





Email Deliverability Strategy: Essentials and Best Practices for Email Performance

Better email ROI starts with optimized email deliverability. Discover Bird’s tips for better deliverability and find out how Inbox Tracker can help.



Published on

May 30, 2024


Whether you’re a B2C or B2B company, you’re committing marketing malpractice by not investing in a strong email program. But sending email is only part of the recipe for strong customer engagement. Businesses also need to make sure those emails are optimized for deliverability. 

Too often, email deliverability issues get overlooked — and businesses end up paying a heavy price. According to 托尼-帕蒂, Deliverability Services Director at Bird, poor deliverability can easily cost businesses between 20% and 30% of their email-generated revenue.


With the right tools, tips, and support, your business can optimize deliverability rates to realize the full revenue potential of your email marketing strategy. 



Whether you’re a B2C or B2B company, you’re committing marketing malpractice by not investing in a strong email program. But sending email is only part of the recipe for strong customer engagement. Businesses also need to make sure those emails are optimized for deliverability. 

Too often, email deliverability issues get overlooked — and businesses end up paying a heavy price. According to 托尼-帕蒂, Deliverability Services Director at Bird, poor deliverability can easily cost businesses between 20% and 30% of their email-generated revenue.


With the right tools, tips, and support, your business can optimize deliverability rates to realize the full revenue potential of your email marketing strategy. 

将本指南视为现代电子邮件可送达性的速成课程。托尼-帕蒂(Tony Patti)的专业见解将为您提供帮助!


Whether you’re a B2C or B2B company, you’re committing marketing malpractice by not investing in a strong email program. But sending email is only part of the recipe for strong customer engagement. Businesses also need to make sure those emails are optimized for deliverability. 

Too often, email deliverability issues get overlooked — and businesses end up paying a heavy price. According to Tony Patti, Deliverability Services Director at Bird, poor deliverability can easily cost businesses between 20% and 30% of their email-generated revenue.


With the right tools, tips, and support, your business can optimize deliverability rates to realize the full revenue potential of your email marketing strategy. 

将本指南视为现代电子邮件可送达性的速成课程。托尼-帕蒂(Tony Patti)的专业见解将为您提供帮助!


Email deliverability refers to your ability to deliver emails to your audience’s inboxes. 

当可送达性高时,意味着您的电子邮件有很高比例成功送达inbox 。当可送达性低时,您的email marketing 很可能受到垃圾邮件过滤率高或送达受阻的影响。

The best-case scenario is an email deliverability rate at or slightly under 100%. But even if you take all the right actions, deliverability is influenced by 多变 that can change over time, including spam complaint rates, your email’s IP reputation, and the contents of your email itself. 




但是,营销决策的长期效益并不总是显而易见的。胜利是逐步取得的,而价值是以百分比来衡量的。您目前的送达率可能不会使您的campaigns 下沉,但缺乏优化可能会使您的企业失去以下好处:


Even a modest increase in email deliverability can generate new conversions and sales that would have otherwise been lost. 

例如,当Bird 首次与在线肉类配送品牌 CrowdCow 建立联系时,该公司的电子邮件程序仅将 89% 的电子邮件发送到客户收件箱。

Part of the issue stemmed from a high number of inactive emails on the company’s list. Inactive users impact open rates, and ISPs interpret low open rates as a 邮件质量的反映. In other words, this low open rate for delivered emails was increasing the number of CrowdCow emails getting redirected to spam.

为了提高 CrowdCow 的电子邮件送达率,Bird的专家们将重点放在降低列表中不活跃用户的比例上。

在短短几个月内,Bird 帮助 CrowdCow 实现了电子邮件 100% 的送达率campaigns ,最大限度地提高了参与客户群的销售潜力。


Your brand’s email reputation can be quantified in two ways: 

  1. 您在客户中的声誉

  2. 您在inbox 服务提供商 (ISP) 中的声誉

The importance of a strong reputation with customers is obvious. But businesses also need to understand that a bad or neglected ISP reputation can severely limit your email ROI among customers using that particular email service. 

This is what happened to employment search company Talent.com, which was suffering from an inbox 就业率 of only 56% for emails sent to Microsoft recipients. Frustrated with the poor results, the company had blocked all Microsoft addresses from its email lists.

