





AI Tactics for Email, SMS, and WhatsApp Marketing That Actually Work

Unlock AI’s marketing potential with these seven practical tactics for email, SMS, and WhatsApp to personalize and improve your campaigns.



Published on

May 30, 2024

To say that AI is widely used in marketing is an understatement. As of August 2023, El 87% de los profesionales del marketing report using or experimenting with AI. “AI” isn’t just a buzzword anymore; it’s technology we use to transform the way we work. Anyone can tinker with AI, but the real struggle lies in knowing how to implement it effectively.

Esta guía es para los profesionales del marketing que no quieren otra explicación sobre cómo la IA puede aumentar la productividad. Instead, you’re looking for actionable AI tactics to improve your email, SMS, and WhatsApp marketing efforts. By embracing these AI-powered strategies, your messages will stand out in a crowded chat inbox, fostering a deeper connection with your audiences at scale. 

To say that AI is widely used in marketing is an understatement. As of August 2023, El 87% de los profesionales del marketing report using or experimenting with AI. “AI” isn’t just a buzzword anymore; it’s technology we use to transform the way we work. Anyone can tinker with AI, but the real struggle lies in knowing how to implement it effectively.

Esta guía es para los profesionales del marketing que no quieren otra explicación sobre cómo la IA puede aumentar la productividad. Instead, you’re looking for actionable AI tactics to improve your email, SMS, and WhatsApp marketing efforts. By embracing these AI-powered strategies, your messages will stand out in a crowded chat inbox, fostering a deeper connection with your audiences at scale. 

To say that AI is widely used in marketing is an understatement. As of August 2023, El 87% de los profesionales del marketing report using or experimenting with AI. “AI” isn’t just a buzzword anymore; it’s technology we use to transform the way we work. Anyone can tinker with AI, but the real struggle lies in knowing how to implement it effectively.

Esta guía es para los profesionales del marketing que no quieren otra explicación sobre cómo la IA puede aumentar la productividad. Instead, you’re looking for actionable AI tactics to improve your email, SMS, and WhatsApp marketing efforts. By embracing these AI-powered strategies, your messages will stand out in a crowded chat inbox, fostering a deeper connection with your audiences at scale. 

7 tácticas de marketing de IA fáciles de aplicar

Vayamos más allá de la teoría: aquí tienes algunas estrategias prácticas y probadas para aprovechar la IA en tu marketing y obtener resultados transformadores. Roba nuestros consejos y trucos de IA para mejorar drásticamente tu alcance por correo electrónico, SMS y WhatsApp.

1. Mejore su texto

While AI often struggles at generating original content from scratch, it excels at refining and improving existing text. AI tools such as Grammarly or Jasper can learn from your brand voice guidelines, molding text to align with a specific tone that resonates perfectly with your intended audience. 

Podrías probar con un mensaje del tipo: "Dame tu opinión sobre mi mensaje de atención al cliente como si fueras Jeff Bezos" para que tu mensaje adopte los principios de atención al cliente de Amazon. Este tipo de pregunta puede formar parte de un plan más amplio para ayudar a entrenar a tu herramienta de IA para que se adapte a tu tono de voz preferido y también a las directrices de la marca.

La mejora de textos basada en la IA puede ayudar a los profesionales del marketing a mantener una voz coherente en todas sus comunicaciones channels, transmitiendo mensajes sin errores que se ajusten perfectamente a su imagen de marca.

2. Generar nuevas ideas

AI is great at getting your creativity unstuck if you feed your LLM of choice the right kind of prompt. Tools like ChatGPT or Géminis can come up with a host of ideas to use in your marketing campaigns, or at a minimum, give you a place to start. Here are some ways to use AI for idea generation in marketing:

  • Lluvia de ideas: Generate a broad range of ideas for email newsletters, social media posts, or ad copy. Remember that is necessary to be super specific with your requests to get good results from AI. Describe who you are, what your desired outcome is, and advise if there are any details you wish to be included. Example: Give me a series of 10 email newsletter ideas for a drip campaign on our new product launch.

