These Syarat dan Ketentuan Umum apply to you for any Layanan that you sign up for (including through any of our Afiliasis) on or after 1PM CET on the 1st of February 2024. For any Layanan you signed up for (including through any of our Affiliates) before this time, archived terms are available di sini.

Syarat dan Ketentuan Umum

General Terms and Conditions

Jika Anda telah menandatangani Perjanjian dengan kami mengenai Ketentuan ini, kami sarankan Anda mengunduh dan menyimpan salinan permanen untuk referensi di masa mendatang.

Ini adalah ketentuan kami! Kecuali jika Anda adalah, atau Anda bekerja di, sebuah perusahaan yang memiliki perjanjian tertulis terpisah dengan kami, persyaratan ini adalah kontrak yang mengikat antara Anda dan kami yang mengatur penggunaan Anda atas Layanan kami. Komentar yang disediakan di bagian margin hanya dimaksudkan untuk membantu pemahaman Anda tentang persyaratan dan *bukan* bagian dari kontrak.


Thanks for choosing us! Our mission is to make communicating with a business as easy as talking to a friend, and that starts right here. Please review these General Terms and Conditions (referred to as these “Terms”) carefully, as they form a part of the legal agreement between you and us in regards ke Services we offer. In these Terms, we refer collectively to these Terms, the Perjanjian Pemrosesan Data, the Dokumentasi, the Ketentuan Khusus Produk and applicable Formulir Pemesanan(s) (as defined below) as the “Perjanjian.” The Agreement sets out the full terms of the legal agreement between you and us in relation ke Services we offer.  All references in this Agreement (and any documents included or referenced in it) to any documents or links shall refer to such documents or links as may be amended or updated from time to time.

The terms “you,” “Anda,” or “Customer” refer to you, and the terms “we”, “us,” “our” or “Penyedia” refer to our contracting entity listed in Bagian 15 (Entitas yang mengadakan kontrak), unless otherwise stated on your Order Form. You or we may also be referred to individually as a “Pesta” and together as “Para pihak” in these Terms. An “Affiliate” means any entity that directly or indirectly kontrols, or is controlled by, or is under common control with the Party specified. For purposes of this definition, “control” means direct or indirect ownership of more than fifty percent (50%) of the voting interests of the subject entity or the power to direct the management and policies of the subject entity.

Anda perlu membuat akun untuk menggunakan Layanan kami, dan harus selalu memperbarui informasi Anda. Dengan membuat akun, Anda menyetujui persyaratan kami dan mengonfirmasi bahwa Anda berwenang untuk melakukannya. Afiliasi Anda, seperti perusahaan induk atau anak perusahaan, harus membuat akun mereka kecuali Anda memberi mereka akses, dalam hal ini Anda bertanggung jawab atas tindakan mereka.

1. Akun Anda

1.1 Pembuatan Akun. You will be asked to create an account in order to use the Services. In order to create an account to use the Services, you must (a) be legally able to represent the company or business contracting our Services; and (b) review and accept this Agreement on its behalf. To create an account, you will be asked to provide registration information including your email address and/or phone number and create a password. You agree to (a) provide true, current, and complete information when creating an account; and (b) keep that information true, current, and complete during your use of the Services. For information about how we treat your personal information, please see Bagian 5.3 (Data Anda) of this Agreement.

1.2 Akun Afiliasi. If any of your Affiliates want to use the Services, (a) each Affiliate must accept these Terms individually and create their own account, which may require a separate Order Form; or (b) you may allow your Affiliates to use the Services without entering into a separate Order Form by providing such Affiliate(s) a login ID, password, and/or API key to access and use the Services. If you provide Affiliate(s) with access to your account, this Agreement applies to each Affiliate, and you are directly and primarily responsible for all access to and use of the Services by your Affiliates. In such cases, references in these Terms to “you” include a reference to your relevant Affiliates and any users of your account, login ID, password, and/or API key from time to time.

Layanan kami mencakup produk dan layanan kami yang digunakan atau dipesan oleh Anda.

2. Layanan kami

2.1 Services. The “Services” means all products and services provided by us or our Affiliates that are (a) ordered by you under any applicable ordering document (including applicable technical documentation made available to you through a Situs) between the Parties or pursuant to a Pengecer Sales Agreement (as defined below) that specifies pricing and other commercial terms (“Order Form”); or (b) used by you. The Services are designed and intended for commercial use only and are not intended for personal or private individual or consumer use. As our Services are business oriented, you should understand that our Services do not provide access to emergency services or emergency service providers including the police, fire departments, or hospitals, or otherwise connect to public safety answering points. You should ensure that you have separate access to those services using your regular communication channels such as phone or mobile.

Kami memiliki banyak perusahaan afiliasi dan dari waktu ke waktu beberapa di antaranya dapat memberikan Layanan kepada Anda atas nama kami.

2.2 Afiliasi Kami. Our Affiliates may provide the Services, or a portion thereof (including ancillary services, such as billing), to you in accordance with these Terms and any applicable Order Form(s). We will (a) be responsible for the Services our Affiliates provide and (b) not be relieved of our obligations under these Terms if our Affiliates provide the Services or a portion thereof. Where this Agreement refers to obligations you owe to us and obligations we owe to you, we may exercise our rights and entitlements and discharge our obligations through our Affiliates.

Kami selalu berupaya meningkatkan Layanan kami, termasuk memperbarui fitur atau fungsionalitas dari waktu ke waktu. Ketika kami melakukannya, kami akan memberi tahu Anda tentang pembaruan tersebut, seperti melalui posting situs web, email, atau pemberitahuan dalam aplikasi.

2.3 Perubahan pada Layanan. From time to time, we may change the features and functions of the Services. If we make material changes, we will use reasonable efforts to notify you of such changes, such as posting an announcement on our website or sending you an in-application notice or email. We agree such changes to the Service will not materially diminish the overall features or functionality of the Services. Your continued use of the Services following the posting or notice of the changes will constitute your acceptance of such changes. If you do not agree to such changes, you must stop using the Services immediately. If applicable law requires us to give you specific notice of any such change, we will notify you in accordance with Bagian 12 (Perubahan pada Ketentuan-Ketentuan Ini). While we endeavor to keep our Site informative and up to date, you acknowledge and agree that not all features and functions described on the promotional or descriptive sections of the Site from time to time may be available to you and your use of our Services will be as made available in-application in accordance with Bagian 2.1 once you become a Customer.

Mohon untuk tidak menyalahgunakan Layanan kami. Jika Anda melakukannya, kami dapat menangguhkan akun Anda, dan Anda akan bertanggung jawab atas segala biaya dan kerusakan.

2.4 Penangguhan Akun. While we have no obligation to screen or monitor any content or communications, we may suspend your account(s) immediately if we reasonably determine: (a) that you or any users of your Customer Application (as defined below) have materially breached any part of this Agreement, including our Ketentuan Khusus Produk and any limitations included in an Order Form or on a Site; (b) that our provision or your or another user’s use of the Services is or becomes prohibited by applicable law or regulation or the terms of any third-party providers; (c) there is any use of the Services by you or any users of your Customer Application that in our judgment threatens the security, integrity, or availability of the Services or constitutes fraudulent or illegal activity; or (d) that your account information is untrue or incomplete. If we suspend your account due to your actions or omissions pursuant to this Section 2.4 or Bagian 4 (Biaya dan Ketentuan Pembayaran), to the greatest extent permitted by applicable law, we will have no liability for any damages, liabilities, losses (including any loss of data or profits), or any other consequences that you may incur as a result. You will remain responsible for the Biaya (as defined below) during any suspension.

While we work hard to keep our Services uninterrupted, there are times when they may become temporarily unavailable, including scheduled maintenance. We will attempt to notify you in advance of any interruption, but  we will not be responsible for any consequences as a result of the downtime.

2.5 Pemeliharaan dan Waktu Henti. Our Services may become temporarily unavailable: (a) to perform scheduled or unscheduled maintenance, modifications, or upgrades; (b) due to hardware failures, power outages, or failures of third-party providers; (c) to mitigate or prevent the effects of any threat or attack to the Services or any other network or systems on which the Services rely; or (d) as required for legal or regulatory reasons. We will make a reasonable effort to notify you in advance of any scheduled Services’ unavailability. Except as provided for in an Order Form or on a Site, to the greatest extent permitted by applicable law, we will have no liability for any damages, losses (including any loss of data or profits), or any other consequences that you may incur as a result of unavailability of Services or the failure to provide notice of unavailability.

Kami mengerjakan produk beta, dan Anda mungkin diundang untuk menggunakannya atau layanan gratis lainnya. Tentu saja Anda tidak diwajibkan untuk menggunakannya, dan perlu diketahui bahwa kami dapat menghentikannya kapan saja.

