





Engage and Retain: 3 Ways to Keep Your App Users Hooked With Stage-Based Notifications

Customer retention is all about personalization. Here are three proven retention plays based on stages of the customer journey to increase app usage and turn casual users into loyal customers.



Published on

May 30, 2024

Anyone marketing apps in the B2C space could tell you that the money lies not in the endless pursuit of new users, but in holding on to those you already have. 

After all, winning over a new customer is 比重新聘用现有人员的成本高出五倍. Customer retention is worth prioritizing over net-new acquisition because loyalty increases the overall lifetime value of a customer more than new business ever could.

是时候开始将应用程序通知视为客户的生命线了。 They’re a seemingly simple, yet profoundly impactful tool in your customer retention arsenal. Notifications are a unique conduit through which you can engage customers directly with personalized, timely, and relevant messages. Your app notification strategy should be more than reminding users that your app exists; it should guide them through a thoughtful customer journey, offering them a reason to return and a reminder of the value your app brings to their daily lives.

Plus, notifications offer a level of personalization and relevance that turns pings from mere digital noise into valuable touchpoints that foster a deeper connection between users and your brand to become indispensable. 


Anyone marketing apps in the B2C space could tell you that the money lies not in the endless pursuit of new users, but in holding on to those you already have. 

After all, winning over a new customer is 比重新聘用现有人员的成本高出五倍. Customer retention is worth prioritizing over net-new acquisition because loyalty increases the overall lifetime value of a customer more than new business ever could.

是时候开始将应用程序通知视为客户的生命线了。 They’re a seemingly simple, yet profoundly impactful tool in your customer retention arsenal. Notifications are a unique conduit through which you can engage customers directly with personalized, timely, and relevant messages. Your app notification strategy should be more than reminding users that your app exists; it should guide them through a thoughtful customer journey, offering them a reason to return and a reminder of the value your app brings to their daily lives.

Plus, notifications offer a level of personalization and relevance that turns pings from mere digital noise into valuable touchpoints that foster a deeper connection between users and your brand to become indispensable. 


Anyone marketing apps in the B2C space could tell you that the money lies not in the endless pursuit of new users, but in holding on to those you already have. 

After all, winning over a new customer is 比重新聘用现有人员的成本高出五倍. Customer retention is worth prioritizing over net-new acquisition because loyalty increases the overall lifetime value of a customer more than new business ever could.

是时候开始将应用程序通知视为客户的生命线了。 They’re a seemingly simple, yet profoundly impactful tool in your customer retention arsenal. Notifications are a unique conduit through which you can engage customers directly with personalized, timely, and relevant messages. Your app notification strategy should be more than reminding users that your app exists; it should guide them through a thoughtful customer journey, offering them a reason to return and a reminder of the value your app brings to their daily lives.

Plus, notifications offer a level of personalization and relevance that turns pings from mere digital noise into valuable touchpoints that foster a deeper connection between users and your brand to become indispensable. 



Proactive, personalized communication is the key to retaining customers, from the moment they download your app onward. This goes beyond sending “Hey [FIRST NAME]!” messages every once in a while; that’s table stakes nowadays. 

It’s about understanding your users deeply and communicating with them in a way that resonates with their individual needs and preferences, depending on what actions they have or haven’t taken. 



While personalization matters across all stages of the customer journey, you still need to take a distinct approach to each stage: early, mid, and late. By tailoring your strategy based on where each customer is at in their journey, you can maximize the impact of your efforts and keep users more engaged over time. 


Proactive, personalized communication is the key to retaining customers, from the moment they download your app onward. This goes beyond sending “Hey [FIRST NAME]!” messages every once in a while; that’s table stakes nowadays. 

It’s about understanding your users deeply and communicating with them in a way that resonates with their individual needs and preferences, depending on what actions they have or haven’t taken. 