  • Crear variaciones: Create multiple variations of a single marketing message, choosing the best fit based on language and branding. Example: Give me 10 ways to say “Join our newsletter” for different audiences, or, Create different versions of this copy for email, WhatsApp and SMS.

  • Cree descripciones de productos: Find unique and appealing ways to describe your products. Example: Give me several creative product descriptions for a hair detangler, optimized for mobile devices with fewer than 75 characters.

By integrating AI into their creative process, marketers speed up and streamline content creation, while simultaneously uncovering innovative ideas that they may not have thought up themselves. 

3. Crear (y estandarizar) imágenes

Keeping your company’s visual assets consistent with each other and with your company’s branding strategy can be difficult, especially across platforms and channels. MagicStudio and similar AI-powered image editing apps make it simple to create and standardize images, from company headshots and blog images, to on-brand WhatsApp visuals and video shorts.

These tools can standardize background colors, poses, and lighting to create high-quality visuals that adhere to brand standards, fostering a cohesive, professional image across all your assets. 

Para las empresas que carecen de los recursos necesarios para realizar extensas sesiones fotográficas o trabajar con diseñadores profesionales, las herramientas de IA abren la puerta a la producción de imágenes coherentes y acordes con la marca para el marketing digital. Crear imágenes con IA es tan fácil como escribir lo que estás buscando (por ejemplo, "En un estilo moderno, crea un fondo vibrante y llamativo que haga destacar este par de zapatillas").

4. Automatizar flujos de trabajo y procesos

AI-powered workflows and process automation can save you significant amounts of time, even if you don’t have any coding or technical expertise. For example, Bird Flows automate complex processes by breaking them down into simple, manageable steps. From customer service interactions to marketing and sales communications, Flows can optimize (and personalize) all kinds of workflows, using AI to understand intent, suggest improvements, and more.

One compelling use case for workflow automation is in-app appointment scheduling. Traditionally, scheduling appointments has involved back-and-forth communication and manual entry into scheduling software at worst, or a pricey investment in a tool like Calendly or Reserva instantánea from Chili Piper at best. With Bird Flows, this process becomes a simplified, automated WhatsApp conversation, where customers can easily select from available times based on real-time data. 

With cumbersome processes automated, customers enjoy more convenience and speed, while businesses benefit from reduced administrative overhead and increased efficiency. 

5. 5. Analizar los datos

Los mejores equipos de marketing digital del mundo dejan que los datos informen cada uno de sus movimientos, pero el volumen y la complejidad de los datos que generan las empresas pueden ser abrumadores. Esto dificulta la extracción de información práctica. En este caso, la IA puede intervenir para examinar conjuntos de datos masivos con el fin de identificar patrones y proporcionar respuestas a preguntas específicas. En lugar de enfrascarse en el procesamiento de datos y el manejo de herramientas, los responsables de la toma de decisiones pueden centrarse en la estrategia y la ejecución del marketing.

campaigns Imaginemos que una empresa ha realizado 450 campañas de marketing diferentes en channels y quiere saber cuáles han sido las más eficaces. Tradicionalmente, este análisis requeriría recopilar datos de múltiples fuentes, depurarlos y, a continuación, utilizar métodos estadísticos para determinar cuáles han sido los más eficaces campaigns, un proceso que requiere mucho tiempo y es propenso a errores humanos.

With AI, however, the company can simply upload a CSV file containing campaign performance data to a custom GPT or a custom application. By asking the AI, "Which 10 campaigns of the 450 listed in this file drove the most customer engagement?", the system can quickly skim the data and provide a ranked list of the top campaigns based on engagement metrics. 

6. Ajustar el contenido para que se adapte perfectamente a cada canal

The key to effective multi-channel marketing lies in adapting your message to fit the unique characteristics and expectations of each platform. For example, the way you speak to various audiences via text and email may not be the same. That’s why savvy marketers often use AI to customize their existing copy for various mediums. 

Say you run a car dealership planning a December promotion, offering 10% off leading up to Christmas. You want to engage past customers with personalized WhatsApp messages, and send out an email blast to your broader prospect base. 

