





From Obstacle to Opportunity: How Marketers Can Thrive in a Post-Cookie Future

Third-party cookies are headed toward extinction. Find out how Bird is helping marketers adapt and survive by delivering a better customer experience.



Published on

Jun 17, 2024

Third-party cookies are dying a slow, inevitable death. At the start of 2024, Google’s Chrome web browser began restricting third-party cookie access for 1% of its global users.

A complete phase out of third-party cookies is expected by early 2025—a slight delay from the initial Q3 2024 target date but a welcome reprieve for those readying for this impending shift.

For marketers who track and target consumers with third-party cookies, this will bring about a massive change to how they manage campaigns. Cookies have been around since the nineties, and they’ve been a cornerstone of digital marketing ever since. But with change comes opportunity. For all of its benefits, third-party cookies have also led marketers to trade quality for convenience. 


The end of third-party cookies may be uncomfortable, but it’s also an opportunity to stop focusing on conversions and instead prioritize a better customer experience—one that focuses on building and maintaining relationships through the use of first-party data. 

Fortunately, that’s what Bird does best. In this guide, we break down Chrome’s 饼干淘汰计划 and the impact this change will have on omnichannel marketing. We also offer some actionable steps you can take to graduate from cookie-dependency to customer-centric marketing.

Third-party cookies are dying a slow, inevitable death. At the start of 2024, Google’s Chrome web browser began restricting third-party cookie access for 1% of its global users.

A complete phase out of third-party cookies is expected by early 2025—a slight delay from the initial Q3 2024 target date but a welcome reprieve for those readying for this impending shift.

For marketers who track and target consumers with third-party cookies, this will bring about a massive change to how they manage campaigns. Cookies have been around since the nineties, and they’ve been a cornerstone of digital marketing ever since. But with change comes opportunity. For all of its benefits, third-party cookies have also led marketers to trade quality for convenience. 


The end of third-party cookies may be uncomfortable, but it’s also an opportunity to stop focusing on conversions and instead prioritize a better customer experience—one that focuses on building and maintaining relationships through the use of first-party data. 

Fortunately, that’s what Bird does best. In this guide, we break down Chrome’s 饼干淘汰计划 and the impact this change will have on omnichannel marketing. We also offer some actionable steps you can take to graduate from cookie-dependency to customer-centric marketing.

Third-party cookies are dying a slow, inevitable death. At the start of 2024, Google’s Chrome web browser began restricting third-party cookie access for 1% of its global users.

A complete phase out of third-party cookies is expected by early 2025—a slight delay from the initial Q3 2024 target date but a welcome reprieve for those readying for this impending shift.

For marketers who track and target consumers with third-party cookies, this will bring about a massive change to how they manage campaigns. Cookies have been around since the nineties, and they’ve been a cornerstone of digital marketing ever since. But with change comes opportunity. For all of its benefits, third-party cookies have also led marketers to trade quality for convenience. 


The end of third-party cookies may be uncomfortable, but it’s also an opportunity to stop focusing on conversions and instead prioritize a better customer experience—one that focuses on building and maintaining relationships through the use of first-party data. 

Fortunately, that’s what Bird does best. In this guide, we break down Chrome’s 饼干淘汰计划 and the impact this change will have on omnichannel marketing. We also offer some actionable steps you can take to graduate from cookie-dependency to customer-centric marketing.

我们的现状跟踪谷歌逐步淘汰第三方 cookie 的时间表

谷歌停止支持 Cookie 的第一阶段正在进行中。目前,由于谷歌只对 1%的 Chrome 浏览器用户进行了监测,因此对企业的影响不大。

这一时期旨在让企业有更多时间在 cookie 支持消失之前调整其广告和营销策略。虽然目前对您的数字战略的影响可能微乎其微,但没有为这一变化做好准备的企业可能会在明年初面临衰弱的后果。

第三方 cookie 的衰落已持续多年

谷歌可能会在 2025 年初给第三方 cookie 以致命一击,但它的命运是多年来消费者对隐私的担忧、数据法规以及旨在提高网络用户安全的浏览器升级的最终结果。

“People are way more aware of the data privacy implications of how tech companies handle data,” says 凯-文克, Head of Product Marketing at Bird. “People are not comfortable with it anymore. We see that reflected in this new policy.”

The first big change to the role of third-party cookies came in 2018 when Europe’s 一般数据保护条例》(GDPR) went into effect. Among many other data protection requirements, this sweeping consumer privacy regulation required every website reaching European consumers to collect explicit consent before placing cookies on those devices.