"托尼说:"如果你突然停止,不再回来,那只会进一步损害你与互联网服务供应商的关系。"当你回来时,你就像一个全新的客户。因此,你必须重新与该服务提供商预热你的 IP。

Bird 正是这样做的。"托尼说:"在 30 天内,他们就获得了直达微软收件箱的极佳送达效果。在报告了 56% 的电子邮件投递率之后,仅仅两个月,Talent.com 就恢复了声誉,并将 95% 的电子邮件投递到了微软收件箱。

Email deliverability refers to your ability to deliver emails to your audience’s inboxes. 

当可送达性高时,意味着您的电子邮件有很高比例成功送达inbox 。当可送达性低时,您的email marketing 很可能受到垃圾邮件过滤率高或送达受阻的影响。

The best-case scenario is an email deliverability rate at or slightly under 100%. But even if you take all the right actions, deliverability is influenced by 多变 that can change over time, including spam complaint rates, your email’s IP reputation, and the contents of your email itself. 




但是,营销决策的长期效益并不总是显而易见的。胜利是逐步取得的,而价值是以百分比来衡量的。您目前的送达率可能不会使您的campaigns 下沉,但缺乏优化可能会使您的企业失去以下好处:


Even a modest increase in email deliverability can generate new conversions and sales that would have otherwise been lost. 

例如,当Bird 首次与在线肉类配送品牌 CrowdCow 建立联系时,该公司的电子邮件程序仅将 89% 的电子邮件发送到客户收件箱。

Part of the issue stemmed from a high number of inactive emails on the company’s list. Inactive users impact open rates, and ISPs interpret low open rates as a 邮件质量的反映. In other words, this low open rate for delivered emails was increasing the number of CrowdCow emails getting redirected to spam.

为了提高 CrowdCow 的电子邮件送达率,Bird的专家们将重点放在降低列表中不活跃用户的比例上。

在短短几个月内,Bird 帮助 CrowdCow 实现了电子邮件 100% 的送达率campaigns ,最大限度地提高了参与客户群的销售潜力。


Your brand’s email reputation can be quantified in two ways: 

  1. 您在客户中的声誉

  2. 您在inbox 服务提供商 (ISP) 中的声誉

The importance of a strong reputation with customers is obvious. But businesses also need to understand that a bad or neglected ISP reputation can severely limit your email ROI among customers using that particular email service. 

This is what happened to employment search company Talent.com, which was suffering from an inbox 就业率 of only 56% for emails sent to Microsoft recipients. Frustrated with the poor results, the company had blocked all Microsoft addresses from its email lists.

"托尼说:"如果你突然停止,不再回来,那只会进一步损害你与互联网服务供应商的关系。"当你回来时,你就像一个全新的客户。因此,你必须重新与该服务提供商预热你的 IP。

Bird 正是这样做的。"托尼说:"在 30 天内,他们就获得了直达微软收件箱的极佳送达效果。在报告了 56% 的电子邮件投递率之后,仅仅两个月,Talent.com 就恢复了声誉,并将 95% 的电子邮件投递到了微软收件箱。

Email deliverability refers to your ability to deliver emails to your audience’s inboxes. 

当可送达性高时,意味着您的电子邮件有很高比例成功送达inbox 。当可送达性低时,您的email marketing 很可能受到垃圾邮件过滤率高或送达受阻的影响。

The best-case scenario is an email deliverability rate at or slightly under 100%. But even if you take all the right actions, deliverability is influenced by 多变 that can change over time, including spam complaint rates, your email’s IP reputation, and the contents of your email itself. 




但是,营销决策的长期效益并不总是显而易见的。胜利是逐步取得的,而价值是以百分比来衡量的。您目前的送达率可能不会使您的campaigns 下沉,但缺乏优化可能会使您的企业失去以下好处:


Even a modest increase in email deliverability can generate new conversions and sales that would have otherwise been lost. 

例如,当Bird 首次与在线肉类配送品牌 CrowdCow 建立联系时,该公司的电子邮件程序仅将 89% 的电子邮件发送到客户收件箱。

Part of the issue stemmed from a high number of inactive emails on the company’s list. Inactive users impact open rates, and ISPs interpret low open rates as a 邮件质量的反映. In other words, this low open rate for delivered emails was increasing the number of CrowdCow emails getting redirected to spam.

