





What 短信 and WhatsApp Marketers Can Learn From Email (from the 5 trillion emails Bird has analyzed)

Find out how to adapt your email marketing best practices to improve performance for 短信 and WhatsApp campaigns.



Published on

Jun 20, 2024

维持现状是安全的,这也解释了为什么 SMS 和 WhatsApp 等移动优先的信息channels 在数字营销渠道中远远落后于电子邮件的受欢迎程度。但是,安于现状本身就有风险。想想Bird 客户从他们的短信和 WhatsAppcampaigns 中看到的惊人效果吧:

  • A 98% open rate for SMS messages;

  • 90% of SMS messages are read within the first three minutes;

  • A baseline open rate of 58% for WhatsApp messages.

This level of engagement is practically unheard of across other marketing channels, but SMS and WhatsApp continue to be overlooked and underutilized by digital marketers. 

And it’s not like driving ROI from customer messaging is a new concept. Email has been doing this for decades, and most marketers still rank it among their top three 最有效的营销channels

The nuts-and-bolts differences between mobile-first and email messaging don’t make for an easy apples-to-apples comparison. But for marketers who want to create and enhance mobile SMS and WhatsApp campaigns, email marketing best practices can offer some instructive lessons to fast-track campaign creation and optimization.

In this guide, we talk to Nicci Joyce, a Bird Deliverability Strategist with a background in SMS, to discuss the top email best practices distilled from more than 5 trillion emails analyzed by Bird — and to explain how marketers can adapt them for SMS and WhatsApp campaigns.

维持现状是安全的,这也解释了为什么 SMS 和 WhatsApp 等移动优先的信息channels 在数字营销渠道中远远落后于电子邮件的受欢迎程度。但是,安于现状本身就有风险。想想Bird 客户从他们的短信和 WhatsAppcampaigns 中看到的惊人效果吧:

  • A 98% open rate for SMS messages;

  • 90% of SMS messages are read within the first three minutes;

  • A baseline open rate of 58% for WhatsApp messages.

This level of engagement is practically unheard of across other marketing channels, but SMS and WhatsApp continue to be overlooked and underutilized by digital marketers. 

And it’s not like driving ROI from customer messaging is a new concept. Email has been doing this for decades, and most marketers still rank it among their top three 最有效的营销channels

The nuts-and-bolts differences between mobile-first and email messaging don’t make for an easy apples-to-apples comparison. But for marketers who want to create and enhance mobile SMS and WhatsApp campaigns, email marketing best practices can offer some instructive lessons to fast-track campaign creation and optimization.

In this guide, we talk to Nicci Joyce, a Bird Deliverability Strategist with a background in SMS, to discuss the top email best practices distilled from more than 5 trillion emails analyzed by Bird — and to explain how marketers can adapt them for SMS and WhatsApp campaigns.

维持现状是安全的,这也解释了为什么 SMS 和 WhatsApp 等移动优先的信息channels 在数字营销渠道中远远落后于电子邮件的受欢迎程度。但是,安于现状本身就有风险。想想Bird 客户从他们的短信和 WhatsAppcampaigns 中看到的惊人效果吧:

  • A 98% open rate for SMS messages;

  • 90% of SMS messages are read within the first three minutes;

  • A baseline open rate of 58% for WhatsApp messages.

This level of engagement is practically unheard of across other marketing channels, but SMS and WhatsApp continue to be overlooked and underutilized by digital marketers. 

And it’s not like driving ROI from customer messaging is a new concept. Email has been doing this for decades, and most marketers still rank it among their top three 最有效的营销channels

The nuts-and-bolts differences between mobile-first and email messaging don’t make for an easy apples-to-apples comparison. But for marketers who want to create and enhance mobile SMS and WhatsApp campaigns, email marketing best practices can offer some instructive lessons to fast-track campaign creation and optimization.

In this guide, we talk to Nicci Joyce, a Bird Deliverability Strategist with a background in SMS, to discuss the top email best practices distilled from more than 5 trillion emails analyzed by Bird — and to explain how marketers can adapt them for SMS and WhatsApp campaigns.

