





How to Control Your 公司’s Reputation With a Dedicated Internet Protocol (IP) Address

Creating a dedicated IP address is easier said than done. Here’s how to set up the right IP pool to serve your company’s email needs.



Published on

May 31, 2024


互联网服务提供商(ISP)在选择是将接收到的电子邮件转发到用户的主要inbox 、过滤为垃圾邮件还是阻止发送时,会查看各种信息。他们首先审查的数据点是什么?您电子邮件的互联网协议(IP)地址。

如果您的公司正处于建立电子邮件程序的早期阶段,或者您默认使用的是继承 IP 地址,那么您可能没有意识到,互联网服务提供商在决定您是否是一个值得信赖的发件人时,会检查该地址的声誉(包括电子邮件内容、身份验证和参与度指标等其他方面)。如果您的 IP 信誉不佳(或根本没有信誉),您的电子邮件被标记为垃圾邮件或完全被拒的风险就会大大增加。

好消息是什么?您的企业可以通过选择信誉良好的共享 IP 池来控制自己的信誉,或者,为了更好地控制信誉,您可以创建自己的专用 IP,仅供自己的企业使用。

The not-so-good news? Choosing the right IP pool is complicated, and managing a dedicated address comes with its challenges, especially without the right know-how. 

If you’re still getting up to speed on the nuances of email marketing, consider checking out Bird 学院的电子邮件可送达性课程 for a high-level introduction to important email concepts. 

否则,让我们来探讨一下共享 IP 和专用 IP 之间的区别,以帮助您选择最适合您企业的行动方案。


互联网服务提供商(ISP)在选择是将接收到的电子邮件转发到用户的主要inbox 、过滤为垃圾邮件还是阻止发送时,会查看各种信息。他们首先审查的数据点是什么?您电子邮件的互联网协议(IP)地址。

如果您的公司正处于建立电子邮件程序的早期阶段,或者您默认使用的是继承 IP 地址,那么您可能没有意识到,互联网服务提供商在决定您是否是一个值得信赖的发件人时,会检查该地址的声誉(包括电子邮件内容、身份验证和参与度指标等其他方面)。如果您的 IP 信誉不佳(或根本没有信誉),您的电子邮件被标记为垃圾邮件或完全被拒的风险就会大大增加。

好消息是什么?您的企业可以通过选择信誉良好的共享 IP 池来控制自己的信誉,或者,为了更好地控制信誉,您可以创建自己的专用 IP,仅供自己的企业使用。

The not-so-good news? Choosing the right IP pool is complicated, and managing a dedicated address comes with its challenges, especially without the right know-how. 

If you’re still getting up to speed on the nuances of email marketing, consider checking out Bird 学院的电子邮件可送达性课程 for a high-level introduction to important email concepts. 

否则,让我们来探讨一下共享 IP 和专用 IP 之间的区别,以帮助您选择最适合您企业的行动方案。


互联网服务提供商(ISP)在选择是将接收到的电子邮件转发到用户的主要inbox 、过滤为垃圾邮件还是阻止发送时,会查看各种信息。他们首先审查的数据点是什么?您电子邮件的互联网协议(IP)地址。

如果您的公司正处于建立电子邮件程序的早期阶段,或者您默认使用的是继承 IP 地址,那么您可能没有意识到,互联网服务提供商在决定您是否是一个值得信赖的发件人时,会检查该地址的声誉(包括电子邮件内容、身份验证和参与度指标等其他方面)。如果您的 IP 信誉不佳(或根本没有信誉),您的电子邮件被标记为垃圾邮件或完全被拒的风险就会大大增加。

好消息是什么?您的企业可以通过选择信誉良好的共享 IP 池来控制自己的信誉,或者,为了更好地控制信誉,您可以创建自己的专用 IP,仅供自己的企业使用。

The not-so-good news? Choosing the right IP pool is complicated, and managing a dedicated address comes with its challenges, especially without the right know-how. 

If you’re still getting up to speed on the nuances of email marketing, consider checking out Bird 学院的电子邮件可送达性课程 for a high-level introduction to important email concepts. 

否则,让我们来探讨一下共享 IP 和专用 IP 之间的区别,以帮助您选择最适合您企业的行动方案。

为什么使用共享 IP 池?

共享 IP 池是指同一服务器上多个电子邮件发送者使用的一组 IP 地址。池通常将具有共同特征(如行业或规模)的公司组合在一起。根据池的规模和成员公司的不同,一个池可能包含数百个不同的电子邮件客户端。

Most email programs start with a 共享 IP 池. For emailers with a low sending volume (typically less than 100,000 emails per month), shared IPs are a more cost- and resource-efficient way to set up a pool that is optimized for deliverability. 

