





4 Useful Ways to Use AI Models for 市场营销 (That Aren’t Content or Image Creation)

Don’t limit yourself to using AI only for content creation. Here are four ways AI modeling can deliver sustainable value for your marketing function.



Published on

May 24, 2024

ChatGPT 可以生成标题建议,并回答你能想象到的任何主题的问题。DALL-E 可将文字转化为细节丰富、充满想象力的图像。DeepBrain 和 MidJourney 等视频生成器可以制作出媲美专业制作的精彩视频。

With so many tools at your fingertips, generative AI can look like the solution to all of your content creation headaches. But the ease of generative AI has revealed some serious downsides of AI content creation. 

Consider these staggering stats supplied by 营销影响者 Neil Patel:

  • 在对谷歌上排名靠前的营销内容进行的审查中,人类撰写的内容在 94% 以上的时间里超过了人工智能生成的内容。

  • 在对 68 个同时包含人工智能和人工撰写内容的网站进行的审计中,人工智能文章平均每月产生 52 个访问者,而人工撰写内容每月产生 283 个访问者。


Don’t put generative AI in a box. 

If you’re a marketer who’s ignored the broader applications of AI modeling because you’re not sure where to start, you risk falling behind your competition. 

Don’t let this happen to you: Read on to 了解人工智能模型可以帮助您和您的团队改进流程和提高生产率的四种具体方法 to enhance your brand’s market perception.

ChatGPT 可以生成标题建议,并回答你能想象到的任何主题的问题。DALL-E 可将文字转化为细节丰富、充满想象力的图像。DeepBrain 和 MidJourney 等视频生成器可以制作出媲美专业制作的精彩视频。

With so many tools at your fingertips, generative AI can look like the solution to all of your content creation headaches. But the ease of generative AI has revealed some serious downsides of AI content creation. 

Consider these staggering stats supplied by 营销影响者 Neil Patel:

  • 在对谷歌上排名靠前的营销内容进行的审查中,人类撰写的内容在 94% 以上的时间里超过了人工智能生成的内容。

  • 在对 68 个同时包含人工智能和人工撰写内容的网站进行的审计中,人工智能文章平均每月产生 52 个访问者,而人工撰写内容每月产生 283 个访问者。


Don’t put generative AI in a box. 

If you’re a marketer who’s ignored the broader applications of AI modeling because you’re not sure where to start, you risk falling behind your competition. 

Don’t let this happen to you: Read on to 了解人工智能模型可以帮助您和您的团队改进流程和提高生产率的四种具体方法 to enhance your brand’s market perception.

ChatGPT 可以生成标题建议,并回答你能想象到的任何主题的问题。DALL-E 可将文字转化为细节丰富、充满想象力的图像。DeepBrain 和 MidJourney 等视频生成器可以制作出媲美专业制作的精彩视频。

With so many tools at your fingertips, generative AI can look like the solution to all of your content creation headaches. But the ease of generative AI has revealed some serious downsides of AI content creation. 

Consider these staggering stats supplied by 营销影响者 Neil Patel:

  • 在对谷歌上排名靠前的营销内容进行的审查中,人类撰写的内容在 94% 以上的时间里超过了人工智能生成的内容。

  • 在对 68 个同时包含人工智能和人工撰写内容的网站进行的审计中,人工智能文章平均每月产生 52 个访问者,而人工撰写内容每月产生 283 个访问者。


Don’t put generative AI in a box. 

If you’re a marketer who’s ignored the broader applications of AI modeling because you’re not sure where to start, you risk falling behind your competition. 

Don’t let this happen to you: Read on to 了解人工智能模型可以帮助您和您的团队改进流程和提高生产率的四种具体方法 to enhance your brand’s market perception.




Most important of all, AI gives marketers the ability to 构建定制解决方案 without the assistance of engineers or programmers. With a little AI know-how and the right development platform, marketers can quickly create an AI-powered solution for whatever challenge they’re facing.



Most important of all, AI gives marketers the ability to 构建定制解决方案 without the assistance of engineers or programmers. With a little AI know-how and the right development platform, marketers can quickly create an AI-powered solution for whatever challenge they’re facing.



Most important of all, AI gives marketers the ability to 构建定制解决方案 without the assistance of engineers or programmers. With a little AI know-how and the right development platform, marketers can quickly create an AI-powered solution for whatever challenge they’re facing.




简单的解决办法是什么? Create an 人工智能聊天机器人 that can scan all internal documentation and quickly supply team members with accurate answers to their questions. This internal-facing chatbot can be set up in a Slack channel and trained by experienced marketers using a datasphere containing all relevant internal and external documents.