This rule replaced the default standard of implied consent, in which a consumer’s visit to a website was presumed as consent to place a cookie on their device. While roughly 半数美国消费者 continued to blindly accept all cookies when prompted by a website, the regulatory change undercut the efficacy of tracking consumers through third-party cookies.

Subsequent regulations, such as the 加州消费者隐私法, placed additional restrictions on how third-party cookies could be used. Then, in 2019, Safari and Firefox both revised their browser settings to 默认阻止 cookie (they also plan to fully end support for third-party cookies in the near future).

不遵守谷歌新 Cookie 要求的风险

与 GDPR 或其他法规不同的是,如果企业在 Chrome 浏览器终止支持后继续使用第三方 cookie,将不会受到政府罚款。

但请不要误解,依赖第三方 cookie 仍会给您的营销策略带来严重后果。以下是您可能面临的后果摘要:

  • 您将削弱受众定位能力。 You may be able to use third-party cookies to target marketing campaigns, but your potential audience will be much smaller and relegated to browsers where third-party cookies are still supported. Since your website won’t be able to place cookies on the devices of most visitors, you’ll also struggle to grow this targetable audience over time.

  • Campaigns 依赖第三方 cookie 跟踪的价值将迅速下降。 Degraded audience targeting will inevitably impact your campaign results, resulting in lower ROI compared to past campaign results.

  • 营销归因的准确性将降低。 Cookies are an essential piece of data for client-side, multi-touch attribution models, but a dramatic reduction in cookie availability will make attribution all but impossible—and unnecessary, since a switch to cookieless, server-side tracking is not only effective but more secure than a client-side approach. 

谷歌停止支持 Cookie 的第一阶段正在进行中。目前,由于谷歌只对 1%的 Chrome 浏览器用户进行了监测,因此对企业的影响不大。

这一时期旨在让企业有更多时间在 cookie 支持消失之前调整其广告和营销策略。虽然目前对您的数字战略的影响可能微乎其微,但没有为这一变化做好准备的企业可能会在明年初面临衰弱的后果。

第三方 cookie 的衰落已持续多年

谷歌可能会在 2025 年初给第三方 cookie 以致命一击,但它的命运是多年来消费者对隐私的担忧、数据法规以及旨在提高网络用户安全的浏览器升级的最终结果。

“People are way more aware of the data privacy implications of how tech companies handle data,” says 凯-文克, Head of Product Marketing at Bird. “People are not comfortable with it anymore. We see that reflected in this new policy.”

The first big change to the role of third-party cookies came in 2018 when Europe’s 一般数据保护条例》(GDPR) went into effect. Among many other data protection requirements, this sweeping consumer privacy regulation required every website reaching European consumers to collect explicit consent before placing cookies on those devices.

This rule replaced the default standard of implied consent, in which a consumer’s visit to a website was presumed as consent to place a cookie on their device. While roughly 半数美国消费者 continued to blindly accept all cookies when prompted by a website, the regulatory change undercut the efficacy of tracking consumers through third-party cookies.

Subsequent regulations, such as the 加州消费者隐私法, placed additional restrictions on how third-party cookies could be used. Then, in 2019, Safari and Firefox both revised their browser settings to 默认阻止 cookie (they also plan to fully end support for third-party cookies in the near future).

不遵守谷歌新 Cookie 要求的风险

与 GDPR 或其他法规不同的是,如果企业在 Chrome 浏览器终止支持后继续使用第三方 cookie,将不会受到政府罚款。

但请不要误解,依赖第三方 cookie 仍会给您的营销策略带来严重后果。以下是您可能面临的后果摘要:

  • 您将削弱受众定位能力。 You may be able to use third-party cookies to target marketing campaigns, but your potential audience will be much smaller and relegated to browsers where third-party cookies are still supported. Since your website won’t be able to place cookies on the devices of most visitors, you’ll also struggle to grow this targetable audience over time.

  • Campaigns 依赖第三方 cookie 跟踪的价值将迅速下降。 Degraded audience targeting will inevitably impact your campaign results, resulting in lower ROI compared to past campaign results.

  • 营销归因的准确性将降低。 Cookies are an essential piece of data for client-side, multi-touch attribution models, but a dramatic reduction in cookie availability will make attribution all but impossible—and unnecessary, since a switch to cookieless, server-side tracking is not only effective but more secure than a client-side approach. 

