





Early Access

Fuel your growth with financing from Bird Pay Capital

Fuel your growth with financing from Bird Pay Capital

Fuel your growth with financing from Bird Pay Capital

Access the capital you need to seize opportunities, invest in expansion, and achieve your goals with data-driven financing solutions.

Access the capital you need to seize opportunities, invest in expansion, and achieve your goals with data-driven financing solutions.

Access the capital you need to seize opportunities, invest in expansion, and achieve your goals with data-driven financing solutions.

Streamlined Financing Solutions

Flexible repayment options

Sales-based or fixed payments

Select between repaying as a percentage of your daily sales or opting for fixed monthly payments.

Customizable payment terms

Tailor repayment terms to align precisely with the cash flow patterns of your business operations.

No prepayment penalties

No prepayment penalties will be incurred if opted to pay off the loan before the agreed-upon term ends.

Adapt as the business evolves

Adjust repayment terms to accommodate evolving business requirements and fluctuations.

Transparent pricing and terms

No hidden fees

Receive clear and upfront pricing, guaranteeing transparency with no hidden fees or compounding interest charges.

Clear payment notifications

Stay informed about your outstanding balance and the due dates for upcoming payments, ensuring clarity and peace of mind.

Straightforward loan terms

Access loans with terms that are straightforward and understandable, ensuring simplicity in your financial arrangements.

No unexpected costs

No risk of encountering unexpected costs or surprises down the line by ensuring transparency and clarity.

Sign up for Early Access

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For Enterprises

Intuitive products built for Enterprises

Anything you need for the best experience.

Unrivaled scale

We process almost half a trillion Emails, SMS, and payments each month. Our scale means we have encountered all the pitfalls, and we'll help you avoid them.

In-depth access controls

The entire platform offers fine grained access controls that allow you to provision your workspace, it's users, and how you get billed with total control and flexibility.

World-class support

With Bird you gain direct access to a dedicated team of experience specialised that can help you migrate, scale, and optimize—whether it's cost, speed, or deliverability that you are looking for.

Global compliance

Our legal and compliance teams work directly with thousands of highly regulated enterprises on a daily basis to help them stay compliant both domestically and across borders.

Connect your favorite apps and tools

The AI-first CRM for Marketing, Service and Payments

By clicking "See Bird" you agree to Bird's

The AI-first CRM for Marketing, Service and Payments

By clicking "See Bird" you agree to Bird's

Business Loans

Flexible Business Expansion Financing Options

Please note that our upcoming credit offering is currently in the preliminary stages and is part of our future and imminent roadmap. Bird does not offer credit services at this point in time. While this offering is not yet live, we are actively working on its development. This early access page is designed to gauge interest and help us fine-tune our services. A licensed financial third-party may be engaged and disclosed to facilitate any credit offering in compliance with regulatory requirements before it becomes available.

© 2024 Bird. All rights reserved.

Made with <3 in Amsterdam

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Business Loans

Flexible Business Expansion Financing Options

Please note that our upcoming credit offering is currently in the preliminary stages and is part of our future and imminent roadmap. Bird does not offer credit services at this point in time. While this offering is not yet live, we are actively working on its development. This early access page is designed to gauge interest and help us fine-tune our services. A licensed financial third-party may be engaged and disclosed to facilitate any credit offering in compliance with regulatory requirements before it becomes available.

© 2024 Bird. All rights reserved.

Made with <3 in Amsterdam

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Business Loans

Flexible Business Expansion Financing Options

Please note that our upcoming credit offering is currently in the preliminary stages and is part of our future and imminent roadmap. Bird does not offer credit services at this point in time. While this offering is not yet live, we are actively working on its development. This early access page is designed to gauge interest and help us fine-tune our services. A licensed financial third-party may be engaged and disclosed to facilitate any credit offering in compliance with regulatory requirements before it becomes available.

© 2024 Bird. All rights reserved.

Made with <3 in Amsterdam

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