





The Complete Guide to Apple Messages for Business

Explore iOS customer marketing with Apple Messages for Business—your key to unlocking a new world of customer engagement.



Published on

Jul 1, 2024

Modern customers expect you to meet them where they are—and “where they are,” these days, is on iPhones, iPads, Apple Watches, and Macs. 

In fact, more than 14.6 亿人 worldwide are using iPhones. In the U.S. alone, 几乎每个人 you meet owns one. Looking at the up-and-coming generation, about 90% 的青少年 own an iPhone—and intend to keep buying iPhones as they become adults. 

But not all businesses are jumping at the opportunity to speak to the growing iOS audience, which is a huge missed opportunity. Apple Messages for Business could be just the golden ticket your brand needs to reach your customers where they spend most of their digital communications time: right in their Messages app. 

有了适用于商务的 Apple 信息,你就能与受众建立联系,这种方式不仅方便受众,而且让他们感觉就像给朋友发短信一样个性化和熟悉。

Modern customers expect you to meet them where they are—and “where they are,” these days, is on iPhones, iPads, Apple Watches, and Macs. 

In fact, more than 14.6 亿人 worldwide are using iPhones. In the U.S. alone, 几乎每个人 you meet owns one. Looking at the up-and-coming generation, about 90% 的青少年 own an iPhone—and intend to keep buying iPhones as they become adults. 

But not all businesses are jumping at the opportunity to speak to the growing iOS audience, which is a huge missed opportunity. Apple Messages for Business could be just the golden ticket your brand needs to reach your customers where they spend most of their digital communications time: right in their Messages app. 

有了适用于商务的 Apple 信息,你就能与受众建立联系,这种方式不仅方便受众,而且让他们感觉就像给朋友发短信一样个性化和熟悉。

Modern customers expect you to meet them where they are—and “where they are,” these days, is on iPhones, iPads, Apple Watches, and Macs. 

In fact, more than 14.6 亿人 worldwide are using iPhones. In the U.S. alone, 几乎每个人 you meet owns one. Looking at the up-and-coming generation, about 90% 的青少年 own an iPhone—and intend to keep buying iPhones as they become adults. 

But not all businesses are jumping at the opportunity to speak to the growing iOS audience, which is a huge missed opportunity. Apple Messages for Business could be just the golden ticket your brand needs to reach your customers where they spend most of their digital communications time: right in their Messages app. 

有了适用于商务的 Apple 信息,你就能与受众建立联系,这种方式不仅方便受众,而且让他们感觉就像给朋友发短信一样个性化和熟悉。

什么是 Apple 商用信息?

企业版 Apple Messages 通过 iOS 设备上熟悉且广泛使用的 "信息 "应用程序将企业与其客户直接联系起来。这是一款集成到 Apple 生态系统中的强大工具,旨在促进企业与客户之间无缝、高效和个性化的沟通。

Apple Messages for Business 的核心是利用原生 iOS 消息平台的流行性和直观设计。这意味着客户可以像发送短信一样轻松地与企业进行互动,而且还增加了专为专业互动定制的功能。

对于任何希望开发 iOS 用户群的企业来说,采用 Apple 企业信息都是明智之举。它可以让客户通过 iPhone、iPad 或 Mac 进行更方便、安全和个性化的互动。

企业版 Apple Messages 通过 iOS 设备上熟悉且广泛使用的 "信息 "应用程序将企业与其客户直接联系起来。这是一款集成到 Apple 生态系统中的强大工具,旨在促进企业与客户之间无缝、高效和个性化的沟通。

Apple Messages for Business 的核心是利用原生 iOS 消息平台的流行性和直观设计。这意味着客户可以像发送短信一样轻松地与企业进行互动,而且还增加了专为专业互动定制的功能。

对于任何希望开发 iOS 用户群的企业来说,采用 Apple 企业信息都是明智之举。它可以让客户通过 iPhone、iPad 或 Mac 进行更方便、安全和个性化的互动。

企业版 Apple Messages 通过 iOS 设备上熟悉且广泛使用的 "信息 "应用程序将企业与其客户直接联系起来。这是一款集成到 Apple 生态系统中的强大工具,旨在促进企业与客户之间无缝、高效和个性化的沟通。

Apple Messages for Business 的核心是利用原生 iOS 消息平台的流行性和直观设计。这意味着客户可以像发送短信一样轻松地与企业进行互动,而且还增加了专为专业互动定制的功能。

对于任何希望开发 iOS 用户群的企业来说,采用 Apple 企业信息都是明智之举。它可以让客户通过 iPhone、iPad 或 Mac 进行更方便、安全和个性化的互动。

为什么要使用 Apple 信息商务版?

