How Sunway Property wows and converts more customers with Bird

Untuk membangun komunitas yang inovatif dan berkelanjutan yang menjadi pusat misinya, Sunway Property pertama-tama berusaha meningkatkan cara mereka berinteraksi dengan para pelanggannya. Dengan bermitra dengan Bird, pengembang ini dapat memikirkan kembali proses kualifikasi calon pembeli pra-penjualan dan penawaran layanan pelanggan pasca-penjualan.




Ada yang

Produk yang digunakan



Faster response times

Lebih tinggi

Conversion rates:


communication for customer

Sunway Property has two main business goals: to provide a home for everyone and to do so sustainably. As the Master Community Developer, Sunway Property understands that the foundation of a successful real estate enterprise goes beyond bricks and mortar — it's all about building strong relationships with customers, stakeholders and the community at large. 

Untuk membangun komunitas yang inovatif dan berkelanjutan yang menjadi pusat misinya, Sunway Property pertama-tama berusaha meningkatkan cara mereka berinteraksi dengan para pelanggannya. Dengan bermitra dengan Bird, pengembang ini dapat memikirkan kembali proses kualifikasi calon pembeli pra-penjualan dan penawaran layanan pelanggan pasca-penjualan.

Masalahnya: Komunikasi pelanggan yang lambat dan tidak jelas

Industri real estat bergerak cepat, sehingga komunikasi yang tepat waktu dapat menjadi pembeda antara menutup penjualan dan kehilangan minat pembeli potensial. Komunikasi pelanggan Sunway Property tertinggal dalam hal ini.

Respon yang lambat

"Salah satu prioritas utama kami adalah meningkatkan waktu respons pelanggan," kata Heng Meng Yong, Kepala Transformasi Digital Sunway Property. "Kami harus segera merespons pelanggan sedekat mungkin, untuk memberikan kesan yang kuat dan positif sejak awal, dan menunjukkan bahwa kami serius dalam merespons prospek kami."

Jarak pandang yang buruk

Sunway Property’s team also had poor visibility into their sales reps’ communications with customers. Customer communications were spread out across SMS, email, and a number of personal WhatsApp accounts, which made it difficult to track leads, customers, and sales – further complicated by the fact that the team had to manually gather and collate this information. 

"Secara keseluruhan, kami tidak memiliki pandangan 360 yang tepat. Kami tidak tahu apakah staf penjualan benar-benar merespons pelanggan, kapan mereka merespons, dan bagaimana mereka berbicara dengan pelanggan," kata Yong. "Kami ingin melacak komunikasi dengan lebih baik untuk membantu staf penjualan kami meningkatkan kemampuan mereka dan melacak secara lebih akurat di mana posisi pelanggan dalam proses penjualan."

Sedikit umpan balik

Tantangan signifikan lainnya adalah mengumpulkan umpan balik yang tulus dan jujur dari pelanggan, yang diukur dalam Net Promoter Scores (NPS). Tim mengumpulkan umpan balik ini secara manual, melalui pena dan kertas - yang memakan waktu dan sulit bagi pelanggan untuk merespons secara otentik. Tanpa proses yang lebih efisien dan otomatis, Sunway Property kesulitan untuk mengumpulkan umpan balik pelanggan yang berarti.

Solusinya: Membangun tampilan 360 pelanggan dan mengimplementasikan WhatsApp dalam skala besar

Saat mengevaluasi solusi, Sunway Property memiliki beberapa persyaratan:

  • Fleksibilitas implementasi, especially flexible Api, to retrieve data from various sources

  • Kompatibilitas dengan Webhook for communications with all platforms

  • Kemudahan penggunaan, with a clean user interface 

Previously, the developer relied on multiple disjointed communication solutions, including personal WhatsApp accounts, SMS messages, and a cheap but ineffective email tool. 

Now, they use Inbox and WhatsApp untuk Bisnis, allowing them to scale their communications and track their messages in a centralized hub. WhatsApp has become their most effective communication channel, thanks to how interactive and easy it is for customers to engage with Sunway Property representatives through it.

