MessageBird Email Premium Services

Akses Layanan
(i) Customer may have up to six (6) dedicated sending IPs assigned ke Account.

Manajer Akun Teknis
(i) The representative from the Customer Success Team assigned to Customer’s Account (the “Manajer Akun Teknis”, aka TAM) will be made available via phone and email during Jam Kerja to function as the primary point of contact for the duration of the services.  After SparkPost Premium onboarding, the TAM will serve as an escalation point for: (a) problem with the SparkPost platform; (b) configuration request; or (c) information request (each of (a) through (c), an “Masalah”) during Business Hours.

a. “Business Hours” means either (1) 9:00am through 5:00pm Eastern Time; (2) 9:00am through 5:00pm Pacific Time; or (3) 08:30 through 16:30 UK Time, depending on the applicable Service Time Zone stated in Customer’s Order Form, during Monday through Friday, excluding bank holidays generally recognized in the Service Time Zone, or as such hours may reasonably be expanded or contracted from time to time by MessageBird.

(ii) Tim Kesuksesan Pelanggan, yang dipimpin oleh TAM, akan memberikan layanan berikut sehubungan dengan SparkPost Premium: (a) Bantuan dalam proses orientasi, tidak termasuk pembuatan atau penerjemahan templat Pelanggan atau pengelolaan proyek internal Pelanggan; (b) Panduan perencanaan migrasi untuk transisi lalu lintas email ke Layanan dari waktu ke waktu yang mempertimbangkan perkembangan reputasi IP (pemanasan IP); dan (c) Mediasi Tingkat 1 (berbasis formulir standar) dengan penyedia kotak surat atas nama Pelanggan untuk membantu menyelesaikan masalah jika masalah keterkiriman muncul setelah mengikuti semua rekomendasi praktik terbaik dari SparkPost.

Layanan Premium SparkPost tidak termasuk layanan strategi pengiriman atau mediasi Tingkat 2 (bantuan yang dipesan lebih dahulu) dengan penyedia kotak surat. Pelanggan mengakui bahwa tarif penempatan inbox tidak dapat dijamin oleh MessageBird mengingat banyaknya kondisi, praktik, dan masalah reputasi di luar kendali MessageBird. MessageBird tidak bertanggung jawab atas tarif penempatan inbox .

Penyelesaian Masalah
Customer will use the following procedures for all Issues: Customer will submit a ticket to MessageBird (a “Kasus Dukungan”). A Customer Success Team representative will respond ke Dukung Case via email, during Customer Success Business Hours, and begin working towards a resolution of the Issue. Customer will continue to provide all necessary information required to address the Issue. The Customer Success Team representative assigned to the Dukung Case will have primary responsibility for contact with Customer and will provide updates on MessageBird’s progress in addressing the Issue. Customer and MessageBird will mutually agree that an Issue has been resolved.

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Your new standard in Marketing, Pay & Sales. It's Bird

The right message -> to the right person -> di right time.

By clicking "See Bird" you agree to Bird's Pemberitahuan Privasi.