





Beyond Open Rates: Unpacking the Nuances of Email Metrics

Traditional email performance tracking is broken. Here’s how Bird is using deep data insights to help hundreds of email marketers realize more meaningful results.



Published on

May 31, 2024


But the value of those metrics? That’s up for debate. 

On one hand, these metrics provide a simple snapshot of performance for a single email campaign or an entire email marketing strategy. But these high-level metrics come with glaring blind spots: 

  • How, for example, do your click-through rates compare to those of your competitors? 

  • What is the impact of deliverability on your open rates? 

  • 您的电子邮件列表中哪些消费者对您的电子邮件最感兴趣?

These questions can’t be answered with basic metrics—especially in an era when GDPR cookie 政策 and new DMARC 验证要求 are reshaping the landscape of email performance data as we’ve known it for years. 

电子邮件营销人员需要更深入地挖掘能够回答每次营销活动的原因和效果的指标,而不是只关注能够解释正在发生什么的指标。幸运的是,尽管email marketing 的情况不断变化,电子邮件营销人员现在拥有了揭示这些见解和优化电子邮件性能所需的工具。



But the value of those metrics? That’s up for debate. 

On one hand, these metrics provide a simple snapshot of performance for a single email campaign or an entire email marketing strategy. But these high-level metrics come with glaring blind spots: 

  • How, for example, do your click-through rates compare to those of your competitors? 

  • What is the impact of deliverability on your open rates? 

  • 您的电子邮件列表中哪些消费者对您的电子邮件最感兴趣?

These questions can’t be answered with basic metrics—especially in an era when GDPR cookie 政策 and new DMARC 验证要求 are reshaping the landscape of email performance data as we’ve known it for years. 

电子邮件营销人员需要更深入地挖掘能够回答每次营销活动的原因和效果的指标,而不是只关注能够解释正在发生什么的指标。幸运的是,尽管email marketing 的情况不断变化,电子邮件营销人员现在拥有了揭示这些见解和优化电子邮件性能所需的工具。



But the value of those metrics? That’s up for debate. 

On one hand, these metrics provide a simple snapshot of performance for a single email campaign or an entire email marketing strategy. But these high-level metrics come with glaring blind spots: 

  • How, for example, do your click-through rates compare to those of your competitors? 

  • What is the impact of deliverability on your open rates? 

  • 您的电子邮件列表中哪些消费者对您的电子邮件最感兴趣?

These questions can’t be answered with basic metrics—especially in an era when GDPR cookie 政策 and new DMARC 验证要求 are reshaping the landscape of email performance data as we’ve known it for years. 

电子邮件营销人员需要更深入地挖掘能够回答每次营销活动的原因和效果的指标,而不是只关注能够解释正在发生什么的指标。幸运的是,尽管email marketing 的情况不断变化,电子邮件营销人员现在拥有了揭示这些见解和优化电子邮件性能所需的工具。




多年来,email marketing 专家一直在讨论是否需要更先进、更有洞察力的指标,以充分了解电子邮件campaigns 与受众的联系。

But in the end, the status quo always won out. “People like to hang onto what they know,” says 托尼-帕蒂, Deliverability Services Director at Bird. 

在 Gmail 和雅虎等电子邮件服务迫使每个人做出改变之前,创新一直处于次要地位。现在,电子邮件营销人员别无选择,只能与时俱进,接受更好的电子邮件性能跟踪方法。

以下是这种转变的两种方式,以及Bird 如何实现这种转变:


Open rate represents the percentage of 已送达邮件 that are opened by your email recipients.

The old way of tracking open rates was to use an embedded pixel to determine whether users opened an email. This was an effective tracking tool until Apple, Gmail, and other email services began to interfere with the retrieval of this information.

As a result, “open rates are not as reliable anymore,” Tony confirms. 