谷歌停止支持 Cookie 的第一阶段正在进行中。目前,由于谷歌只对 1%的 Chrome 浏览器用户进行了监测,因此对企业的影响不大。

这一时期旨在让企业有更多时间在 cookie 支持消失之前调整其广告和营销策略。虽然目前对您的数字战略的影响可能微乎其微,但没有为这一变化做好准备的企业可能会在明年初面临衰弱的后果。

第三方 cookie 的衰落已持续多年

谷歌可能会在 2025 年初给第三方 cookie 以致命一击,但它的命运是多年来消费者对隐私的担忧、数据法规以及旨在提高网络用户安全的浏览器升级的最终结果。

“People are way more aware of the data privacy implications of how tech companies handle data,” says 凯-文克, Head of Product Marketing at Bird. “People are not comfortable with it anymore. We see that reflected in this new policy.”

The first big change to the role of third-party cookies came in 2018 when Europe’s 一般数据保护条例》(GDPR) went into effect. Among many other data protection requirements, this sweeping consumer privacy regulation required every website reaching European consumers to collect explicit consent before placing cookies on those devices.

This rule replaced the default standard of implied consent, in which a consumer’s visit to a website was presumed as consent to place a cookie on their device. While roughly 半数美国消费者 continued to blindly accept all cookies when prompted by a website, the regulatory change undercut the efficacy of tracking consumers through third-party cookies.

Subsequent regulations, such as the 加州消费者隐私法, placed additional restrictions on how third-party cookies could be used. Then, in 2019, Safari and Firefox both revised their browser settings to 默认阻止 cookie (they also plan to fully end support for third-party cookies in the near future).

不遵守谷歌新 Cookie 要求的风险

与 GDPR 或其他法规不同的是,如果企业在 Chrome 浏览器终止支持后继续使用第三方 cookie,将不会受到政府罚款。

但请不要误解,依赖第三方 cookie 仍会给您的营销策略带来严重后果。以下是您可能面临的后果摘要:

  • 您将削弱受众定位能力。 You may be able to use third-party cookies to target marketing campaigns, but your potential audience will be much smaller and relegated to browsers where third-party cookies are still supported. Since your website won’t be able to place cookies on the devices of most visitors, you’ll also struggle to grow this targetable audience over time.

  • Campaigns 依赖第三方 cookie 跟踪的价值将迅速下降。 Degraded audience targeting will inevitably impact your campaign results, resulting in lower ROI compared to past campaign results.

  • 营销归因的准确性将降低。 Cookies are an essential piece of data for client-side, multi-touch attribution models, but a dramatic reduction in cookie availability will make attribution all but impossible—and unnecessary, since a switch to cookieless, server-side tracking is not only effective but more secure than a client-side approach. 


In many ways, the digital marketing industry can trace its roots back to the creation of the third-party cookie. The global digital advertising market is projected to surpass 超过 7,400 亿美元 by the end of 2024, with much of that spending focused on channels that target consumers through third-party cookies.

This tactic was very effective at targeting ads to the right audience. You could argue that the precision of these ads also became one of its downfalls. As targeted delivery solutions incorporated a wider range of data points and refined their ability to identify relevant audiences, 消费者开始注意到—and not always in a good way. 

重定向campaigns 被用来在互联网上以相同的展示广告追逐消费者。有针对性的广告在奇怪的环境中接触到消费者:想想在体育网站上出现的芭比娃娃广告,或者在家居和园艺网站上出现的牙科植入广告。

The strategy made sense. By targeting ads to individual consumers, businesses could achieve more cost-efficient marketing and drive higher rates of conversions. But as concerns over consumer privacy grew, this targeted approach became a prime example of how personally identifiable information (PII) was being 未经用户同意收集和使用.

Even before these privacy concerns, though, the use of third-party cookies came with certain limitations and drawbacks. For example:

  • 个性化受到限制。 Cookie-based ad delivery offered a greater degree of personalization than 非个性化广告 featured on a website. But compared to social media, 电子邮件, 短信, and other digital channels offering direct consumer engagement, third-party cookies can’t support the kind of personalization today’s consumers now expect. 

  • 相关性不一致。 Algorithms can do a great job of targeting likely prospects based on their demographic and behavioral information, but this approach isn’t foolproof. Inevitably, businesses were wasting resources on consumers they had no chance of converting.