6email marketing 完美适用于短信和 WhatsApp 的最佳实践

您不能将email marketing 战略复制粘贴到短信和 WhatsAppcampaigns 中,然后期待一切顺利。

Each channel requires a marketing strategy tailored to its unique capabilities and limitations. But with a little fine-tuning, you’ll find that many best practices of email marketing can be adopted into your SMS and WhatsApp marketing strategies. 



Confirmed opt-ins are just as important for SMS and WhatsApp as they are for email. SMS, in particular, is subject to stringent regulations governing opt-ins and opt-outs, which means your messaging platform needs to offer automated processing to 使您的业务符合要求.

Nicci recommends that all marketers use a double opt-in or confirmed opt-in when adding contacts to their subscriber lists. She also urges marketers to avoid spammy messaging tactics that can undermine their customer engagement efforts. 

The higher cost of sending SMS and WhatsApp messages also means that marketers have a strong financial incentive to keep their messaging lists clean at all times. High numbers of unengaged SMS and WhatsApp subscribers could generate a lot of wasted marketing spend for your company. 

要保持客户的参与度,请遵循与电子邮件相同的最佳实践:坚持固定的信息发送节奏,并根据偏好和细分人群的个性化需求定制信息。在短信中,您只有 160 个字符,因此您的信息也必须保持简洁。如果超过限制,你的信息就会被分成两条(或更多条),你就必须为每条信息都pay 。

But a confirmed opt-in doesn’t mean a new user should stay on your list forever. Along with including opt-out keywords in your messages and following engagement best practices, remember to perform ongoing list maintenance to filter out unengaged subscribers over time. This improves your open and engagement rates and saves you money.  

2. Engage on a 1-to-1 level 

与电子邮件相比,短信和 WhatsApp 可利用的空间较小,但仍有很大的空间来提供个性化体验。这些移动优先的campaigns 可以根据用户的购买历史提供个性化的产品促销。信息中可以包含产品页面链接,甚至可以包含产品照片或视频。

个性化信息还可以提及订阅者的姓名,使用他们的位置、性别和其他共享信息来促销销售、产品线和本地活动,或分发在线和店内购物的 VIP 促销代码。

"Nicci 说:"任何能让用户上钩并点击链接的信息--所有这些电子邮件策略都适用于 SMS。

例如,Nicci 说她多次被丝芙兰策划的个性化电子邮件体验所征服。

"我无法告诉你有多少次我想,'哦,我的天哪,我想要这个',然后点击产品并购买了它,"Nicci 说。"就是因为他们追踪了我所有的购物行为。


Matahari, the largest retail platform in Indonesia, used this exact tactic to keep customers informed about new offers and saw a 销售额和转化率提高 2.5 倍


SMS is an easy way to link to product reviews and star ratings. Marketers can distribute UGC photos and videos on WhatsApp as part of various promotional campaigns. But SMS and WhatsApp might be even better served as channels to collect user-generated content from your subscriber list.

Requests for hyperlinked feedback surveys, requests for text and video testimonials, and even short responses to text-based questions can help businesses collect UGC to be repurposed across mobile-first messaging and other digital channels. 

鉴于短信和 WhatsApp 消息的阅读率很高,而且输入一个问题的回复也很简单,这些消息channels 可以成为收集简短反馈和其他简单 UGC 的快速有效方法,从而提高客户参与度,改善您的整体营销策略。


When it comes to personalization, collecting UGC, and many other types of customer engagement, automation is an SMS and WhatsApp marketer’s friend. The more you’re able to automate, the more interactions you can generate across your subscriber list.

“Having a platform that allows for automation — including welcome, abandoned cart, birthday messsages, and other interactions — gives you a better return on your investment,” Nicci says. “You’re going to spend fewer hours sending emails and texts, and you’re going to get a lot more engagement.”

Transaction confirmations, shipping updates, birthday messages, limited-time promotions, requests for feedback, and many other types of messaging can all be facilitated through trigger-based automation. 

