Aufschlüsselung der E-Mail-Aktivitäten am Black Friday und Cyber Monday 2022 (und was Sie tun können, um die Durchschnittswerte zu übertreffen)

Aufschlüsselung der E-Mail-Aktivitäten am Black Friday und Cyber Monday 2022 (und was Sie tun können, um die Durchschnittswerte zu übertreffen)

Aufschlüsselung der E-Mail-Aktivitäten am Black Friday und Cyber Monday 2022 (und was Sie tun können, um die Durchschnittswerte zu übertreffen)

Dec 21, 2022

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Breaking down email activity during Black Friday and Cyber Monday 2022 (and what you can do to beat the averages)


Der Black Friday und der Cyber Monday im Jahr 2022 liegen hinter uns, und es bleiben noch zwei Wochen im Dezember. Lassen Sie uns einen Blick darauf werfen, was wir bisher an weihnachtlichen E-Mails im Einzelhandel gesehen haben, und die wichtigsten Erkenntnisse und Best Practices für eine erfolgreiche Unterstützung der Feiertage austauschen.

For retailers, there is no more important season than the Christmas Holiday period, which mostly comprises November and December.  Depending on the retail vertical, Holiday can generate up to 35% of annual retail sales, and drive an even larger percentage of annual profits.  Email marketing has become an enormous supporter of the Holiday promotional effort.

Conventional wisdom places the gateway to Holiday as the Black Friday/Cyber Monday weekend period, immediately following the U.S. Thanksgiving holiday.  And in fact, supporting that entry is where we see the bulk of related email activity truly ramp up.  

Was wir sehen

Bird deployed about 3.2 billion emails this year on behalf of senders on each of Black Friday and Cyber Monday. This is up from the two-week average of 2.4 billion prior to Black Friday.

And that’s only what Bird sent.  Die table below shows sixteen billion total Black Friday and Cyber Monday emails observed across eight retail verticals in a permissioned global consumer panel whose email we track.

(*Hinweis:  Read Rate is our proxy for Open Rate.)

Black Friday and Cyber Monday themes are extensively used in early Holiday email.  Die highest volumes were sent by Apparel, Accessories, Retail and Department Stores (4.2m and 4.4m respectively); Toys and Games sent the lowest.  Excepting Sporting Goods, all categories drove inboxing to 90% or higher.  Read rates cluster in the 12-14% range, with Retail and Department Stores the highest, and Jewellery and Watches the lowest.  

Allerdings machen E-Mails mit dem Thema Schwarzer Freitag/Geburtstag nur einen kleinen Teil des Gesamtvolumens aus, das von diesen Versendern in diesem Zeitraum verschickt wird. In keiner dieser Branchen übersteigt der Anteil der E-Mails mit dem Thema "Schwarzer Freitag/Geburtstag" 16 % des gesamten E-Mail-Aufkommens der jeweiligen Branche in diesem Zeitraum.

That distinction is important.  Black Friday/Cyber Monday-themed mailings tend to be promotional, with aggressive discount offers.  These are less focused on individual merchandise categories curated and personalized for specific customer segments.  The more targeted approach usually reflects other Holiday period mailings.  As a result, the latter also tend to drive somewhat higher subscriber engagement. 

Wichtigste Erkenntnisse

One noteworthy takeaway from our observations is the importance of recognizing the realities of  event timing in planning Holiday email activity.

  • Amazon mit seiner riesigen Zielgruppe, seiner Marktdominanz und seinem ausgeklügelten E-Mail-System hat in der Regel seine saisonalen campaigns lange vor den meisten anderen Einzelhändlern auf den Markt gebracht. Die Wettbewerber müssen sich dieses Musters bewusst sein und entsprechend planen.

  • Even aside from “Black Friday” having long ago been co-opted by almost everyone as a year-round promotional device, the fact is that Black Friday and other Holiday promotions are appearing earlier and earlier in the retail’s fall season.  We’re seeing evidence of increasing Holiday references even before September.  Concerns about supply chain issues may account for some of this earlier emphasis.

