





Bird 如何为客户优化电子邮件的可送达性

Email deliverability is getting harder, but 95% of Bird’s customers are beating industry benchmarks. Here’s how.



Published on

Jun 28, 2024

对于电子邮件营销人员来说,这里有一些令人惭愧(和清醒)的消息: Only 约 27% 的电子邮件发送者 have a marketing email deliverability rate of 95% or higher.

The situation is only getting tougher, too. In February 2024, 谷歌和雅虎开始对群发器执行新要求 that make it even harder for your emails to be delivered (unless you comply with their new standards).


Absolutely not! Despite these emerging delivery challenges, Bird95% 的电子邮件客户的送达率始终优于行业基准。 To uncover the secrets behind our success, we spoke with 托尼-帕蒂, our Director of Deliverability Services, to gather his insights and advice.

Here’s an in-depth look at how Bird optimizes email deliverability for more than six trillion branded emails every year.

对于电子邮件营销人员来说,这里有一些令人惭愧(和清醒)的消息: Only 约 27% 的电子邮件发送者 have a marketing email deliverability rate of 95% or higher.

The situation is only getting tougher, too. In February 2024, 谷歌和雅虎开始对群发器执行新要求 that make it even harder for your emails to be delivered (unless you comply with their new standards).


Absolutely not! Despite these emerging delivery challenges, Bird95% 的电子邮件客户的送达率始终优于行业基准。 To uncover the secrets behind our success, we spoke with 托尼-帕蒂, our Director of Deliverability Services, to gather his insights and advice.

Here’s an in-depth look at how Bird optimizes email deliverability for more than six trillion branded emails every year.

对于电子邮件营销人员来说,这里有一些令人惭愧(和清醒)的消息: Only 约 27% 的电子邮件发送者 have a marketing email deliverability rate of 95% or higher.

The situation is only getting tougher, too. In February 2024, 谷歌和雅虎开始对群发器执行新要求 that make it even harder for your emails to be delivered (unless you comply with their new standards).


Absolutely not! Despite these emerging delivery challenges, Bird95% 的电子邮件客户的送达率始终优于行业基准。 To uncover the secrets behind our success, we spoke with 托尼-帕蒂, our Director of Deliverability Services, to gather his insights and advice.

Here’s an in-depth look at how Bird optimizes email deliverability for more than six trillion branded emails every year.


Deliverability can be an invisible problem dragging down your campaign ROI. If you don’t know how to 解释您的email marketing 指标, you might be looking for solutions in the wrong place.





Email is estimated to have generated nearly 收入 110 亿美元 in 2023—and that number is projected to grow in the future. There’s one simple reason email marketing has endured the past few decades of digital marketing: It consistently delivers a strong return on investment. 

In short, email marketing is just as promising as ever, as long as you’re doing it well. 

托尼回忆了自己为一家电脑硬件客户监督 "黑色星期五 "电子邮件营销活动的经历。该活动的送达率达到了近 98%,远远超出了客户的预期。






If you want to gain a competitive advantage, you need to 优化电子邮件送达 and engagement through real-time analysis of your biggest rivals. 


Deliverability can be an invisible problem dragging down your campaign ROI. If you don’t know how to 解释您的email marketing 指标, you might be looking for solutions in the wrong place.





Email is estimated to have generated nearly 收入 110 亿美元 in 2023—and that number is projected to grow in the future. There’s one simple reason email marketing has endured the past few decades of digital marketing: It consistently delivers a strong return on investment. 

In short, email marketing is just as promising as ever, as long as you’re doing it well. 

托尼回忆了自己为一家电脑硬件客户监督 "黑色星期五 "电子邮件营销活动的经历。该活动的送达率达到了近 98%,远远超出了客户的预期。






If you want to gain a competitive advantage, you need to 优化电子邮件送达 and engagement through real-time analysis of your biggest rivals. 


Deliverability can be an invisible problem dragging down your campaign ROI. If you don’t know how to 解释您的email marketing 指标, you might be looking for solutions in the wrong place.