“You don't need to be a genius database master to connect the login ID with an email address,” Tony says. “So if you don't see an email open from a customer, but then you check your site login and say, ‘Oh, she's coming to our site every day,’ you know she's still engaged. She probably wants to buy something from you; she’s just not responding to your emails.” 


Tony notes that Bird’s Inbox 跟踪器 solution, which makes a very strong point of emphasizing read rate as a superior metric to open rate, offers all of the tools you need to accurately track the read rate of every promotional email you send.




新方法:比较 FBL 的投诉率

email marketing 最糟糕的结果之一就是被受众标记为垃圾邮件。垃圾邮件投诉率高会增加邮件分类算法将未来邮件标记为垃圾邮件的风险,从而危及电子邮件的可送达性。

Most email services offer 反馈回路报告 that notify bulk senders when email recipients mark their messages as spam. By pairing complaint rates with unsubscribe rates, email marketers can gain better insight into what’s wrong with their user experience. 

"我们将每次营销活动的投诉率与退订率进行比较。如果一个比另一个高,说明你的内容有问题,"Tony 说。"人们可能会因为链接被破坏而感到不满,或者邮件内容与他们无关,因此他们会费尽心思退订。

通过识别退订和/或垃圾邮件投诉的异常峰值,电子邮件营销人员可以采取行动找出可能的原因,并降低未来退订和垃圾邮件投诉的风险。当您尝试优化电子邮件性能时,这两个指标的结合提供了更多的深度和细微差别campaigns 。


多年来,email marketing 专家一直在讨论是否需要更先进、更有洞察力的指标,以充分了解电子邮件campaigns 与受众的联系。

But in the end, the status quo always won out. “People like to hang onto what they know,” says 托尼-帕蒂, Deliverability Services Director at Bird. 

在 Gmail 和雅虎等电子邮件服务迫使每个人做出改变之前,创新一直处于次要地位。现在,电子邮件营销人员别无选择,只能与时俱进,接受更好的电子邮件性能跟踪方法。

以下是这种转变的两种方式,以及Bird 如何实现这种转变:


Open rate represents the percentage of 已送达邮件 that are opened by your email recipients.

The old way of tracking open rates was to use an embedded pixel to determine whether users opened an email. This was an effective tracking tool until Apple, Gmail, and other email services began to interfere with the retrieval of this information.

As a result, “open rates are not as reliable anymore,” Tony confirms. 






“You don't need to be a genius database master to connect the login ID with an email address,” Tony says. “So if you don't see an email open from a customer, but then you check your site login and say, ‘Oh, she's coming to our site every day,’ you know she's still engaged. She probably wants to buy something from you; she’s just not responding to your emails.” 


Tony notes that Bird’s Inbox 跟踪器 solution, which makes a very strong point of emphasizing read rate as a superior metric to open rate, offers all of the tools you need to accurately track the read rate of every promotional email you send.




新方法:比较 FBL 的投诉率

email marketing 最糟糕的结果之一就是被受众标记为垃圾邮件。垃圾邮件投诉率高会增加邮件分类算法将未来邮件标记为垃圾邮件的风险,从而危及电子邮件的可送达性。

Most email services offer 反馈回路报告 that notify bulk senders when email recipients mark their messages as spam. By pairing complaint rates with unsubscribe rates, email marketers can gain better insight into what’s wrong with their user experience. 

"我们将每次营销活动的投诉率与退订率进行比较。如果一个比另一个高,说明你的内容有问题,"Tony 说。"人们可能会因为链接被破坏而感到不满,或者邮件内容与他们无关,因此他们会费尽心思退订。

通过识别退订和/或垃圾邮件投诉的异常峰值,电子邮件营销人员可以采取行动找出可能的原因,并降低未来退订和垃圾邮件投诉的风险。当您尝试优化电子邮件性能时,这两个指标的结合提供了更多的深度和细微差别campaigns 。


多年来,email marketing 专家一直在讨论是否需要更先进、更有洞察力的指标,以充分了解电子邮件campaigns 与受众的联系。

But in the end, the status quo always won out. “People like to hang onto what they know,” says 托尼-帕蒂, Deliverability Services Director at Bird. 