While personalization matters across all stages of the customer journey, you still need to take a distinct approach to each stage: early, mid, and late. By tailoring your strategy based on where each customer is at in their journey, you can maximize the impact of your efforts and keep users more engaged over time. 


Proactive, personalized communication is the key to retaining customers, from the moment they download your app onward. This goes beyond sending “Hey [FIRST NAME]!” messages every once in a while; that’s table stakes nowadays. 

It’s about understanding your users deeply and communicating with them in a way that resonates with their individual needs and preferences, depending on what actions they have or haven’t taken. 



While personalization matters across all stages of the customer journey, you still need to take a distinct approach to each stage: early, mid, and late. By tailoring your strategy based on where each customer is at in their journey, you can maximize the impact of your efforts and keep users more engaged over time. 



There’s one clear goal for customers at the beginning of their journey with their app: Get them to experience the core value of your product as swiftly and smoothly as possible. 

"Everything you do as a marketer should start with the product," says 凯-文克, Head of Product Marketing at Bird. In other words, the best new user communication strategies should focus on making sure customers take the steps necessary to realize your product’s core value quickly, laying the groundwork for sustained engagement.

Consider the intuitive first steps suggested by successful platforms: 

  • 推特 (or X) encourages new users to follow people.

  • TikTok nudges folks to post their first video.

  • 优步 prompts users to add a payment method. 



诀窍在于确定新客户成功所需的初始行动。在这一过程中,需要细致地绘制用户为充分体验产品所提供的服务而必须采取的步骤。无论是创建个人资料、添加支付方式还是组建团队,都要确定新用户从新手到活跃的专家需要通过的关键里程碑。换句话说,让新用户达到他们的 "啊哈!"时刻。

But what happens when a user veers off this path? This is where personalized app notifications and even simple, clear initial messaging both play a crucial role. For example, consider this welcome screen (and captivating invitation to get notifications) from the viral app, 真实.

If users drop off after enabling notifications and using your app, it’s critical to figure out where they left off so you can match the notifications you’re sending to whatever their last action was. Use notifications to nudge users back into the app to complete these mission-critical steps. 

从本质上讲,早期阶段的用户留存就是鼓励用户迈出至关重要的第一步,让他们体验到产品的核心价值. Through a combination of insightful product design and strategic use of notifications, you can significantly assist users in uncovering and appreciating success with your app.

There’s one clear goal for customers at the beginning of their journey with their app: Get them to experience the core value of your product as swiftly and smoothly as possible. 

"Everything you do as a marketer should start with the product," says 凯-文克, Head of Product Marketing at Bird. In other words, the best new user communication strategies should focus on making sure customers take the steps necessary to realize your product’s core value quickly, laying the groundwork for sustained engagement.

Consider the intuitive first steps suggested by successful platforms: 

  • 推特 (or X) encourages new users to follow people.

  • TikTok nudges folks to post their first video.

  • 优步 prompts users to add a payment method. 



诀窍在于确定新客户成功所需的初始行动。在这一过程中,需要细致地绘制用户为充分体验产品所提供的服务而必须采取的步骤。无论是创建个人资料、添加支付方式还是组建团队,都要确定新用户从新手到活跃的专家需要通过的关键里程碑。换句话说,让新用户达到他们的 "啊哈!"时刻。

But what happens when a user veers off this path? This is where personalized app notifications and even simple, clear initial messaging both play a crucial role. For example, consider this welcome screen (and captivating invitation to get notifications) from the viral app, 真实.

If users drop off after enabling notifications and using your app, it’s critical to figure out where they left off so you can match the notifications you’re sending to whatever their last action was. Use notifications to nudge users back into the app to complete these mission-critical steps. 

从本质上讲,早期阶段的用户留存就是鼓励用户迈出至关重要的第一步,让他们体验到产品的核心价值. Through a combination of insightful product design and strategic use of notifications, you can significantly assist users in uncovering and appreciating success with your app.

There’s one clear goal for customers at the beginning of their journey with their app: Get them to experience the core value of your product as swiftly and smoothly as possible. 