Prospek yang memenuhi syarat untuk perwakilan penjualan

Untuk menggunakan WhatsApp secara maksimal, Sunway Property mengintegrasikan saluran tersebut ke dalam saluran penjualannya. Misalnya, ketika perusahaan meluncurkan pengembangan properti baru dan mengiklankannya di media sosial, prospek diarahkan ke halaman arahan. Dari sana, pelanggan mendaftar melalui WhatsApp, di mana Bird segera memandu mereka melalui flows otomatis, mengajukan pertanyaan kualifikasi untuk mendaftarkan minat mereka pada properti tertentu.

Once the lead is automatically qualified, Bird passes it to Sunway Property’s sales representatives via Inbox. There, a team member can pick up the lead and continue the conversation with direct, personalized communication, ultimately converting it into a sale.

Capturing customer feedback 

Instead of collecting feedback on pen and paper, an outdated method that was both cumbersome and difficult to analyze, Sunway Property now uses Bird to send WhatsApp messages immediately after customers leave an event.  NPS scores are gathered easily, securely and digitally, automatically integrating that data into their dashboards for real-time analysis. 

From here, they convert the leads into sales for their property developments.

They also plan to use Bird for "Post-Sales or Service" use cases, for example, when you live in one of their properties, you can use WhatsApp for concierge services or general support for the usage of your home.

Hasilnya: Waktu respons yang lebih cepat dan tingkat konversi yang meningkat

"Pelanggan terkesan dengan kecepatan kami dalam memberikan tanggapan kepada mereka," ujar Yong. "Memastikan mereka mendapatkan pengalaman yang lancar dari awal hingga akhir telah memberikan dampak yang signifikan terhadap kesuksesan kami secara keseluruhan."

Sunway Property’s strategic integration of WhatsApp into its sales processes has been transformative, evidenced by significant upticks in conversion rates and customer satisfaction. 

Pelanggan yang berinteraksi dengan perusahaan melalui WhatsApp memiliki tingkat konversi yang lebih tinggi daripada mereka yang hanya mengisi formulir "Hubungi Kami" di situs web mereka. Menyadari keuntungan ini dan potensi hasil yang lebih besar, Sunway Property berinvestasi lebih jauh ke dalam WhatsApp sebagai platform komunikasi.

Most importantly, their sales team has achieved its goal of decreasing response times – by an awe-inspiring 300%. Even outside of normal office hours, Sunway's use of Bird’s automated flows allows the company to continue responding to leads 24/7. This creates a “Wow!” effect for prospects and starts off their customer journey on a positive note. 

Dari pra-penjualan hingga purnajual

Ketika Sunway Property menatap masa depan, langkah ambisius berikutnya adalah mengimplementasikan WhatsApp tidak hanya sebagai alat untuk mendapatkan pelanggan tetapi juga sebagai komponen penting dari layanan pelanggan yang berkelanjutan.

Once customers transition from prospective buyers to homeowners, their needs evolve, but the expectation for quick and efficient service remains. By utilizing WhatsApp to answer frequently asked questions and address common concerns, Sunway will be able to deliver instant concierge-style support to homeowners. 

In terms of digital engagement, Sunway Property is the front-runner across the wider Sunway group, says Yong. And now, they’re looking to help the rest of Sunway catch up to their success. 

“We’re exploring working with other business units to see how they can leverage WhatsApp, too,” said Yong. 

Tentang Sunway Property

Sunway Property is the property division of Sunway Group, Malaysia’s leading conglomerate with diversified interests that is listed on Bursa Malaysia and a constituent of the FTSE4Good Index Series. As a Master Community Developer, Sunway Property fulfills UNSDG 11, aiming to make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient, and sustainable. Sunway Property builds, owns, and operates integrated townships and developments spanning over 5,000 acres across Malaysia, creating healthy, safe, and well-connected ecosystems for communities to live, learn, work, and play within. Sunway Property’s portfolio includes internationally acclaimed properties in Malaysia and abroad, including China, Cambodia, Vietnam, and Singapore. For more information, visit

Tentang Bird

Bird is an AI-first CRM for marketing, services, and payments. 

Misi kami adalah menciptakan dunia di mana berkomunikasi dengan bisnis semudah berbicara dengan teman. Kami mendukung komunikasi antara bisnis dan pelanggan mereka - melalui saluran apa pun, selalu dengan konteks yang tepat, dan di setiap sudut planet ini. Jika Anda pernah memesan makanan untuk dibawa pulang, mengembalikan paket, menghubungi layanan pelanggan, atau meminta kode login, hampir dapat dipastikan interaksi Anda telah didukung oleh teknologi Bird.

