MRC 的 20%;
>8 和 ≤10 小时等于年度 MRC 的 30%;
>10 小时等于年度 MRC 的 40%。
所有其他 Numbers 的 TTR 如下:
>4 和 ≤6 小时等于平均通话费用的 1%;
>6 和 ≤8 小时等于平均通话费用的 2%;
>8 和 ≤10 小时等于平均通话费用的 3%;
>10 小时等于平均通话费用的 4%。
在任何情况下,任何一年内的服务积分不得超过 €5,000。因此限制而不可用的服务积分将不会结转到将来的计费期。
The TTR is definitively measured by the Fault Management System (“FMS”). The FMS starts when you report a failure in conformity in accordance with this SLA and a report is opened by the us. The TTR ends when we have solved the issue and we closed the report. We will attempt to alert you when the failure has been resolved. If the SLA Eligible Service is not repaired within the TTR (excluding Off-net issues), you can submit a request for a Service Credit.
You must report SLA Eligible Service failures in writing to your Account Manager, citing the reasons within thirty (30) days from the end of the applicable measurement period or from the relevant event of a TTR, whichever applies. Your report should clearly identify that you are requesting Service Credit.
If we determine that you are eligible for a Service Credit, we will apply any such Service Credits within sixty (60) days after the Service Credit was approved by us.
99.89% - 99.80% 等于年度 MRC 的 15%;
99.79% - 99.70% 等于年度 MRC 的 20%;
低于 99.70% 等于年度 MRC 的 30%。定期产生的总费用
与 SLA 合格服务的使用无关 是月度经常性费用(“MRC”)。
Premium Rate 或 Shared Cost Numbers 的 TTR(修复时间)如下:
>4 和 ≤6 小时等于年度 MRC 的 10%;
>6 和 ≤8 小时等于年度 MRC 的 20%;
>8 和 ≤10 小时等于年度 MRC 的 30%;
>10 小时等于年度 MRC 的 40%。
所有其他 Numbers 的 TTR 如下:
>4 和 ≤6 小时等于平均通话费用的 1%;
>6 和 ≤8 小时等于平均通话费用的 2%;
>8 和 ≤10 小时等于平均通话费用的 3%;
>10 小时等于平均通话费用的 4%。
在任何情况下,任何一年内的服务积分不得超过 €5,000。因此限制而不可用的服务积分将不会结转到将来的计费期。
The TTR is definitively measured by the Telserv Fault Management System (“FMS”). The FMS starts when you report a failure in conformity in accordance with this SLA and a report is opened by the us. The TTR ends when we have solved the issue and we closed the report. We will attempt to alert you when the failure has been resolved. If the Telserv Service is not repaired within the TTR (excluding Off-net issues), you can submit a request for a Service Credit.
You must immediately report SLA Eligible Service failures in writing to your Account Manager, citing the reasons within thirty (30) days from the end of the applicable measurement period or from the relevant event of a TTR, whichever applies. Your report should clearly identify that you are requesting Service Credit.
If we determine that you are eligible for a Service Credit, we will apply any such Service Credits within sixty (60) days after the Service Credit was approved by us.