"Everything you do as a marketer should start with the product," says 凯-文克, Head of Product Marketing at Bird. In other words, the best new user communication strategies should focus on making sure customers take the steps necessary to realize your product’s core value quickly, laying the groundwork for sustained engagement.

Consider the intuitive first steps suggested by successful platforms: 

  • Twitter (or X) encourages new users to follow people.

  • TikTok nudges folks to post their first video.

  • 优步 prompts users to add a payment method. 



诀窍在于确定新客户成功所需的初始行动。在这一过程中,需要细致地绘制用户为充分体验产品所提供的服务而必须采取的步骤。无论是创建个人资料、添加支付方式还是组建团队,都要确定新用户从新手到活跃的专家需要通过的关键里程碑。换句话说,让新用户达到他们的 "啊哈!"时刻。

But what happens when a user veers off this path? This is where personalized app notifications and even simple, clear initial messaging both play a crucial role. For example, consider this welcome screen (and captivating invitation to get notifications) from the viral app, 真实.

If users drop off after enabling notifications and using your app, it’s critical to figure out where they left off so you can match the notifications you’re sending to whatever their last action was. Use notifications to nudge users back into the app to complete these mission-critical steps. 

从本质上讲,早期阶段的用户留存就是鼓励用户迈出至关重要的第一步,让他们体验到产品的核心价值. Through a combination of insightful product design and strategic use of notifications, you can significantly assist users in uncovering and appreciating success with your app.


Once users get started, the challenge then becomes keeping them engaged. At this crucial juncture, the focus shifts from initial setup to fostering habitual engagement with the core functionalities of your app. 

Your approach here is to encourage repeated, meaningful interactions with your product. At this stage, notifications play a pivotal role, but their nature should change. It’s no longer just about onboarding and initial setup for success; your notifications should now entice users back, inviting them to engage in those actions that deliver core product value, time and again. 

Consider the transition from early to mid-stage as seen in other popular B2C apps. WhatsApp initially prompts users to set up their number and add contacts as a foundational step. As users move into the middle stage, notifications become about incoming messages—alerts designed to draw users back into the app for further communication, thus embedding the app more deeply into their daily routine.

Similarly, educational and fitness apps like 多语言学习 and Strava begin by encouraging users to start a new language learning course or a running habit. Progressing into the middle stage, notifications evolve to celebrate streaks or milestones like, "Maintain your three-day streak!" 

These messages are not just reminders, but motivational nudges to inspire greater commitment to the app. 

Mid-stage retention efforts, like all retention efforts, need to keep personalization at the forefront. By leveraging data on user behavior and preferences, apps can tailor notifications in a way that feels personal and relevant to each user in this middle stage. 

For example, 声音 may send a notification like: 



Once users get started, the challenge then becomes keeping them engaged. At this crucial juncture, the focus shifts from initial setup to fostering habitual engagement with the core functionalities of your app. 

Your approach here is to encourage repeated, meaningful interactions with your product. At this stage, notifications play a pivotal role, but their nature should change. It’s no longer just about onboarding and initial setup for success; your notifications should now entice users back, inviting them to engage in those actions that deliver core product value, time and again. 

Consider the transition from early to mid-stage as seen in other popular B2C apps. WhatsApp initially prompts users to set up their number and add contacts as a foundational step. As users move into the middle stage, notifications become about incoming messages—alerts designed to draw users back into the app for further communication, thus embedding the app more deeply into their daily routine.

Similarly, educational and fitness apps like 多语言学习 and Strava begin by encouraging users to start a new language learning course or a running habit. Progressing into the middle stage, notifications evolve to celebrate streaks or milestones like, "Maintain your three-day streak!" 

These messages are not just reminders, but motivational nudges to inspire greater commitment to the app. 

Mid-stage retention efforts, like all retention efforts, need to keep personalization at the forefront. By leveraging data on user behavior and preferences, apps can tailor notifications in a way that feels personal and relevant to each user in this middle stage. 