在 Gmail 和雅虎等电子邮件服务迫使每个人做出改变之前,创新一直处于次要地位。现在,电子邮件营销人员别无选择,只能与时俱进,接受更好的电子邮件性能跟踪方法。

以下是这种转变的两种方式,以及Bird 如何实现这种转变:


Open rate represents the percentage of 已送达邮件 that are opened by your email recipients.

The old way of tracking open rates was to use an embedded pixel to determine whether users opened an email. This was an effective tracking tool until Apple, Gmail, and other email services began to interfere with the retrieval of this information.

As a result, “open rates are not as reliable anymore,” Tony confirms. 






“You don't need to be a genius database master to connect the login ID with an email address,” Tony says. “So if you don't see an email open from a customer, but then you check your site login and say, ‘Oh, she's coming to our site every day,’ you know she's still engaged. She probably wants to buy something from you; she’s just not responding to your emails.” 


Tony notes that Bird’s Inbox 跟踪器 solution, which makes a very strong point of emphasizing read rate as a superior metric to open rate, offers all of the tools you need to accurately track the read rate of every promotional email you send.




新方法:比较 FBL 的投诉率

email marketing 最糟糕的结果之一就是被受众标记为垃圾邮件。垃圾邮件投诉率高会增加邮件分类算法将未来邮件标记为垃圾邮件的风险,从而危及电子邮件的可送达性。

Most email services offer 反馈回路报告 that notify bulk senders when email recipients mark their messages as spam. By pairing complaint rates with unsubscribe rates, email marketers can gain better insight into what’s wrong with their user experience. 

"我们将每次营销活动的投诉率与退订率进行比较。如果一个比另一个高,说明你的内容有问题,"Tony 说。"人们可能会因为链接被破坏而感到不满,或者邮件内容与他们无关,因此他们会费尽心思退订。

通过识别退订和/或垃圾邮件投诉的异常峰值,电子邮件营销人员可以采取行动找出可能的原因,并降低未来退订和垃圾邮件投诉的风险。当您尝试优化电子邮件性能时,这两个指标的结合提供了更多的深度和细微差别campaigns 。

Bird 如何以不同方式处理电子邮件指标


That’s where Bird comes in. 

例如: Bird’s work with the online real-estate marketplace Zillow. Zillow was struggling to 最大限度地创造收入 through its email campaigns. While the company’s ultimate goal was to increase open rates for time-sensitive emails related to open houses and seasonal buying cycles, the solution to Zillow’s challenge required deep insights into the company’s email deliverability and timeliness.

Bird helped the Zillow team identify optimal delivery windows for these emails while minimizing the lag time between the email event trigger and message delivery. The result? An impressive 增加 9.65 亿美元 in email-generated revenue.

以下是我们如何帮助 Zillow 等客户将数据驱动的洞察力转化为实际成果:

Inbox 跟踪器

Deliverability should be a top priority for any email program. Inbox 跟踪器 processes nearly half a trillion emails, SMS, and transactions every month, providing Bird customers with the most comprehensive and trusted data footprint you will find in the email industry.

Inbox 跟踪器 通过提供以下功能为电子邮件优化设定了新标准:

  • 实时性能监控

  • 可送达性分析

  • 优化inbox 位置

  • 所有关键交付指标的性能基准

这套数据驱动功能帮助 95% 的Bird 客户在电子邮件送达率方面超越了行业平均水平。



由于Bird能够从竞争对手的campaigns 中收集阅读率数据,您可以实际查看每个竞争对手的campaigns 的参与率,从而将您的campaigns的性能与他们的进行比较。


Inbox 跟踪器 的数据足迹还可以帮助企业根据竞争对手的电子邮件表现制定email marketing 最佳实践campaigns 。比萨外卖企业可能希望根据消费者最有可能订购比萨的时间,在一周中的特定时间和日期发送促销电子邮件。



That’s where Bird comes in. 