“Especially when it's smaller senders, like schools that send newsletters, for instance, the school could be tiny—but in that shared pool, there are hundreds of other school districts,” says Tony Patti, 交付服务总监Bird. “The ISP’s filters know there should be nothing but educational content coming through, so if all of a sudden the filters see an ad for weight loss drugs, they’ll know something's fishy.”

使用共享 IP 池的其他好处如下:

  • 共享池比专用 IP 便宜。 With a shared pool, you only pay for your allotment and enjoy the convenience of outsourcing the pool’s management to an email service provider (ESP).

  • 共享池的合并发送量可提高电子邮件的整体送达率。 ISPs can get spooked by a sudden surge in email sending volume. For low-volume email senders, inconsistent email blasts increase the scrutiny of your messages. Since many different companies use a 共享 IP 池, though, sending volumes will likely be more consistent, which lowers the risk of getting flagged for suspicious activity.

  • 您的企业将从已建立的知识产权声誉中获益。 Building a strong IP reputation independently takes time (more on that later). By joining a shared pool, even brand-new email programs benefit from an established IP reputation that makes it easier to deliver messages to the primary inbox.


在错误的环境中,共享 IP 信誉可能是一把双刃剑。共享池中的不良行为者可以利用强大的 IP 信誉,偷偷通过 ISP 过滤器发送垃圾邮件。

Spammers and scammers favor shared pools for their anonymity, particularly as they distribute spam across many IPs to keep the email volume low for each one. 

Eventually, though, they’ll get caught—and when they do, everyone in the shared pool could suffer a hit to their 电子邮件可送达性

But it’s not only bad actors that can impact deliverability through shared pools. If senders within a pool are sending very different types of emails, such as for specific industries like financial services or healthcare, it can create deliverability challenges even when all companies in the pool are trying to follow email best practices. A finance company, for example, could face challenges when trying to send out emails from a shared pool dedicated to healthcare companies. 

“If those emails aren’t sent through a highly controlled shared pool focused on the unique sending patterns or regulatory requirements of their industry, that sender could experience deliverability issues,” Tony says.

否则,PDF 附件可能会被识别为可疑活动,从而危及这一重要消费者信息和共享池中其他电子邮件的发送。

共享 IP 池是指同一服务器上多个电子邮件发送者使用的一组 IP 地址。池通常将具有共同特征(如行业或规模)的公司组合在一起。根据池的规模和成员公司的不同,一个池可能包含数百个不同的电子邮件客户端。

Most email programs start with a 共享 IP 池. For emailers with a low sending volume (typically less than 100,000 emails per month), shared IPs are a more cost- and resource-efficient way to set up a pool that is optimized for deliverability. 

“Especially when it's smaller senders, like schools that send newsletters, for instance, the school could be tiny—but in that shared pool, there are hundreds of other school districts,” says Tony Patti, 交付服务总监Bird. “The ISP’s filters know there should be nothing but educational content coming through, so if all of a sudden the filters see an ad for weight loss drugs, they’ll know something's fishy.”

使用共享 IP 池的其他好处如下:

  • 共享池比专用 IP 便宜。 With a shared pool, you only pay for your allotment and enjoy the convenience of outsourcing the pool’s management to an email service provider (ESP).

  • 共享池的合并发送量可提高电子邮件的整体送达率。 ISPs can get spooked by a sudden surge in email sending volume. For low-volume email senders, inconsistent email blasts increase the scrutiny of your messages. Since many different companies use a shared IP pool, though, sending volumes will likely be more consistent, which lowers the risk of getting flagged for suspicious activity.

  • 您的企业将从已建立的知识产权声誉中获益。 Building a strong IP reputation independently takes time (more on that later). By joining a shared pool, even brand-new email programs benefit from an established IP reputation that makes it easier to deliver messages to the primary inbox.


在错误的环境中,共享 IP 信誉可能是一把双刃剑。共享池中的不良行为者可以利用强大的 IP 信誉,偷偷通过 ISP 过滤器发送垃圾邮件。

Spammers and scammers favor shared pools for their anonymity, particularly as they distribute spam across many IPs to keep the email volume low for each one. 

Eventually, though, they’ll get caught—and when they do, everyone in the shared pool could suffer a hit to their 电子邮件可送达性

But it’s not only bad actors that can impact deliverability through shared pools. If senders within a pool are sending very different types of emails, such as for specific industries like financial services or healthcare, it can create deliverability challenges even when all companies in the pool are trying to follow email best practices. A finance company, for example, could face challenges when trying to send out emails from a shared pool dedicated to healthcare companies. 