Apple Messages for Business is the up-and-coming way to drive customer engagement and meet your customers on Messages—an app they already love. 

以下是将 Apple 解决方案整合到你的参与策略中后,你将为客户带来的一些好处:

  • 覆盖更广泛的受众: With over a billion active iPhone users globally​​, using Apple Messages for Business puts you in direct contact with a vast and growing audience that represents 占高端智能手机市场 70% 以上的份额.

  • 让用户感到熟悉和方便: The familiarity of the Messages app for iOS users means there's virtually no learning curve. Customers can communicate with your business as easily as they would text a sibling.

  • 增强客户体验: With rich media, like photos, videos and links and direct, immediate customer support, Apple Messages for Business elevates and personalizes the customer experience beyond simple text messages.

  • 与 iOS 功能无缝集成: Integration with Apple Pay and calendar makes finding products, completing transactions, and scheduling appointments effortless.

  • 隐私与安全: Known for 对用户安全和隐私的承诺, Apple protects customer data as a paramount priority. Conversations are encrypted, and customers have control over the information they share, building their trust and loyalty to the iOS ecosystem and particularly, the Messages app.

将 Apple 信息整合到 Business 中不仅仅是追赶潮流,而是要经过深思熟虑后做出决定,提升客户沟通策略的水平。

Apple Messages for Business is the up-and-coming way to drive customer engagement and meet your customers on Messages—an app they already love. 

以下是将 Apple 解决方案整合到你的参与策略中后,你将为客户带来的一些好处:

  • 覆盖更广泛的受众: With over a billion active iPhone users globally​​, using Apple Messages for Business puts you in direct contact with a vast and growing audience that represents 占高端智能手机市场 70% 以上的份额.

  • 让用户感到熟悉和方便: The familiarity of the Messages app for iOS users means there's virtually no learning curve. Customers can communicate with your business as easily as they would text a sibling.

  • 增强客户体验: With rich media, like photos, videos and links and direct, immediate customer support, Apple Messages for Business elevates and personalizes the customer experience beyond simple text messages.

  • 与 iOS 功能无缝集成: Integration with Apple Pay and calendar makes finding products, completing transactions, and scheduling appointments effortless.

  • 隐私与安全: Known for 对用户安全和隐私的承诺, Apple protects customer data as a paramount priority. Conversations are encrypted, and customers have control over the information they share, building their trust and loyalty to the iOS ecosystem and particularly, the Messages app.

将 Apple 信息整合到 Business 中不仅仅是追赶潮流,而是要经过深思熟虑后做出决定,提升客户沟通策略的水平。

Apple Messages for Business is the up-and-coming way to drive customer engagement and meet your customers on Messages—an app they already love. 

以下是将 Apple 解决方案整合到你的参与策略中后,你将为客户带来的一些好处:

  • 覆盖更广泛的受众: With over a billion active iPhone users globally​​, using Apple Messages for Business puts you in direct contact with a vast and growing audience that represents 占高端智能手机市场 70% 以上的份额.

  • 让用户感到熟悉和方便: The familiarity of the Messages app for iOS users means there's virtually no learning curve. Customers can communicate with your business as easily as they would text a sibling.

  • 增强客户体验: With rich media, like photos, videos and links and direct, immediate customer support, Apple Messages for Business elevates and personalizes the customer experience beyond simple text messages.

  • 与 iOS 功能无缝集成: Integration with Apple Pay and calendar makes finding products, completing transactions, and scheduling appointments effortless.

  • 隐私与安全: Known for 对用户安全和隐私的承诺, Apple protects customer data as a paramount priority. Conversations are encrypted, and customers have control over the information they share, building their trust and loyalty to the iOS ecosystem and particularly, the Messages app.

将 Apple 信息整合到 Business 中不仅仅是追赶潮流,而是要经过深思熟虑后做出决定,提升客户沟通策略的水平。

企业版 Apple 信息能做什么?