用户的客户档案、浏览历史、购买历史以及过去的短信和 WhatsApp 互动都能为这些行为提供触发点。

自动发送的信息不必太长,"Nicci 说,"它们可以快速准确。"它们可以快速而准确。所有这些自动触发器都能很好地从电子邮件转化为短信。


为了获得更动态的短信和 WhatsApp 体验,营销人员可以使用调查和多步骤信息体验向信息订阅者发送互动内容。

Chatbots can be used through WhatsApp and SMS to power 自动对话 that may include brief surveys, product discovery, or other self-service experiences. Bird’s Flows solution makes it easy for marketers to build chatbot workflows and automate interactions on their own — without the help of a developer.

这些chatbots 可以通过产品推荐、追加销售、潜在客户资格鉴定和其他有价值的互动来吸引用户,并以客户喜欢的节奏进行。

"Nicci 说:"即使是'输入您的姓名,就有机会赢取礼品卡'这样简单的事情,也可以成为一种简单、经济高效的工具,用于提高参与度。

6.进行 A/B 测试,优化信息性能

With only 160 characters to work with, there are limits to the kind of A/B testing you can conduct on SMS messages. Still, this testing can make a significant impact on your messaging performance. 

Nicci argues that an email subject line can be the most important part of an email “because if they’re not interested in that subject line, they’re not even going to click it in the first place,” she says. 

The same is true for the opening lines of your SMS and WhatsApp messages. Nicci argues that an early placement of an identifier — in most cases, the name of your business — can have a big impact on engagement for your mobile message.

"如果你的收件人期待的是来自多米诺的东西,而文字中没有写多米诺,他们可能看都不会看一眼,"Nicci 说。"不管是品牌名称、缩写还是其他,前几行一定要有某种标识。

除标识符位置外,您还可以对其他元素和变量进行 A/B 测试:

  • 发送时间

  • 表情符号

  • 链接位置

  • 情绪情感

  • 文本变化

  • 纯文本或带图像的文本

  • 行动号召

可以通过将订阅者列表分成两个独立、平等的受众群体来进行 A/B 测试。为了获得最准确的 A/B 测试数据,请确保只更改信息中的一个元素,这样您就可以评估更改对信息性能的影响。

您不能将email marketing 战略复制粘贴到短信和 WhatsAppcampaigns 中,然后期待一切顺利。

Each channel requires a marketing strategy tailored to its unique capabilities and limitations. But with a little fine-tuning, you’ll find that many best practices of email marketing can be adopted into your SMS and WhatsApp marketing strategies. 



Confirmed opt-ins are just as important for SMS and WhatsApp as they are for email. SMS, in particular, is subject to stringent regulations governing opt-ins and opt-outs, which means your messaging platform needs to offer automated processing to 使您的业务符合要求.

Nicci recommends that all marketers use a double opt-in or confirmed opt-in when adding contacts to their subscriber lists. She also urges marketers to avoid spammy messaging tactics that can undermine their customer engagement efforts. 

The higher cost of sending SMS and WhatsApp messages also means that marketers have a strong financial incentive to keep their messaging lists clean at all times. High numbers of unengaged SMS and WhatsApp subscribers could generate a lot of wasted marketing spend for your company. 

要保持客户的参与度,请遵循与电子邮件相同的最佳实践:坚持固定的信息发送节奏,并根据偏好和细分人群的个性化需求定制信息。在短信中,您只有 160 个字符,因此您的信息也必须保持简洁。如果超过限制,你的信息就会被分成两条(或更多条),你就必须为每条信息都pay 。

But a confirmed opt-in doesn’t mean a new user should stay on your list forever. Along with including opt-out keywords in your messages and following engagement best practices, remember to perform ongoing list maintenance to filter out unengaged subscribers over time. This improves your open and engagement rates and saves you money.  