Email is estimated to have generated nearly 收入 110 亿美元 in 2023—and that number is projected to grow in the future. There’s one simple reason email marketing has endured the past few decades of digital marketing: It consistently delivers a strong return on investment. 

In short, email marketing is just as promising as ever, as long as you’re doing it well. 

托尼回忆了自己为一家电脑硬件客户监督 "黑色星期五 "电子邮件营销活动的经历。该活动的送达率达到了近 98%,远远超出了客户的预期。






If you want to gain a competitive advantage, you need to 优化电子邮件送达 and engagement through real-time analysis of your biggest rivals. 


关于Bird 如何为客户优化电子邮件送达的逐步指南



1.进行email marketing 背景调查

每一位Bird 的新客户都要先接受我们的问卷调查,以收集信息并评估历史电子邮件性能。这一初始阶段的评估有助于Bird 专家解决明显的送达问题,同时制定计划以取得更好的效果。


  • 您的企业是租用还是购买电子邮件列表? This helps us understand if you’re damaging your reputation by emailing people who haven’t opted in and are marking you as spam.

  • 您使用的是什么域名? This shows us your overall email “health” based on factors like engagement, spam complaints, and bounces.

  • 哪些互联网服务提供商 (ISP) 为您提供的送达率最高? ISPs are the gatekeepers of deliverability, so we want to make sure they’re all operating at max efficiency.


例如,付费电子邮件列表需要立即干预。"很多隐私和 GDPR 法律规定,不能随便购买名单。你必须得到某人的明确许可才能向其发送电子邮件,"Tony 强调说。"因此,如果客户一直是一个大的名单购买者或名单管理者,他们就会有很多未经适当许可的电子邮件。当人们收到这些邮件时,他们知道自己没有同意,于是就会点击'垃圾邮件'。然后你就会看到inbox 的发送率下降了。"

Meanwhile, the IP addresses for each customer’s sending domains can be uploaded into Bird’s Inbox 跟踪器 solution to display performance for the prior six months to a year. Bird’s proprietary technology uses this information to prevent your domains from getting flagged as spam by ISPs in the future, enabling a higher rate of deliverability.




Bird 我们总是强烈建议我们的客户在向其列表添加电子邮件时使用确认选择进入。这是一种简单易行、经过验证的方法,也是目前大多数消费者所熟悉的方法。它还为电子邮件的可送达性提供了重要保障,因为经过确认的选择加入被电子邮件收件人标记为垃圾邮件的可能性要小得多。

With other types of opt-ins, consumers are more likely to feel like they’re getting emails they didn’t sign up for. When spam complaint rates creep too high, your deliverability is threatened: Email services might be more inclined to send your messages to the spam folder, and you run the risk of getting added to a spam blocklist (a list of IP addresses or domains known to send spam) such as 垃圾邮件主页.

"托尼说:"垃圾邮件主页 是最难进入的屏蔽名单。"他们可以(而且很可能会)要求你改用确认选择加入的方式,然后才会解除对你的屏蔽。

Another way to end up on a blocklist is if you forget to 包括退订链接 in your branded emails. If you don’t give readers a clear opt-out option in your emails, you increase the risk of your messages getting filtered to spam or being blocked from delivery.


Gmail 等电子邮件服务pay 密切关注电子邮件频率和参与度等指标。随着时间的推移,高邮件发送频率和/或低参与率可能会危及您的送达能力,即使您只向通过确认选择进入验证的列表发送邮件也是如此。

这是因为电子邮件服务急于改善用户体验,其中许多服务正在使用人工智能和机器学习来分析电子邮件并改进垃圾邮件过滤。Gmail 用户可能对退订提示并不陌生,当他们在过去 30 天内没有打开特定发件人的促销邮件时,就会弹出退订提示。这就是电子邮件服务如何跟踪消费者参与度并利用这些信息改进电子邮件过滤方法的一个例子。

Bird evaluates each customer’s email frequency and engagement to 确定战略变革 that optimize deliverability for future emails. For example, consumers who subscribe but rarely engage with your marketing emails may be better suited for a different marketing list with a lower message frequency. Or, you may want to remove unengaged recipients altogether while performing routine “email list hygiene” tasks (managing your email list so that you're only sending to valid and engaged email addresses). 