  • Verweise auf den "Cyber Monday" und Werbeaktionen erstrecken sich jetzt in der Regel auf die "Cyber Week" oder die "Cyber Days", die bis weit in den Dezember hinein sichtbar sind.

  • Finally, the retail Holiday season doesn’t end on December 25th.  With post-Christmas clearance and other promotional events, related activity usually extends through much of January.  

Wie man die durchschnittliche Leistung der Branche übertrifft

Email best practices that properly address the importance of Holiday are not unique to Holiday.  But these best practices take on more importance during Holiday, because it’s of such critical importance. These best practices are all focused on optimizing inbox performance and user engagement, as the two metrics are symbiotically related by the importance attached to engagement in ISP spam-filtering protocols. And we can’t overstate the importance of optimizing inbox performance. Messages that don’t reach the inbox can’t be opened, clicked-on or bought from. Forrester has stated, “Take deliverability seriously, or leave money on the table.”  If you monetize your email programs and know their value, you can easily show the annual revenue upside of even small improvements in inbox performance. Many factors can affect the outcome, but we’ve seen cases where even a 1% improvement in email inboxing can yield a 5% improvement in related revenue.

Akquisition von Abonnenten


  • Verwenden Sie ein aktives, positives Opt-in-Protokoll bei der Gewinnung von E-Mail-Abonnenten für Ihre Werbe- oder Marketing-E-Mails.

  • Verzichten Sie auf jede Form des passiven Opt-in, bei dem der potenzielle Abonnent im Kleingedruckten als Teil eines Kaufvorgangs automatisch zugestimmt wird, mit oder ohne die Möglichkeit, ein Opt-in-Kästchen zu deaktivieren oder sich anderweitig abzumelden.

  • Wir raten aktiv von der Verwendung gekaufter E-Mail-Listen ab, da diese in der Regel teuer und unproduktiv sind und eine große Quelle für Spam-Beschwerden darstellen.

Die Bedeutung von Willkommens-E-Mails

  • Promptly acknowledge an opt-in, ideally with a Welcome email zum new subscriber, which arrives within minutes of the opt-in.  The Welcome email should include a description of the type and frequency of messages to be sent, as well as clear opt-out procedures. 


  • Adressbereinigung: All new email addresses should be subject to basic screening to ensure that they contain essential and valid elements.  Your ESP will almost certainly perform this service.

  • Regelmäßige Bearbeitung von Adressänderungen per E-Mail (ECOA): A significant percentage of email addresses become undeliverable every year.  The main reason is that your subscribers change their email addresses and fail to notify you.  You may see this happening through the emails that ‘bounce’ or become longtime open/click inactives. There are vendors who can help you do this.  They will then send out a Permission Message zum updated email addresses, to ensure deliverability and permission.  This message includes an email change of address link, permitting the capture of the customers’ current preferred email address.

  • Erleichterung der Adressänderung von Abonnenten per E-Mail: Your website and emails should contain clear indication of how a subscriber can change an email address.  A significant number of email opt-outs are merely trying to change their email addresses.  During the opt-out process, ask the subscriber if they’re actually trying to change their email address, and if so, divert to that process instead.  That way, the entire subscriber record can be saved.


  • Senden Sie keine E-Mails an Kunden, die in den letzten 90-180 Tagen Ihre E-Mails nicht geöffnet/angeklickt und/oder Ihre Website nicht besucht haben und in den letzten zwölf Monaten nicht gekauft haben.

  • Consider re-opt-in/reactivation programs for inactives (however defined).  In these, the targeted email/purchase inactive subscriber is acknowledged as such, and asked if s/he wishes to continue receiving your email. Although these are important programs, they should not be attempted during the Holiday period, given the inbox risks associated with over-mailing into inactive audiences.

Relevanz Targeting

  • A large driver of spam complaints and email opt-outs are untargeted or mistargeted messages.  A subscriber is much more likely to engage with an email if it’s relevant; that is, targeted to likely customer interests, based on data reflecting customer location, status, preference and browse/purchase behavior.  Audience and program optimization require considerable data and programming resources, but successful execution drives improved audience engagement, which In turn drives better inbox performance.

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