2.6 Produk Beta. You may be permitted to use our Service free of charge, or we may invite you to test out products or features of our Services that are not generally available to all of our customers or to the public (collectively, “Produk Beta”). We are not obligated to provide Beta Products to any customer or to our general customer base and may choose to discontinue a Beta Product at any time.

Layanan kami mencakup produk dan layanan kami yang digunakan atau dipesan oleh Anda.

3. Responsibilities

3.1 Tanggung Jawab Kami We will (a) make the Services available to you in accordance with (i) the Agreement, including any applicable Order Form(s), and (ii) any publicly available technical documentation for such Services made available to you through our, or any of our Affiliate’s, web domain (“Site”), which may be updated from time to time (“Dokumentasi”); (b) maintain a written and comprehensive information security program (“Ikhtisar Keamanan”), a summary of which is available here; and (c) provide the Services in accordance with all laws applicable to us in our provision of the Services to customers generally (i.e. without regard to your particular use of the Services). We reserve the right to select the technical methods necessary to ensure and/or optimize delivery of the Services in accordance with this Agreement.

Dibutuhkan dua orang untuk menari tango, jadi Anda juga harus memiliki beberapa komitmen, termasuk mematuhi persyaratan ini dan hukum. Secara khusus, Anda bertanggung jawab atas penyalahgunaan Layanan, termasuk data apa pun yang dikirimkan oleh Anda atau pengguna Anda ke Layanan. Kami tidak akan bertanggung jawab atas kerugian atau kerusakan sebagai akibat dari penyalahgunaan Layanan kami oleh Anda.

3.2 Tanggung Jawab Anda.

(I) You agree to use the Services only in accordance with how the Services have been made available to you by us, this Agreement (including any applicable Dokumentasi and Ketentuan Khusus Produk), Order Form(s), documentation on the Site, and applicable law. You will be solely responsible for (a) all use of the Services under your account, including prohibited acts such as reverse engineering, copying, disassembling, decompiling, or modifying or creating derivative works of any part of the Services (or any of them); (b) all acts, omissions, and activities of anyone who accesses or otherwise uses your account or any Customer Application (defined below), including your end users, and their compliance with this Agreement; (c) any data and other information or content submitted by you or for you (or by a user of your Customer Application) under the Agreement and processed or stored by the Services (“Data Pelanggan”); and (d) all applications, web domains, devices, and communication channels owned or controlled by Customer or by third parties, or made available to Customer or its actual users which access, use, interact with, integrate or depend on the Services (each, a “Customer Application”).

(II) Anda tidak akan mengalihkan, menjual kembali, menyewakan, melisensikan, atau menyediakan Layanan kepada pihak ketiga (kecuali jika diizinkan secara khusus berdasarkan Perjanjian untuk mengizinkan pengguna mengakses Layanan melalui Aplikasi Pelanggan). Anda setuju untuk memberikan kerja sama yang cepat dan wajar terkait permintaan informasi yang kami terima dari penegak hukum, regulator, atau penyedia telekomunikasi.

(III) We will apply appropriate security measures in accordance with our Ikhtisar Keamanan and may suspend your account if we believe it has been compromised. However, we do not police for and cannot guarantee we will learn of or prevent any inappropriate access to your account and use of our Services. You are solely responsible for preventing unauthorized access to or use of the Services through your account and will notify us promptly of any such unauthorized access or use. Except to the extent caused by our failure to implement or comply with the Security Overview, we are not responsible for unauthorized access to or use of your account or the Services and you will continue to be charged in respect of any such access.

(IV) Anda tidak akan menggunakan Layanan kami atau mengizinkannya digunakan untuk mengirimkan konten yang tidak pantas, seperti konten yang (i) tidak diminta; (ii) melanggar persyaratan hukum, peraturan, peraturan mandiri, pemerintah, undang-undang, atau persyaratan atau kode praktik operator jaringan telekomunikasi; (iii) bersifat pornografi, kasar, rasis, cabul, menyinggung, mengancam, melecehkan, memfitnah, diskriminatif, menyesatkan, atau tidak akurat; (iv) berbahaya, termasuk namun tidak terbatas pada ujaran kebencian; atau (v) mendorong terjadinya kekerasan, diskriminasi, atau tindakan ilegal, tidak etis, atau tidak bermoral. Kami dapat menghapus konten yang tidak pantas dari Layanan dan/atau menangguhkan akses Anda ke Layanan tanpa pemberitahuan sebelumnya jika kami mengetahui penggunaan yang tidak pantas tersebut. Anda bertanggung jawab untuk memastikan bahwa Anda telah mendapatkan semua persetujuan yang diperlukan berdasarkan hukum yang berlaku untuk setiap kegiatan pemasaran atau kegiatan terkait yang Anda lakukan dengan menggunakan Layanan kami.

(V) Kami tidak bertanggung jawab atas segala kerusakan, kewajiban, kerugian (termasuk hilangnya data atau keuntungan), atau konsekuensi lain yang mungkin Anda alami sebagai akibat dari penangguhan atau penghapusan konten oleh kami sesuai dengan Bagian 3.2 ini.

3.3 Mitra Kami. This Agreement specifies the terms and conditions on which the Services will be provided by us. In the event you purchase our Services through an authorised partner of ours (“Reseller”), such purchase will be subject to a separate agreement or ordering document between you and the Reseller, which shall address, as between you and Reseller, relevant applicable terms (“Perjanjian Penjualan Reseller”). In the event of any conflict or inconsistency between this Agreement and the Reseller Sales Agreement, this Agreement exclusively governs and shall take precedence in respect of the Services provided by us. Any disputes, queries or other matters related to the Reseller Sales Agreement shall be handled directly between you and the Reseller. If you fail to fulfill your payment or other obligations to the Reseller, we and/or the Reseller may suspend provision of Services to you. The Reseller may exchange information (including Customer Data) with us, and vice versa, for the sole purpose of the Reseller Sales Agreement and this Agreement and you consent to such information exchange. In the event you purchase Services from us following a referral from an authorised partner of ours or you purchase the consultancy services of third party partners (such as implementation services) in respect of our Services (“ Partner“), we may share limited information (including Customer Data) with the Partner solely in connection with discharging any referral fee payments owed by us to the Partner or solely to assist you in procuring the third party consultancy services in respect of our Services.

Jika Anda diberikan penawaran, penawaran tersebut tidak mengikat kedua belah pihak hingga ditandatangani dalam formulir pemesanan, atau ditawarkan di portal pelanggan Anda.

4. Biaya dan Ketentuan Pembayaran

4.1 Kutipan Harga. Unless explicitly specified otherwise in the price quotation or by us in writing, all price quotations are non-binding and may be adjusted at any time, particularly if other or additional information is provided.

Anda setuju untuk pay untuk Layanan yang Anda beli, termasuk biaya yang tercantum dalam formulir pemesanan Anda atau di situs web yang ditautkan di bagian ini. Selain itu, penggunaan beberapa Layanan mungkin memiliki batasan, jadi jika Anda melebihi batasan tersebut dan menimbulkan biaya tambahan, Anda setuju untuk pay .

4.2 Informasi Biaya dan Penagihan. You agree to pay all fees in accordance with the then current applicable rates, which may be updated from time to time and available at (or as otherwise specified for the other Services of our Affiliates), unless otherwise specified in the applicable Order Form(s), documentation on the Site, or an invoice (“Biaya Layanan”). Where we list or agree the Services Fees in an Order Form with you, we reserve the right to update fees from time to time for Services which comprise transactional services (including in respect of the SMS Service, Voice Service and WhatsApp Service) under the Order Form. In the event of any Services Fee updates, we will take commercially reasonable steps to notify you of such changes taking effect which may be satisfied by notifying you via an in-application notice on the Site or otherwise. You will provide complete and accurate billing and contact information and notify us of any changes to such information.  Your use of the Services may be subject to certain usage limitations listed in the Order Form or in documentation on the Site (“Keterbatasan”). If your use of the Services exceeds those Limitations, you will pay the applicable Overage Fee listed for such Services in the Order Form or as described on a Site. Overage Fees will be considered part of the Services Fee and will be deducted from any Saldo Prabayar or invoiced or charged to the credit card or other payment information on file, as applicable, based on the Overage Billing Frequency stated in the Order Form or as listed in  your portal on the Site. If the Overage Billing Frequency is not listed in the Order Form or in your portal on the Site, the Overage Fees will be billed and due in accordance with Bagian 4 (Biaya dan Ketentuan Pembayaran) of these Terms.

Kami mungkin menawarkan tambahan untuk meningkatkan penggunaan Layanan oleh Anda. Beberapa tambahan dapat menimbulkan biaya tambahan, yang akan ditagihkan ke akun Anda.