  • 第三方数据本来就不太可靠。 Compared to first-party data, third-party cookies offer the 最不可靠的数据 when learning about your customers. The more you rely on third-party information to understand your audience, the more likely you are to run marketing campaigns that fail to hit their target.

In many ways, the digital marketing industry can trace its roots back to the creation of the third-party cookie. The global digital advertising market is projected to surpass 超过 7,400 亿美元 by the end of 2024, with much of that spending focused on channels that target consumers through third-party cookies.

This tactic was very effective at targeting ads to the right audience. You could argue that the precision of these ads also became one of its downfalls. As targeted delivery solutions incorporated a wider range of data points and refined their ability to identify relevant audiences, 消费者开始注意到—and not always in a good way. 

重定向campaigns 被用来在互联网上以相同的展示广告追逐消费者。有针对性的广告在奇怪的环境中接触到消费者:想想在体育网站上出现的芭比娃娃广告,或者在家居和园艺网站上出现的牙科植入广告。

The strategy made sense. By targeting ads to individual consumers, businesses could achieve more cost-efficient marketing and drive higher rates of conversions. But as concerns over consumer privacy grew, this targeted approach became a prime example of how personally identifiable information (PII) was being 未经用户同意收集和使用.

Even before these privacy concerns, though, the use of third-party cookies came with certain limitations and drawbacks. For example:

  • 个性化受到限制。 Cookie-based ad delivery offered a greater degree of personalization than 非个性化广告 featured on a website. But compared to social media, 电子邮件, 短信, and other digital channels offering direct consumer engagement, third-party cookies can’t support the kind of personalization today’s consumers now expect. 

  • 相关性不一致。 Algorithms can do a great job of targeting likely prospects based on their demographic and behavioral information, but this approach isn’t foolproof. Inevitably, businesses were wasting resources on consumers they had no chance of converting.

  • 第三方数据本来就不太可靠。 Compared to first-party data, third-party cookies offer the 最不可靠的数据 when learning about your customers. The more you rely on third-party information to understand your audience, the more likely you are to run marketing campaigns that fail to hit their target.

In many ways, the digital marketing industry can trace its roots back to the creation of the third-party cookie. The global digital advertising market is projected to surpass 超过 7,400 亿美元 by the end of 2024, with much of that spending focused on channels that target consumers through third-party cookies.

This tactic was very effective at targeting ads to the right audience. You could argue that the precision of these ads also became one of its downfalls. As targeted delivery solutions incorporated a wider range of data points and refined their ability to identify relevant audiences, 消费者开始注意到—and not always in a good way. 

重定向campaigns 被用来在互联网上以相同的展示广告追逐消费者。有针对性的广告在奇怪的环境中接触到消费者:想想在体育网站上出现的芭比娃娃广告,或者在家居和园艺网站上出现的牙科植入广告。

The strategy made sense. By targeting ads to individual consumers, businesses could achieve more cost-efficient marketing and drive higher rates of conversions. But as concerns over consumer privacy grew, this targeted approach became a prime example of how personally identifiable information (PII) was being 未经用户同意收集和使用.

Even before these privacy concerns, though, the use of third-party cookies came with certain limitations and drawbacks. For example:

  • 个性化受到限制。 Cookie-based ad delivery offered a greater degree of personalization than 非个性化广告 featured on a website. But compared to social media, 电子邮件, 短信, and other digital channels offering direct consumer engagement, third-party cookies can’t support the kind of personalization today’s consumers now expect. 

  • 相关性不一致。 Algorithms can do a great job of targeting likely prospects based on their demographic and behavioral information, but this approach isn’t foolproof. Inevitably, businesses were wasting resources on consumers they had no chance of converting.

  • 第三方数据本来就不太可靠。 Compared to first-party data, third-party cookies offer the 最不可靠的数据 when learning about your customers. The more you rely on third-party information to understand your audience, the more likely you are to run marketing campaigns that fail to hit their target.