For WhatsApp, you should keep the tone conversational and personal, as if speaking to a friend, and focus on the short-and-sweet details. 

Podría pedirle a una herramienta de IA que personalizara este mensaje para el correo electrónico, que adoptaría un tono más profesional e incluiría más detalles.

Las herramientas de IA pueden tomar su mensaje principal y ajustar automáticamente el tono, la longitud y el formato para adaptarse a cada uno de sus canales de marketing channels. Esto mantiene la coherencia del mensaje en todas las plataformas, al tiempo que maximiza el impacto de la promoción al dirigirse directamente a las expectativas y preferencias del público en cada canal.

7. Personalizar los contenidos channels

True personalization is more than inserting a customer’s name into an email or SMS message. It requires a deep understanding of customer preferences, behaviors and needs. 

AI can engage your customers by generating highly tailored messaging, providing smart recommendations and conversational support—all without your manual intervention. Build and test AI-powered chatbots that deliver a level of personalization and responsiveness that feels genuinely one-on-one. 

If you give your AI application of choice past purchase history, previous customer service interactions, geography information, and any other information a customer has provided before, your customers will receive faster, more personalized service—and the manual workload on your team’s shoulders will get lighter. 

For example: Imagine a scenario where a customer abandons their cart. 

Al tener acceso al perfil del cliente, la IA podría reconocer que es más activo en WhatsApp y que tu empresa ha confirmado su consentimiento para enviarle mensajes. Un flujo de Bird podría activar y enviar automáticamente un mensaje de WhatsApp un día después del abandono del carrito, ofreciendo un código de cupón de descuento único del 10%. Este nivel de detalle en la personalización puede mejorar significativamente la experiencia del cliente y la probabilidad de que complete la venta.

Achieving this level of personalization isn't just about having the right AI tools; it's also about integrating all of your channels and tools across your entire marketing ecosystem, including email, SMS, and WhatsApp. Using APIs and integrations allows for the smooth flow of data between platforms, ensuring that personalization is consistent, accurate, and compliant across all channels. You’ll be able to craft marketing campaigns that not only recognize the same customers across platforms, but also adapt to their evolving preferences and behaviors in real time.

Vayamos más allá de la teoría: aquí tienes algunas estrategias prácticas y probadas para aprovechar la IA en tu marketing y obtener resultados transformadores. Roba nuestros consejos y trucos de IA para mejorar drásticamente tu alcance por correo electrónico, SMS y WhatsApp.

1. Mejore su texto

While AI often struggles at generating original content from scratch, it excels at refining and improving existing text. AI tools such as Grammarly or Jasper can learn from your brand voice guidelines, molding text to align with a specific tone that resonates perfectly with your intended audience. 

Podrías probar con un mensaje del tipo: "Dame tu opinión sobre mi mensaje de atención al cliente como si fueras Jeff Bezos" para que tu mensaje adopte los principios de atención al cliente de Amazon. Este tipo de pregunta puede formar parte de un plan más amplio para ayudar a entrenar a tu herramienta de IA para que se adapte a tu tono de voz preferido y también a las directrices de la marca.

La mejora de textos basada en la IA puede ayudar a los profesionales del marketing a mantener una voz coherente en todas sus comunicaciones channels, transmitiendo mensajes sin errores que se ajusten perfectamente a su imagen de marca.

2. Generar nuevas ideas

AI is great at getting your creativity unstuck if you feed your LLM of choice the right kind of prompt. Tools like ChatGPT or Géminis can come up with a host of ideas to use in your marketing campaigns, or at a minimum, give you a place to start. Here are some ways to use AI for idea generation in marketing:

  • Lluvia de ideas: Generate a broad range of ideas for email newsletters, social media posts, or ad copy. Remember that is necessary to be super specific with your requests to get good results from AI. Describe who you are, what your desired outcome is, and advise if there are any details you wish to be included. Example: Give me a series of 10 email newsletter ideas for a drip campaign on our new product launch.

  • Crear variaciones: Create multiple variations of a single marketing message, choosing the best fit based on language and branding. Example: Give me 10 ways to say “Join our newsletter” for different audiences, or, Create different versions of this copy for email, WhatsApp and SMS.