Our platform, our applications, and our Api help businesses streamline conversations through their customers’ preferred channels — like WhatsApp, Email, SMS, Voice, WeChat, Messenger, Instagram - and build powerful and engaging experiences. Bird's out-of-the-box functionality and omnichannel expertise tips the scales for knowledge workers and helps them be productive right away, with tools to build great marketing campaigns, customer service experiences, or automated business processes.

Sunway Property has two main business goals: to provide a home for everyone and to do so sustainably. As the Master Community Developer, Sunway Property understands that the foundation of a successful real estate enterprise goes beyond bricks and mortar — it's all about building strong relationships with customers, stakeholders and the community at large. 

In order to build the innovative, sustainable communities that are at the center of its mission, Sunway Property first sought to improve how it engages with its customers. By partnering with Bird, the developer was able to rethink its pre-sales lead qualification process and post-sales customer service offerings.

Masalahnya: Komunikasi pelanggan yang lambat dan tidak jelas

Industri real estat bergerak cepat, sehingga komunikasi yang tepat waktu dapat menjadi pembeda antara menutup penjualan dan kehilangan minat pembeli potensial. Komunikasi pelanggan Sunway Property tertinggal dalam hal ini.

Respon yang lambat

"Salah satu prioritas utama kami adalah meningkatkan waktu respons pelanggan," kata Heng Meng Yong, Kepala Transformasi Digital Sunway Property. "Kami harus segera merespons pelanggan sedekat mungkin, untuk memberikan kesan yang kuat dan positif sejak awal, dan menunjukkan bahwa kami serius dalam merespons prospek kami."

Jarak pandang yang buruk

Sunway Property’s team also had poor visibility into their sales reps’ communications with customers. Customer communications were spread out across SMS, email, and a number of personal WhatsApp accounts, which made it difficult to track leads, customers, and sales – further complicated by the fact that the team had to manually gather and collate this information. 

"Secara keseluruhan, kami tidak memiliki pandangan 360 yang tepat. Kami tidak tahu apakah staf penjualan benar-benar merespons pelanggan, kapan mereka merespons, dan bagaimana mereka berbicara dengan pelanggan," kata Yong. "Kami ingin melacak komunikasi dengan lebih baik untuk membantu staf penjualan kami meningkatkan kemampuan mereka dan melacak secara lebih akurat di mana posisi pelanggan dalam proses penjualan."

Sedikit umpan balik

Tantangan signifikan lainnya adalah mengumpulkan umpan balik yang tulus dan jujur dari pelanggan, yang diukur dalam Net Promoter Scores (NPS). Tim mengumpulkan umpan balik ini secara manual, melalui pena dan kertas - yang memakan waktu dan sulit bagi pelanggan untuk merespons secara otentik. Tanpa proses yang lebih efisien dan otomatis, Sunway Property kesulitan untuk mengumpulkan umpan balik pelanggan yang berarti.

Solusinya: Membangun tampilan 360 pelanggan dan mengimplementasikan WhatsApp dalam skala besar

Saat mengevaluasi solusi, Sunway Property memiliki beberapa persyaratan:

  • Fleksibilitas implementasi, especially flexible Api, to retrieve data from various sources

  • Kompatibilitas dengan Webhook for communications with all platforms

  • Kemudahan penggunaan, with a clean user interface 

Previously, the developer relied on multiple disjointed communication solutions, including personal WhatsApp accounts, SMS messages, and a cheap but ineffective email tool. 

Now, they use Inbox and WhatsApp untuk Bisnis, allowing them to scale their communications and track their messages in a centralized hub. WhatsApp has become their most effective communication channel, thanks to how interactive and easy it is for customers to engage with Sunway Property representatives through it.

Prospek yang memenuhi syarat untuk perwakilan penjualan

Untuk menggunakan WhatsApp secara maksimal, Sunway Property mengintegrasikan saluran tersebut ke dalam saluran penjualannya. Misalnya, ketika perusahaan meluncurkan pengembangan properti baru dan mengiklankannya di media sosial, prospek diarahkan ke halaman arahan. Dari sana, pelanggan mendaftar melalui WhatsApp, di mana Bird segera memandu mereka melalui flows otomatis, mengajukan pertanyaan kualifikasi untuk mendaftarkan minat mereka pada properti tertentu.

