Keep your customers and teams in the loop

Keep your customers and teams in the loop

Keep your customers and teams in the loop

Send notifications and alerts on via email or messaging app to ensure users and staff are informed and alerted on time.

Send notifications and alerts on via email or messaging app to ensure users and staff are informed and alerted on time.

Send notifications and alerts on via email or messaging app to ensure users and staff are informed and alerted on time.

Trusted by over 25,000 businesses

Send on any channel

Deliver notifications and alerts on any channel, including SMS, WhatsApp, Email, and more.

Customize your logic

Send automated fallbacks or trigger notifications based on your own events using our APIs.

Send notifications at scale

Reliably reach any device thanks to our global carrier network and channel coverage.

Get actionable insights

Constantly learn and optimize marketing journeys using built-in reports and reporting APIs.

Send omnichannel communications

Send omnichannel communications

Send omnichannel communications

Reach customers and staff on preferred channels, including SMS, WhatsApp, Email, Messenger, Instagram, and more.

Automate without code

Automate without code

Automate without code

Take advantage of our drag-and-drop visual automation application: Flow Builder — to fully customize and automate your alerts and notifications, without writing code.

Go beyond one-way notifications

Go beyond one-way notifications

Go beyond one-way notifications

Leverage interactive and rich messaging features to enhance your alerts and notifications. Enable recipients to acknowledge alerts, and add call-to-actions to streamline workflows, and more.

Buttons and List Prompts

Image, Video, and Location sharing

Rich Link Previews

Omnichannel chatbots

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The AI-first CRM for Marketing, Service and Payments

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The AI-first CRM for Marketing, Service and Payments

By clicking "Get a Demo" you agree to Bird's

The AI-first CRM for Marketing, Service and Payments

By clicking "Get a Demo" you agree to Bird's