  • Cree descripciones de productos: Find unique and appealing ways to describe your products. Example: Give me several creative product descriptions for a hair detangler, optimized for mobile devices with fewer than 75 characters.

By integrating AI into their creative process, marketers speed up and streamline content creation, while simultaneously uncovering innovative ideas that they may not have thought up themselves. 

3. Crear (y estandarizar) imágenes

Keeping your company’s visual assets consistent with each other and with your company’s branding strategy can be difficult, especially across platforms and channels. MagicStudio and similar AI-powered image editing apps make it simple to create and standardize images, from company headshots and blog images, to on-brand WhatsApp visuals and video shorts.

These tools can standardize background colors, poses, and lighting to create high-quality visuals that adhere to brand standards, fostering a cohesive, professional image across all your assets. 

Para las empresas que carecen de los recursos necesarios para realizar extensas sesiones fotográficas o trabajar con diseñadores profesionales, las herramientas de IA abren la puerta a la producción de imágenes coherentes y acordes con la marca para el marketing digital. Crear imágenes con IA es tan fácil como escribir lo que estás buscando (por ejemplo, "En un estilo moderno, crea un fondo vibrante y llamativo que haga destacar este par de zapatillas").

4. Automatizar flujos de trabajo y procesos

AI-powered workflows and process automation can save you significant amounts of time, even if you don’t have any coding or technical expertise. For example, Bird Flows automate complex processes by breaking them down into simple, manageable steps. From customer service interactions to marketing and sales communications, Flows can optimize (and personalize) all kinds of workflows, using AI to understand intent, suggest improvements, and more.

One compelling use case for workflow automation is in-app appointment scheduling. Traditionally, scheduling appointments has involved back-and-forth communication and manual entry into scheduling software at worst, or a pricey investment in a tool like Calendly or Reserva instantánea from Chili Piper at best. With Bird Flows, this process becomes a simplified, automated WhatsApp conversation, where customers can easily select from available times based on real-time data. 

With cumbersome processes automated, customers enjoy more convenience and speed, while businesses benefit from reduced administrative overhead and increased efficiency. 

5. 5. Analizar los datos

Los mejores equipos de marketing digital del mundo dejan que los datos informen cada uno de sus movimientos, pero el volumen y la complejidad de los datos que generan las empresas pueden ser abrumadores. Esto dificulta la extracción de información práctica. En este caso, la IA puede intervenir para examinar conjuntos de datos masivos con el fin de identificar patrones y proporcionar respuestas a preguntas específicas. En lugar de enfrascarse en el procesamiento de datos y el manejo de herramientas, los responsables de la toma de decisiones pueden centrarse en la estrategia y la ejecución del marketing.

campaigns Imaginemos que una empresa ha realizado 450 campañas de marketing diferentes en channels y quiere saber cuáles han sido las más eficaces. Tradicionalmente, este análisis requeriría recopilar datos de múltiples fuentes, depurarlos y, a continuación, utilizar métodos estadísticos para determinar cuáles han sido los más eficaces campaigns, un proceso que requiere mucho tiempo y es propenso a errores humanos.

With AI, however, the company can simply upload a CSV file containing campaign performance data to a custom GPT or a custom application. By asking the AI, "Which 10 campaigns of the 450 listed in this file drove the most customer engagement?", the system can quickly skim the data and provide a ranked list of the top campaigns based on engagement metrics. 

6. Ajustar el contenido para que se adapte perfectamente a cada canal

The key to effective multi-channel marketing lies in adapting your message to fit the unique characteristics and expectations of each platform. For example, the way you speak to various audiences via text and email may not be the same. That’s why savvy marketers often use AI to customize their existing copy for various mediums. 

Say you run a car dealership planning a December promotion, offering 10% off leading up to Christmas. You want to engage past customers with personalized WhatsApp messages, and send out an email blast to your broader prospect base. 

For WhatsApp, you should keep the tone conversational and personal, as if speaking to a friend, and focus on the short-and-sweet details. 