4.3 Pengaya. Some features and services are offered as add-ons to the Services. If you add on a feature or service that has an additional fee, this may be deducted from your Saldo Prabayar or you will be billed that additional amount, with each billing cycle for as long as the add-on is active.

Anda setuju untuk pay semua pajak yang berlaku sebagai akibat dari penggunaan Layanan oleh Anda. Pajak akan ditampilkan secara terpisah untuk membantu Anda mengidentifikasi pajak yang terutang. Jika Anda memiliki pembebasan pajak atau nomor identifikasi PPN, Anda bertanggung jawab untuk memberikannya kepada kami.

4.4 Pajak. All Services Fees are exclusive of any (a) applicable taxes, levies, duties, or other similar exactions imposed by a legal, governmental, or regulatory authority in any applicable jurisdiction, including sales, use, value-added, consumption, communications, digital services tax or withholding taxes; and (b) other indirect taxes, including any related interest and/or penalties and other government duties, as well as any other costs including transaction costs or bank transfer fees (collectively, “Pajak”). Taxes, other than withholding taxes, will be shown as a separate line item on an invoice.  You are responsible for all Taxes associated with the Services and these Terms, excluding any taxes based on our net income (being corporate income tax), property, or employees. We may deduct applicable Taxes from any Prepaid Balance. If you are exempt from any Taxes, prior to each order you are responsible for providing us with a valid tax exemption certificate or a value added tax identification number (“Pembebasan Pajak”). If Taxes should be accounted for under a reverse charge mechanism or similar procedure, it is your responsibility prior to each order to provide us with a valid registration number. If for any reason the appropriate taxing authorities determine that you are not exempt from any Taxes and we pay such Taxes, we will invoice you or may deduct the said amounts from your Prepaid Balance, including any applicable interest or penalties imposed by the appropriate taxing authorities. You may withhold or directly pay Taxes with your purchase of the Services if required to do so by applicable law, but we will not be responsible for the determination of, or the application of such Taxes.  In circumstances  where you withhold Taxes, you undertake to provide us with necessary documentation to evidence such withholding is required and has been done in accordance with  applicable law. If and to the extent a withholding of Taxes is required by law, the Services Fees will be increased with such additional amounts as will ensure that the net amount we receive equals the full amount as would have been received by us had the withholding not been required.

Anda setuju untuk pay semua biaya tambahan dan biaya operator telekomunikasi yang terkait dengan penggunaan Layanan oleh Anda.

4.5 Biaya tambahan. All Services Fees are exclusive of any applicable government, regulatory, or communications service (for example, over the top communications providers or telecommunication provider (e.g., carrier)) fees or surcharges (collectively, “Biaya Tambahan Komunikasi”). You will pay all Communications Surcharges associated with your use of the Services. When required by applicable law or otherwise at our election, Communications Surcharges will be shown as a separate line item on an invoice. Communications Surcharges may change at any time. Please consult our website for updates to relevant Communications Surcharges from time to time.

Semua biaya dalam Euro kecuali ditentukan lain.

4.6 Mata uang. All Fees shall be paid in the currency specified in the applicable Order Form or otherwise as listed on the Site. If no currency is specified, Fees are in Euros. If any Fees are paid in a currency other than Euros, the amount of such payment shall be calculated according to the official exchange rate as listed by a recognized conversion service selected from time to time by us on the day when payment is made. We reserve the right to convert the currency of any third party fees applicable to our services (including any Communications Surcharges or third party service provider fees) in any Order Form or invoice and to update such currency conversation from time to time and, where applicable, will do using a recognized conversion service selected by us di relevant time.

Saldo atau kredit prabayar apa pun akan kedaluwarsa setelah satu tahun.

4.7 Prepaid Balance. Unless otherwise specified in the Order Form or on the Site, any prepaid balance, deposit, wallet funds or other credits (including any lodgement, deposit or top-up of funds using a prepay wallet or credit feature on our Site) (“Prepaid Balance”) you purchase or make will lapse if you do not use the Prepaid Balance within one year after the purchase date of the Prepaid Balance (or relevant part of it). Subject to Bagian 11.5 (Pengembalian Dana atau Pembayaran setelah Pengakhiran), we are not obliged to refund any Prepaid Balance, including in circumstances where we suspend or deactivate your account because of non-compliance with this Agreement. The Prepaid Balance will be used and depleted for any Services used by your account. Unless otherwise specified in the Order Form or on the Site, we may require you to have a Prepaid Balance or a minimum Prepaid Balance in order to use our Services. We may refuse to provide Services where you have an insufficient Prepaid Balance. When you elect or are required through the Site or an Order Form, your Prepaid Balance may be subject to automatic top-up via a valid credit card, direct debit, standing order or other analogous automatic payment method. You authorise us to implement any such automatic top-up and such top-up will be added to and used as part of your Prepaid Balance. It is your responsibility to ensure that you have registered a valid payment method for such automatic payments to be effected.  From time to time, we may (but are not obliged to) allow your account to have a negative Prepaid Balance for a temporary period. In such cases, you will need to promptly top-up your account in order to continue using our Services. Without limiting our other rights and remedies under this Agreement, we reserve the right to suspend your account or the Services where you have a negative Prepaid Balance. We reserve the right to specify a maximum Prepaid Balance and to deduct any amounts owing by you to us under this Agreement (including Fees and otherwise) from the Prepaid Balance.

Anda mengakui bahwa biaya yang dihasilkan dari akun Anda tidak dapat dikembalikan. Anda dapat memilih untuk pay dengan kartu kredit, atau menerima tagihan. Jika Anda pay dengan kartu kredit, Anda harus memastikan bahwa Anda memiliki dana yang cukup. Jika Anda pay melalui faktur, Anda setuju untuk pay biaya dalam waktu 15 hari sejak faktur.

4.8 Ketentuan Pembayaran. Payment obligations are non-cancelable and Services Fees, Taxes, and Communications Surcharges (collectively, "Fees") once paid, are non-refundable to the greatest extent permitted by applicable law. Except as otherwise set out in an applicable Order Form(s) and subject to Bagian 4.11 (Sengketa Pembayaran), you will pay the Fees due under these Terms in accordance with the following applicable payment method: (a) if we agree that you may remit fees using a credit card, you represent and warrant that you are authorized to use that credit card, that any and all Fees may be billed to that credit card, and that payment of such Fees will not be declined, and you expressly authorize us and/or our third-party payment processor to charge the applicable Fees on said credit card; or (b) if we agree that you may remit fees using a direct debit, standing order or other form of automatic bank or payment mandate (“Mandat Debit Otomatis”), you represent and warrant that you are authorized to apply that Automatic Debit Mandate, that any and all Fees may be discharged using that Automatic Debit Mandate, that payment of such Fees will not be declined, and you expressly authorize us and/or our third-party payment processor to implement the Automatic Debit Mandate; or (c) if we agree that you may remit fees by means of an invoice, invoices will be sent to you di frequency set out in the applicable Order Form and you will pay the Fees due within fifteen (15) days of the date of the invoice. If you are subject to a credit limit, we may invoice you when (and each time) the credit limit is reached (if this arises earlier than the agreed invoicing frequency set out in the applicable Order Form) and such invoice is payable within fifteen (15) days of the date of the invoice. Notwithstanding the foregoing, you agree to pay any Fees incurred which exceed any applicable credit limit. We reserve the right to require you to set up an Automatic Debit Mandate in order to use our Services.

Jika Anda tidak pay membayar biaya pada tanggal jatuh tempo yang ditentukan, kami dapat membebankan biaya keterlambatan, menangguhkan akun Anda, atau keduanya.

4.9 Keterlambatan Pembayaran. If you fail to pay the Fees in a timely manner, we may (a) assess and apply a late fee of the lesser of 1.5% per month on the value of the unpaid Fees or the maximum amount allowable by applicable law and/or (b) suspend the Services to all of your accounts until the Fees are paid in full (including any Fees due under a credit limit invoice under Bagian 4.8 (Ketentuan Pembayaran). Without limiting or affecting the foregoing, where we permit you to pay by invoice and you fail to pay the Fees in a timely manner, we reserve the right, on the first (1st) day of the payment delinquency or thereafter to automatically (i) adjust any applicable credit limit and/or (ii) convert your payment terms to prepaid and cease to provide any further Services until either (y) the overdue Fees are paid and a valid Automatic Debit Mandate is set up by you with respect to future Fee payments or (z) the overdue Fees are paid and a sufficient Prepaid Balance is put in place with respect to future Fee payments. You will be notified of such update via the Site or email or other written notification to the address you provided.

Jika kami menghubungi Anda dan Anda gagal untuk pay biaya, kami dapat menggunakan metode lain untuk menegakkan hak kami untuk menerima pembayaran.