为了提高 CrowdCow 的电子邮件送达率,Bird的专家们将重点放在降低列表中不活跃用户的比例上。

在短短几个月内,Bird 帮助 CrowdCow 实现了电子邮件 100% 的送达率campaigns ,最大限度地提高了参与客户群的销售潜力。


Your brand’s email reputation can be quantified in two ways: 

  1. 您在客户中的声誉

  2. 您在inbox 服务提供商 (ISP) 中的声誉

The importance of a strong reputation with customers is obvious. But businesses also need to understand that a bad or neglected ISP reputation can severely limit your email ROI among customers using that particular email service. 

This is what happened to employment search company Talent.com, which was suffering from an inbox 就业率 of only 56% for emails sent to Microsoft recipients. Frustrated with the poor results, the company had blocked all Microsoft addresses from its email lists.

"托尼说:"如果你突然停止,不再回来,那只会进一步损害你与互联网服务供应商的关系。"当你回来时,你就像一个全新的客户。因此,你必须重新与该服务提供商预热你的 IP。

Bird 正是这样做的。"托尼说:"在 30 天内,他们就获得了直达微软收件箱的极佳送达效果。在报告了 56% 的电子邮件投递率之后,仅仅两个月,Talent.com 就恢复了声誉,并将 95% 的电子邮件投递到了微软收件箱。


Optimized email deliverability requires a detail-oriented approach to tracking and managing moving parts and variables. 

We’ve got plenty of granular tactics and best practices to help you refine your email deliverability. Before we dive into those recommendations, though, you need to make sure the cornerstones of high deliverability are in place. 



A strong email list consists of recipients who want to receive your company’s emails. Efforts to trick consumers into joining your email list can backfire in disastrous ways: 

  • 最好的情况是,您的电子邮件阅读率会急剧下降。最坏的情况是,您的邮件会产生很高的垃圾邮件投诉率,可能会让您的企业被列入可怕的垃圾邮件屏蔽名单。

The best approach is to be straightforward when collecting email opt-ins. The gold standard is the confirmed opt-in, which requires the customer to confirm their opt-in twice: first when submitting their email to your business and again when clicking an email hyperlink to confirm their subscription. 






  • 邮件发送频率要保持一致。 If consumers are signing up for a weekly newsletter, don’t use that list to blast them with three emails every day. Be clear about the type of email content and the email frequency they can expect, and stick to these parameters.

  • 个性化电子邮件内容 Even with the impending death of third-party cookies, there are many ways to create personalized experiences through email. Apparel retailer Land’s End is one of many retail brands that use the consumer’s past shopping and browsing history to deliver personalized recommendations.

  • 使用多个列表来细分受众,实现定制化体验。 For example, allow customers to choose one (or many) preferences on email sign-up forms, then use that information to 创建细分的电子邮件受众 focused on promotions, product releases, in-person events, and other topics.

Optimized email deliverability requires a detail-oriented approach to tracking and managing moving parts and variables. 

We’ve got plenty of granular tactics and best practices to help you refine your email deliverability. Before we dive into those recommendations, though, you need to make sure the cornerstones of high deliverability are in place. 



A strong email list consists of recipients who want to receive your company’s emails. Efforts to trick consumers into joining your email list can backfire in disastrous ways: 

  • 最好的情况是,您的电子邮件阅读率会急剧下降。最坏的情况是,您的邮件会产生很高的垃圾邮件投诉率,可能会让您的企业被列入可怕的垃圾邮件屏蔽名单。

The best approach is to be straightforward when collecting email opt-ins. The gold standard is the confirmed opt-in, which requires the customer to confirm their opt-in twice: first when submitting their email to your business and again when clicking an email hyperlink to confirm their subscription. 






  • 邮件发送频率要保持一致。 If consumers are signing up for a weekly newsletter, don’t use that list to blast them with three emails every day. Be clear about the type of email content and the email frequency they can expect, and stick to these parameters.