2. Engage on a 1-to-1 level 

与电子邮件相比,短信和 WhatsApp 可利用的空间较小,但仍有很大的空间来提供个性化体验。这些移动优先的campaigns 可以根据用户的购买历史提供个性化的产品促销。信息中可以包含产品页面链接,甚至可以包含产品照片或视频。

个性化信息还可以提及订阅者的姓名,使用他们的位置、性别和其他共享信息来促销销售、产品线和本地活动,或分发在线和店内购物的 VIP 促销代码。

"Nicci 说:"任何能让用户上钩并点击链接的信息--所有这些电子邮件策略都适用于 SMS。

例如,Nicci 说她多次被丝芙兰策划的个性化电子邮件体验所征服。

"我无法告诉你有多少次我想,'哦,我的天哪,我想要这个',然后点击产品并购买了它,"Nicci 说。"就是因为他们追踪了我所有的购物行为。


Matahari, the largest retail platform in Indonesia, used this exact tactic to keep customers informed about new offers and saw a 销售额和转化率提高 2.5 倍


SMS is an easy way to link to product reviews and star ratings. Marketers can distribute UGC photos and videos on WhatsApp as part of various promotional campaigns. But SMS and WhatsApp might be even better served as channels to collect user-generated content from your subscriber list.

Requests for hyperlinked feedback surveys, requests for text and video testimonials, and even short responses to text-based questions can help businesses collect UGC to be repurposed across mobile-first messaging and other digital channels. 

鉴于短信和 WhatsApp 消息的阅读率很高,而且输入一个问题的回复也很简单,这些消息channels 可以成为收集简短反馈和其他简单 UGC 的快速有效方法,从而提高客户参与度,改善您的整体营销策略。


When it comes to personalization, collecting UGC, and many other types of customer engagement, automation is an SMS and WhatsApp marketer’s friend. The more you’re able to automate, the more interactions you can generate across your subscriber list.

“Having a platform that allows for automation — including welcome, abandoned cart, birthday messsages, and other interactions — gives you a better return on your investment,” Nicci says. “You’re going to spend fewer hours sending emails and texts, and you’re going to get a lot more engagement.”

Transaction confirmations, shipping updates, birthday messages, limited-time promotions, requests for feedback, and many other types of messaging can all be facilitated through trigger-based automation. 

用户的客户档案、浏览历史、购买历史以及过去的短信和 WhatsApp 互动都能为这些行为提供触发点。

自动发送的信息不必太长,"Nicci 说,"它们可以快速准确。"它们可以快速而准确。所有这些自动触发器都能很好地从电子邮件转化为短信。


为了获得更动态的短信和 WhatsApp 体验,营销人员可以使用调查和多步骤信息体验向信息订阅者发送互动内容。

Chatbots can be used through WhatsApp and SMS to power 自动对话 that may include brief surveys, product discovery, or other self-service experiences. Bird’s Flows solution makes it easy for marketers to build chatbot workflows and automate interactions on their own — without the help of a developer.

这些chatbots 可以通过产品推荐、追加销售、潜在客户资格鉴定和其他有价值的互动来吸引用户,并以客户喜欢的节奏进行。

"Nicci 说:"即使是'输入您的姓名,就有机会赢取礼品卡'这样简单的事情,也可以成为一种简单、经济高效的工具,用于提高参与度。

6.进行 A/B 测试,优化信息性能

With only 160 characters to work with, there are limits to the kind of A/B testing you can conduct on SMS messages. Still, this testing can make a significant impact on your messaging performance. 

Nicci argues that an email subject line can be the most important part of an email “because if they’re not interested in that subject line, they’re not even going to click it in the first place,” she says. 

The same is true for the opening lines of your SMS and WhatsApp messages. Nicci argues that an early placement of an identifier — in most cases, the name of your business — can have a big impact on engagement for your mobile message.

"如果你的收件人期待的是来自多米诺的东西,而文字中没有写多米诺,他们可能看都不会看一眼,"Nicci 说。"不管是品牌名称、缩写还是其他,前几行一定要有某种标识。

除标识符位置外,您还可以对其他元素和变量进行 A/B 测试:

  • 发送时间

  • 表情符号

  • 链接位置

  • 情绪情感

  • 文本变化

  • 纯文本或带图像的文本

  • 行动号召

可以通过将订阅者列表分成两个独立、平等的受众群体来进行 A/B 测试。为了获得最准确的 A/B 测试数据,请确保只更改信息中的一个元素,这样您就可以评估更改对信息性能的影响。

您不能将email marketing 战略复制粘贴到短信和 WhatsAppcampaigns 中,然后期待一切顺利。

Each channel requires a marketing strategy tailored to its unique capabilities and limitations. But with a little fine-tuning, you’ll find that many best practices of email marketing can be adopted into your SMS and WhatsApp marketing strategies. 



