Das ist der E-Mail-Unterschied! Transaktions- vs. Werbe-E-Mails

Das ist der E-Mail-Unterschied! Transaktions- vs. Werbe-E-Mails

It’s Die Email Difference! Transaktions- vs. Werbe-E-Mails

Understanding the Rules and Best Practices That Ensure Your Email Hits the Inbox

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Transaktions- vs. Werbe-E-Mails

Die line between transactional and commercial emails sometimes can be ambiguous, but both laws and industry best practices for deliverability require that some aspects, like opt-in and unsubscribe, be treated in very specific ways depending upon the message type. That’s why the team at SparkPost has created this infographic to help you understand the difference between transactional vs commercial email. It’s the email difference!

  • Transaktions-E-Mails are sent in response to a user’s interaction with a website or an app and are defined in strictly functional terms. Examples include password resets, shipping notifications, receipts, legal notices, and so on.

  • Kommerzielle E-Mails are sent to a list of recipients who have opted-in for promotional content from your brand. Examples include sales offers, newsletters, new product updates, email designed to increase user engagement, and onboarding, etc.

Ganz gleich, ob Sie eine Transaktions-E-Mail oder eine Werbe-E-Mail versenden, stellen Sie sicher, dass Ihre Nachricht ankommt, gelesen wird und Eindruck hinterlässt. Wenn Sie einige einfache Best Practices befolgen, können Sie sicherstellen, dass Ihre E-Mails ihr Ziel erreichen und nicht im Spam-Ordner landen.

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