Apa yang dimaksud dengan penelusuran bersama dan bagaimana cara kerjanya untuk interaksi pelanggan?

Apa yang dimaksud dengan penelusuran bersama dan bagaimana cara kerjanya untuk interaksi pelanggan?

Apa yang dimaksud dengan penelusuran bersama dan bagaimana cara kerjanya untuk interaksi pelanggan?

Sep 16, 2021

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What is co-browsing and how does it work for customer interaction?

Co-browsing is short for 'collaborating browsing' - simultaneously navigating the same web page with your customer. We all know the frustration of having to try to explain in kata-kata where to click on a web page, or how to fill out a form correctly… Not efficient, not very engaging, not helpful - even if you’re screen sharing.

There’s a much easier way to interact with customers on a screen: co-browsing. It allows you and your customer to navigate the same web page bersama, di same time! Learn what co-browsing is and how to use it for remote customer contact in this blog.

Apa yang dimaksud dengan penelusuran bersama?

Co-browsing adalah singkatan dari 'penjelajahan kolaboratif', yang berarti ketika dua orang menjelajahi halaman web yang sama - pada waktu yang sama.

Dengan begitu, kedua peserta dalam sesi penelusuran bersama dapat melihat apa yang dilakukan orang lain di layar. Dan mereka dapat menunjukkan bagaimana mereka menavigasi halaman web itu sendiri, dengan mengetik, menavigasi, menggerakkan mouse, dan menggambar di halaman web bersama.

For remote contact with customers, co-browsing allows your agents to securely browse a website together with a customer. On a Bird video call, agents browse the same web page together with a customer real-time during the video call. The great thing is, it all works over the internet - no-one has to download and install any software to co-browse. 

In short, co-browsing helps you to make talking to your advisors via a video call even more personal and interactive for your customers. 


Apa bedanya dengan berbagi layar?

The number 1 difference between co-browsing and screen sharing, is that co-browsing is interactive - or ‘collaborative’. It’s no one-way traffic but instead allows both your agent and the customer joining in a video call to actively browse together.

And on top of being collaborative, co-browsing is simultaneous or sinkron. Screen sharing, on the other hand, is always asynchronous: only one person at a time can share mereka screen. For example, only after the customer is done screen sharing can an agent take over to show what they’re looking at on their screen.

Selain itu, penelusuran bersama memiliki akses yang lebih ketat. Sesi penelusuran bersama hanya memberikan akses ke penelusuran simultan pada halaman web tertentu, sedangkan berbagi layar memungkinkan pemirsa melihat seluruh tab, browser, atau aplikasi milik pembagi.


Bagaimana cara kerja penelusuran bersama?

Co-browsing is easy to use. For most Customer Interaction solutions, it works with just a click on a button or an invitation link, then followed by a check for either the agent or the customer to authorize the co-browse session.

You can easily start co-browsing while on a video call with a customer. In Bird Video, there are 2 ways to prompt a session: 

  1. You can co-browse during a video call, by sending the customer an invitation link to co-navigate a specific, pre-selected web page together. 

  2. Atau agen dapat memulai penelusuran bersama secara ad hoc, dengan cara eskalasi. Ketika pelanggan sudah menavigasi halaman web sendiri, agen memulai sesi penelusuran bersama dari halaman tersebut. Klien kemudian diminta oleh pesan pop-up untuk menerima sesi penelusuran bersama.

Both the customer and the agent can end a co-browsing session any time during the video call. 

Hal yang keren? Klien Anda tidak harus sudah melakukan panggilan video Bird . Ini berarti Anda juga dapat menggunakan penjelajahan bersama untuk Pusat Kontak Anda, misalnya, sebagai peningkatan dari percakapan obrolan atau panggilan telepon yang sudah Anda lakukan dengan pelanggan. Segera setelah pelanggan menerima, dia mulai menavigasi halaman web yang sama dengan agen, secara real-time.


Apa bedanya dengan solusi Teams atau Memperbesar?

You can share you screen, but Zoom and Microsoft Teams don’t offer the option to co-browse by default. It is only available by adding an extension by a third-party co-browsing provider (Zoom has a solution for requesting 'Remote control' over another user’s desktop, but this is a one-way control - without interaction).

