Email Premium Services

Layanan Email Premium mencakup fitur-fitur dukungan berikut ini:

Manajer Akun Teknis
1. A technical account manager will be assigned to Customer’s Account and made available via phone and email ke Customer as the primary technical point of contact and support escalation point during designated business hours (the “Manajer Akun Teknis”). Business hours may reasonably be expanded or contracted from time to time by Bird.

  1. The Manajer Akun Teknis will serve as an escalation point during designated business hours for: 

    1. a problem with the Email Premium Services; 

    2. a configuration request; or 

    3. information request 

(each of (a) through (c), an “Masalah”).

  1. The Manajer Akun Teknis, with assistance from the Bird team where applicable, will provide the following services in connection with Email Premium: 

  1. Guidance on migration planning for the transition of email traffic ke Email Premium Services over time that considers the development of IP reputation (IP warming) (but excluding Customer template creation or translation or management of internal Customer projects);  and 

  2. Tier 1 (standard form-based) mediation with mailbox providers on Customer’s behalf to help resolve issues if deliverability issues arise after following all of Bird’s best practice recommendations.                           

Layanan Email Premium tidak termasuk layanan strategi pengiriman atau mediasi Tier 2 (bantuan yang dipesan lebih dahulu) dengan penyedia kotak surat. Inbox tingkat penempatan tidak dapat dijamin oleh Bird mengingat banyaknya kondisi, praktik, dan masalah reputasi yang berada di luar kendali kami. Bird tidak bertanggung jawab atas tingkat penempatan inbox .

Penyelesaian Masalah
Customer will use the following procedures for all Issues: 

  1. Customer will submit a ticket to us via the platform dashboard or a designated email address (a “Kasus Dukungan”). 

  2. A Customer Dukung agent will respond to the Dukung Case via email, during business hours, and begin working towards a resolution of the Issue. 

  3. Customer will continue to provide all necessary information required to address the Issue. 

  4. The Customer Support agent assigned to the Support Case will have primary responsibility for contact with Customer and will provide updates on our progress in addressing the Issue. 

  5. Pelanggan dan Bird akan saling menyetujui ketika suatu Masalah telah diselesaikan.

Your new standard in Marketing, Pay & Sales. It's Bird

The right message -> to the right person -> di right time.

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Your new standard in Marketing, Pay & Sales. It's Bird

The right message -> to the right person -> di right time.

By clicking "See Bird" you agree to Bird's Pemberitahuan Privasi.