4.10 Pemberitahuan Penagihan. If you still fail to pay the Fees after we send you a notice via email, we may send overdue payment reminder notifications via alternate means of communication such as SMS and any other communication channels available using the contact information provided by you. You agree to receive such communications via those means. We may also use the services of an external debt collection agency and/or assign your debt to a debt factoring agency and may share your information with them solely for the purposes of fee collection and associated communications.

Jika menurut Anda biaya yang kami bebankan kepada Anda tidak akurat, Anda memiliki waktu 15 hari untuk menulis dan menyanggah biaya tersebut. Jika Anda segera bekerja sama dengan kami untuk menyelesaikan perselisihan tersebut, kami tidak akan membebankan biaya keterlambatan atau menangguhkan Layanan Anda.

4.11 Sengketa Pembayaran. You must notify us in writing within fifteen (15) days of the invoice date for any Fees that you wish to dispute, or you will not be able to bring a dispute. So long as you act promptly and cooperate with us to reach a resolution, we will not charge you a late fee or suspend the provision of the Services for unpaid Fees that are in dispute, unless we determine your dispute is not reasonable or brought in good faith. All undisputed fees remain due according to schedule.

Tidak semua faktur akan datang dari kami. Sebagian Layanan kami mungkin disediakan oleh afiliasi kami. Afiliasi tersebut dapat menagih Anda untuk Layanan yang telah Anda gunakan atau pesan.

4.12 Penagihan Afiliasi. Our Affiliates may directly bill you (a) for the Services they provide; or (b) as a billing agent or representative for us or another Affiliate of ours providing the Services.

Kami telah meluangkan waktu untuk mengembangkan dan menciptakan Layanan yang kami sediakan untuk Anda. Kami memiliki semua hak kekayaan intelektual yang terkait dengan Layanan kami.

5. Kekayaan Intelektual dan Data

5.1 Kepemilikan Layanan. We and/or our licensors, as applicable, own and reserve all right, title, and interest, including intellectual property rights, in and to the Services, the Documentation, and all modifications, extensions, customizations, scripts, or other derivative works of the Services and the Documentation. You may not reverse engineer, copy, dissemble, or decompile the Services, or remove any copyright, trademark or other proprietary rights notices contained in or on the Service.

Kami juga memiliki semua data yang dihasilkan melalui Layanan kami, selama data tersebut tidak secara langsung atau tidak langsung mengidentifikasi Anda atau pengguna Anda.

5.2 Data kami. We own and reserve all intellectual property rights in and to any data that is derived from the use of the Services, including data that does not directly or indirectly identify you, your Affiliates, or users of your Customer Application, and, subject to applicable law, data that is de-identified and aggregated such that it does not identify the identity of you or users of your Customer Application to any third party (“Data Penyedia”). We grant to you a worldwide, limited-term, non-exclusive, non-transferable, royalty-free license during the applicable Term to access and use the Provider Data solely for your use of the Services in accordance with the Agreement.

Anda mengirimkan data Anda kepada kami sehingga kami (dan afiliasi kami) dapat memberikan Layanan kepada Anda. Ini adalah data Anda, dan Anda memiliki semua hak kekayaan intelektual atas data tersebut. Perjanjian Perlindungan Data dan Pernyataan Privasi kami merinci bagaimana kami menggunakan dan melindungi data Anda, jika Anda tidak setuju dengan penggunaan kami seperti yang dijelaskan dalam dokumen-dokumen tersebut, Anda harus segera berhenti menggunakan Layanan kami.

5.3 Data Anda. You exclusively own and reserve all intellectual property rights in and to each Customer Application and Customer Data. You grant us and our Affiliates the right to process Customer Data as necessary to provide the Services in a manner consistent with this Agreement including  the Perjanjian Pemrosesan Data, and our Pernyataan Privasi. Your agreement to these Terms constitutes agreement to the terms of the Perjanjian Pemrosesan Data, which is incorporated into these Terms by reference as an Annex.

Ketika Anda menggunakan Layanan kami, Anda memberi kami lisensi terbatas untuk menggunakan data Anda untuk tujuan menyediakan Layanan kepada Anda.

5.4 Lisensi Aplikasi. For the sole purpose of providing the Services in accordance with this Agreement, you grant us and our Affiliates a worldwide, royalty-free, non-exclusive license to reproduce, adapt, modify, translate, publish, publicly perform, publicly display, and distribute, any Customer Data  introduced by you or on behalf of you into the Services, such as, but not limited to, software or web applications you create in the course of using the Services. The rights granted under this clause shall not be deemed to have lapsed as a consequence of any non-use under applicable laws.

Anda dapat memberikan umpan balik kepada kami mengenai Layanan kami, tetapi ini bersifat opsional dan kami memiliki semua hak atas umpan balik tersebut.

5.5 Umpan balik. We appreciate any suggestions, recommendations, or feedback regarding our Services or otherwise, but please note that they are entirely voluntary and we own and reserve all intellectual property rights in and to any feedback provided by you or any users of your Customer Application or our Services through your account. Where the foregoing assignment of right is prohibited by applicable law, you hereby grant us an exclusive, transferable, worldwide, perpetual, royalty-free, fully paid-up license (including the right to sublicense) to use and exploit all feedback as we may determine in our sole discretion. This does not limit or affect your rights or our obligations under the Perjanjian Pemrosesan Data.

Kami tidak akan berbagi informasi rahasia satu sama lain, atau menggunakan informasi rahasia satu sama lain untuk alasan lain selain untuk melaksanakan kewajiban berdasarkan persyaratan ini. Satu-satunya pengecualian yang diizinkan untuk pembatasan ini dijelaskan dalam persyaratan ini.

6.  Confidentiality

6.1 Definisi. “Informasi Rahasia” means any information or data disclosed by one Party (“Pihak yang Mengungkapkan”) to the other (“Pihak Penerima”) that is marked as confidential or that should be reasonably understood to be confidential given the nature of the information and the circumstances surrounding disclosure (eg. Order Forms, Customer Data, pricing). Confidential Information does not include any information which: (a) is independently publicly available; (b) was rightfully known by Receiving Party prior to disclosure by Disclosing Party; (c) was lawfully  disclosed to Receiving Party by another party not under any obligation or breach of confidentiality; or (d) is independently developed by or for Receiving Party without use of or reference to the Confidential Information of Disclosing Party.

6.2 Penggunaan dan Pengungkapan. Unless agreed to in writing, Receiving Party will not (a) use any Confidential Information of Disclosing Party for any purpose other than fulfilling Receiving Party’s rights and obligations under the Agreement; or (b) disclose Confidential Information to any third party except for entities (eg. Affiliates, contractors, legal counsel) (collectively, “Perwakilan”) who have a “need to know” in order for Receiving Party to fulfill its rights and obligations under these Terms. Representatives will be bound to protect Confidential Information under the same terms of confidentiality as the Receiving Party, and Receiving Party will be responsible for any breach by Representatives of those obligations.

6.3 Pengungkapan Terpaksa. Receiving Party may disclose Confidential Information of Disclosing Party to the extent compelled by regulation, law, subpoena, court order, contractual obligations with telecommunications providers, or in response to an emergency disclosure request (as described in our Kebijakan Permintaan Pengungkapan Informasi), provided (i) Receiving Party promptly gives Disclosing Party prior notice of the compelled disclosure to the extent legally permitted and to the extent practicable in the circumstances (for example, in cases of an emergency disclosure request giving prior notice may not be practicable), (ii) Receiving Party discloses only the Confidential Information legally required or set out in the emergency disclosure request (as the case may be), and (iii) Receiving Party provides reasonable assistance, at Disclosing Party’s sole expense, if Disclosing Party wishes to contest the disclosure.

Anda berjanji bahwa Anda memiliki hak untuk mengumpulkan dan membagikan data apa pun yang Anda kirimkan ke Layanan kami.

7. Pernyataan, Jaminan, dan Sanggahan

7.1 Pernyataan dan Jaminan Anda. You represent and warrant that you have obtained all the necessary permissions or consents to deliver Customer Data to us for use and disclosure pursuant to this Agreement and that none of the Customer Data or Customer Applications violates any applicable law or any third party’s intellectual property or other right.

Kami berjanji bahwa Layanan akan bekerja seperti yang kami jelaskan dalam dokumentasi kami.

7.2 Pernyataan dan Jaminan Kami. We represent and warrant that, during the Term, the Services will perform materially as set out in the applicable Documentation. To the greatest extent permitted by applicable law, our sole obligation, and your sole and exclusive remedy, in the event of any failure in this regard will be for us to, at our option, (a) take commercially reasonable efforts to correct the material failure; or (b) refund to you the Fees you actually paid for the time period during which the material failure affected the Services.

Kami berdua berjanji bahwa kami memiliki hak hukum untuk menandatangani kontrak ini.

