



Microenterprise waiver under the European Electronic Communications Code

Last updated: 21 November 2024


Microenterprise waiver under the European Electronic Communications Code

Microenterprise waiver under the European Electronic Communications Code

Microenterprise waiver under the European Electronic Communications Code

To the extent that I am a customer in the EEA or United Kingdom which is a micro-enterprise, small enterprise, or not for profit organisation and you or your Affiliates (as identified in Section 15 (Contracting Entity) of the General Terms and Conditions) ("you") provide Services to me which are subject to the European Electronic Communications Code (and relevant national implementing measures transposing Directive (EU) 2018/1972 or equivalent provisions), to the greatest extent permitted by applicable law, I (Customer) hereby expressly waive those rights under the European Electronic Communications Code.

This includes a waiver of the following:

  1. a right to have a copy of my Agreement made available to me in a durable medium

  2. a right to have a summary of my Agreement (known as a “contract summary”) provided to me;

  3. a right, where you bill me on the basis of either time or volume consumption, to have a facility to monitor and control the usage of such Services, including access to information to the level of consumption of such Services;

  4. a right to be notified before any consumption limit included in my pricing plan is reached or when a Service included in my pricing plan is fully consumed;

  5. in the event that you  specify in my Order Form a minimum contract duration which is longer than the maximum statutory period which applies to me under applicable law, a right to a shorter contract period;

  6. a right to have all of the rights listed in (a) to (e) apply to all aspects of the Services I purchase from you as a bundle, even where applicable law does not apply those rights in (a) to (e) to all aspects of its Services; and

  7. a right, if I subscribe to additional Services provided by you, not to have the original duration of my Agreement for other Services extended to reflect the contract duration of the additional Services.




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