第三方 cookie 已被淘汰。现在流行什么?第一时间了解客户。

当营销人员摆脱对 cookie 的依赖时,他们就有机会与客户互动,充分了解他们的需求和愿望,而不是根据第三方行为数据做出假设。

"Kay 说:"这就是要问'我们如何创造对人们真正有用的营销?凯说:"因为你专注于取悦客户,而不是取悦应用程序平台,所以你给了客户更多的控制权。然后,你就可以考虑在每个渠道都这样做了。




第三方 cookie 已被淘汰。现在流行什么?第一时间了解客户。

当营销人员摆脱对 cookie 的依赖时,他们就有机会与客户互动,充分了解他们的需求和愿望,而不是根据第三方行为数据做出假设。

"Kay 说:"这就是要问'我们如何创造对人们真正有用的营销?凯说:"因为你专注于取悦客户,而不是取悦应用程序平台,所以你给了客户更多的控制权。然后,你就可以考虑在每个渠道都这样做了。




第三方 cookie 已被淘汰。现在流行什么?第一时间了解客户。

当营销人员摆脱对 cookie 的依赖时,他们就有机会与客户互动,充分了解他们的需求和愿望,而不是根据第三方行为数据做出假设。

"Kay 说:"这就是要问'我们如何创造对人们真正有用的营销?凯说:"因为你专注于取悦客户,而不是取悦应用程序平台,所以你给了客户更多的控制权。然后,你就可以考虑在每个渠道都这样做了。




4 Reasons why building relationships beats chasing conversions 



  1. 您不必担心潜在客户是否感兴趣。你不会让每一个潜在客户都转化为你的客户,但你培养的每一个潜在客户都有机会发展成为你的客户。

  2. 您可以完全控制营销策略背后的数据。第三方数据存在各种可靠性问题,但第一方和零方数据则完全归企业所有。零方数据直接来自您的客户,而第一方数据则是从您自己的channels收集的--这意味着您可以相信数据所告诉您的信息,而且您不会面临无法访问这些信息的风险。

  3. Zero- and first-party data is more secure. By quitting third-party cookies and relying on this data, you greatly reduce the risk of mismanaging consumer data and violating any applicable data regulations. 

  4. 您的专有数据是与其他企业竞争的优势。任何企业都可以访问和使用用于 cookie 目标定位的第三方数据。但是,当您利用自己公司的私有数据时,您就能获得竞争对手无法获得的信息和洞察力。您在发展关系和建立客户知识的大脑信任方面投入的越多,这种营销资产就会变得越强大。



  1. 您不必担心潜在客户是否感兴趣。你不会让每一个潜在客户都转化为你的客户,但你培养的每一个潜在客户都有机会发展成为你的客户。

  2. 您可以完全控制营销策略背后的数据。第三方数据存在各种可靠性问题,但第一方和零方数据则完全归企业所有。零方数据直接来自您的客户,而第一方数据则是从您自己的channels收集的--这意味着您可以相信数据所告诉您的信息,而且您不会面临无法访问这些信息的风险。

  3. Zero- and first-party data is more secure. By quitting third-party cookies and relying on this data, you greatly reduce the risk of mismanaging consumer data and violating any applicable data regulations. 

  4. 您的专有数据是与其他企业竞争的优势。任何企业都可以访问和使用用于 cookie 目标定位的第三方数据。但是,当您利用自己公司的私有数据时,您就能获得竞争对手无法获得的信息和洞察力。您在发展关系和建立客户知识的大脑信任方面投入的越多,这种营销资产就会变得越强大。



  1. 您不必担心潜在客户是否感兴趣。你不会让每一个潜在客户都转化为你的客户,但你培养的每一个潜在客户都有机会发展成为你的客户。

  2. 您可以完全控制营销策略背后的数据。第三方数据存在各种可靠性问题,但第一方和零方数据则完全归企业所有。零方数据直接来自您的客户,而第一方数据则是从您自己的channels收集的--这意味着您可以相信数据所告诉您的信息,而且您不会面临无法访问这些信息的风险。

  3. Zero- and first-party data is more secure. By quitting third-party cookies and relying on this data, you greatly reduce the risk of mismanaging consumer data and violating any applicable data regulations. 

  4. 您的专有数据是与其他企业竞争的优势。任何企业都可以访问和使用用于 cookie 目标定位的第三方数据。但是,当您利用自己公司的私有数据时,您就能获得竞争对手无法获得的信息和洞察力。您在发展关系和建立客户知识的大脑信任方面投入的越多,这种营销资产就会变得越强大。

如何在谷歌逐步淘汰第三方 cookie 的同时提升全渠道营销水平

Google’s decision to end support of third-party cookies is just one of several big changes taking place across Google’s properties. Earlier this year, Gmail announced new requirements for businesses sending bulk emails across its email service. In March, Google announced an 更新其搜索算法 that penalizes sites publishing “low-quality, unoriginal” content—which many experts view as a targeted response to the rise of AI content.