7.3 Wewenang. Each Party represents and warrants that it has the legal right and authority to enter into the Agreement, to perform its obligations under the Agreement, and to grant the rights and licenses described in the Agreement.

Kita berdua berjanji untuk mematuhi semua hukum dan peraturan anti-korupsi dan peraturan yang berlaku. Anda juga berjanji bahwa Anda akan segera memberi tahu kami setelah mengetahui adanya pelanggaran terhadap undang-undang ini.

7.4 Hukum Anti-Korupsi dan Perdagangan Internasional. Each Party warrants that it will comply with all applicable anti-corruption, anti-money laundering, sanctions, export laws, controls, and regulations, and other international trade laws, regulations, and governmental orders of the Amerika Serikat, the United Nations, the European Union, the United Kingdom or any other relevant governmental authority (“Hukum Perdagangan dan Anti-Korupsi”), including obtaining all necessary licenses and/or government approvals. You are solely responsible for the authorization and management of user accounts across geographic locations.  You will promptly notify us in writing of any actual or potential violation of Trade and Anti-Corruption Laws in connection with your use of the Services and will take all appropriate actions to remedy or resolve such violations, including any actions requested by us.

Kecuali untuk jaminan yang diberikan dalam Bagian 7 ini, Anda memahami bahwa Layanan kami disediakan apa adanya, dan kami tidak memberikan janji lain untuk Layanan. Anda juga memahami bahwa kami tidak bertanggung jawab jika terjadi sesuatu pada data Anda di luar jaringan kami atau untuk apa pun yang terjadi karena penggunaan Anda atas penawaran beta kami.


Jika Layanan kami melanggar hak kekayaan intelektual pihak lain, maka kami akan melindungi Anda dan pay atas segala kerugian yang diberikan kepada Anda. Jika hal ini terjadi, Anda berhak mendapatkan pengembalian dana, atau kami akan memperbarui layanan agar tidak lagi melanggar hak pihak lain. Perlindungan ini tidak akan berlaku jika Anda melanggar persyaratan ini atau menggabungkan Layanan kami dengan produk lain, atau untuk produk yang Anda gunakan secara gratis.

8. Ganti Rugi Bersama

8.1 Ganti Rugi oleh Kami. We will indemnify you and your Affiliates and their respective officers, directors, and personnel (collectively, “Pihak yang Diberi Ganti Rugi Pelanggan”) on written demand against all damages, fines, penalties, settlement amounts pre-approved by us, costs, expenses, taxes, and other liabilities (including reasonable attorneys’ fees) (“Kerugian”) incurred or awarded against Customer Indemnified Parties in connection with any claim, action, demand, suit, or proceeding (“Klaim”) made or brought against Customer Indemnified Parties by an unaffiliated third party alleging that your use of the Services violate their intellectual property rights (“Klaim Pelanggaran”), and we will take all reasonable steps necessary to defend such Infringement Claim at our expense. In the event of an Infringement Claim, we reserve the right to, at our option (a) modify the Services to make them non-infringing; or (b) terminate the infringing Services and refund you any unused pre-paid fees. We will have no liability or obligation under this Section 8.1 with respect to any Infringement Claim to the extent arising from or out of (a) your use of the Services in breach of the Agreement; (b) the combination of our Services with other applications, products, or services (including any applications, products or services of a third party such as a Partner, Reseller or third party to which a Connector or Integrator (each as defined in the Ketentuan Khusus Produk) applies) where the Services would not by themselves be infringing; or (c) Beta Products or Services for which there is no, or you pay no, fee.

Jika seseorang mengklaim bahwa kami melanggar haknya karena Anda melanggar hukum atau tanggung jawab Anda berdasarkan persyaratan ini, atau Anda merugikan hak kekayaan intelektual mereka, maka Anda akan melindungi kami.

8.2 Ganti Rugi oleh Anda. You will indemnify us and our Affiliates and their respective officers, directors and personnel (collectively, “Pihak yang Diberi Ganti Rugi oleh Penyedia”) on written demand against all Losses incurred or awarded against Provider Indemnified Parties in connection with any Claim by an unaffiliated third party alleging or arising out of your or any users of your Customer Application or our Services through your account (a) breach of Bagian 3.2 (Tanggung Jawab Anda); (b) infringement or misappropriation of such third party’s intellectual property rights; or (c) violation of applicable laws, including applicable data protection laws (collectively, “Klaim Ganti Rugi Pelanggan”), and you will take all reasonable steps necessary to defend such Customer Indemnifiable Claims at your expense.  Without limiting or affecting our other rights and remedies under this Agreement, if and to the extent that we incur or are notified that we will incur any fine, penalty or analogous charge from an unaffiliated third party (including any third party telecommunications operator) arising from your breach of this Agreement (including, for clarity, the Ketentuan Khusus Produk), you shall be obliged to pay such fine or penalty on an indemnity basis pursuant to this Section on notice by us to you of such fine or penalty.

Jika salah satu pihak memerlukan perlindungan berdasarkan Bagian 8.1 atau 8.2, pihak yang meminta akan membiarkan pihak lain mengendalikan negosiasi dan bekerja sama dengan pihak lain untuk menyelesaikan masalah tersebut.

8.3 Ketentuan Ganti Rugi. Each Party will provide the other with prompt notice of any Claim. A Party’s failure to provide prompt notice to the other Party relieves the party of its obligation to defend and indemnify to the extent that the failure to provide notice materially harms the Party’s ability to defend the Claim. The indemnifying Party will assume exclusive conduct of the Claim (including litigation, settlement, and dispute resolution efforts) and the indemnified Party will provide reasonable assistance in connection with the conduct of the Claim at the indemnifying Party’s expense. The indemnified Party may appoint a non-controlling counsel to participate in the defense of the Claim at its own expense. The indemnifying Party will not settle any Claims for which it has an obligation to indemnify by admitting liability or fault on behalf of indemnified Party, nor create any obligation on behalf of indemnified Party, without indemnified Party’s prior written consent, which will not be unreasonably withheld.

Tidak ada upaya hukum lain untuk klaim pihak ketiga selain ganti rugi.

8.4 Obat Eksklusif. This Bagian 8 (Ganti Rugi Bersama) states indemnifying Party’s sole liability to, and indemnified Party’s exclusive remedy against, the other Party for any third-party claims described in this Section, save that this shall not limit or preclude our right to terminate or suspend your Services where we would otherwise be entitled to do so under this Agreement.

Secara umum, tidak ada pihak yang bertanggung jawab atas kesalahan yang merupakan akibat tidak langsung dari Layanan kami, atau karena kegagalan untuk melakukan kewajiban berdasarkan persyaratan ini.

9. Batasan Tanggung Jawab


Secara umum, setiap kerugian langsung yang mungkin ditanggung oleh salah satu pihak kepada pihak lainnya tidak akan melebihi biaya yang Anda bayarkan (atau yang seharusnya Anda bayarkan) dalam 12 bulan sebelumnya.


Satu-satunya pengecualian terhadap batasan tanggung jawab yang dijelaskan dalam Bagian 9.1 dan 9.2 di atas adalah jika Anda melanggar tanggung jawab Anda sebagaimana ditetapkan dalam kontrak ini (termasuk pembayaran biaya), atau kewajiban ganti rugi Anda.


Kami sangat senang dan bangga memiliki Anda sebagai pelanggan. Jika Anda menggunakan Layanan kami, kami dapat mengungkapkan kemitraan kami dengan Anda dan penggunaan Layanan kami oleh Anda. Namun, kami akan mengungkapkan informasi ini sesuai dengan pedoman yang Anda berikan kepada kami.

10. Publisitas

Anda memberi kami hak untuk menggunakan nama, logo, dan deskripsi kasus penggunaan Anda untuk merujuk kepada Anda di situs web kami, daftar pelanggan, atau materi pemasaran atau promosi, dengan tunduk pada pedoman penggunaan merek dagang standar Anda yang secara tegas diberikan kepada kami.

Ketentuan-ketentuan ini mulai berlaku sejak Anda mulai menggunakan Layanan kami, dan akan terus berlaku hingga Anda berhenti menggunakan Layanan kami.

11. Jangka Waktu, Pengakhiran, dan Kelangsungan Hidup

11.1 Term. These Terms commence on the date you accept them (or, where an Order Form applies, on the date specified in the Order Form) and continue until all Order Forms or Services used by you on the Site have expired or have been terminated or, in respect of Services you use via our Site without a specified duration, you no longer use any Services and unregister your account.

Mengingat bahwa persyaratan ini berlaku hingga Anda berhenti menggunakan Layanan kami, durasi yang diizinkan untuk menggunakan Layanan kami ditentukan oleh formulir pemesanan, atau seperti yang dijelaskan dalam portal pelanggan.