To integrate Apple Messages for Business effectively, you’ll have to do more than send text messages. Luckily, the channel supports rich media and iOS features that help you take customers from ordinary to extraordinary conversations with your business. Once you start personalizing your interactions (with customer consent), you’ll deliver consistently relevant communications that customers actually want to receive. 


与客户分享交互式的、视觉上吸引人的链接。这些链接可以包括网页内容预览,为用户提供更多信息,让他们有信心在 "信息 "之外跟踪链接。


Offer two to five pre-written reply options, directly in-line, for customers to click what they mean rather than type it all out. 




简化预约或送货时间的安排流程。客户可以轻松选择日期和时间,并将其添加到日历中,而无需离开 "信息 "应用程序。


让客户能够直接在 "信息 "中使用他们已经熟悉的安全、便捷的支付方式完成交易和购物。通过发送 ApplePay 请求,将信息变成销售或电子商务渠道。



7. iMessage 应用程序








To integrate Apple Messages for Business effectively, you’ll have to do more than send text messages. Luckily, the channel supports rich media and iOS features that help you take customers from ordinary to extraordinary conversations with your business. Once you start personalizing your interactions (with customer consent), you’ll deliver consistently relevant communications that customers actually want to receive. 


与客户分享交互式的、视觉上吸引人的链接。这些链接可以包括网页内容预览,为用户提供更多信息,让他们有信心在 "信息 "之外跟踪链接。


Offer two to five pre-written reply options, directly in-line, for customers to click what they mean rather than type it all out. 




简化预约或送货时间的安排流程。客户可以轻松选择日期和时间,并将其添加到日历中,而无需离开 "信息 "应用程序。


让客户能够直接在 "信息 "中使用他们已经熟悉的安全、便捷的支付方式完成交易和购物。通过发送 ApplePay 请求,将信息变成销售或电子商务渠道。



7. iMessage 应用程序








To integrate Apple Messages for Business effectively, you’ll have to do more than send text messages. Luckily, the channel supports rich media and iOS features that help you take customers from ordinary to extraordinary conversations with your business. Once you start personalizing your interactions (with customer consent), you’ll deliver consistently relevant communications that customers actually want to receive. 


与客户分享交互式的、视觉上吸引人的链接。这些链接可以包括网页内容预览,为用户提供更多信息,让他们有信心在 "信息 "之外跟踪链接。


Offer two to five pre-written reply options, directly in-line, for customers to click what they mean rather than type it all out. 




简化预约或送货时间的安排流程。客户可以轻松选择日期和时间,并将其添加到日历中,而无需离开 "信息 "应用程序。


让客户能够直接在 "信息 "中使用他们已经熟悉的安全、便捷的支付方式完成交易和购物。通过发送 ApplePay 请求,将信息变成销售或电子商务渠道。



7. iMessage 应用程序









要注册 Apple Messages for Business,你需要与 Apple 批准的托管服务提供商 (MSP) 合作。苹果公司有使用其企业版信息平台必须遵守的具体准则和标准;MSP 熟悉这些要求,可以为你处理合规事宜,防止任何潜在问题或违规行为。

以下是注册 Apple 企业信息的分步指南:

  1. 选择苹果认可的 MSP: Your first step is selecting a Managed Service Provider (MSP) that is approved by Apple. Companies like Bird fall into this category, offering the necessary expertise and integration services.

  2. 注册您的组织: Register your company through the 苹果商业注册. Note: There’s a button for brands looking to get started toward the bottom of the page.

  3. 创建企业信息账户: Provide details about your business and what you plan to use the service for.

  4. 与您的 MSP 合作: 您选择的 MSP 将协助您进行技术设置, integrating Apple Messages for Business with your existing systems, and ensuring compliance with Apple’s guidelines.

  5. 定制您的品牌: Adjust your Business Profile to align with your brand identity. This can include setting up business logos, color schemes, and other branding elements.

  6. 将账户提交给 Apple 进行测试和审批: Before going live, Apple will conduct a user experience review to make sure everything works as expected. After this, Apple will also need to approve your account, which can take a few days.

  7. 开始直播: Once approved, your Messages for Business account is ready for customer interactions!