“If those emails aren’t sent through a highly controlled shared pool focused on the unique sending patterns or regulatory requirements of their industry, that sender could experience deliverability issues,” Tony says.

否则,PDF 附件可能会被识别为可疑活动,从而危及这一重要消费者信息和共享池中其他电子邮件的发送。

共享 IP 池是指同一服务器上多个电子邮件发送者使用的一组 IP 地址。池通常将具有共同特征(如行业或规模)的公司组合在一起。根据池的规模和成员公司的不同,一个池可能包含数百个不同的电子邮件客户端。

Most email programs start with a shared IP pool. For emailers with a low sending volume (typically less than 100,000 emails per month), shared IPs are a more cost- and resource-efficient way to set up a pool that is optimized for deliverability. 

“Especially when it's smaller senders, like schools that send newsletters, for instance, the school could be tiny—but in that shared pool, there are hundreds of other school districts,” says Tony Patti, 交付服务总监Bird. “The ISP’s filters know there should be nothing but educational content coming through, so if all of a sudden the filters see an ad for weight loss drugs, they’ll know something's fishy.”

使用共享 IP 池的其他好处如下:

  • 共享池比专用 IP 便宜。 With a shared pool, you only pay for your allotment and enjoy the convenience of outsourcing the pool’s management to an email service provider (ESP).

  • 共享池的合并发送量可提高电子邮件的整体送达率。 ISPs can get spooked by a sudden surge in email sending volume. For low-volume email senders, inconsistent email blasts increase the scrutiny of your messages. Since many different companies use a shared IP pool, though, sending volumes will likely be more consistent, which lowers the risk of getting flagged for suspicious activity.

  • 您的企业将从已建立的知识产权声誉中获益。 Building a strong IP reputation independently takes time (more on that later). By joining a shared pool, even brand-new email programs benefit from an established IP reputation that makes it easier to deliver messages to the primary inbox.


在错误的环境中,共享 IP 信誉可能是一把双刃剑。共享池中的不良行为者可以利用强大的 IP 信誉,偷偷通过 ISP 过滤器发送垃圾邮件。

Spammers and scammers favor shared pools for their anonymity, particularly as they distribute spam across many IPs to keep the email volume low for each one. 

Eventually, though, they’ll get caught—and when they do, everyone in the shared pool could suffer a hit to their 电子邮件可送达性

But it’s not only bad actors that can impact deliverability through shared pools. If senders within a pool are sending very different types of emails, such as for specific industries like financial services or healthcare, it can create deliverability challenges even when all companies in the pool are trying to follow email best practices. A finance company, for example, could face challenges when trying to send out emails from a shared pool dedicated to healthcare companies. 

“If those emails aren’t sent through a highly controlled shared pool focused on the unique sending patterns or regulatory requirements of their industry, that sender could experience deliverability issues,” Tony says.

否则,PDF 附件可能会被识别为可疑活动,从而危及这一重要消费者信息和共享池中其他电子邮件的发送。

更好控制,更易管理:专用 IP 地址的诸多优势





1.设置 SPF、DKIM 或 DMARC 记录

Email services use SPF, DKIM, and DMARC authentication protocols to verify the legitimacy and integrity of the email message through encryption and certificates. Missing authentication records can result in your emails getting sent to spam or flagged as a security risk. Google offers some 简单易懂的指南 on how to properly set up these records for your domains.

2.检查电子邮件的 HTML 格式是否有误

HTML 格式错误会影响电子邮件的外观和可读性。不过,除了降低用户体验外,这些错误还会威胁到邮件的送达。

Fortunately, 缺少结束标记 and other coding errors are easy to fix, and they will instantly improve your email deliverability potential. Several tools are designed to identify these HTML errors, including Google’s 模式标记验证器.







1.设置 SPF、DKIM 或 DMARC 记录

Email services use SPF, DKIM, and DMARC authentication protocols to verify the legitimacy and integrity of the email message through encryption and certificates. Missing authentication records can result in your emails getting sent to spam or flagged as a security risk. Google offers some 简单易懂的指南 on how to properly set up these records for your domains.

2.检查电子邮件的 HTML 格式是否有误

HTML 格式错误会影响电子邮件的外观和可读性。不过,除了降低用户体验外,这些错误还会威胁到邮件的送达。

Fortunately, 缺少结束标记 and other coding errors are easy to fix, and they will instantly improve your email deliverability potential. Several tools are designed to identify these HTML errors, including Google’s 模式标记验证器.