For example, 声音 may send a notification like: 



Once users get started, the challenge then becomes keeping them engaged. At this crucial juncture, the focus shifts from initial setup to fostering habitual engagement with the core functionalities of your app. 

Your approach here is to encourage repeated, meaningful interactions with your product. At this stage, notifications play a pivotal role, but their nature should change. It’s no longer just about onboarding and initial setup for success; your notifications should now entice users back, inviting them to engage in those actions that deliver core product value, time and again. 

Consider the transition from early to mid-stage as seen in other popular B2C apps. WhatsApp initially prompts users to set up their number and add contacts as a foundational step. As users move into the middle stage, notifications become about incoming messages—alerts designed to draw users back into the app for further communication, thus embedding the app more deeply into their daily routine.

Similarly, educational and fitness apps like 多语言学习 and Strava begin by encouraging users to start a new language learning course or a running habit. Progressing into the middle stage, notifications evolve to celebrate streaks or milestones like, "Maintain your three-day streak!" 

These messages are not just reminders, but motivational nudges to inspire greater commitment to the app. 

Mid-stage retention efforts, like all retention efforts, need to keep personalization at the forefront. By leveraging data on user behavior and preferences, apps can tailor notifications in a way that feels personal and relevant to each user in this middle stage. 

For example, 声音 may send a notification like: 




For late-stage users, customer retention is all about re-engagement and deepening the relationship between the user and the product. These are users who have integrated the app into their routines but, for various reasons, may have started to drift away. 

The key question, as Kay puts it, is this: "When somebody is currently using your product but breaks their habit, how do we jump in as soon as we see somebody disengaging?" 

It takes a nuanced approach to navigate those moments of wavering interest. Top brands lean on incentives and strategic communications to rekindle the user's commitment to your app. 在这一阶段,提供折扣是吸引用户回头的一个直接而高效的策略。 For example, a user who hasn't taken an Uber ride in over a month might change their tune if they had a 10% discount on their next ride. 



  • 基于用户过去行为的个性化建议

  • 受邀体验独家新功能

  • 平移用户可能认为有价值的见解



For late-stage users, customer retention is all about re-engagement and deepening the relationship between the user and the product. These are users who have integrated the app into their routines but, for various reasons, may have started to drift away. 

The key question, as Kay puts it, is this: "When somebody is currently using your product but breaks their habit, how do we jump in as soon as we see somebody disengaging?" 

It takes a nuanced approach to navigate those moments of wavering interest. Top brands lean on incentives and strategic communications to rekindle the user's commitment to your app. 在这一阶段,提供折扣是吸引用户回头的一个直接而高效的策略。 For example, a user who hasn't taken an Uber ride in over a month might change their tune if they had a 10% discount on their next ride. 



  • 基于用户过去行为的个性化建议

  • 受邀体验独家新功能

  • 平移用户可能认为有价值的见解



For late-stage users, customer retention is all about re-engagement and deepening the relationship between the user and the product. These are users who have integrated the app into their routines but, for various reasons, may have started to drift away. 

The key question, as Kay puts it, is this: "When somebody is currently using your product but breaks their habit, how do we jump in as soon as we see somebody disengaging?" 

It takes a nuanced approach to navigate those moments of wavering interest. Top brands lean on incentives and strategic communications to rekindle the user's commitment to your app. 在这一阶段,提供折扣是吸引用户回头的一个直接而高效的策略。 For example, a user who hasn't taken an Uber ride in over a month might change their tune if they had a 10% discount on their next ride. 



  • 基于用户过去行为的个性化建议

  • 受邀体验独家新功能

  • 平移用户可能认为有价值的见解




If you’ve taken nothing else away from this guide, take this: You can’t just ping all of your users with the same notifications and expect great retention results. You have to segment your customer base and tailor your alerts to meet people where they’re at within your product. 