  • 个性化电子邮件内容 Even with the impending death of third-party cookies, there are many ways to create personalized experiences through email. Apparel retailer Land’s End is one of many retail brands that use the consumer’s past shopping and browsing history to deliver personalized recommendations.

  • 使用多个列表来细分受众,实现定制化体验。 For example, allow customers to choose one (or many) preferences on email sign-up forms, then use that information to 创建细分的电子邮件受众 focused on promotions, product releases, in-person events, and other topics.

Optimized email deliverability requires a detail-oriented approach to tracking and managing moving parts and variables. 

We’ve got plenty of granular tactics and best practices to help you refine your email deliverability. Before we dive into those recommendations, though, you need to make sure the cornerstones of high deliverability are in place. 



A strong email list consists of recipients who want to receive your company’s emails. Efforts to trick consumers into joining your email list can backfire in disastrous ways: 

  • 最好的情况是,您的电子邮件阅读率会急剧下降。最坏的情况是,您的邮件会产生很高的垃圾邮件投诉率,可能会让您的企业被列入可怕的垃圾邮件屏蔽名单。

The best approach is to be straightforward when collecting email opt-ins. The gold standard is the confirmed opt-in, which requires the customer to confirm their opt-in twice: first when submitting their email to your business and again when clicking an email hyperlink to confirm their subscription. 






  • 邮件发送频率要保持一致。 If consumers are signing up for a weekly newsletter, don’t use that list to blast them with three emails every day. Be clear about the type of email content and the email frequency they can expect, and stick to these parameters.

  • 个性化电子邮件内容 Even with the impending death of third-party cookies, there are many ways to create personalized experiences through email. Apparel retailer Land’s End is one of many retail brands that use the consumer’s past shopping and browsing history to deliver personalized recommendations.

  • 使用多个列表来细分受众,实现定制化体验。 For example, allow customers to choose one (or many) preferences on email sign-up forms, then use that information to 创建细分的电子邮件受众 focused on promotions, product releases, in-person events, and other topics.

优化送达基础设施的 5 项最佳实践

Once you’ve developed a basic infrastructure for supporting email deliverability, you can begin taking steps to optimize your emails for consistent inbox placement. 


1.消除电子邮件 HTML 中的格式错误

简单的 HTML 格式错误会破坏电子邮件体验,扰乱电子邮件布局和可读性。如果错误严重或普遍存在,还会增加收件人将邮件标记为垃圾邮件的风险。

Outside of the user experience, though, ISPs may take action against emails containing HTML formatting errors, including sending them to spam or blocking the emails from delivery. But these errors are easy to fix when you use a tool designed to check for them. Google’s 模式标记验证器 is one option, along with HTML 电子邮件检查.

您可以在电子邮件工作流程中建立 HTML 验证,确保在点击发送之前捕捉到任何错误,从而防止今后的电子邮件出现 HTML 错误。

2.创建电子邮件验证记录以验证发件人 ID

互联网服务提供商使用 SPF、DKIM 和 DMARC 协议验证发件人身份,并提高可信电子邮件的可送达性。这些协议使用加密和证书,允许高质量的电子邮件进入客户收件箱,同时过滤掉垃圾邮件、恶意软件和其他不需要的电子邮件。

It’s easy to set up an email authentication record, and doing so will benefit all emails sent from your domain. Check out 谷歌创建认证记录指南 for step-by-step instructions.

3.选择共享 IP 池还是专用 IP 地址

您用来发送电子邮件的 IP 地址会对电子邮件的送达率产生重大影响--无论好坏。糟糕的 IP 信誉会使您更难获得较高的送达率,而良好的 IP 信誉则会使您的电子邮件campaigns 获得成功。

在设置 IP 地址时,企业有两种选择:共享 IP 池和专用 IP 地址。这两种方式各有利弊。 

A shared IP pool bundles many different low-volume email senders into a single address at a much lower cost than setting up your own private IP address. 

Shared pools also come with a built-in reputation, which can be the best feature of this arrangement or its biggest downside: 

  • If the pool’s reputation is strong, you’ll enjoy a low-cost, high-performing foundation for sending email. 