11.2 Istilah Formulir Pesanan. We will specify your subscription period to the Services in the applicable Order Form or in the customer portal on the Site (the “Jangka Waktu Awal”). Unless otherwise noted in the Order Form or on the Site, subscriptions will automatically renew for additional successive periods of equal duration to the Initial Term (each, a “Jangka Waktu Perpanjangan”, and together with the Initial Term, the “Term”) unless either Party gives the other notice of non-renewal at least thirty (30) days before the end of the Term. The applicable fee for any Renewal Term will be determined using the then-current list price applicable on the Site for such renewed Services unless different renewal pricing is specified in the Order Form. Unless you cancel your subscription in accordance with this Section or as specified in any Order Form, your subscription will automatically renew on the first day following the end of the previous Initial Term or Renewal Term and, as applicable, we will charge your credit card, apply an Automatic Debit Mandate, issue an invoice or deduct fees from the any Prepaid Balance for the applicable Fees.

Jika salah satu dari kami secara signifikan melanggar ketentuan ini, pihak yang tidak melanggar harus memberi tahu pihak yang melanggar dan pihak yang melanggar memiliki waktu 15 hari untuk memperbaiki masalah tersebut. Jika tidak, pihak yang tidak melanggar dapat mengakhiri persyaratan ini. Pengakhiran persyaratan ini dengan alasan apa pun dapat mengakibatkan semua akun Anda ditutup.

11.3 Pengakhiran karena Pelanggaran Material dan Alasan Lain. Either Party may terminate the affected Order Form(s) or Services used by you in the event of a material breach if, after providing written notice of the breach, the other Party does not remedy the breach within fifteen (15) days. In the event of your material breach, we may also (i) terminate the Agreement, (ii) close all of your accounts, and/or (iii) prohibit you from creating any new accounts. We may also terminate or suspend this Agreement or the provision of certain Services with immediate effect by notifying you in the event we have substantiated reason to believe that your use of the Services (a) would constitute a breach of third-party application terms (including those set out in the Ketentuan Khusus Produk) or the terms of this Agreement in respect thereof; (b) is contrary to applicable laws, regulations, or public order; or (c) includes transmission of inappropriate content under Bagian 3.2 (Tanggung Jawab Anda).

Salah satu dari kami dapat mengakhiri persyaratan ini jika pihak lain merupakan bagian dari proses kebangkrutan atau proses serupa.

11.4 Pengakhiran Kepailitan. Either Party may, with immediate effect, terminate this Agreement (and we may close your account) by written notice in the event the other Party becomes subject of a petition in bankruptcy or any other proceeding relating to insolvency, suspension of payments, receivership, or liquidation.

Jika Anda mengakhiri persyaratan ini karena kami secara signifikan melanggar persyaratan ini, maka kami akan mengembalikan biaya yang telah Anda bayarkan kepada kami. pay Jika kami mengakhiri persyaratan ini karena Anda secara signifikan melanggar persyaratan ini, maka Anda masih berkewajiban untuk membayar sisa biaya yang terutang kepada kami.

11.5 Pengembalian Dana atau Pembayaran setelah Pengakhiran. If you terminate these Terms because of our material breach under Bagian 11.3 (Pengakhiran untuk Pelanggaran Material dan Alasan Lain), we will refund to you any prepaid Fees covering the remainder of the term of all Order Forms or Services used by you in the customer portal on the Site after the effective date of termination. If we terminate these Terms because of your material breach under Bagian 11.3 (Pengakhiran untuk Pelanggaran Material dan Alasan Lain), you will pay us any unpaid Fees covering the remainder of the Term of all Order Forms or Services used by you in the customer portal on the Site. In no event will termination relieve you of your obligation to pay any Fees payable to us for the period prior to the effective date of termination.

Setelah persyaratan ini diakhiri, Anda setuju untuk segera berhenti menggunakan Layanan kami, dan Anda akan mengembalikan atau memusnahkan semua data dan informasi rahasia kami. Kami juga akan menghapus semua data dan informasi rahasia Anda. Beberapa pengecualian mungkin disebabkan oleh hukum yang berlaku.

11.6 Konsekuensi Pengakhiran atau Kedaluwarsa. Upon the effective date of termination or expiration of the Agreement or any Order Form: (a) all rights, licenses, and subscriptions granted to you under any affected Order Form and the Agreement will immediately terminate; (b) you will immediately cease all use of, and access to, your account and the relevant Services; (c) you will immediately either return or destroy (at our discretion) all Provider Data, our Confidential Information, and any user IDs that are in your possession; and (d) we will delete any of your Confidential Information or Customer Data stored by us within forty-five (45) days after the effective date of expiration or termination, unless a different statutory retention period applies or as necessary to prosecute or defend a legal claim, in which case we will only retain such information for as long as needed to resolve the claim or comply with applicable law. In the event of termination or expiration of an Order Form, (c) and (d) shall not apply to the extent the Provider Data, Confidential Information, user IDs, and Customer Data are still required in connection with the use of other Services than the terminated or expired Service(s). In the event you terminate this Agreement under Bagian 11.3 (Pemutusan Hubungan Kerja karena Pelanggaran Material dan Alasan Lain), we will reasonably cooperate to assist in your transition to another provider.

Beberapa bagian dari persyaratan ini akan terus berlanjut meskipun persyaratan ini telah diakhiri, seperti kewajiban Anda kepada pay untuk Layanan yang Anda terima.

Kami mungkin perlu memperbarui persyaratan ini untuk mencerminkan keadaan Layanan saat ini. Jika kami memperbarui ketentuan, kami akan memberi tahu Anda. Jika Anda tetap menggunakan Layanan kami setelah ketentuan-ketentuan ini berubah dan mulai berlaku, itu berarti Anda telah menerima perubahan tersebut dan perubahan tersebut mengikat Anda. Jika Anda tidak setuju dengan ketentuan yang diubah, Anda harus segera berhenti menggunakan Layanan kami.

12. Perubahan pada Ketentuan-Ketentuan Ini

From time to time, we may update this Agreement. If we make material changes, we will notify you, such as by posting an announcement on our website or sending you an in-application notice or email. To the greatest extent permitted by applicable law, the new Agreement will take immediate effect, and your continued use of the Services following our posting or notice of the changes will constitute your acceptance of the updated Agreement. If applicable law requires us to give additional notice in respect of some or all of our Services, changes will automatically take effect regarding your use of the relevant Services upon expiry of such notice period (unless you terminate during that period) or upon your earlier agreement to such changes. If you have a right under applicable law to terminate this Agreement upon receipt of such notice (or if this Bagian 12 would be unenforceable under applicable law if you did not have such a right), you will not be charged a fee for early termination where you exercise that right under applicable law, but any fees previously paid by you are non-refundable and any fees owing continue to remain due and payable. We agree that changes to these Terms under this Bagian 12 will not materially diminish the protections under the Security Overview and/or the features or functionality of the Service.

Hukum Belanda akan mengatur perselisihan di antara kita.

13. Hukum yang Mengatur dan Penyelesaian Sengketa

13.1 Hukum yang Mengatur. This Agreement, and any dispute, claim, or controversy (whether in contract, tort or statute) (“Disputes”) arising out of or related to this Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the applicable state or country listed in Bagian 15 (Entitas Kontrak)  of these Terms, without regard to the conflicts of laws and principles. The United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods and any application of US laws based on the Uniform Computer Information Transactions ACT and analogous international laws are explicitly excluded, as is the application of title 7.1 and sections 6:89, 6:93, 7:408(2), and 7:411 of the Dutch Civil Code.

Pengadilan di kota Amsterdam akan menyelesaikan setiap perselisihan di antara kami.

13.2. Penyelesaian Sengketa. Each Party agrees that the competent courts of the applicable state or country listed in Bagian 15 (Entitas Kontrak) of these Terms will have exclusive jurisdiction to settle any Disputes arising out of or related to this Agreement.

Masing-masing dari kita tidak dapat melakukan tindakan kolektif dengan bergabung dengan sekelompok pihak lain untuk mengajukan klaim terhadap pihak lain.

13.3. Pengabaian Gugatan Perwakilan Kelompok. To the greatest extent permitted by applicable law, the parties agree that neither Party can bring a Dispute as a plaintiff or class member in a class action, consolidated action, or representative action.

Jika salah satu dokumen yang disebutkan dalam persyaratan ini bertentangan, maka urutan dokumen mana yang berlaku akan dijelaskan dalam bagian ini.

14. Umum

14.1 Urutan Prioritas. In the event of any conflict or inconsistency among the following documents, the order of precedence will be: (a) the Data Processing Agreement; (b) the applicable Order Form or the customer portal on the Site; (c) Ketentuan Khusus Produk; (d) these Terms; and (e) the applicable Documentation.

Meskipun kedua belah pihak menyetujui persyaratan perjanjian ini, hal ini tidak berarti bahwa ada hubungan khusus di antara para pihak.

