Business in a box.
Should I run campaigns on WhatsApp? Seems like a simple back-of-the-napkin CPA calculation. Unfortunately, it hasn’t been that straightforward so far.
Up until now, accurate data on open and engagement rates have not been accessible to the public.
And as you start putting things together, you’ll soon come to realize there are various factors that play a role in forecasting what you can expect. Are you running inbound or outbound campaigns? What countries are your subscribers in? And what does “quality” content mean?
Wonder no longer. In this article, will unpack the black box that is WhatsApp marketing performance and provide you with the tool to assess its potential.
We’ll cover four ways conversational marketing can help increase the returns on marketing investments:
Through expanded reach
By improving data capture for better personalization
By increased conversion and engagement rates
By facilitating expedited experimentation speed
We’ll further dig into specific examples, establish benchmarks to work off of, and provide a template ROI calculation to see if conversational marketing is the right investment for your business at this moment.
Let’s dive right in.
Expand your reach
While it does not directly affect your cost per conversion, we have to highlight the reach WhatsApp offers.
As the primary communication channel in many countries across the world, WhatsApp’s scale is unrivalled. Over 2 billion people across 180 countries use WhatsApp every month, with 70% of them checking the app daily.
WhatsApp offers great adoption across demographics and countries making it a great channel for all sorts of businesses.
Conversational marketing also helps you prepare for the future.
With Google planning to phase out third-party cookies, the way we are used to market will stop working.
By the end of 2024, most of the signals from third-party tracking will no longer exist. So businesses that rely solely on third-party cookies to personalize consumers’ experiences are at risk of losing their competitive edge.
So, how can companies continue their personalization efforts in a cookie-less era?
The answer is customer-first data, information collected directly from customers.
Through conversations, WhatsApp gives you a direct entry point to consumers’ mobile phones.
Marketers can ask questions and collect data directly from their customers. These can, for example, be qualification questions to better understand your customer's preference, but also opt-ins to ensure you can keep re-engaging customers with proper consent.
The details of the conversation can be further enriched with past consumer behavior like transactions and product usage to create a complete picture of the customer. With an accurate view of their customers at hand, businesses can develop better segmentation restulting in more relevant engagement and in turn higher conversions.
Aside from data collected in your conversations, WhatsApp provides all messages with read receipts. This means 100% accurate open rates directly from the source (unlike what you might be used to in other channels).
OVO Energy, one of the UK's leading utility companies, for example, increased their marketing opt-ins by 128% when prompting their customers after a good experience.
WhatsApp 通常是与您最亲近的朋友和家人交流的渠道。但现在,它已向市场营销人员开放,为我们提供了大量未开发的潜力。
我们在 WhatsApp 上看到的基础打开率是58%。换句话说,如果您什么都不做而将您的电子邮件营销活动转移到 WhatsApp,您可以期待大约2倍以上的打开率提升。

对于 Matahari,这是一家领先的电子商务平台,发送了数千万条促销消息,实现了大约2.5倍于他们从电子邮件中看到的转化率。
WhatsApp 允许您通过其丰富的互动媒体格式以独特的方式与客户互动。
入站消息已经表明了一定程度的质量,导致非常高的转化率。在一个提供贴纸包和 Burger King 优惠券的活动案例中,Amazon Prime Video 在70,000名参与用户中实现了97%的点击率。
More than half of CMOs invested in long-form digital efforts like SEO, influencer marketing, and content marketing. While these channels can lead to long-term positive results, they often take time to materialize. Shrinking budgets mean marketers will also have to run experiments that show impact in the short term.
A big plus of conversational marketing is that building an MVP is straightforward. When you’ve come up with your idea, you can build out your first campaign in a couple of minutes.
And the results come in fast.
In the case of a broadcast campaign (where you send out a bulk WhatsApp campaign to a list of numbers), you can expect results to reach significance in the next hour or so. In the case of an automated ongoing campaign, it can take a bit longer, depending on the volumes.
On top of that conversational channels like WhatsApp offer a very low barrier to entry which makes them very suited for low-risk experimentation. You pay as you go, and it does not require complex setups or budget commitments.
如果您能够估计目标受众规模,WhatsApp 基于对话的定价使您的活动成本非常可预测。只需考虑几个因素。
用户生成的消息 由客户发起,以便与企业开始对话,并且不需要客户选择加入。
例如退货或退款请求、一般询问、产品可用性请求、送货查询和对账单请求。您有 24 小时窗口时间可以回复此类消息而无需每条消息支付费用。
企业生成的消息 是由企业发起并针对客户的,要求最终用户选择加入。

企业启动的消息成本 在北美低至 0.015 美元,在西欧高达 0.14 美元。我们建议建立国家特定的客户获取成本(CAC),以用作您的对话式营销活动的基准。
70% 参与率
15% 点击率
5% 转化率
有了这些指标,您可以进行以下计算来确立 WhatsApp 营销工作的投资回报率:
总消息数 (x) 消息成本 = 总成本
总消息数 (x) 参与率 (x) 转化率 = 总转化
总成本 / 总转化 = 每次转化成本
总转化 (x) 每次转化价值 = 活动价值
活动价值 / 总成本 = 投资回报率 (ROI)
以下是一些关于 WhatsApp 投资进行数量分析的示例:
假设 ACME 公司正在两个国家之间发送 25 万条消息,开通率和点击率各不相同,计算每次转化成本使他们能够与他们的客户终身价值(LTV)进行比较,以了解该渠道是否值得投资。

长话短说:WhatsApp 是一个未开发的渠道,为新入驻的玩家提供新的覆盖面和具有成本效益的营销活动。
As you made it to the end of the article, you can see many things that influence the potential ROI of your WhatsApp campaigns.
If you are looking for some help navigating your ROI calculation or need inspiration on how to improve the quality of your campaigns, please don’t hesitate to reach out, and we’d be happy to plan a working session where we can answer all your questions.