

Getting more data from each 短信 message you send with MessageBird

Jan 11, 2021










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It is all about data nowadays. Especially with messaging, we want to understand what happened with our messages: like where they were delivered, or how much they cost. When sending a marketing campaign, for example, you need to know how much the messages cost in order to know the ROI of the campaign. 

Seeing this demand, MessageBird’s SMS API will now include information on the price per message and metadata like country and operators’ names for every SMS message you send with us. This should help improve the communications you send to your users and give you more insight around those messages. We will perform this change as a gradual rollout over the next two weeks. 

That means that you can get all the information you need without sending a message to our dear Customer Success team. You can also integrate that information into your own Business Intelligence tools for reporting purposes. Our hope is to enable as much autonomy and velocity on decision making for our customers as possible.

What’s the update? 

We’ve upgraded our SMS API to provide price information, currency, country and operator names, status reasons, and more on its response and in the report webhook URL. So, on top of the current information we share, the SMS API response will now provide fields like:

  • 收件人国家:收件人号码所属的国家名称

  • 收件人国家前缀:国际国家代码号码(如+31,+58等)。

  • 接收方运营商。MCCMNC代码和号码所属的网络运营商名称

  • 信息长度:信息正文的字符数

  • 状态原因:对信息的状态原因的书面描述。例如,如果它失败了,为什么会失败

  • 价格:它被计费的那条具体信息的价格成本

  • 货币:特定信息的计费货币


  • 每条信息的成本 - 以前,你需要查看我们的仪表板以了解事后的信息成本。现在,你将实时或通过状态报告获得短信的确切成本。你也可以将这些信息整合到你自己的商业智能系统中。

  • Descriptive Naming —  Now you will receive descriptive country and operator names, useful for your own reporting and BI processes, along with the pertinent MCCMNC codes.

  • Character Count and Cost — Now, you can understand how many characters a message has and the related costs per message part. 


现在API的响应将包括这个新的信息,见下面的 "statusDatetime "行。


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ǞǞǞ right message ->right person ->right time.

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Your new standard in Marketing, Pay & Sales. It's Bird

ǞǞǞ right message ->right person ->right time.

By clicking "See Bird" you agree to Bird's 隐私声明.