Omnichannel marketers should take these changes as a call to action.

“You need to create stuff that's actually useful to people,” says Kay. “Create content that's not spammy and is, instead, nice to receive.


In this short window of time where only 1% of Chrome users—equivalent to about 3000 万消费者—have been phased out of third-party cookies, omnichannel marketers should be taking steps to position themselves for success in a cookieless future. 


  1. 为更好地与客户沟通奠定基础。 This likely involves several smaller steps, each one aimed at getting to know your customers and improving your ability to collect better information:

  • 利用现有的零数据和第一方数据,了解客户的需求和愿望,不受第三方来源的影响。

  • Identify zero- and first-party channels currently being underutilized or ignored. Has your WhatsApp messaging strategy gone ignored? Are you sending email but not 正确跟踪结果?

  • 考虑其他部门的信息如何补充数据驱动的营销洞察。例如,销售和客户成功团队成员可能会提供现有营销数据中没有考虑到的观点。

  • Evaluate existing strategies and consider how these new insights could inform your marketing content. Search and display ads, email, SMS, and WhatsApp campaigns are just a few of the digital channels where these new insights might guide a different approach to 营销信息和交付.

  1. 尝试使用 Google 为未来无烹饪设计的新定位工具。 Cookie-based tracking is going away, but new interest-based advertising tools are ready to fill the void. One such solution, 主题 API by Google, is already available to the public and can enable targeted ad delivery without tracking specific users across the web.

  2. 研究创新的无熟人客户参与解决方案,确保消费者隐私。 The Trade Desk, for example, has developed a privacy-conscious targeting and measurement solution called 统一 ID 2.0 in which “data is hashed and tokens are encrypted to prevent re-identification, with a rotating salt adding extra preservation.” This enables cross-channel, cross-device ad reach without the use of cookies.

Google’s decision to end support of third-party cookies is just one of several big changes taking place across Google’s properties. Earlier this year, Gmail announced new requirements for businesses sending bulk emails across its email service. In March, Google announced an 更新其搜索算法 that penalizes sites publishing “low-quality, unoriginal” content—which many experts view as a targeted response to the rise of AI content.


Omnichannel marketers should take these changes as a call to action.

“You need to create stuff that's actually useful to people,” says Kay. “Create content that's not spammy and is, instead, nice to receive.


In this short window of time where only 1% of Chrome users—equivalent to about 3000 万消费者—have been phased out of third-party cookies, omnichannel marketers should be taking steps to position themselves for success in a cookieless future. 


  1. 为更好地与客户沟通奠定基础。 This likely involves several smaller steps, each one aimed at getting to know your customers and improving your ability to collect better information:

  • 利用现有的零数据和第一方数据,了解客户的需求和愿望,不受第三方来源的影响。

  • Identify zero- and first-party channels currently being underutilized or ignored. Has your WhatsApp messaging strategy gone ignored? Are you sending email but not 正确跟踪结果?

  • 考虑其他部门的信息如何补充数据驱动的营销洞察。例如,销售和客户成功团队成员可能会提供现有营销数据中没有考虑到的观点。

  • Evaluate existing strategies and consider how these new insights could inform your marketing content. Search and display ads, email, SMS, and WhatsApp campaigns are just a few of the digital channels where these new insights might guide a different approach to 营销信息和交付.

  1. 尝试使用 Google 为未来无烹饪设计的新定位工具。 Cookie-based tracking is going away, but new interest-based advertising tools are ready to fill the void. One such solution, 主题 API by Google, is already available to the public and can enable targeted ad delivery without tracking specific users across the web.

  2. 研究创新的无熟人客户参与解决方案,确保消费者隐私。 The Trade Desk, for example, has developed a privacy-conscious targeting and measurement solution called 统一 ID 2.0 in which “data is hashed and tokens are encrypted to prevent re-identification, with a rotating salt adding extra preservation.” This enables cross-channel, cross-device ad reach without the use of cookies.

Google’s decision to end support of third-party cookies is just one of several big changes taking place across Google’s properties. Earlier this year, Gmail announced new requirements for businesses sending bulk emails across its email service. In March, Google announced an 更新其搜索算法 that penalizes sites publishing “low-quality, unoriginal” content—which many experts view as a targeted response to the rise of AI content.


Omnichannel marketers should take these changes as a call to action.