Podría pedirle a una herramienta de IA que personalizara este mensaje para el correo electrónico, que adoptaría un tono más profesional e incluiría más detalles.

Las herramientas de IA pueden tomar su mensaje principal y ajustar automáticamente el tono, la longitud y el formato para adaptarse a cada uno de sus canales de marketing channels. Esto mantiene la coherencia del mensaje en todas las plataformas, al tiempo que maximiza el impacto de la promoción al dirigirse directamente a las expectativas y preferencias del público en cada canal.

7. Personalizar los contenidos channels

True personalization is more than inserting a customer’s name into an email or SMS message. It requires a deep understanding of customer preferences, behaviors and needs. 

AI can engage your customers by generating highly tailored messaging, providing smart recommendations and conversational support—all without your manual intervention. Build and test AI-powered chatbots that deliver a level of personalization and responsiveness that feels genuinely one-on-one. 

If you give your AI application of choice past purchase history, previous customer service interactions, geography information, and any other information a customer has provided before, your customers will receive faster, more personalized service—and the manual workload on your team’s shoulders will get lighter. 

For example: Imagine a scenario where a customer abandons their cart. 

Al tener acceso al perfil del cliente, la IA podría reconocer que es más activo en WhatsApp y que tu empresa ha confirmado su consentimiento para enviarle mensajes. Un flujo de Bird podría activar y enviar automáticamente un mensaje de WhatsApp un día después del abandono del carrito, ofreciendo un código de cupón de descuento único del 10%. Este nivel de detalle en la personalización puede mejorar significativamente la experiencia del cliente y la probabilidad de que complete la venta.

Achieving this level of personalization isn't just about having the right AI tools; it's also about integrating all of your channels and tools across your entire marketing ecosystem, including email, SMS, and WhatsApp. Using APIs and integrations allows for the smooth flow of data between platforms, ensuring that personalization is consistent, accurate, and compliant across all channels. You’ll be able to craft marketing campaigns that not only recognize the same customers across platforms, but also adapt to their evolving preferences and behaviors in real time.

Vayamos más allá de la teoría: aquí tienes algunas estrategias prácticas y probadas para aprovechar la IA en tu marketing y obtener resultados transformadores. Roba nuestros consejos y trucos de IA para mejorar drásticamente tu alcance por correo electrónico, SMS y WhatsApp.

1. Mejore su texto

While AI often struggles at generating original content from scratch, it excels at refining and improving existing text. AI tools such as Grammarly or Jasper can learn from your brand voice guidelines, molding text to align with a specific tone that resonates perfectly with your intended audience. 

Podrías probar con un mensaje del tipo: "Dame tu opinión sobre mi mensaje de atención al cliente como si fueras Jeff Bezos" para que tu mensaje adopte los principios de atención al cliente de Amazon. Este tipo de pregunta puede formar parte de un plan más amplio para ayudar a entrenar a tu herramienta de IA para que se adapte a tu tono de voz preferido y también a las directrices de la marca.

La mejora de textos basada en la IA puede ayudar a los profesionales del marketing a mantener una voz coherente en todas sus comunicaciones channels, transmitiendo mensajes sin errores que se ajusten perfectamente a su imagen de marca.

2. Generar nuevas ideas

AI is great at getting your creativity unstuck if you feed your LLM of choice the right kind of prompt. Tools like ChatGPT or Géminis can come up with a host of ideas to use in your marketing campaigns, or at a minimum, give you a place to start. Here are some ways to use AI for idea generation in marketing:

  • Lluvia de ideas: Generate a broad range of ideas for email newsletters, social media posts, or ad copy. Remember that is necessary to be super specific with your requests to get good results from AI. Describe who you are, what your desired outcome is, and advise if there are any details you wish to be included. Example: Give me a series of 10 email newsletter ideas for a drip campaign on our new product launch.

  • Crear variaciones: Create multiple variations of a single marketing message, choosing the best fit based on language and branding. Example: Give me 10 ways to say “Join our newsletter” for different audiences, or, Create different versions of this copy for email, WhatsApp and SMS.