我们还建议企业主动优化送达能力,而不是等着电子邮件服务来 "落锤"。虽然谷歌会宣布某些特定平台的变更,如搜索算法的修订,但在调整 Gmail 的过滤标准时,他们并不会宣布电子邮件的变更。



Seasonal events and changing market conditions require months of planning; not only for email campaigns, but for entire marketing departments. Because of the rising role of deliverability in email marketing performance, the savviest marketers are 优化可送达性 well ahead of the launch of these campaigns.

对于零售商和网络零售商来说,没有什么季节性活动能与 "黑色星期五 "和 "网络星期一 "长周末相比。这几天的假日购物所带来的收入可以决定一个企业的生死。Bird我们的专家喜欢在这些季节性活动之前至少提前六个月与客户联系,以确保在向订阅者发送黑色星期五和其他促销电子邮件(包括单日闪购和个性化促销)时优化发送能力。


As Tony points out, consumers aren’t the only ones involved in these purchasing decisions. When email service algorithms have the power to filter certain messages to spam, they’re also narrowing the purchasing choices presented to consumers. 

"托尼说:"算法可以决定'我不喜欢你今年的邮件'。"因此,我们努力改变这种情况。我们试图限制客户接触可能对其未来产生负面影响的事物campaigns 。"

这就是我们在Bird 引进新电子邮件客户时的第一步。我们为数以百计的电子邮件营销人员提供数据和情报、可扩展的发送方式以及像 Tony 这样的专家,以加强他们的策略并提高电子邮件的投资回报率。



1.进行email marketing 背景调查

每一位Bird 的新客户都要先接受我们的问卷调查,以收集信息并评估历史电子邮件性能。这一初始阶段的评估有助于Bird 专家解决明显的送达问题,同时制定计划以取得更好的效果。


  • 您的企业是租用还是购买电子邮件列表? This helps us understand if you’re damaging your reputation by emailing people who haven’t opted in and are marking you as spam.

  • 您使用的是什么域名? This shows us your overall email “health” based on factors like engagement, spam complaints, and bounces.

  • 哪些互联网服务提供商 (ISP) 为您提供的送达率最高? ISPs are the gatekeepers of deliverability, so we want to make sure they’re all operating at max efficiency.


例如,付费电子邮件列表需要立即干预。"很多隐私和 GDPR 法律规定,不能随便购买名单。你必须得到某人的明确许可才能向其发送电子邮件,"Tony 强调说。"因此,如果客户一直是一个大的名单购买者或名单管理者,他们就会有很多未经适当许可的电子邮件。当人们收到这些邮件时,他们知道自己没有同意,于是就会点击'垃圾邮件'。然后你就会看到inbox 的发送率下降了。"

Meanwhile, the IP addresses for each customer’s sending domains can be uploaded into Bird’s Inbox 跟踪器 solution to display performance for the prior six months to a year. Bird’s proprietary technology uses this information to prevent your domains from getting flagged as spam by ISPs in the future, enabling a higher rate of deliverability.




Bird 我们总是强烈建议我们的客户在向其列表添加电子邮件时使用确认选择进入。这是一种简单易行、经过验证的方法,也是目前大多数消费者所熟悉的方法。它还为电子邮件的可送达性提供了重要保障,因为经过确认的选择加入被电子邮件收件人标记为垃圾邮件的可能性要小得多。

With other types of opt-ins, consumers are more likely to feel like they’re getting emails they didn’t sign up for. When spam complaint rates creep too high, your deliverability is threatened: Email services might be more inclined to send your messages to the spam folder, and you run the risk of getting added to a spam blocklist (a list of IP addresses or domains known to send spam) such as 垃圾邮件主页.