14.2 Hubungan. Each Party is an independent contractor in the performance of this Agreement and nothing in these Terms is intended to create or will be construed as creating an employer-employee relationship or a partnership, agency, joint venture, or franchise. Neither Party has the authority to commit the other Party in any way and will not attempt to do so or imply that it has the right to do so. Nothing in these Terms is intended to prevent: (a) us from marketing, licensing, selling, or otherwise providing Services to any third party; and (b) you from obtaining services similar to the Services from a third party.

Jika salah satu dari persyaratan ini tidak dapat diberlakukan, maka persyaratan lainnya akan tetap berlaku.

14.3 Keterpisahan. If a court of competent jurisdiction holds any provision of these Terms to be contrary to applicable law, that provision will be changed and interpreted so as to best accomplish the objectives of the original provision to the greatest extent allowed by law and the remaining provisions of these Terms will remain in full force and effect.

Jika salah satu pihak perlu memberikan pemberitahuan hukum berdasarkan persyaratan ini, bagian ini menjelaskan bagaimana hal itu harus dilakukan.

14.4 Pemberitahuan. If you need to provide notice to us under these Terms, you may do so in writing  via email to, or (b) by registered prepaid post to to our  applicable entity with whom you are contracting, as listed in Bagian 15 (Entitas Kontrak), with a PDF copy to Except as permitted in Bagian 12 (Perubahan pada Ketentuan-ketentuan ini) or elsewhere in these Terms and the Agreement, if we need to provide notice to you, we will do so, at our election, in writing via email to the email address you designate in your account or by letter to the address associated with your account. It is your responsibility to keep all email and postal addresses associated with your account current and accurate. Unless otherwise expressly provided in this Agreement, please note that communications through our general support messaging system or to your account representative will not constitute legal notice where notice is required to us under this Agreement or any law or regulation unless is copied on the communication.

Jika salah satu pihak tidak dapat melaksanakan kewajibannya berdasarkan ketentuan-ketentuan ini karena sesuatu di luar kendali yang wajar (seperti kebakaran, banjir, gempa bumi, dll.), maka pihak tersebut dimaafkan atas kegagalan atau keterlambatan dalam melaksanakan kewajibannya.

14.5 Force Majeure. Except for the payment of Fees, each Party will be excused from any failure or delay of performance to the extent caused by unavoidable events beyond its reasonable control and not caused by it such as natural catastrophes, laws, orders, regulations, directions or actions of governmental authorities, act of war, hostility, or sabotage, failure of telecommunication or digital transmission links, or failure of any third-party operating systems, platforms, applications or networks not under the Party’s reasonable control. All Parties will take reasonable actions to minimize the consequences of these events. In addition, a Party will be excused from future performance under this Agreement, if (i) the other Party becomes, directly or indirectly, subject to sanctions or restrictive measures imposed by competent governmental authorities, or (ii) the performance of any aspect of this Agreement would require that Party to engage in a transaction with a person, directly or indirectly, subject to such sanctions or restrictive measures.

Jika salah satu dari kami tidak menggunakan hak berdasarkan persyaratan ini, bukan berarti kami melepaskan hak tersebut.

14.6 Pengabaian. No failure or delay by either Party in exercising any right or enforcing any provision under these Terms will constitute a waiver of that right, provision, or any other provision. Any waiver must be in writing and signed by each Party to be legally binding. With the exception of the rights explicitly provided in this Agreement, each Party waives any rights to wholly or partially terminate or rescind this Agreement or to claim termination, rescission, or amendment of this Agreement, to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law.

Anda dilarang mengalihkan hak-hak Anda berdasarkan persyaratan ini kepada pihak lain tanpa izin tertulis dari kami. Kami dapat mengalihkan hak-hak kami kepada pihak lain tanpa izin Anda.

14.7 Penugasan. Neither party may assign or transfer any of its rights or obligations under this Agreement (including under all Order Forms) in whole or in part, whether by operation of law or otherwise, without the prior written consent of the other party (not to be unreasonably delayed or withheld); provided, however, that either party may assign this Agreement in its entirety (including all Order Forms), without prior consent (but subject to written notice promptly following the event) in connection with a merger, acquisition, corporate reorganization, or sale of all or substantially all of the relevant party's assets to a party that is not a competitor of the other party. Any attempted assignment or transfer by either party in violation hereof will be void. Subject to the foregoing, each and all of the provisions in this Agreement will be binding on and inure to the benefit of the parties to this Agreement and their respective administrators, successors, and permitted assigns.

Jika Anda atau pengguna Anda adalah bagian dari lembaga pemerintah Amerika Serikat, maka Anda tidak boleh memodifikasi atau mengalihkan layanan kami kepada pihak lain.

14.8 Ketentuan Pemerintah AS. We provide the Services, including any related software and technology, for United States government end use solely in accordance with this Agreement. If you (or any users of your Customer Application or account) are an agency, department, or other entity of the United States government, the use, duplication, reproduction, release, modification, disclosure, or transfer of the Services, or any related documentation, is restricted by this Agreement. All other use is prohibited and no other rights other than those provided in this Agreement are conferred.

Jika salah satu pihak meyakini bahwa hak kekayaan intelektualnya terancam atau mencurigai adanya pelanggaran kerahasiaan, maka pihak yang mencurigai dapat meminta bantuan dari badan yang berwenang untuk mencegah kerusakan tersebut.

14.9 Bantuan Injunctive. In the event of either Party’s actual or threatened (a) breach of Bagian 6 (Kerahasiaan); or (b) violation of the other Party’s intellectual property rights, the non-breaching Party is entitled to seek injunctive and/or any other available equitable relief, without waiving any other rights or remedies.

Persyaratan ini dan dokumentasi yang dilampirkan adalah perjanjian hukum yang lengkap antara Anda dan kami. Proposal lain atau perjanjian yang telah dibuat sebelumnya tidak berlaku.

14.10 Seluruh Perjanjian. This Agreement represents the full and complete contract between the Parties, superseding all prior proposals, statements, or agreements, and neither Party has entered into this Agreement in reliance on any representations or warranties other than as set out in this Agreement. Additionally, your purchase of any Services is not contingent on, and you have not relied on, the delivery of any future functionality, regardless of any communication about our products. The Parties agree that any term or condition contained in any Customer provided documentation (such as a purchase order) is void unless such documentation is expressly signed by us with an intention to be bound by it. The short-hand explanations in the column to the left of these terms are for information purposes only and are not binding.

Jika Anda adalah perusahaan mikro, enterprise kecil, atau organisasi nirlaba dan Anda menggunakan layanan kami di negara-negara tertentu, Anda secara tegas melepaskan hak-hak tertentu di bawah Kode Komunikasi Elektronik Eropa.

14.11 Pengabaian Usaha Mikro (EEA/Inggris). If you are a micro-enterprise, small enterprise, or not for profit organisation and we provide you Services in the EEA or United Kingdom which are subject to the European Electronic Communications Code (and relevant national implementing measures transposing Directive (EU) 2018/1972 or equivalent provisions in the EEA and UK) (the “EECC”), to the greatest extent permitted by applicable law, you expressly waive your rights under the EECC. This includes a waiver of the following: (a) a right to have a copy of this Agreement made available to you in a durable medium (other than this easily downloadable copy); (b) a right to have a summary of this Agreement (known as a “contract summary”) provided to you; (c) a right, where we bill you on the basis of either time or volume consumption, to have a facility to monitor and control the usage of such Services, including access to information to the level of consumption of your Services; (d) a right to be notified before any consumption limit included in your pricing plan is reached or when a Service included in your pricing plan is fully consumed; (e) in the event that we specify in our Order Form a minimum contract duration which is longer than the maximum statutory period applied to you under applicable law, a right to a shorter contract period; (f) a right to have all of the rights listed in (a) to (e) apply to all aspects of the Services you purchase from us as a bundle, even where applicable law does not apply those rights in (a) to (e) to all aspects of our Services; (g) a right, if you subscribe to additional Services provided by us, not to have the original duration of your Agreement for other Services extended to reflect the the contract duration of the additional Services and (g) all such other rights and entitlements under or pursuant to the EECC that are capable of waiver or of being disapplied by agreement between the Parties.

Kontrak antara kedua belah pihak ditulis dalam bahasa Inggris. Semua terjemahan dari kontrak ini ke bahasa lain hanya digunakan untuk membantu Anda dalam membaca kontrak. Jika terdapat perbedaan antara versi bahasa Inggris dan versi terjemahan, maka versi bahasa Inggris yang akan berlaku.

14.12 Terjemahan. Our Agreement (including these Terms) is written in English. Any translated version is provided solely for your convenience. To the extent any translated version of our Agreement (including these Terms) conflicts with the English version, the English version takes precedence (unless otherwise expressly mandated by applicable law).