  • Cree descripciones de productos: Find unique and appealing ways to describe your products. Example: Give me several creative product descriptions for a hair detangler, optimized for mobile devices with fewer than 75 characters.

By integrating AI into their creative process, marketers speed up and streamline content creation, while simultaneously uncovering innovative ideas that they may not have thought up themselves. 

3. Crear (y estandarizar) imágenes

Keeping your company’s visual assets consistent with each other and with your company’s branding strategy can be difficult, especially across platforms and channels. MagicStudio and similar AI-powered image editing apps make it simple to create and standardize images, from company headshots and blog images, to on-brand WhatsApp visuals and video shorts.

These tools can standardize background colors, poses, and lighting to create high-quality visuals that adhere to brand standards, fostering a cohesive, professional image across all your assets. 

Para las empresas que carecen de los recursos necesarios para realizar extensas sesiones fotográficas o trabajar con diseñadores profesionales, las herramientas de IA abren la puerta a la producción de imágenes coherentes y acordes con la marca para el marketing digital. Crear imágenes con IA es tan fácil como escribir lo que estás buscando (por ejemplo, "En un estilo moderno, crea un fondo vibrante y llamativo que haga destacar este par de zapatillas").

4. Automatizar flujos de trabajo y procesos

AI-powered workflows and process automation can save you significant amounts of time, even if you don’t have any coding or technical expertise. For example, Bird Flows automate complex processes by breaking them down into simple, manageable steps. From customer service interactions to marketing and sales communications, Flows can optimize (and personalize) all kinds of workflows, using AI to understand intent, suggest improvements, and more.

One compelling use case for workflow automation is in-app appointment scheduling. Traditionally, scheduling appointments has involved back-and-forth communication and manual entry into scheduling software at worst, or a pricey investment in a tool like Calendly or Reserva instantánea from Chili Piper at best. With Bird Flows, this process becomes a simplified, automated WhatsApp conversation, where customers can easily select from available times based on real-time data. 

With cumbersome processes automated, customers enjoy more convenience and speed, while businesses benefit from reduced administrative overhead and increased efficiency. 

5. 5. Analizar los datos

Los mejores equipos de marketing digital del mundo dejan que los datos informen cada uno de sus movimientos, pero el volumen y la complejidad de los datos que generan las empresas pueden ser abrumadores. Esto dificulta la extracción de información práctica. En este caso, la IA puede intervenir para examinar conjuntos de datos masivos con el fin de identificar patrones y proporcionar respuestas a preguntas específicas. En lugar de enfrascarse en el procesamiento de datos y el manejo de herramientas, los responsables de la toma de decisiones pueden centrarse en la estrategia y la ejecución del marketing.

campaigns Imaginemos que una empresa ha realizado 450 campañas de marketing diferentes en channels y quiere saber cuáles han sido las más eficaces. Tradicionalmente, este análisis requeriría recopilar datos de múltiples fuentes, depurarlos y, a continuación, utilizar métodos estadísticos para determinar cuáles han sido los más eficaces campaigns, un proceso que requiere mucho tiempo y es propenso a errores humanos.

With AI, however, the company can simply upload a CSV file containing campaign performance data to a custom GPT or a custom application. By asking the AI, "Which 10 campaigns of the 450 listed in this file drove the most customer engagement?", the system can quickly skim the data and provide a ranked list of the top campaigns based on engagement metrics. 

6. Ajustar el contenido para que se adapte perfectamente a cada canal

The key to effective multi-channel marketing lies in adapting your message to fit the unique characteristics and expectations of each platform. For example, the way you speak to various audiences via text and email may not be the same. That’s why savvy marketers often use AI to customize their existing copy for various mediums. 

Say you run a car dealership planning a December promotion, offering 10% off leading up to Christmas. You want to engage past customers with personalized WhatsApp messages, and send out an email blast to your broader prospect base. 

For WhatsApp, you should keep the tone conversational and personal, as if speaking to a friend, and focus on the short-and-sweet details. 

Podría pedirle a una herramienta de IA que personalizara este mensaje para el correo electrónico, que adoptaría un tono más profesional e incluiría más detalles.