例如: Bird’s work with the online real-estate marketplace Zillow. Zillow was struggling to 最大限度地创造收入 through its email campaigns. While the company’s ultimate goal was to increase open rates for time-sensitive emails related to open houses and seasonal buying cycles, the solution to Zillow’s challenge required deep insights into the company’s email deliverability and timeliness.

Bird helped the Zillow team identify optimal delivery windows for these emails while minimizing the lag time between the email event trigger and message delivery. The result? An impressive 增加 9.65 亿美元 in email-generated revenue.

以下是我们如何帮助 Zillow 等客户将数据驱动的洞察力转化为实际成果:

Inbox 跟踪器

Deliverability should be a top priority for any email program. Inbox 跟踪器 processes nearly half a trillion emails, SMS, and transactions every month, providing Bird customers with the most comprehensive and trusted data footprint you will find in the email industry.

Inbox Tracker 通过提供以下功能为电子邮件优化设定了新标准:

  • 实时性能监控

  • 可送达性分析

  • 优化inbox 位置

  • 所有关键交付指标的性能基准

这套数据驱动功能帮助 95% 的Bird 客户在电子邮件送达率方面超越了行业平均水平。



由于Bird能够从竞争对手的campaigns 中收集阅读率数据,您可以实际查看每个竞争对手的campaigns 的参与率,从而将您的campaigns的性能与他们的进行比较。


Inbox Tracker 的数据足迹还可以帮助企业根据竞争对手的电子邮件表现制定email marketing 最佳实践campaigns 。比萨外卖企业可能希望根据消费者最有可能订购比萨的时间,在一周中的特定时间和日期发送促销电子邮件。



That’s where Bird comes in. 

例如: Bird’s work with the online real-estate marketplace Zillow. Zillow was struggling to 最大限度地创造收入 through its email campaigns. While the company’s ultimate goal was to increase open rates for time-sensitive emails related to open houses and seasonal buying cycles, the solution to Zillow’s challenge required deep insights into the company’s email deliverability and timeliness.

Bird helped the Zillow team identify optimal delivery windows for these emails while minimizing the lag time between the email event trigger and message delivery. The result? An impressive 增加 9.65 亿美元 in email-generated revenue.

以下是我们如何帮助 Zillow 等客户将数据驱动的洞察力转化为实际成果:

Inbox Tracker

Deliverability should be a top priority for any email program. Inbox Tracker processes nearly half a trillion emails, SMS, and transactions every month, providing Bird customers with the most comprehensive and trusted data footprint you will find in the email industry.

Inbox Tracker 通过提供以下功能为电子邮件优化设定了新标准:

  • 实时性能监控

  • 可送达性分析

  • 优化inbox 位置

  • 所有关键交付指标的性能基准

这套数据驱动功能帮助 95% 的Bird 客户在电子邮件送达率方面超越了行业平均水平。



由于Bird能够从竞争对手的campaigns 中收集阅读率数据,您可以实际查看每个竞争对手的campaigns 的参与率,从而将您的campaigns的性能与他们的进行比较。


Inbox Tracker 的数据足迹还可以帮助企业根据竞争对手的电子邮件表现制定email marketing 最佳实践campaigns 。比萨外卖企业可能希望根据消费者最有可能订购比萨的时间,在一周中的特定时间和日期发送促销电子邮件。


Competitive Tracker

Study your competition and beat them at their own game. Bird’s Competitive Tracker is the only email marketing intelligence tool tracking more than 250,000 brands across millions of domains. This gives Bird customers unrivaled insights into the email performance of their closest brand rivals, which their business can use to optimize their own email program.