Once the lead is automatically qualified, Bird passes it to Sunway Property’s sales representatives via Inbox. There, a team member can pick up the lead and continue the conversation with direct, personalized communication, ultimately converting it into a sale.

Capturing customer feedback 

Instead of collecting feedback on pen and paper, an outdated method that was both cumbersome and difficult to analyze, Sunway Property now uses Bird to send WhatsApp messages immediately after customers leave an event.  NPS scores are gathered easily, securely and digitally, automatically integrating that data into their dashboards for real-time analysis. 

From here, they convert the leads into sales for their property developments.

They also plan to use Bird for "Post-Sales or Service" use cases, for example, when you live in one of their properties, you can use WhatsApp for concierge services or general support for the usage of your home.

Hasilnya: Waktu respons yang lebih cepat dan tingkat konversi yang meningkat

"Pelanggan terkesan dengan kecepatan kami dalam memberikan tanggapan kepada mereka," ujar Yong. "Memastikan mereka mendapatkan pengalaman yang lancar dari awal hingga akhir telah memberikan dampak yang signifikan terhadap kesuksesan kami secara keseluruhan."

Sunway Property’s strategic integration of WhatsApp into its sales processes has been transformative, evidenced by significant upticks in conversion rates and customer satisfaction. 

Pelanggan yang berinteraksi dengan perusahaan melalui WhatsApp memiliki tingkat konversi yang lebih tinggi daripada mereka yang hanya mengisi formulir "Hubungi Kami" di situs web mereka. Menyadari keuntungan ini dan potensi hasil yang lebih besar, Sunway Property berinvestasi lebih jauh ke dalam WhatsApp sebagai platform komunikasi.

Most importantly, their sales team has achieved its goal of decreasing response times – by an awe-inspiring 300%. Even outside of normal office hours, Sunway's use of Bird’s automated flows allows the company to continue responding to leads 24/7. This creates a “Wow!” effect for prospects and starts off their customer journey on a positive note. 

Dari pra-penjualan hingga purnajual

Ketika Sunway Property menatap masa depan, langkah ambisius berikutnya adalah mengimplementasikan WhatsApp tidak hanya sebagai alat untuk mendapatkan pelanggan tetapi juga sebagai komponen penting dari layanan pelanggan yang berkelanjutan.

Once customers transition from prospective buyers to homeowners, their needs evolve, but the expectation for quick and efficient service remains. By utilizing WhatsApp to answer frequently asked questions and address common concerns, Sunway will be able to deliver instant concierge-style support to homeowners. 

In terms of digital engagement, Sunway Property is the front-runner across the wider Sunway group, says Yong. And now, they’re looking to help the rest of Sunway catch up to their success. 

“We’re exploring working with other business units to see how they can leverage WhatsApp, too,” said Yong. 

Tentang Sunway Property

Sunway Property is the property division of Sunway Group, Malaysia’s leading conglomerate with diversified interests that is listed on Bursa Malaysia and a constituent of the FTSE4Good Index Series. As a Master Community Developer, Sunway Property fulfills UNSDG 11, aiming to make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient, and sustainable. Sunway Property builds, owns, and operates integrated townships and developments spanning over 5,000 acres across Malaysia, creating healthy, safe, and well-connected ecosystems for communities to live, learn, work, and play within. Sunway Property’s portfolio includes internationally acclaimed properties in Malaysia and abroad, including China, Cambodia, Vietnam, and Singapore. For more information, visit

Tentang Bird

Bird is an AI-first CRM for marketing, services, and payments. 

Misi kami adalah menciptakan dunia di mana berkomunikasi dengan bisnis semudah berbicara dengan teman. Kami mendukung komunikasi antara bisnis dan pelanggan mereka - melalui saluran apa pun, selalu dengan konteks yang tepat, dan di setiap sudut planet ini. Jika Anda pernah memesan makanan untuk dibawa pulang, mengembalikan paket, menghubungi layanan pelanggan, atau meminta kode login, hampir dapat dipastikan interaksi Anda telah didukung oleh teknologi Bird.