"托尼说:"Spamhaus 是最难进入的屏蔽名单。"他们可以(而且很可能会)要求你改用确认选择加入的方式,然后才会解除对你的屏蔽。

Another way to end up on a blocklist is if you forget to 包括退订链接 in your branded emails. If you don’t give readers a clear opt-out option in your emails, you increase the risk of your messages getting filtered to spam or being blocked from delivery.


Gmail 等电子邮件服务pay 密切关注电子邮件频率和参与度等指标。随着时间的推移,高邮件发送频率和/或低参与率可能会危及您的送达能力,即使您只向通过确认选择进入验证的列表发送邮件也是如此。

这是因为电子邮件服务急于改善用户体验,其中许多服务正在使用人工智能和机器学习来分析电子邮件并改进垃圾邮件过滤。Gmail 用户可能对退订提示并不陌生,当他们在过去 30 天内没有打开特定发件人的促销邮件时,就会弹出退订提示。这就是电子邮件服务如何跟踪消费者参与度并利用这些信息改进电子邮件过滤方法的一个例子。

Bird evaluates each customer’s email frequency and engagement to 确定战略变革 that optimize deliverability for future emails. For example, consumers who subscribe but rarely engage with your marketing emails may be better suited for a different marketing list with a lower message frequency. Or, you may want to remove unengaged recipients altogether while performing routine “email list hygiene” tasks (managing your email list so that you're only sending to valid and engaged email addresses). 

我们还建议企业主动优化送达能力,而不是等着电子邮件服务来 "落锤"。虽然谷歌会宣布某些特定平台的变更,如搜索算法的修订,但在调整 Gmail 的过滤标准时,他们并不会宣布电子邮件的变更。



Seasonal events and changing market conditions require months of planning; not only for email campaigns, but for entire marketing departments. Because of the rising role of deliverability in email marketing performance, the savviest marketers are 优化可送达性 well ahead of the launch of these campaigns.

对于零售商和网络零售商来说,没有什么季节性活动能与 "黑色星期五 "和 "网络星期一 "长周末相比。这几天的假日购物所带来的收入可以决定一个企业的生死。Bird我们的专家喜欢在这些季节性活动之前至少提前六个月与客户联系,以确保在向订阅者发送黑色星期五和其他促销电子邮件(包括单日闪购和个性化促销)时优化发送能力。


As Tony points out, consumers aren’t the only ones involved in these purchasing decisions. When email service algorithms have the power to filter certain messages to spam, they’re also narrowing the purchasing choices presented to consumers. 

"托尼说:"算法可以决定'我不喜欢你今年的邮件'。"因此,我们努力改变这种情况。我们试图限制客户接触可能对其未来产生负面影响的事物campaigns 。"

这就是我们在Bird 引进新电子邮件客户时的第一步。我们为数以百计的电子邮件营销人员提供数据和情报、可扩展的发送方式以及像 Tony 这样的专家,以加强他们的策略并提高电子邮件的投资回报率。



1.进行email marketing 背景调查

每一位Bird 的新客户都要先接受我们的问卷调查,以收集信息并评估历史电子邮件性能。这一初始阶段的评估有助于Bird 专家解决明显的送达问题,同时制定计划以取得更好的效果。


  • 您的企业是租用还是购买电子邮件列表? This helps us understand if you’re damaging your reputation by emailing people who haven’t opted in and are marking you as spam.

  • 您使用的是什么域名? This shows us your overall email “health” based on factors like engagement, spam complaints, and bounces.

  • 哪些互联网服务提供商 (ISP) 为您提供的送达率最高? ISPs are the gatekeepers of deliverability, so we want to make sure they’re all operating at max efficiency.