Competitive Tracker 每天为超过一百万封品牌电子邮件生成实时送达率和参与度洞察。这一庞大的数据足迹使您的企业能够轻松地为其在行业内的电子邮件性能设定基准,同时确定您在inbox 参与度方面最激烈的竞争。



When optimizing your email marketing strategy, the failures of rival brands can be just as instructive as the strong performance of industry leaders. By comparing brands through Competitive Tracker, Bird customers can quickly evaluate different email programs to identify which tactics are delivering value—and which ones are fumbling a golden opportunity. 


"托尼说:"由于我们跟踪了全球大量的电子邮件,因此任何发送相当数量电子邮件的品牌都在我们的数据库中。"营销人员可以看到,硬件品牌 1 在周六早上八点钟发送所有邮件。但硬件品牌 2 却等到星期一才发送邮件。

"然后你会发现,硬件品牌 2 的数字下降了,而硬件品牌 1 的数字却没有下降。为什么?因为人们周六会去硬件品牌 1 购买周末项目所需的所有物品。"

对于家居装饰零售商来说,教训是显而易见的:跟随硬件品牌 1 的步伐,你就能获得更好的受众参与度。


Email performance is directly connected to sales and revenue generation. 


电子邮件营销人员从概念上理解这一点。但是,模糊的保证与冷冰冰的数字没有同等的分量。因此,Bird 开发了一个投资回报率计算器,用于预测客户可从该平台获得的销售收入。一旦客户提供了典型的潜在客户获取成本和其他关键数字,Bird的顾问就可以将这些信息输入计算器,并预测通过Bird 运行电子邮件计划的投资回报率。

"托尼说:"我们可以向他们展示,如果我们将 5%的电子邮件从您的垃圾邮件文件夹转移到inbox ,那么在几周内,软件、电子邮件发送和全年咨询的收入收益将达到pay 。

通过根据收件率提高的基准预测创收情况,电子邮件营销人员可以根据数据论证是否投资Bird email marketing 平台。

Study your competition and beat them at their own game. Bird’s Competitive Tracker is the only email marketing intelligence tool tracking more than 250,000 brands across millions of domains. This gives Bird customers unrivaled insights into the email performance of their closest brand rivals, which their business can use to optimize their own email program.

Competitive Tracker 每天为超过一百万封品牌电子邮件生成实时送达率和参与度洞察。这一庞大的数据足迹使您的企业能够轻松地为其在行业内的电子邮件性能设定基准,同时确定您在inbox 参与度方面最激烈的竞争。



When optimizing your email marketing strategy, the failures of rival brands can be just as instructive as the strong performance of industry leaders. By comparing brands through Competitive Tracker, Bird customers can quickly evaluate different email programs to identify which tactics are delivering value—and which ones are fumbling a golden opportunity. 


"托尼说:"由于我们跟踪了全球大量的电子邮件,因此任何发送相当数量电子邮件的品牌都在我们的数据库中。"营销人员可以看到,硬件品牌 1 在周六早上八点钟发送所有邮件。但硬件品牌 2 却等到星期一才发送邮件。

"然后你会发现,硬件品牌 2 的数字下降了,而硬件品牌 1 的数字却没有下降。为什么?因为人们周六会去硬件品牌 1 购买周末项目所需的所有物品。"

对于家居装饰零售商来说,教训是显而易见的:跟随硬件品牌 1 的步伐,你就能获得更好的受众参与度。


Email performance is directly connected to sales and revenue generation. 


电子邮件营销人员从概念上理解这一点。但是,模糊的保证与冷冰冰的数字没有同等的分量。因此,Bird 开发了一个投资回报率计算器,用于预测客户可从该平台获得的销售收入。一旦客户提供了典型的潜在客户获取成本和其他关键数字,Bird的顾问就可以将这些信息输入计算器,并预测通过Bird 运行电子邮件计划的投资回报率。

"托尼说:"我们可以向他们展示,如果我们将 5%的电子邮件从您的垃圾邮件文件夹转移到inbox ,那么在几周内,软件、电子邮件发送和全年咨询的收入收益将达到pay 。

通过根据收件率提高的基准预测创收情况,电子邮件营销人员可以根据数据论证是否投资Bird email marketing 平台。

Study your competition and beat them at their own game. Bird’s Competitive Tracker is the only email marketing intelligence tool tracking more than 250,000 brands across millions of domains. This gives Bird customers unrivaled insights into the email performance of their closest brand rivals, which their business can use to optimize their own email program.