Our platform, our applications, and our APIs help businesses streamline conversations through their customers’ preferred channels — like WhatsApp, Email, SMS, Voice, WeChat, Messenger, Instagram - and build powerful and engaging experiences. Bird's out-of-the-box functionality and omnichannel expertise tips the scales for knowledge workers and helps them be productive right away, with tools to build great marketing campaigns, customer service experiences, or automated business processes.

Sunway Property has two main business goals: to provide a home for everyone and to do so sustainably. As the Master Community Developer, Sunway Property understands that the foundation of a successful real estate enterprise goes beyond bricks and mortar — it's all about building strong relationships with customers, stakeholders and the community at large. 

In order to build the innovative, sustainable communities that are at the center of its mission, Sunway Property first sought to improve how it engages with its customers. By partnering with Bird, the developer was able to rethink its pre-sales lead qualification process and post-sales customer service offerings.

Masalahnya: Komunikasi pelanggan yang lambat dan tidak jelas

Industri real estat bergerak cepat, sehingga komunikasi yang tepat waktu dapat menjadi pembeda antara menutup penjualan dan kehilangan minat pembeli potensial. Komunikasi pelanggan Sunway Property tertinggal dalam hal ini.

Respon yang lambat

"Salah satu prioritas utama kami adalah meningkatkan waktu respons pelanggan," kata Heng Meng Yong, Kepala Transformasi Digital Sunway Property. "Kami harus segera merespons pelanggan sedekat mungkin, untuk memberikan kesan yang kuat dan positif sejak awal, dan menunjukkan bahwa kami serius dalam merespons prospek kami."

Jarak pandang yang buruk

Sunway Property’s team also had poor visibility into their sales reps’ communications with customers. Customer communications were spread out across SMS, email, and a number of personal WhatsApp accounts, which made it difficult to track leads, customers, and sales – further complicated by the fact that the team had to manually gather and collate this information. 

"Secara keseluruhan, kami tidak memiliki pandangan 360 yang tepat. Kami tidak tahu apakah staf penjualan benar-benar merespons pelanggan, kapan mereka merespons, dan bagaimana mereka berbicara dengan pelanggan," kata Yong. "Kami ingin melacak komunikasi dengan lebih baik untuk membantu staf penjualan kami meningkatkan kemampuan mereka dan melacak secara lebih akurat di mana posisi pelanggan dalam proses penjualan."

Sedikit umpan balik

Tantangan signifikan lainnya adalah mengumpulkan umpan balik yang tulus dan jujur dari pelanggan, yang diukur dalam Net Promoter Scores (NPS). Tim mengumpulkan umpan balik ini secara manual, melalui pena dan kertas - yang memakan waktu dan sulit bagi pelanggan untuk merespons secara otentik. Tanpa proses yang lebih efisien dan otomatis, Sunway Property kesulitan untuk mengumpulkan umpan balik pelanggan yang berarti.

Solusinya: Membangun tampilan 360 pelanggan dan mengimplementasikan WhatsApp dalam skala besar

Saat mengevaluasi solusi, Sunway Property memiliki beberapa persyaratan:

  • Fleksibilitas implementasi, especially flexible APIs, to retrieve data from various sources

  • Kompatibilitas dengan Webhook for communications with all platforms

  • Kemudahan penggunaan, with a clean user interface 

Previously, the developer relied on multiple disjointed communication solutions, including personal WhatsApp accounts, SMS messages, and a cheap but ineffective email tool. 

Now, they use Inbox and WhatsApp untuk Bisnis, allowing them to scale their communications and track their messages in a centralized hub. WhatsApp has become their most effective communication channel, thanks to how interactive and easy it is for customers to engage with Sunway Property representatives through it.

Prospek yang memenuhi syarat untuk perwakilan penjualan

Untuk menggunakan WhatsApp secara maksimal, Sunway Property mengintegrasikan saluran tersebut ke dalam saluran penjualannya. Misalnya, ketika perusahaan meluncurkan pengembangan properti baru dan mengiklankannya di media sosial, prospek diarahkan ke halaman arahan. Dari sana, pelanggan mendaftar melalui WhatsApp, di mana Bird segera memandu mereka melalui flows otomatis, mengajukan pertanyaan kualifikasi untuk mendaftarkan minat mereka pada properti tertentu.

Once the lead is automatically qualified, Bird passes it to Sunway Property’s sales representatives via Inbox. There, a team member can pick up the lead and continue the conversation with direct, personalized communication, ultimately converting it into a sale.