  • 不过,如果该库声誉不佳,就会影响电子邮件的送达。

专用 IP 地址的优势在于你可以控制自己的命运:如果你遵循发送电子邮件的最佳实践,你就会培养出良好的声誉。但这些专用 IP 的价格要高得多,而且在每月发送数十万封电子邮件之前,它们往往不是一个实用的选择。

如果你选择共享 IP 池,那么在签约之前,一定要做足功课,对 IP 池的声誉及其管理者进行审查。



"托尼说:"不要周一发送 5 万封电子邮件,休息两周,然后再发送 500 万封电子邮件。

稳定的发送量会让 ISP 放心,并提高您的收件率。在为您的专用 IP 预热以建立更高的声誉时,这种谨慎的发送量处理方法更为重要。

5.请勿使用 "无回复@"电子邮件地址

无回复 "电子邮件是一种单向信息,无法打开电子邮件发送者与客户之间的沟通渠道。从这种地址发送的邮件会威胁到邮件的可送达性,因为垃圾邮件过滤器更容易对这种类型的邮件不屑一顾,而且会造成糟糕的用户体验。


Years ago, Tony says, the National Geographic Society got rid of the no-reply email. Instead, when you click reply on one of their emails, your message goes straight into the company’s customer service queue. 

"Tony 说:"这一小小的改变改善了用户体验,进而提高了交付能力。

Once you’ve developed a basic infrastructure for supporting email deliverability, you can begin taking steps to optimize your emails for consistent inbox placement. 


1.消除电子邮件 HTML 中的格式错误

简单的 HTML 格式错误会破坏电子邮件体验,扰乱电子邮件布局和可读性。如果错误严重或普遍存在,还会增加收件人将邮件标记为垃圾邮件的风险。

Outside of the user experience, though, ISPs may take action against emails containing HTML formatting errors, including sending them to spam or blocking the emails from delivery. But these errors are easy to fix when you use a tool designed to check for them. Google’s 模式标记验证器 is one option, along with HTML 电子邮件检查.

您可以在电子邮件工作流程中建立 HTML 验证,确保在点击发送之前捕捉到任何错误,从而防止今后的电子邮件出现 HTML 错误。

2.创建电子邮件验证记录以验证发件人 ID

互联网服务提供商使用 SPF、DKIM 和 DMARC 协议验证发件人身份,并提高可信电子邮件的可送达性。这些协议使用加密和证书,允许高质量的电子邮件进入客户收件箱,同时过滤掉垃圾邮件、恶意软件和其他不需要的电子邮件。

It’s easy to set up an email authentication record, and doing so will benefit all emails sent from your domain. Check out 谷歌创建认证记录指南 for step-by-step instructions.

3.选择共享 IP 池还是专用 IP 地址

您用来发送电子邮件的 IP 地址会对电子邮件的送达率产生重大影响--无论好坏。糟糕的 IP 信誉会使您更难获得较高的送达率,而良好的 IP 信誉则会使您的电子邮件campaigns 获得成功。

在设置 IP 地址时,企业有两种选择:共享 IP 池和专用 IP 地址。这两种方式各有利弊。 

A shared IP pool bundles many different low-volume email senders into a single address at a much lower cost than setting up your own private IP address. 

Shared pools also come with a built-in reputation, which can be the best feature of this arrangement or its biggest downside: 

  • If the pool’s reputation is strong, you’ll enjoy a low-cost, high-performing foundation for sending email. 

  • 不过,如果该库声誉不佳,就会影响电子邮件的送达。

专用 IP 地址的优势在于你可以控制自己的命运:如果你遵循发送电子邮件的最佳实践,你就会培养出良好的声誉。但这些专用 IP 的价格要高得多,而且在每月发送数十万封电子邮件之前,它们往往不是一个实用的选择。

如果你选择共享 IP 池,那么在签约之前,一定要做足功课,对 IP 池的声誉及其管理者进行审查。



"托尼说:"不要周一发送 5 万封电子邮件,休息两周,然后再发送 500 万封电子邮件。

稳定的发送量会让 ISP 放心,并提高您的收件率。在为您的专用 IP 预热以建立更高的声誉时,这种谨慎的发送量处理方法更为重要。

5.请勿使用 "无回复@"电子邮件地址

无回复 "电子邮件是一种单向信息,无法打开电子邮件发送者与客户之间的沟通渠道。从这种地址发送的邮件会威胁到邮件的可送达性,因为垃圾邮件过滤器更容易对这种类型的邮件不屑一顾,而且会造成糟糕的用户体验。


Years ago, Tony says, the National Geographic Society got rid of the no-reply email. Instead, when you click reply on one of their emails, your message goes straight into the company’s customer service queue. 