1.设置 SPF、DKIM 或 DMARC 记录

Email services use SPF, DKIM, and DMARC authentication protocols to verify the legitimacy and integrity of the email message through encryption and certificates. Missing authentication records can result in your emails getting sent to spam or flagged as a security risk. Google offers some 简单易懂的指南 on how to properly set up these records for your domains.

2.检查电子邮件的 HTML 格式是否有误

HTML 格式错误会影响电子邮件的外观和可读性。不过,除了降低用户体验外,这些错误还会威胁到邮件的送达。

Fortunately, 缺少结束标记 and other coding errors are easy to fix, and they will instantly improve your email deliverability potential. Several tools are designed to identify these HTML errors, including Google’s 模式标记验证器.



为什么 IP 地址声誉很重要?

Gmail 和雅虎等 MBP 希望为用户提供最佳的电子邮件体验。增强的垃圾邮件过滤功能是这种体验的基石,它可以减少用户收件箱中的杂乱无章,同时保护消费者免受恶意软件、诈骗和其他安全威胁。

Given that ISPs scrutinize IP reputations to identify possible spam, companies must seize every opportunity to prevent their emails from being labeled as spam. The more suspicious your emails appear to ISPs, the greater the risk to your email deliverability. 

A bad IP address reputation can lead to challenging consequences: If you’re marked as spam by a major threat intelligence company like 垃圾邮件主页, for example, you’ll need to take corrective actions to get your IP address off of the blocklist. 

近年来,"垃圾邮件 "的定义发生了变化

While companies invest resources into cultivating their IP address reputation and optimizing deliverability, it’s crucial to distinguish the legal definition of spam from how today’s consumers perceive it. 

As Tony points out, the CAN-SPAM 法案 enforced by the FCC defines spam as email that consumers did not sign up to receive. This includes emails that were sent to addresses that may have been scraped or stolen from another list or online location.


Also, ISPs sometimes ignore whether people signed up for emails before they 标记为垃圾邮件。 If consumers don’t like your emails—or if they start to become annoyed with your messages—they’re more likely to mark those messages as spam. A single disgruntled subscriber won’t impact your deliverability, but if complaints start to pile up, the ISP could take action.


Gmail 和雅虎等 MBP 希望为用户提供最佳的电子邮件体验。增强的垃圾邮件过滤功能是这种体验的基石,它可以减少用户收件箱中的杂乱无章,同时保护消费者免受恶意软件、诈骗和其他安全威胁。

Given that ISPs scrutinize IP reputations to identify possible spam, companies must seize every opportunity to prevent their emails from being labeled as spam. The more suspicious your emails appear to ISPs, the greater the risk to your email deliverability. 

A bad IP address reputation can lead to challenging consequences: If you’re marked as spam by a major threat intelligence company like 垃圾邮件主页, for example, you’ll need to take corrective actions to get your IP address off of the blocklist. 

近年来,"垃圾邮件 "的定义发生了变化

While companies invest resources into cultivating their IP address reputation and optimizing deliverability, it’s crucial to distinguish the legal definition of spam from how today’s consumers perceive it. 

As Tony points out, the CAN-SPAM 法案 enforced by the FCC defines spam as email that consumers did not sign up to receive. This includes emails that were sent to addresses that may have been scraped or stolen from another list or online location.


Also, ISPs sometimes ignore whether people signed up for emails before they 标记为垃圾邮件。 If consumers don’t like your emails—or if they start to become annoyed with your messages—they’re more likely to mark those messages as spam. A single disgruntled subscriber won’t impact your deliverability, but if complaints start to pile up, the ISP could take action.


Gmail 和雅虎等 MBP 希望为用户提供最佳的电子邮件体验。增强的垃圾邮件过滤功能是这种体验的基石,它可以减少用户收件箱中的杂乱无章,同时保护消费者免受恶意软件、诈骗和其他安全威胁。

Given that ISPs scrutinize IP reputations to identify possible spam, companies must seize every opportunity to prevent their emails from being labeled as spam. The more suspicious your emails appear to ISPs, the greater the risk to your email deliverability. 

A bad IP address reputation can lead to challenging consequences: If you’re marked as spam by a major threat intelligence company like 垃圾邮件主页, for example, you’ll need to take corrective actions to get your IP address off of the blocklist. 

近年来,"垃圾邮件 "的定义发生了变化

While companies invest resources into cultivating their IP address reputation and optimizing deliverability, it’s crucial to distinguish the legal definition of spam from how today’s consumers perceive it. 

As Tony points out, the CAN-SPAM 法案 enforced by the FCC defines spam as email that consumers did not sign up to receive. This includes emails that were sent to addresses that may have been scraped or stolen from another list or online location.