That’s because solutions like Zoom or Teams are not optimised for panggilan video dengan pelanggan. The benefit of using technology for Customer Engagement is that it’s always secure for your customers and doesn’t require anyone to download any software.


Apakah penjelajahan bersama aman? Bagaimana dengan privasi?

Ya, penelusuran bersama dengan pelanggan itu aman. Jika Anda ingin melakukan penelusuran bersama dalam suasana interaksi dengan pelanggan, teknologi untuk Keterlibatan Pelanggan yang Anda gunakan harus memiliki beberapa mekanisme keamanan.

Co-browsing with Bird Video is entirely secure. It protects your customer's privacy. A cobrowse session can only be activated with the client’s permission: when an agent would like to start co-browsing, customers always receive a pesan pop-up untuk memberikan akses. They are then asked to masukkan kode sandi before the co-browsing session can start.

And for privacy reasons, sensitive customer information can be hidden from agents to see. You can choose to add custom bidang topeng to ‘my environment’ or personal login pages on your website, so the agent won’t be able to view a client’s credit card number or balance, for example.

Agen tidak dapat mengambil alih kendali atas komputer pelanggan. Ketika mereka melakukan penelusuran bersama, mereka hanya dapat melihat, mengeklik, atau menggambar di layar klien ketika menavigasi halaman web yang telah dipilih sebelumnya (dengan kode khusus yang dipasang). Baik agen maupun pelanggan dapat memilih untuk mengakhiri sesi penelusuran bersama kapan saja.


Cara menggunakan penelusuran bersama untuk berinteraksi dengan pelanggan

These are some already validated examples of how to use co-browsing to make remote contact with your customers more interactive.

Dukungan interaktif

Offer live support to help customers navigate your website and show them where to find helpful information.


Mengisi formulir dengan pelanggan

Fill out forms and applications together with your customer, guiding them through the process in real-time. For example, you can help clients fill out an insurance claim, or review it together after it has been filed.

And if you add co-browsing to video banking, you can assist customers with their online mortgage application, for example.

Percakapan penjualan

Give two-way interactive sales demos, more engaging for your prospects.

And when customers are logged in to their personal client portal while talking to a financial advisor about a new mortgage, loan or insurance product, co-browsing can help to show them how to make calculations or how to use other resources in the client portal.

Umpan Balik tentang Pengalaman Pengguna

While observing how customers navigate through a web page, your agents can use co-browsing as an opportunity to review its usability and UX (user experience) real-time. That way you can keep improving your app or website pages' user experience.


Manfaat penelusuran bersama

 To sum it all up, the biggest benefit of co-browsing is: ‘Show, don’t tell’. You no longer have to ‘tell’ your customers, but you can actively show and even guide them through a page on your website or client portal - while you’re talking to them.

Co-browsing adalah solusi terbaik untuk meniru percakapan tatap muka dengan pelanggan, namun tetap dari jarak jauh dan nyaman.

Manfaat bagi pelanggan Anda

Agen dan penasihat dapat menavigasi halaman web dengan aman bersama pelanggan. Mereka dapat mengarahkan, memberi keterangan, dan mengeklik layar yang dijelajahi bersama (tetapi tentu saja hanya dengan izin klien).

Klien Anda mendapatkan layanan interaktif ekstra. Selain itu, penjelajahan bersama sangat mudah digunakan dan aman.


Manfaat untuk agen

Izinkan agen Anda untuk memberikan pengalaman panggilan video yang lebih personal

  • Membantu pelanggan dengan lebih cepat: agents can answer questions as soon as they arise, by showing customers the answer on the website or in the client portal

  • Avoid misunderstandings & improve customer satisfaction.You can guide clients through complex information, forms, processes or documents together in real-time

  • Dapatkan efisiensi dalam alur kerja layanan pelanggan. Showing and doing helps customers to discover information for themselves. Which in turn increases the number of tickets solved, and decrease the amount of ticket re-opens.

  • Meningkatkan tingkat konversi. By explaining your products with an even more visual & interactive experience during sales demos

  • Terus meningkatkan Pengalaman Pengguna untuk pelanggan. Thanks ke live customer feedback you're receiving during co-browsing sessions.

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