"Tony 说:"这一小小的改变改善了用户体验,进而提高了交付能力。

Once you’ve developed a basic infrastructure for supporting email deliverability, you can begin taking steps to optimize your emails for consistent inbox placement. 


1.消除电子邮件 HTML 中的格式错误

简单的 HTML 格式错误会破坏电子邮件体验,扰乱电子邮件布局和可读性。如果错误严重或普遍存在,还会增加收件人将邮件标记为垃圾邮件的风险。

Outside of the user experience, though, ISPs may take action against emails containing HTML formatting errors, including sending them to spam or blocking the emails from delivery. But these errors are easy to fix when you use a tool designed to check for them. Google’s 模式标记验证器 is one option, along with HTML 电子邮件检查.

您可以在电子邮件工作流程中建立 HTML 验证,确保在点击发送之前捕捉到任何错误,从而防止今后的电子邮件出现 HTML 错误。

2.创建电子邮件验证记录以验证发件人 ID

互联网服务提供商使用 SPF、DKIM 和 DMARC 协议验证发件人身份,并提高可信电子邮件的可送达性。这些协议使用加密和证书,允许高质量的电子邮件进入客户收件箱,同时过滤掉垃圾邮件、恶意软件和其他不需要的电子邮件。

It’s easy to set up an email authentication record, and doing so will benefit all emails sent from your domain. Check out 谷歌创建认证记录指南 for step-by-step instructions.

3.选择共享 IP 池还是专用 IP 地址

您用来发送电子邮件的 IP 地址会对电子邮件的送达率产生重大影响--无论好坏。糟糕的 IP 信誉会使您更难获得较高的送达率,而良好的 IP 信誉则会使您的电子邮件campaigns 获得成功。

在设置 IP 地址时,企业有两种选择:共享 IP 池和专用 IP 地址。这两种方式各有利弊。 

A shared IP pool bundles many different low-volume email senders into a single address at a much lower cost than setting up your own private IP address. 

Shared pools also come with a built-in reputation, which can be the best feature of this arrangement or its biggest downside: 

  • If the pool’s reputation is strong, you’ll enjoy a low-cost, high-performing foundation for sending email. 

  • 不过,如果该库声誉不佳,就会影响电子邮件的送达。

专用 IP 地址的优势在于你可以控制自己的命运:如果你遵循发送电子邮件的最佳实践,你就会培养出良好的声誉。但这些专用 IP 的价格要高得多,而且在每月发送数十万封电子邮件之前,它们往往不是一个实用的选择。

如果你选择共享 IP 池,那么在签约之前,一定要做足功课,对 IP 池的声誉及其管理者进行审查。



"托尼说:"不要周一发送 5 万封电子邮件,休息两周,然后再发送 500 万封电子邮件。

稳定的发送量会让 ISP 放心,并提高您的收件率。在为您的专用 IP 预热以建立更高的声誉时,这种谨慎的发送量处理方法更为重要。

5.请勿使用 "无回复@"电子邮件地址

无回复 "电子邮件是一种单向信息,无法打开电子邮件发送者与客户之间的沟通渠道。从这种地址发送的邮件会威胁到邮件的可送达性,因为垃圾邮件过滤器更容易对这种类型的邮件不屑一顾,而且会造成糟糕的用户体验。


Years ago, Tony says, the National Geographic Society got rid of the no-reply email. Instead, when you click reply on one of their emails, your message goes straight into the company’s customer service queue. 