要注册 Apple Messages for Business,你需要与 Apple 批准的托管服务提供商 (MSP) 合作。苹果公司有使用其企业版信息平台必须遵守的具体准则和标准;MSP 熟悉这些要求,可以为你处理合规事宜,防止任何潜在问题或违规行为。

以下是注册 Apple 企业信息的分步指南:

  1. 选择苹果认可的 MSP: Your first step is selecting a Managed Service Provider (MSP) that is approved by Apple. Companies like Bird fall into this category, offering the necessary expertise and integration services.

  2. 注册您的组织: Register your company through the 苹果商业注册. Note: There’s a button for brands looking to get started toward the bottom of the page.

  3. 创建企业信息账户: Provide details about your business and what you plan to use the service for.

  4. 与您的 MSP 合作: 您选择的 MSP 将协助您进行技术设置, integrating Apple Messages for Business with your existing systems, and ensuring compliance with Apple’s guidelines.

  5. 定制您的品牌: Adjust your Business Profile to align with your brand identity. This can include setting up business logos, color schemes, and other branding elements.

  6. 将账户提交给 Apple 进行测试和审批: Before going live, Apple will conduct a user experience review to make sure everything works as expected. After this, Apple will also need to approve your account, which can take a few days.

  7. 开始直播: Once approved, your Messages for Business account is ready for customer interactions!

要注册 Apple Messages for Business,你需要与 Apple 批准的托管服务提供商 (MSP) 合作。苹果公司有使用其企业版信息平台必须遵守的具体准则和标准;MSP 熟悉这些要求,可以为你处理合规事宜,防止任何潜在问题或违规行为。

以下是注册 Apple 企业信息的分步指南:

  1. 选择苹果认可的 MSP: Your first step is selecting a Managed Service Provider (MSP) that is approved by Apple. Companies like Bird fall into this category, offering the necessary expertise and integration services.

  2. 注册您的组织: Register your company through the 苹果商业注册. Note: There’s a button for brands looking to get started toward the bottom of the page.

  3. 创建企业信息账户: Provide details about your business and what you plan to use the service for.

  4. 与您的 MSP 合作: 您选择的 MSP 将协助您进行技术设置, integrating Apple Messages for Business with your existing systems, and ensuring compliance with Apple’s guidelines.

  5. 定制您的品牌: Adjust your Business Profile to align with your brand identity. This can include setting up business logos, color schemes, and other branding elements.

  6. 将账户提交给 Apple 进行测试和审批: Before going live, Apple will conduct a user experience review to make sure everything works as expected. After this, Apple will also need to approve your account, which can take a few days.

  7. 开始直播: Once approved, your Messages for Business account is ready for customer interactions!

为什么选择Bird for Apple Messages for Business?

Bird 不仅仅是一个 MSP,它还是一个集客户营销、销售和支付于一体的强大企业。我们与 Apple Messages for Business 的集成可帮助您在客户熟悉和喜爱的平台上与客户取得联系,同时每次都能提供高质量的互动。有了Bird ,您不仅可以紧跟通信潮流,还可以引领潮流。

Clearly we’re biased, but here’s why you should consider Bird as your Apple Messages for Business MSP: 


Manage conversations with the same people across various channels from a single, user-friendly interface in our omnichannel Inbox. Inbox unifies your marketing and support efforts so that every customer interaction across various touchpoints is tailored and relevant, providing personalized experiences that today's customers expect. With Bird, you can consolidate your efforts across channels, save time, and keep your focus on the customer experience.



By bringing together different communication channels, Bird creates centralized, unified customer profiles. Get a 360-degree view of each customer’s behavior, activity, and preferences, then reach out with hyper-targeted messages based on their actions. 


Bird 提供全面的分析,深入了解所有channels 的客户互动情况。尽管数据环境复杂,您仍能识别趋势、衡量活动效果并发现新机遇。


我们将Bird 设计为易于使用,希望减少营销或支持团队在设置新工具或生成报告时对工程师的依赖。现在,这些面向客户的团队无需技术协助即可自主管理通信和访问分析。




Handle routine queries and direct messages efficiently with Flows, automating your marketing and messaging without any code. Automation is crucial for teams dealing with a high volume of customer interactions across multiple platforms.