一旦您的应用程序留存策略开始运行,就应跟踪绩效,找出真正能提高用户参与度和业务成果的方法。 Key down-funnel metrics such as these should be your compass in this endeavor:

  • 转换率

  • 创收

  • 保留率

  • Average lifetime customer value 

For instance, monitoring your customer retention rate provides insight into the long-term viability of your app, while average lifetime customer value sheds light on the economic impact of each user. 

However, influencing these metrics hinges on your ability to engage users meaningfully at each stage of their journey. This is where the precision and flexibility of a platform like Bird become invaluable. 

If you’ve taken nothing else away from this guide, take this: You can’t just ping all of your users with the same notifications and expect great retention results. You have to segment your customer base and tailor your alerts to meet people where they’re at within your product. 

一旦您的应用程序留存策略开始运行,就应跟踪绩效,找出真正能提高用户参与度和业务成果的方法。 Key down-funnel metrics such as these should be your compass in this endeavor:

  • 转换率

  • 创收

  • 保留率

  • Average lifetime customer value 

For instance, monitoring your customer retention rate provides insight into the long-term viability of your app, while average lifetime customer value sheds light on the economic impact of each user. 

However, influencing these metrics hinges on your ability to engage users meaningfully at each stage of their journey. This is where the precision and flexibility of a platform like Bird become invaluable. 

If you’ve taken nothing else away from this guide, take this: You can’t just ping all of your users with the same notifications and expect great retention results. You have to segment your customer base and tailor your alerts to meet people where they’re at within your product. 

一旦您的应用程序留存策略开始运行,就应跟踪绩效,找出真正能提高用户参与度和业务成果的方法。 Key down-funnel metrics such as these should be your compass in this endeavor:

  • 转换率

  • 创收

  • 保留率

  • Average lifetime customer value 

For instance, monitoring your customer retention rate provides insight into the long-term viability of your app, while average lifetime customer value sheds light on the economic impact of each user. 

However, influencing these metrics hinges on your ability to engage users meaningfully at each stage of their journey. This is where the precision and flexibility of a platform like Bird become invaluable. 


With Bird, sending timely, tailored notifications across all your communication channels—be it 电子邮件, push, WhatsApp, or 短信—becomes not just feasible, but effortlessly integrated into your overall retention strategy. 

Bird 使团队能够根据每个用户当前的参与阶段、过去的购买和互动历史以及个人偏好提供个性化的沟通。利用这样的工具,您可以根据用户不断变化的需求无缝调整您的沟通策略,无论他们是新加入的用户、稳定参与的用户,还是面临脱离风险的用户。

Make every interaction with your app meaningful, satisfying, and, above all, worth returning to with a hand from our team. 立即申请Bird 演示.

With Bird, sending timely, tailored notifications across all your communication channels—be it email, push, WhatsApp, or 短信—becomes not just feasible, but effortlessly integrated into your overall retention strategy. 

Bird 使团队能够根据每个用户当前的参与阶段、过去的购买和互动历史以及个人偏好提供个性化的沟通。利用这样的工具,您可以根据用户不断变化的需求无缝调整您的沟通策略,无论他们是新加入的用户、稳定参与的用户,还是面临脱离风险的用户。

Make every interaction with your app meaningful, satisfying, and, above all, worth returning to with a hand from our team. 立即申请Bird 演示.

With Bird, sending timely, tailored notifications across all your communication channels—be it email, push, WhatsApp, or 短信—becomes not just feasible, but effortlessly integrated into your overall retention strategy. 

Bird 使团队能够根据每个用户当前的参与阶段、过去的购买和互动历史以及个人偏好提供个性化的沟通。利用这样的工具,您可以根据用户不断变化的需求无缝调整您的沟通策略,无论他们是新加入的用户、稳定参与的用户,还是面临脱离风险的用户。

Make every interaction with your app meaningful, satisfying, and, above all, worth returning to with a hand from our team. 立即申请Bird 演示.

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