Capturing customer feedback 

Instead of collecting feedback on pen and paper, an outdated method that was both cumbersome and difficult to analyze, Sunway Property now uses Bird to send WhatsApp messages immediately after customers leave an event.  NPS scores are gathered easily, securely and digitally, automatically integrating that data into their dashboards for real-time analysis. 

From here, they convert the leads into sales for their property developments.

They also plan to use Bird for "Post-Sales or Service" use cases, for example, when you live in one of their properties, you can use WhatsApp for concierge services or general support for the usage of your home.

Hasilnya: Waktu respons yang lebih cepat dan tingkat konversi yang meningkat

"Pelanggan terkesan dengan kecepatan kami dalam memberikan tanggapan kepada mereka," ujar Yong. "Memastikan mereka mendapatkan pengalaman yang lancar dari awal hingga akhir telah memberikan dampak yang signifikan terhadap kesuksesan kami secara keseluruhan."

Sunway Property’s strategic integration of WhatsApp into its sales processes has been transformative, evidenced by significant upticks in conversion rates and customer satisfaction. 

Pelanggan yang berinteraksi dengan perusahaan melalui WhatsApp memiliki tingkat konversi yang lebih tinggi daripada mereka yang hanya mengisi formulir "Hubungi Kami" di situs web mereka. Menyadari keuntungan ini dan potensi hasil yang lebih besar, Sunway Property berinvestasi lebih jauh ke dalam WhatsApp sebagai platform komunikasi.

Most importantly, their sales team has achieved its goal of decreasing response times – by an awe-inspiring 300%. Even outside of normal office hours, Sunway's use of Bird’s automated flows allows the company to continue responding to leads 24/7. This creates a “Wow!” effect for prospects and starts off their customer journey on a positive note. 

Dari pra-penjualan hingga purnajual

Ketika Sunway Property menatap masa depan, langkah ambisius berikutnya adalah mengimplementasikan WhatsApp tidak hanya sebagai alat untuk mendapatkan pelanggan tetapi juga sebagai komponen penting dari layanan pelanggan yang berkelanjutan.

Once customers transition from prospective buyers to homeowners, their needs evolve, but the expectation for quick and efficient service remains. By utilizing WhatsApp to answer frequently asked questions and address common concerns, Sunway will be able to deliver instant concierge-style support to homeowners. 

In terms of digital engagement, Sunway Property is the front-runner across the wider Sunway group, says Yong. And now, they’re looking to help the rest of Sunway catch up to their success. 

“We’re exploring working with other business units to see how they can leverage WhatsApp, too,” said Yong. 

Tentang Sunway Property

Sunway Property is the property division of Sunway Group, Malaysia’s leading conglomerate with diversified interests that is listed on Bursa Malaysia and a constituent of the FTSE4Good Index Series. As a Master Community Developer, Sunway Property fulfills UNSDG 11, aiming to make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient, and sustainable. Sunway Property builds, owns, and operates integrated townships and developments spanning over 5,000 acres across Malaysia, creating healthy, safe, and well-connected ecosystems for communities to live, learn, work, and play within. Sunway Property’s portfolio includes internationally acclaimed properties in Malaysia and abroad, including China, Cambodia, Vietnam, and Singapore. For more information, visit

Tentang Bird

Bird is an AI-first CRM for marketing, services, and payments. 

Misi kami adalah menciptakan dunia di mana berkomunikasi dengan bisnis semudah berbicara dengan teman. Kami mendukung komunikasi antara bisnis dan pelanggan mereka - melalui saluran apa pun, selalu dengan konteks yang tepat, dan di setiap sudut planet ini. Jika Anda pernah memesan makanan untuk dibawa pulang, mengembalikan paket, menghubungi layanan pelanggan, atau meminta kode login, hampir dapat dipastikan interaksi Anda telah didukung oleh teknologi Bird.

Our platform, our applications, and our APIs help businesses streamline conversations through their customers’ preferred channels — like WhatsApp, Email, SMS, Voice, WeChat, Messenger, Instagram - and build powerful and engaging experiences. Bird's out-of-the-box functionality and omnichannel expertise tips the scales for knowledge workers and helps them be productive right away, with tools to build great marketing campaigns, customer service experiences, or automated business processes.

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