例如,付费电子邮件列表需要立即干预。"很多隐私和 GDPR 法律规定,不能随便购买名单。你必须得到某人的明确许可才能向其发送电子邮件,"Tony 强调说。"因此,如果客户一直是一个大的名单购买者或名单管理者,他们就会有很多未经适当许可的电子邮件。当人们收到这些邮件时,他们知道自己没有同意,于是就会点击'垃圾邮件'。然后你就会看到inbox 的发送率下降了。"

Meanwhile, the IP addresses for each customer’s sending domains can be uploaded into Bird’s Inbox 跟踪器 solution to display performance for the prior six months to a year. Bird’s proprietary technology uses this information to prevent your domains from getting flagged as spam by ISPs in the future, enabling a higher rate of deliverability.




Bird 我们总是强烈建议我们的客户在向其列表添加电子邮件时使用确认选择进入。这是一种简单易行、经过验证的方法,也是目前大多数消费者所熟悉的方法。它还为电子邮件的可送达性提供了重要保障,因为经过确认的选择加入被电子邮件收件人标记为垃圾邮件的可能性要小得多。

With other types of opt-ins, consumers are more likely to feel like they’re getting emails they didn’t sign up for. When spam complaint rates creep too high, your deliverability is threatened: Email services might be more inclined to send your messages to the spam folder, and you run the risk of getting added to a spam blocklist (a list of IP addresses or domains known to send spam) such as Spamhaus.

"托尼说:"Spamhaus 是最难进入的屏蔽名单。"他们可以(而且很可能会)要求你改用确认选择加入的方式,然后才会解除对你的屏蔽。

Another way to end up on a blocklist is if you forget to 包括退订链接 in your branded emails. If you don’t give readers a clear opt-out option in your emails, you increase the risk of your messages getting filtered to spam or being blocked from delivery.


Gmail 等电子邮件服务pay 密切关注电子邮件频率和参与度等指标。随着时间的推移,高邮件发送频率和/或低参与率可能会危及您的送达能力,即使您只向通过确认选择进入验证的列表发送邮件也是如此。

这是因为电子邮件服务急于改善用户体验,其中许多服务正在使用人工智能和机器学习来分析电子邮件并改进垃圾邮件过滤。Gmail 用户可能对退订提示并不陌生,当他们在过去 30 天内没有打开特定发件人的促销邮件时,就会弹出退订提示。这就是电子邮件服务如何跟踪消费者参与度并利用这些信息改进电子邮件过滤方法的一个例子。

Bird evaluates each customer’s email frequency and engagement to 确定战略变革 that optimize deliverability for future emails. For example, consumers who subscribe but rarely engage with your marketing emails may be better suited for a different marketing list with a lower message frequency. Or, you may want to remove unengaged recipients altogether while performing routine “email list hygiene” tasks (managing your email list so that you're only sending to valid and engaged email addresses). 

我们还建议企业主动优化送达能力,而不是等着电子邮件服务来 "落锤"。虽然谷歌会宣布某些特定平台的变更,如搜索算法的修订,但在调整 Gmail 的过滤标准时,他们并不会宣布电子邮件的变更。



Seasonal events and changing market conditions require months of planning; not only for email campaigns, but for entire marketing departments. Because of the rising role of deliverability in email marketing performance, the savviest marketers are 优化可送达性 well ahead of the launch of these campaigns.

对于零售商和网络零售商来说,没有什么季节性活动能与 "黑色星期五 "和 "网络星期一 "长周末相比。这几天的假日购物所带来的收入可以决定一个企业的生死。Bird我们的专家喜欢在这些季节性活动之前至少提前六个月与客户联系,以确保在向订阅者发送黑色星期五和其他促销电子邮件(包括单日闪购和个性化促销)时优化发送能力。


As Tony points out, consumers aren’t the only ones involved in these purchasing decisions. When email service algorithms have the power to filter certain messages to spam, they’re also narrowing the purchasing choices presented to consumers. 