Confirmed opt-ins are just as important for SMS and WhatsApp as they are for email. SMS, in particular, is subject to stringent regulations governing opt-ins and opt-outs, which means your messaging platform needs to offer automated processing to 使您的业务符合要求.

Nicci recommends that all marketers use a double opt-in or confirmed opt-in when adding contacts to their subscriber lists. She also urges marketers to avoid spammy messaging tactics that can undermine their customer engagement efforts. 

The higher cost of sending SMS and WhatsApp messages also means that marketers have a strong financial incentive to keep their messaging lists clean at all times. High numbers of unengaged SMS and WhatsApp subscribers could generate a lot of wasted marketing spend for your company. 

要保持客户的参与度,请遵循与电子邮件相同的最佳实践:坚持固定的信息发送节奏,并根据偏好和细分人群的个性化需求定制信息。在短信中,您只有 160 个字符,因此您的信息也必须保持简洁。如果超过限制,你的信息就会被分成两条(或更多条),你就必须为每条信息都pay 。

But a confirmed opt-in doesn’t mean a new user should stay on your list forever. Along with including opt-out keywords in your messages and following engagement best practices, remember to perform ongoing list maintenance to filter out unengaged subscribers over time. This improves your open and engagement rates and saves you money.  

2. Engage on a 1-to-1 level 

与电子邮件相比,短信和 WhatsApp 可利用的空间较小,但仍有很大的空间来提供个性化体验。这些移动优先的campaigns 可以根据用户的购买历史提供个性化的产品促销。信息中可以包含产品页面链接,甚至可以包含产品照片或视频。

个性化信息还可以提及订阅者的姓名,使用他们的位置、性别和其他共享信息来促销销售、产品线和本地活动,或分发在线和店内购物的 VIP 促销代码。

"Nicci 说:"任何能让用户上钩并点击链接的信息--所有这些电子邮件策略都适用于 SMS。

例如,Nicci 说她多次被丝芙兰策划的个性化电子邮件体验所征服。

"我无法告诉你有多少次我想,'哦,我的天哪,我想要这个',然后点击产品并购买了它,"Nicci 说。"就是因为他们追踪了我所有的购物行为。


Matahari, the largest retail platform in Indonesia, used this exact tactic to keep customers informed about new offers and saw a 销售额和转化率提高 2.5 倍


SMS is an easy way to link to product reviews and star ratings. Marketers can distribute UGC photos and videos on WhatsApp as part of various promotional campaigns. But SMS and WhatsApp might be even better served as channels to collect user-generated content from your subscriber list.

Requests for hyperlinked feedback surveys, requests for text and video testimonials, and even short responses to text-based questions can help businesses collect UGC to be repurposed across mobile-first messaging and other digital channels. 

鉴于短信和 WhatsApp 消息的阅读率很高,而且输入一个问题的回复也很简单,这些消息channels 可以成为收集简短反馈和其他简单 UGC 的快速有效方法,从而提高客户参与度,改善您的整体营销策略。


When it comes to personalization, collecting UGC, and many other types of customer engagement, automation is an SMS and WhatsApp marketer’s friend. The more you’re able to automate, the more interactions you can generate across your subscriber list.

“Having a platform that allows for automation — including welcome, abandoned cart, birthday messsages, and other interactions — gives you a better return on your investment,” Nicci says. “You’re going to spend fewer hours sending emails and texts, and you’re going to get a lot more engagement.”

Transaction confirmations, shipping updates, birthday messages, limited-time promotions, requests for feedback, and many other types of messaging can all be facilitated through trigger-based automation. 

用户的客户档案、浏览历史、购买历史以及过去的短信和 WhatsApp 互动都能为这些行为提供触发点。

自动发送的信息不必太长,"Nicci 说,"它们可以快速准确。"它们可以快速而准确。所有这些自动触发器都能很好地从电子邮件转化为短信。


为了获得更动态的短信和 WhatsApp 体验,营销人员可以使用调查和多步骤信息体验向信息订阅者发送互动内容。

Chatbots can be used through WhatsApp and SMS to power 自动对话 that may include brief surveys, product discovery, or other self-service experiences. Bird’s Flows solution makes it easy for marketers to build chatbot workflows and automate interactions on their own — without the help of a developer.