“You need to create stuff that's actually useful to people,” says Kay. “Create content that's not spammy and is, instead, nice to receive.


In this short window of time where only 1% of Chrome users—equivalent to about 3000 万消费者—have been phased out of third-party cookies, omnichannel marketers should be taking steps to position themselves for success in a cookieless future. 


  1. 为更好地与客户沟通奠定基础。 This likely involves several smaller steps, each one aimed at getting to know your customers and improving your ability to collect better information:

  • 利用现有的零数据和第一方数据,了解客户的需求和愿望,不受第三方来源的影响。

  • Identify zero- and first-party channels currently being underutilized or ignored. Has your WhatsApp messaging strategy gone ignored? Are you sending email but not 正确跟踪结果?

  • 考虑其他部门的信息如何补充数据驱动的营销洞察。例如,销售和客户成功团队成员可能会提供现有营销数据中没有考虑到的观点。

  • Evaluate existing strategies and consider how these new insights could inform your marketing content. Search and display ads, email, SMS, and WhatsApp campaigns are just a few of the digital channels where these new insights might guide a different approach to 营销信息和交付.

  1. 尝试使用 Google 为未来无烹饪设计的新定位工具。 Cookie-based tracking is going away, but new interest-based advertising tools are ready to fill the void. One such solution, 主题 API by Google, is already available to the public and can enable targeted ad delivery without tracking specific users across the web.

  2. 研究创新的无熟人客户参与解决方案,确保消费者隐私。 The Trade Desk, for example, has developed a privacy-conscious targeting and measurement solution called 统一 ID 2.0 in which “data is hashed and tokens are encrypted to prevent re-identification, with a rotating salt adding extra preservation.” This enables cross-channel, cross-device ad reach without the use of cookies.


如果您当前的营销策略依赖于第三方 cookie,那么您没有理由贸然放弃。在谷歌 Chrome 浏览器开始逐步停止对 Cookie 的支持之前,您还有几个月的时间,而且摆脱依赖 Cookie 的受众定位策略也不是一朝一夕就能实现的。

但是,如果您不利用这段时间来规划 "后 Cookies 时代 "的未来,您将很难赶上竞争对手。正确的工具和合作伙伴可以帮助您建立收集和使用零数据和第一方数据的基础设施,为受众参与和战略决策提供支持。

Bird’s omnichannel messaging and engagement platform offers a suite of products and capabilities to help your business seamlessly transition away from cookie-based tracking. Our SMS, email, and WhatsApp solutions offer direct lines of communication where your company can deliver 1-to-1 personalization at scale.


了解Bird 如何为更好的客户体验提供动力。 立即申请演示.

如果您当前的营销策略依赖于第三方 cookie,那么您没有理由贸然放弃。在谷歌 Chrome 浏览器开始逐步停止对 Cookie 的支持之前,您还有几个月的时间,而且摆脱依赖 Cookie 的受众定位策略也不是一朝一夕就能实现的。

但是,如果您不利用这段时间来规划 "后 Cookies 时代 "的未来,您将很难赶上竞争对手。正确的工具和合作伙伴可以帮助您建立收集和使用零数据和第一方数据的基础设施,为受众参与和战略决策提供支持。

Bird’s omnichannel messaging and engagement platform offers a suite of products and capabilities to help your business seamlessly transition away from cookie-based tracking. Our SMS, email, and WhatsApp solutions offer direct lines of communication where your company can deliver 1-to-1 personalization at scale.


了解Bird 如何为更好的客户体验提供动力。 立即申请演示.

如果您当前的营销策略依赖于第三方 cookie,那么您没有理由贸然放弃。在谷歌 Chrome 浏览器开始逐步停止对 Cookie 的支持之前,您还有几个月的时间,而且摆脱依赖 Cookie 的受众定位策略也不是一朝一夕就能实现的。

但是,如果您不利用这段时间来规划 "后 Cookies 时代 "的未来,您将很难赶上竞争对手。正确的工具和合作伙伴可以帮助您建立收集和使用零数据和第一方数据的基础设施,为受众参与和战略决策提供支持。

Bird’s omnichannel messaging and engagement platform offers a suite of products and capabilities to help your business seamlessly transition away from cookie-based tracking. Our SMS, email, and WhatsApp solutions offer direct lines of communication where your company can deliver 1-to-1 personalization at scale.


了解Bird 如何为更好的客户体验提供动力。 立即申请演示.

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