Penggunaan Anda atas Layanan kami berarti Anda menyetujui kontrak ini. Dalam kasus-kasus di mana tanda tangan diperlukan, kedua belah pihak setuju untuk menggunakan tanda tangan elektronik.

14.13 Tanda Tangan Elektronik dan Rekan Kerja. Your use of our Services indicates acceptance of this Agreement. If and to the extent that we enter into an Agreement with you that requires signature, each of us agree to the use of electronic signatures and that we will each be bound by them. Any Order Form or other document governed by this Agreement may be executed in two or more counterparts (including by combination of electronic and non-electronic signatures), each of which shall be deemed an original, but all of which together shall constitute one and the same instrument.

14.14 Keluhan. If you have any grievances in relation to this Agreement and/or the Services, you may contact

14.15 No Pemulihan Ganda. A Party shall not be entitled to recover more than once under this Agreement in respect of the same loss or damage suffered.

14.16 Konstruksi Umum. References in this Agreement (including all referenced documents comprising part of this Agreement) to “include”, “including”, “included”, and “for example” (and like words) shall, as the context so requires, be read to refer to those words without limitation.

Bagan ini menunjukkan entitas mana yang akan Anda kontrak berdasarkan Layanan yang kami sediakan.

15. Entitas yang mengadakan kontrak

For all Customers with a contract prior to 1 February 2024 (1pm CET), your contract remains with the legal entity with whom you contracted at that date on the terms and conditions applicable at that date. See our Archived page here.

Untuk semua Pelanggan baru pada dan setelah tanggal 1 Februari 2024 (13:00 WIB), kecuali ditentukan lain secara tegas dalam Formulir Pemesanan yang berlaku, badan hukum yang mengadakan Perjanjian ini dari pihak kami, hukum yang mengatur Perjanjian ini, dan pengadilan yang memiliki yurisdiksi atas perselisihan apa pun di antara Para Pihak tergantung pada tempat Anda berdomisili atau Layanan yang berlaku seperti yang ditentukan dalam tabel di bawah ini.

Jika Nasabah berdomisili di:

Contracting Entity

Informasi kontak

Hukum yang mengatur

Pengadilan dengan yurisdiksi eksklusif:


(kecuali Amerika Serikat - lihat di bawah)

MessageBird B.V.

Postbus 14674

1001 LD Amsterdam


Kepada: Hukum, dengan salinan PDF ke:

Hukum Belanda

Courts of  Amsterdam

United States of America

Apabila Pelanggan membeli Layanan Email dan/atau Email Analytics (sebagaimana didefinisikan di bawah ini).

Untuk semua Layanan lain atau kombinasi Layanan Email dan/atau Email Analytics dengan Layanan lain, lihat "Global"

MessageBird USA Inc

4701 Sangamore Road, 

Suite 100N-139 

Bethesda MD 20816


Attn: Hukum,  with a PDF copy to:

Hukum Negara Bagian Delaware, Amerika Serikat

Pengadilan negara bagian atau federal di Wilmington, Delaware, A.S.A.

Layanan yang Berlaku

Layanan API Notifikasi Push

MessageBird UK Limited

3 Lagi London Riverside

Lantai 4


Inggris Raya, SE1 2AQ

Kepada: Legal dengan salinan PDF ke:

Hukum Belanda

Courts of  Amsterdam

For purposes of the above, the defined term “Email” and “Email Analytics” means the corresponding Services listed to the right of such defined term in the following table, either individually or collectively depending on the Services you are purchasing:



Semua Layanan atau kombinasi Layanan selain yang ada di bawah ini

Layanan Email yang dijelaskan dalam Bagian 4 dan Bagian 8 dari Ketentuan Khusus Produk


Inbox Tracker
Competitive Tracker
Reputable Sender Program
Deliverability Strategy Essentials
Deliverability Strategy Basics
Basic Audit
Comprehensive Audit
Strategic Competitive Report

16. Istilah internasional tambahan

16.1 Meksiko. If Customer is domiciled in Mexico, the following amended terms shall apply:

16.1.1 Sengketa Pembayaran. Section 4.10 (Payment Dispute) of this Agreement is hereby amended and the following sentence is added to the section:

Terlepas dari hak dan prosedur yang disediakan dalam Ketentuan ini, Anda berhak mengajukan banding ke Kantor Perlindungan Konsumen Federal untuk menegakkan hak-hak Anda berdasarkan ketentuan Undang-Undang Perlindungan Konsumen Federal (Ley Federal de Protección al Consumidor).

16.2 India. If Customer is domiciled in India, the following additional terms shall apply:

16.2.1 Tanggung Jawab Tambahan. If you are accessing our Services from India, you agree to not use our Services or permit them to be used for prohibited uses specified under Rule 3(1)(b) of the Information Technology (Intermediary Guidelines and Digital Media Ethics Code) Rules, 2021 (as may be amended from time to time). Please see the full list of prohibited uses available below.

Tanpa membatasi atau mempengaruhi ketentuan lain dalam Perjanjian ini, Anda setuju untuk tidak menggunakan Layanan kami atau mengizinkannya digunakan untuk menghosting, menampilkan, mengunggah, memodifikasi, mempublikasikan, mentransmisikan, menyimpan, memperbarui, atau membagikan informasi apa pun yang:

  1. milik orang lain dan Anda tidak memiliki hak apa pun;

  2. memfitnah, cabul, pornografi, pedofilia, melanggar privasi orang lain, termasuk privasi tubuh, menghina atau melecehkan berdasarkan jenis kelamin, memfitnah, tidak menyenangkan secara rasial atau etnis, berhubungan atau mendorong pencucian uang atau perjudian, atau tidak sesuai dengan atau bertentangan dengan hukum yang berlaku;

  3. berbahaya bagi anak/anak-anak;

  4. melanggar paten, merek dagang, hak cipta, atau hak milik lainnya;

  5. melanggar hukum apa pun yang berlaku saat ini;

  6. menipu atau menyesatkan penerima tentang asal usul pesan atau secara sadar dan sengaja menyampaikan informasi apa pun yang secara paten salah atau menyesatkan tetapi dapat dianggap sebagai fakta;

  7. menyamar sebagai orang lain;

  8. mengancam persatuan, integritas, pertahanan, keamanan atau kedaulatan India, hubungan persahabatan dengan Negara-negara asing, atau ketertiban umum, atau menyebabkan hasutan untuk melakukan pelanggaran yang dapat dikenali atau mencegah investigasi terhadap pelanggaran apa pun atau menghina negara lain;

  9. mengandung virus perangkat lunak atau kode komputer, file, atau program lain yang dirancang untuk mengganggu, merusak, atau membatasi fungsionalitas sumber daya komputer; atau

  10. adalah palsu dan tidak benar, dan ditulis atau dipublikasikan dalam bentuk apa pun, dengan maksud untuk menyesatkan atau melecehkan seseorang, badan atau lembaga demi keuntungan finansial atau untuk menyebabkan cedera pada siapa pun.

16.3 Indonesia. If Customer is domiciled in Indonesia, the following additional terms shall apply:

16.3.1 Pengesampingan Pasal 1266 Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Perdata Indonesia. The Parties agree to waive the provision of Article 1266 of the Civil Code of the Republic of Indonesia, such that prior approval, order, decision or judgment of any court in Indonesia will not be required for the termination of this  Agreement.

16.3.2. Bahasa. This Agreement is entered into in the English language and each Party confirms that it has read and fully understood the content and consequences of this Agreement and has no objection to this Agreement being written, and entered into, in English. If, and to the extent, required by applicable law (or a competent authority thereunder), the Parties shall execute a Terjemahan Bahasa Indonesia version of this Agreement (“Bahasa Indonesia Translation”). The Bahasa Indonesia Translation will be deemed to be effective from the date the English language version was executed and, for the avoidance of doubt, the Bahasa Indonesia Translation shall not create any duplication of the rights and obligations of the Parties. In the event of any inconsistency or difference in interpretation between the Bahasa Indonesia Translation and the English version, the English version shall prevail and the Bahasa Indonesia Translation will be deemed to be amended to conform with and to be consistent with the relevant English version. The Parties agree and undertake that they will not (and will not allow or assist any othsalah satu Pihak) dengan cara atau forum apa pun, menggugat keabsahan, atau mengajukan keberatan atas transaksi atau Perjanjian ini atas dasar ketidakpatuhan terhadap Undang-Undang No. 24 Tahun 2009 tentang Bendera, Bahasa, dan Lambang Negara, Serta Lagu Kebangsaan ("Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 24 Tahun 2009 tentang Bendera, Bahasa, dan Lambang Negara, Serta Lagu Kebangsaan" atau "Undang-Undang 24").

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