这些chatbots 可以通过产品推荐、追加销售、潜在客户资格鉴定和其他有价值的互动来吸引用户,并以客户喜欢的节奏进行。

"Nicci 说:"即使是'输入您的姓名,就有机会赢取礼品卡'这样简单的事情,也可以成为一种简单、经济高效的工具,用于提高参与度。

6.进行 A/B 测试,优化信息性能

With only 160 characters to work with, there are limits to the kind of A/B testing you can conduct on SMS messages. Still, this testing can make a significant impact on your messaging performance. 

Nicci argues that an email subject line can be the most important part of an email “because if they’re not interested in that subject line, they’re not even going to click it in the first place,” she says. 

The same is true for the opening lines of your SMS and WhatsApp messages. Nicci argues that an early placement of an identifier — in most cases, the name of your business — can have a big impact on engagement for your mobile message.

"如果你的收件人期待的是来自多米诺的东西,而文字中没有写多米诺,他们可能看都不会看一眼,"Nicci 说。"不管是品牌名称、缩写还是其他,前几行一定要有某种标识。

除标识符位置外,您还可以对其他元素和变量进行 A/B 测试:

  • 发送时间

  • 表情符号

  • 链接位置

  • 情绪情感

  • 文本变化

  • 纯文本或带图像的文本

  • 行动号召

可以通过将订阅者列表分成两个独立、平等的受众群体来进行 A/B 测试。为了获得最准确的 A/B 测试数据,请确保只更改信息中的一个元素,这样您就可以评估更改对信息性能的影响。


电子邮件、短信和 WhatsApp 消息已经共享了许多连接组织。随着人工智能与数字营销越来越广泛地结合,这些不同信息channels 的最佳实践可能会变得更加相互交织。

"到 2030 年,短信、WhatsApp 和电子邮件将结合人工智能,为其列表创建超个性化体验,"Nicci 说。"一切都将变得如此超个性化,这将带来更多的打开、点击和收入。"

但人工智能驱动的信息传递也将带来新的营销挑战。"隐私法和合规性将变得更加难以遵守,"Nicci 说。"对于什么能发,什么不能发,规则将变得更加严格。


Our email, SMS, and WhatsApp solutions can help you efficiently build and manage campaigns that deliver better outcomes while making your life easier. See for yourself — 立即申请演示.

电子邮件、短信和 WhatsApp 消息已经共享了许多连接组织。随着人工智能与数字营销越来越广泛地结合,这些不同信息channels 的最佳实践可能会变得更加相互交织。

"到 2030 年,短信、WhatsApp 和电子邮件将结合人工智能,为其列表创建超个性化体验,"Nicci 说。"一切都将变得如此超个性化,这将带来更多的打开、点击和收入。"

但人工智能驱动的信息传递也将带来新的营销挑战。"隐私法和合规性将变得更加难以遵守,"Nicci 说。"对于什么能发,什么不能发,规则将变得更加严格。


Our email, SMS, and WhatsApp solutions can help you efficiently build and manage campaigns that deliver better outcomes while making your life easier. See for yourself — 立即申请演示.

电子邮件、短信和 WhatsApp 消息已经共享了许多连接组织。随着人工智能与数字营销越来越广泛地结合,这些不同信息channels 的最佳实践可能会变得更加相互交织。

"到 2030 年,短信、WhatsApp 和电子邮件将结合人工智能,为其列表创建超个性化体验,"Nicci 说。"一切都将变得如此超个性化,这将带来更多的打开、点击和收入。"

但人工智能驱动的信息传递也将带来新的营销挑战。"隐私法和合规性将变得更加难以遵守,"Nicci 说。"对于什么能发,什么不能发,规则将变得更加严格。


Our email, SMS, and WhatsApp solutions can help you efficiently build and manage campaigns that deliver better outcomes while making your life easier. See for yourself — 立即申请演示.

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点击 "查看Bird",即表示您同意Bird 的规定。