Also, ISPs sometimes ignore whether people signed up for emails before they 标记为垃圾邮件。 If consumers don’t like your emails—or if they start to become annoyed with your messages—they’re more likely to mark those messages as spam. A single disgruntled subscriber won’t impact your deliverability, but if complaints start to pile up, the ISP could take action.



无论您是在共享 IP 池上运行低容量的电子邮件程序,还是使用专用 IP 运行高容量的程序,都要记住一条建议:


在email marketing 战略方面,想要快速行动是很自然的,尤其是当你感受到来自行政领导的压力,需要立即取得成果时。但是,将速度置于谨慎发展之上可能会导致错误,从而永久性地损害你的 IP 声誉。就专用 IP 而言,在未对地址进行预热的情况下积极发送电子邮件,尤其会对电子邮件的送达能力造成损害,从而为公司的声誉埋下深坑。

说到耐心,还有一个小贴士:谨慎选择电子邮件子域,使其与公司主域保持不同。如果您的email marketing的 IP 信誉出了问题,您可不想让这些宣传上的麻烦影响到您的日常运营。


无论您是在共享 IP 池上运行低容量的电子邮件程序,还是使用专用 IP 运行高容量的程序,都要记住一条建议:


在email marketing 战略方面,想要快速行动是很自然的,尤其是当你感受到来自行政领导的压力,需要立即取得成果时。但是,将速度置于谨慎发展之上可能会导致错误,从而永久性地损害你的 IP 声誉。就专用 IP 而言,在未对地址进行预热的情况下积极发送电子邮件,尤其会对电子邮件的送达能力造成损害,从而为公司的声誉埋下深坑。

说到耐心,还有一个小贴士:谨慎选择电子邮件子域,使其与公司主域保持不同。如果您的email marketing的 IP 信誉出了问题,您可不想让这些宣传上的麻烦影响到您的日常运营。


无论您是在共享 IP 池上运行低容量的电子邮件程序,还是使用专用 IP 运行高容量的程序,都要记住一条建议:


在email marketing 战略方面,想要快速行动是很自然的,尤其是当你感受到来自行政领导的压力,需要立即取得成果时。但是,将速度置于谨慎发展之上可能会导致错误,从而永久性地损害你的 IP 声誉。就专用 IP 而言,在未对地址进行预热的情况下积极发送电子邮件,尤其会对电子邮件的送达能力造成损害,从而为公司的声誉埋下深坑。

说到耐心,还有一个小贴士:谨慎选择电子邮件子域,使其与公司主域保持不同。如果您的email marketing的 IP 信誉出了问题,您可不想让这些宣传上的麻烦影响到您的日常运营。



如果您发送大量电子邮件,而且很在意自己的声誉,那么与电子邮件服务提供商合作,获得一个专用 IP 确实有助于您的邮件发送。

Bird我们的团队拥有数十年为高发送量发件人预热专用 IP 的经验,帮助他们实现 95% 或更高的收件率。我们的全面迁移流程采用电子邮件审计、受众细分、测试和验证以及有据可查的预热策略,帮助客户取得成功。

With full ownership of your IP reputation, your business can achieve significant increases in deliverability, potentially driving substantial revenue gains. 

Learn how Bird can assist your business in transitioning to a dedicated IP—立即预订演示.

如果您发送大量电子邮件,而且很在意自己的声誉,那么与电子邮件服务提供商合作,获得一个专用 IP 确实有助于您的邮件发送。

Bird我们的团队拥有数十年为高发送量发件人预热专用 IP 的经验,帮助他们实现 95% 或更高的收件率。我们的全面迁移流程采用电子邮件审计、受众细分、测试和验证以及有据可查的预热策略,帮助客户取得成功。

With full ownership of your IP reputation, your business can achieve significant increases in deliverability, potentially driving substantial revenue gains. 

Learn how Bird can assist your business in transitioning to a dedicated IP—立即预订演示.

如果您发送大量电子邮件,而且很在意自己的声誉,那么与电子邮件服务提供商合作,获得一个专用 IP 确实有助于您的邮件发送。

Bird我们的团队拥有数十年为高发送量发件人预热专用 IP 的经验,帮助他们实现 95% 或更高的收件率。我们的全面迁移流程采用电子邮件审计、受众细分、测试和验证以及有据可查的预热策略,帮助客户取得成功。

With full ownership of your IP reputation, your business can achieve significant increases in deliverability, potentially driving substantial revenue gains. 

Learn how Bird can assist your business in transitioning to a dedicated IP—立即预订演示.

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AI-first 营销、服务和支付 CRM

点击 "查看Bird",即表示您同意Bird 的规定。