Las herramientas de IA pueden tomar su mensaje principal y ajustar automáticamente el tono, la longitud y el formato para adaptarse a cada uno de sus canales de marketing channels. Esto mantiene la coherencia del mensaje en todas las plataformas, al tiempo que maximiza el impacto de la promoción al dirigirse directamente a las expectativas y preferencias del público en cada canal.

7. Personalizar los contenidos channels

True personalization is more than inserting a customer’s name into an email or SMS message. It requires a deep understanding of customer preferences, behaviors and needs. 

AI can engage your customers by generating highly tailored messaging, providing smart recommendations and conversational support—all without your manual intervention. Build and test AI-powered chatbots that deliver a level of personalization and responsiveness that feels genuinely one-on-one. 

If you give your AI application of choice past purchase history, previous customer service interactions, geography information, and any other information a customer has provided before, your customers will receive faster, more personalized service—and the manual workload on your team’s shoulders will get lighter. 

For example: Imagine a scenario where a customer abandons their cart. 

Al tener acceso al perfil del cliente, la IA podría reconocer que es más activo en WhatsApp y que tu empresa ha confirmado su consentimiento para enviarle mensajes. Un flujo de Bird podría activar y enviar automáticamente un mensaje de WhatsApp un día después del abandono del carrito, ofreciendo un código de cupón de descuento único del 10%. Este nivel de detalle en la personalización puede mejorar significativamente la experiencia del cliente y la probabilidad de que complete la venta.

Achieving this level of personalization isn't just about having the right AI tools; it's also about integrating all of your channels and tools across your entire marketing ecosystem, including email, SMS, and WhatsApp. Using APIs and integrations allows for the smooth flow of data between platforms, ensuring that personalization is consistent, accurate, and compliant across all channels. You’ll be able to craft marketing campaigns that not only recognize the same customers across platforms, but also adapt to their evolving preferences and behaviors in real time.

Empiece a utilizar estas tácticas o corra el riesgo de quedarse atrás.

As AI continues to evolve, staying still and doing nothing is akin to moving backward. AI is rapidly transforming the way digital marketers work, meaning they need to adopt AI best practices—or risk falling behind. 

Riesgos de no adoptar la IA

  • Perder ventaja competitiva: Competitors who use AI for personalization and automation will offer superior customer experiences.

  • Ineficiencia: Manual processes that could otherwise be automated eat up your valuable time and resources.

  • Disminución del compromiso: Lack of personalization at scale spells out less relevance to your customers, leading to lower engagement rates.

  • Ideas perdidas: Uncover patterns and insights that humans might overlook as missed opportunities.

Ventajas de adoptar la IA

  • Personalización mejorada: Deliver tailored, customized content, offers and interactions, improving customer engagement and conversion rates. Process and analyze customer feedback across channels, providing deeper insight into customer preferences and behaviors.

  • Mayor eficiencia: Automate routine tasks and free up your team to focus on more strategic endeavors. For example, use IA virtual chatbots to handle customer support questions or to enable people to easily book an appointment.

  • Decisiones basadas en datos: Ground your marketing strategies in data, leading to more informed decisions and better outcomes.

  • Escalabilidad: Streamline operations within your business, handling increased volumes of data and customer interactions without compromising performance.

As AI continues to evolve, staying still and doing nothing is akin to moving backward. AI is rapidly transforming the way digital marketers work, meaning they need to adopt AI best practices—or risk falling behind. 

Riesgos de no adoptar la IA

  • Perder ventaja competitiva: Competitors who use AI for personalization and automation will offer superior customer experiences.

  • Ineficiencia: Manual processes that could otherwise be automated eat up your valuable time and resources.

  • Disminución del compromiso: Lack of personalization at scale spells out less relevance to your customers, leading to lower engagement rates.

  • Ideas perdidas: Uncover patterns and insights that humans might overlook as missed opportunities.

Ventajas de adoptar la IA

  • Personalización mejorada: Deliver tailored, customized content, offers and interactions, improving customer engagement and conversion rates. Process and analyze customer feedback across channels, providing deeper insight into customer preferences and behaviors.