"托尼说:"算法可以决定'我不喜欢你今年的邮件'。"因此,我们努力改变这种情况。我们试图限制客户接触可能对其未来产生负面影响的事物campaigns 。"

这就是我们在Bird 引进新电子邮件客户时的第一步。我们为数以百计的电子邮件营销人员提供数据和情报、可扩展的发送方式以及像 Tony 这样的专家,以加强他们的策略并提高电子邮件的投资回报率。

提高电子邮件送达率的 3 个专家提示





1.设置 SPF、DKIM 或 DMARC 记录

电子邮件服务使用 SPF、DKIM 和 DMARC 协议,通过加密和证书验证您的发件人 ID。发件人 ID 丢失会导致您的电子邮件被发送到垃圾邮件或被标记为安全风险。

Google offers some 简单易懂的指南 on how to properly set up these records for your domains.

2.检查电子邮件的 HTML 格式是否有误

HTML 格式错误会影响电子邮件的外观和可读性。不过,除了降低用户体验外,这些错误还会威胁到邮件的送达。

Fortunately, 缺少结束标记 and other coding errors are easy to fix, and they will instantly improve your email deliverability potential. Several tools are designed to identify these HTML errors, including Google’s 模式标记验证器.







1.设置 SPF、DKIM 或 DMARC 记录

电子邮件服务使用 SPF、DKIM 和 DMARC 协议,通过加密和证书验证您的发件人 ID。发件人 ID 丢失会导致您的电子邮件被发送到垃圾邮件或被标记为安全风险。

Google offers some 简单易懂的指南 on how to properly set up these records for your domains.

2.检查电子邮件的 HTML 格式是否有误

HTML 格式错误会影响电子邮件的外观和可读性。不过,除了降低用户体验外,这些错误还会威胁到邮件的送达。

Fortunately, 缺少结束标记 and other coding errors are easy to fix, and they will instantly improve your email deliverability potential. Several tools are designed to identify these HTML errors, including Google’s 模式标记验证器.







1.设置 SPF、DKIM 或 DMARC 记录

电子邮件服务使用 SPF、DKIM 和 DMARC 协议,通过加密和证书验证您的发件人 ID。发件人 ID 丢失会导致您的电子邮件被发送到垃圾邮件或被标记为安全风险。

Google offers some 简单易懂的指南 on how to properly set up these records for your domains.

2.检查电子邮件的 HTML 格式是否有误

HTML 格式错误会影响电子邮件的外观和可读性。不过,除了降低用户体验外,这些错误还会威胁到邮件的送达。

Fortunately, 缺少结束标记 and other coding errors are easy to fix, and they will instantly improve your email deliverability potential. Several tools are designed to identify these HTML errors, including Google’s 模式标记验证器.





With integrated deliverability analytics, real-time campaign monitoring, competitor analysis tools, and advanced email AI simulations, Bird provides everything you need to optimize deliverability, beat industry benchmarks, and outperform your closest email competitors. 

正如托尼所说,即使电子邮件送达率提高 3%,也能帮助企业大幅增加收入。不要把这些百分点拱手让给您的竞争对手。请联系Bird专家,充分发挥email marketing 计划的潜力。

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With integrated deliverability analytics, real-time campaign monitoring, competitor analysis tools, and advanced email AI simulations, Bird provides everything you need to optimize deliverability, beat industry benchmarks, and outperform your closest email competitors. 

正如托尼所说,即使电子邮件送达率提高 3%,也能帮助企业大幅增加收入。不要把这些百分点拱手让给您的竞争对手。请联系Bird专家,充分发挥email marketing 计划的潜力。

对提高电子邮件送达率感兴趣? 立即申请Bird 演示 and see how we can transform your email strategy.


With integrated deliverability analytics, real-time campaign monitoring, competitor analysis tools, and advanced email AI simulations, Bird provides everything you need to optimize deliverability, beat industry benchmarks, and outperform your closest email competitors. 

正如托尼所说,即使电子邮件送达率提高 3%,也能帮助企业大幅增加收入。不要把这些百分点拱手让给您的竞争对手。请联系Bird专家,充分发挥email marketing 计划的潜力。

对提高电子邮件送达率感兴趣? 立即申请Bird 演示 and see how we can transform your email strategy.

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AI-first 营销、服务和支付 CRM

点击 "查看Bird",即表示您同意Bird 的规定。