Bird 不仅仅是一个 MSP,它还是一个集客户营销、销售和支付于一体的强大企业。我们与 Apple Messages for Business 的集成可帮助您在客户熟悉和喜爱的平台上与客户取得联系,同时每次都能提供高质量的互动。有了Bird ,您不仅可以紧跟通信潮流,还可以引领潮流。

Clearly we’re biased, but here’s why you should consider Bird as your Apple Messages for Business MSP: 


Manage conversations with the same people across various channels from a single, user-friendly interface in our omnichannel Inbox. Inbox unifies your marketing and support efforts so that every customer interaction across various touchpoints is tailored and relevant, providing personalized experiences that today's customers expect. With Bird, you can consolidate your efforts across channels, save time, and keep your focus on the customer experience.



By bringing together different communication channels, Bird creates centralized, unified customer profiles. Get a 360-degree view of each customer’s behavior, activity, and preferences, then reach out with hyper-targeted messages based on their actions. 


Bird 提供全面的分析,深入了解所有channels 的客户互动情况。尽管数据环境复杂,您仍能识别趋势、衡量活动效果并发现新机遇。


我们将Bird 设计为易于使用,希望减少营销或支持团队在设置新工具或生成报告时对工程师的依赖。现在,这些面向客户的团队无需技术协助即可自主管理通信和访问分析。




Handle routine queries and direct messages efficiently with Flows, automating your marketing and messaging without any code. Automation is crucial for teams dealing with a high volume of customer interactions across multiple platforms.

Bird 不仅仅是一个 MSP,它还是一个集客户营销、销售和支付于一体的强大企业。我们与 Apple Messages for Business 的集成可帮助您在客户熟悉和喜爱的平台上与客户取得联系,同时每次都能提供高质量的互动。有了Bird ,您不仅可以紧跟通信潮流,还可以引领潮流。

Clearly we’re biased, but here’s why you should consider Bird as your Apple Messages for Business MSP: 


Manage conversations with the same people across various channels from a single, user-friendly interface in our omnichannel Inbox. Inbox unifies your marketing and support efforts so that every customer interaction across various touchpoints is tailored and relevant, providing personalized experiences that today's customers expect. With Bird, you can consolidate your efforts across channels, save time, and keep your focus on the customer experience.



By bringing together different communication channels, Bird creates centralized, unified customer profiles. Get a 360-degree view of each customer’s behavior, activity, and preferences, then reach out with hyper-targeted messages based on their actions. 


Bird 提供全面的分析,深入了解所有channels 的客户互动情况。尽管数据环境复杂,您仍能识别趋势、衡量活动效果并发现新机遇。


我们将Bird 设计为易于使用,希望减少营销或支持团队在设置新工具或生成报告时对工程师的依赖。现在,这些面向客户的团队无需技术协助即可自主管理通信和访问分析。




Handle routine queries and direct messages efficiently with Flows, automating your marketing and messaging without any code. Automation is crucial for teams dealing with a high volume of customer interactions across multiple platforms.

联系你的 iOS 客户通过以下功能了解 Apple 信息商务版Bird

Tapping into the potential of Apple Messages for Business doesn’t mean sacrificing quality on your other communication channels. With Bird, you can unify all of your communication channels under one efficient, intuitive umbrella and connect with your customers on the platforms they love and use daily. 

如果你已经准备好试用 Apple Messages for Business,或者只是想统一你的通信channels ,以获得更好的客户体验、 联系我们,获得量身定制的演示. We can help set up your use case or answer any questions you have about Apple Messages for Business.

Tapping into the potential of Apple Messages for Business doesn’t mean sacrificing quality on your other communication channels. With Bird, you can unify all of your communication channels under one efficient, intuitive umbrella and connect with your customers on the platforms they love and use daily. 

如果你已经准备好试用 Apple Messages for Business,或者只是想统一你的通信channels ,以获得更好的客户体验、 联系我们,获得量身定制的演示. We can help set up your use case or answer any questions you have about Apple Messages for Business.

Tapping into the potential of Apple Messages for Business doesn’t mean sacrificing quality on your other communication channels. With Bird, you can unify all of your communication channels under one efficient, intuitive umbrella and connect with your customers on the platforms they love and use daily. 

如果你已经准备好试用 Apple Messages for Business,或者只是想统一你的通信channels ,以获得更好的客户体验、 联系我们,获得量身定制的演示. We can help set up your use case or answer any questions you have about Apple Messages for Business.

AI-first 营销、服务和支付 CRM

点击 "查看Bird",即表示您同意Bird 的规定。

AI-first 营销、服务和支付 CRM

点击 "查看Bird",即表示您同意Bird 的规定。