Competitive Tracker 每天为超过一百万封品牌电子邮件生成实时送达率和参与度洞察。这一庞大的数据足迹使您的企业能够轻松地为其在行业内的电子邮件性能设定基准,同时确定您在inbox 参与度方面最激烈的竞争。



When optimizing your email marketing strategy, the failures of rival brands can be just as instructive as the strong performance of industry leaders. By comparing brands through Competitive Tracker, Bird customers can quickly evaluate different email programs to identify which tactics are delivering value—and which ones are fumbling a golden opportunity. 


"托尼说:"由于我们跟踪了全球大量的电子邮件,因此任何发送相当数量电子邮件的品牌都在我们的数据库中。"营销人员可以看到,硬件品牌 1 在周六早上八点钟发送所有邮件。但硬件品牌 2 却等到星期一才发送邮件。

"然后你会发现,硬件品牌 2 的数字下降了,而硬件品牌 1 的数字却没有下降。为什么?因为人们周六会去硬件品牌 1 购买周末项目所需的所有物品。"

对于家居装饰零售商来说,教训是显而易见的:跟随硬件品牌 1 的步伐,你就能获得更好的受众参与度。


Email performance is directly connected to sales and revenue generation. 


电子邮件营销人员从概念上理解这一点。但是,模糊的保证与冷冰冰的数字没有同等的分量。因此,Bird 开发了一个投资回报率计算器,用于预测客户可从该平台获得的销售收入。一旦客户提供了典型的潜在客户获取成本和其他关键数字,Bird的顾问就可以将这些信息输入计算器,并预测通过Bird 运行电子邮件计划的投资回报率。

"托尼说:"我们可以向他们展示,如果我们将 5%的电子邮件从您的垃圾邮件文件夹转移到inbox ,那么在几周内,软件、电子邮件发送和全年咨询的收入收益将达到pay 。

通过根据收件率提高的基准预测创收情况,电子邮件营销人员可以根据数据论证是否投资Bird email marketing 平台。


在评估电子邮件营销活动的绩效时,打开率仍然很有用。但背景很重要,细微差别往往是必要的。如果您想全面了解您的电子邮件是否成功,您需要关注打开率之外的其他指标,pay ,以便更好地了解受众参与度和收入归因。

Bird其复杂的指标也能为您的企业提升电子邮件性能。 To learn more about Inbox Tracker, Competitive Tracker, our consulting services, or all of the above, 立即申请电子邮件送达演示.

在评估电子邮件营销活动的绩效时,打开率仍然很有用。但背景很重要,细微差别往往是必要的。如果您想全面了解您的电子邮件是否成功,您需要关注打开率之外的其他指标,pay ,以便更好地了解受众参与度和收入归因。

Bird其复杂的指标也能为您的企业提升电子邮件性能。 To learn more about Inbox Tracker, Competitive Tracker, our consulting services, or all of the above, 立即申请电子邮件送达演示.

在评估电子邮件营销活动的绩效时,打开率仍然很有用。但背景很重要,细微差别往往是必要的。如果您想全面了解您的电子邮件是否成功,您需要关注打开率之外的其他指标,pay ,以便更好地了解受众参与度和收入归因。

Bird其复杂的指标也能为您的企业提升电子邮件性能。 To learn more about Inbox Tracker, Competitive Tracker, our consulting services, or all of the above, 立即申请电子邮件送达演示.

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AI-first 营销、服务和支付 CRM

点击 "查看Bird",即表示您同意Bird 的规定。