"Tony 说:"这一小小的改变改善了用户体验,进而提高了交付能力。

利用Bird的Inbox Tracker 强化您的电子邮件送达策略

我们没有理由让电子邮件的送达能力靠手指交叉和猜测来实现。借助Bird'sInbox Tracker 等功能强大的产品,电子邮件营销人员可以利用全面的送达工具和无与伦比的数据,最大限度地提高inbox 投放量,为您的电子邮件策略创造收入。

Here’s how Inbox Tracker can transform and optimize deliverability for your business:


获取和分析您在其他任何地方都找不到的电子邮件洞察力。通过Inbox Tracker,您的企业可以汇总与实际消费者行为相关的数据、邮箱投放数据以及数据驱动的人工智能模拟,从而预测电子邮件的性能。

Inbox Tracker can be paired with Bird’s Competitive Tracker solution to help you benchmark deliverability and other performance metrics against other brands within your industry.


Inbox Tracker 在支出计划的 30 个领域中使用了 100 多项内部检查,使您的企业能够跟踪所有关键发送领域的电子邮件性能。


我们简化的仪表板可轻松监控独立列表和campaigns ,从而改善负责优化送达率的电子邮件营销人员的用户体验。



我们没有理由让电子邮件的送达能力靠手指交叉和猜测来实现。借助Bird'sInbox Tracker 等功能强大的产品,电子邮件营销人员可以利用全面的送达工具和无与伦比的数据,最大限度地提高inbox 投放量,为您的电子邮件策略创造收入。

Here’s how Inbox Tracker can transform and optimize deliverability for your business:


获取和分析您在其他任何地方都找不到的电子邮件洞察力。通过Inbox Tracker,您的企业可以汇总与实际消费者行为相关的数据、邮箱投放数据以及数据驱动的人工智能模拟,从而预测电子邮件的性能。

Inbox Tracker can be paired with Bird’s Competitive Tracker solution to help you benchmark deliverability and other performance metrics against other brands within your industry.


Inbox Tracker 在支出计划的 30 个领域中使用了 100 多项内部检查,使您的企业能够跟踪所有关键发送领域的电子邮件性能。


我们简化的仪表板可轻松监控独立列表和campaigns ,从而改善负责优化送达率的电子邮件营销人员的用户体验。



我们没有理由让电子邮件的送达能力靠手指交叉和猜测来实现。借助Bird'sInbox Tracker 等功能强大的产品,电子邮件营销人员可以利用全面的送达工具和无与伦比的数据,最大限度地提高inbox 投放量,为您的电子邮件策略创造收入。

Here’s how Inbox Tracker can transform and optimize deliverability for your business:


获取和分析您在其他任何地方都找不到的电子邮件洞察力。通过Inbox Tracker,您的企业可以汇总与实际消费者行为相关的数据、邮箱投放数据以及数据驱动的人工智能模拟,从而预测电子邮件的性能。

Inbox Tracker can be paired with Bird’s Competitive Tracker solution to help you benchmark deliverability and other performance metrics against other brands within your industry.


Inbox Tracker 在支出计划的 30 个领域中使用了 100 多项内部检查,使您的企业能够跟踪所有关键发送领域的电子邮件性能。


我们简化的仪表板可轻松监控独立列表和campaigns ,从而改善负责优化送达率的电子邮件营销人员的用户体验。




即使 SMS、社交媒体和其他信息channels 已经崭露头角,电子邮件信息的价值依然存在,而且未来也不会有任何改变的迹象。




优先考虑送达率,保护您的电子邮件投资回报率。更妙的是,让Bird的Inbox Tracker 为您完成繁重的工作--获得最大化电子邮件创收的收益。

Ready to get started? 立即向Bird 申请演示.

即使 SMS、社交媒体和其他信息channels 已经崭露头角,电子邮件信息的价值依然存在,而且未来也不会有任何改变的迹象。




优先考虑送达率,保护您的电子邮件投资回报率。更妙的是,让Bird的Inbox Tracker 为您完成繁重的工作--获得最大化电子邮件创收的收益。

Ready to get started? 立即向Bird 申请演示.

即使 SMS、社交媒体和其他信息channels 已经崭露头角,电子邮件信息的价值依然存在,而且未来也不会有任何改变的迹象。




优先考虑送达率,保护您的电子邮件投资回报率。更妙的是,让Bird的Inbox Tracker 为您完成繁重的工作--获得最大化电子邮件创收的收益。

Ready to get started? 立即向Bird 申请演示.

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点击 "查看Bird",即表示您同意Bird 的规定。