  • Mayor eficiencia: Automate routine tasks and free up your team to focus on more strategic endeavors. For example, use IA virtual chatbots to handle customer support questions or to enable people to easily book an appointment.

  • Decisiones basadas en datos: Ground your marketing strategies in data, leading to more informed decisions and better outcomes.

  • Escalabilidad: Streamline operations within your business, handling increased volumes of data and customer interactions without compromising performance.

As AI continues to evolve, staying still and doing nothing is akin to moving backward. AI is rapidly transforming the way digital marketers work, meaning they need to adopt AI best practices—or risk falling behind. 

Riesgos de no adoptar la IA

  • Perder ventaja competitiva: Competitors who use AI for personalization and automation will offer superior customer experiences.

  • Ineficiencia: Manual processes that could otherwise be automated eat up your valuable time and resources.

  • Disminución del compromiso: Lack of personalization at scale spells out less relevance to your customers, leading to lower engagement rates.

  • Ideas perdidas: Uncover patterns and insights that humans might overlook as missed opportunities.

Ventajas de adoptar la IA

  • Personalización mejorada: Deliver tailored, customized content, offers and interactions, improving customer engagement and conversion rates. Process and analyze customer feedback across channels, providing deeper insight into customer preferences and behaviors.

  • Mayor eficiencia: Automate routine tasks and free up your team to focus on more strategic endeavors. For example, use IA virtual chatbots to handle customer support questions or to enable people to easily book an appointment.

  • Decisiones basadas en datos: Ground your marketing strategies in data, leading to more informed decisions and better outcomes.

  • Escalabilidad: Streamline operations within your business, handling increased volumes of data and customer interactions without compromising performance.

La IA es el futuro de la comunicación personalizada a gran escala

La era del marketing de talla única ha terminado. Los consumidores de hoy esperan más. La IA es la clave para desbloquear el siguiente nivel de compromiso, permitiendo a las marcas conectar con las personas de una manera significativa en todos los puntos de contacto.

Whether it's through personalized content creation, supercharged data analysis, or seamless integration across channels, AI technologies like Bird Flows are at the forefront, empowering businesses to engage their audiences more effectively. Also, be assured that Bird works with OpenAI, Gemini, or any other AI tool that you would like to plug in.

¿Está preparado para transformar y personalizar su enfoque de las comunicaciones de marketing?

Obtenga una demostración personalizada de Bird and see firsthand how AI can elevate any marketing strategy, streamline operations, and deepen connections with customers.

La era del marketing de talla única ha terminado. Los consumidores de hoy esperan más. La IA es la clave para desbloquear el siguiente nivel de compromiso, permitiendo a las marcas conectar con las personas de una manera significativa en todos los puntos de contacto.

Whether it's through personalized content creation, supercharged data analysis, or seamless integration across channels, AI technologies like Bird Flows are at the forefront, empowering businesses to engage their audiences more effectively. Also, be assured that Bird works with OpenAI, Gemini, or any other AI tool that you would like to plug in.

¿Está preparado para transformar y personalizar su enfoque de las comunicaciones de marketing?

Obtenga una demostración personalizada de Bird and see firsthand how AI can elevate any marketing strategy, streamline operations, and deepen connections with customers.

La era del marketing de talla única ha terminado. Los consumidores de hoy esperan más. La IA es la clave para desbloquear el siguiente nivel de compromiso, permitiendo a las marcas conectar con las personas de una manera significativa en todos los puntos de contacto.

Whether it's through personalized content creation, supercharged data analysis, or seamless integration across channels, AI technologies like Bird Flows are at the forefront, empowering businesses to engage their audiences more effectively. Also, be assured that Bird works with OpenAI, Gemini, or any other AI tool that you would like to plug in.

¿Está preparado para transformar y personalizar su enfoque de las comunicaciones de marketing?

Obtenga una demostración personalizada de Bird and see firsthand how AI can elevate any marketing strategy, streamline operations, and deepen connections with customers.

AI-first CRM para marketing, servicios y pagos

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AI-first CRM para marketing, servicios y pagos

Al hacer clic en "Ver Bird" usted acepta Bird's