“If your chatbot needs to handle personal data, consider deploying your own LLM rather than using an external party like OpenAI. That way your data never leaves your own environment,” says 凯-文克, Head of Product Marketing at Bird.

"这一切都是私人的,它可以帮助 Slack 频道中的任何人回答任何问题--不管是'我能否将另一个 ESP 中的退订列表导入参与平台'这样的简单问题,还是更复杂的问题"。




简单的解决办法是什么? Create an 人工智能聊天机器人 that can scan all internal documentation and quickly supply team members with accurate answers to their questions. This internal-facing chatbot can be set up in a Slack channel and trained by experienced marketers using a datasphere containing all relevant internal and external documents.

“If your chatbot needs to handle personal data, consider deploying your own LLM rather than using an external party like OpenAI. That way your data never leaves your own environment,” says 凯-文克, Head of Product Marketing at Bird.

"这一切都是私人的,它可以帮助 Slack 频道中的任何人回答任何问题--不管是'我能否将另一个 ESP 中的退订列表导入参与平台'这样的简单问题,还是更复杂的问题"。




简单的解决办法是什么? Create an 人工智能聊天机器人 that can scan all internal documentation and quickly supply team members with accurate answers to their questions. This internal-facing chatbot can be set up in a Slack channel and trained by experienced marketers using a datasphere containing all relevant internal and external documents.

“If your chatbot needs to handle personal data, consider deploying your own LLM rather than using an external party like OpenAI. That way your data never leaves your own environment,” says 凯-文克, Head of Product Marketing at Bird.

"这一切都是私人的,它可以帮助 Slack 频道中的任何人回答任何问题--不管是'我能否将另一个 ESP 中的退订列表导入参与平台'这样的简单问题,还是更复杂的问题"。



从产品到服务套餐,大多数采购决策都需要在一系列选项中做出选择。如果潜在客户正在寻找一个 B2B 软件解决方案,他们会考虑每个供应商的成本、功能和不同的服务套餐。

The same is true for consumer purchases. Once a consumer is committed to buying a new tablet, they must compare the available options in terms of brand, cost, technical specs, and storage space. In situations where the prospect is facing a constrained set of options, AI can be an effective alternative to human sales support. 


Marketers can use Bird’s 无代码可视化生成器 to create an endpoint where consumers interact with a virtual sales assistant. From there, any AI model can be integrated into the backend to power the support bot—and since Bird’s platform is AI vendor-agnostic, you can easily upgrade to a different AI model in the future without disrupting the user experience.


从产品到服务套餐,大多数采购决策都需要在一系列选项中做出选择。如果潜在客户正在寻找一个 B2B 软件解决方案,他们会考虑每个供应商的成本、功能和不同的服务套餐。

The same is true for consumer purchases. Once a consumer is committed to buying a new tablet, they must compare the available options in terms of brand, cost, technical specs, and storage space. In situations where the prospect is facing a constrained set of options, AI can be an effective alternative to human sales support. 


Marketers can use Bird’s 无代码可视化生成器 to create an endpoint where consumers interact with a virtual sales assistant. From there, any AI model can be integrated into the backend to power the support bot—and since Bird’s platform is AI vendor-agnostic, you can easily upgrade to a different AI model in the future without disrupting the user experience.


从产品到服务套餐,大多数采购决策都需要在一系列选项中做出选择。如果潜在客户正在寻找一个 B2B 软件解决方案,他们会考虑每个供应商的成本、功能和不同的服务套餐。

The same is true for consumer purchases. Once a consumer is committed to buying a new tablet, they must compare the available options in terms of brand, cost, technical specs, and storage space. In situations where the prospect is facing a constrained set of options, AI can be an effective alternative to human sales support. 


Marketers can use Bird’s 无代码可视化生成器 to create an endpoint where consumers interact with a virtual sales assistant. From there, any AI model can be integrated into the backend to power the support bot—and since Bird’s platform is AI vendor-agnostic, you can easily upgrade to a different AI model in the future without disrupting the user experience.





"凯说:"你可以给人工智能一个提示,让它根据客户资料中填写的信息,从销售代表的角度撰写一封电子邮件。如果人工智能撰写的电子邮件有道理,你就可以按 "确定 "发送。如果不合理,你可以进入电子邮件账户进行编辑,确保信息准确无误。

“As you can imagine, this saves so much time. Your customers get a quicker response, and your sales and marketing teams can handle a higher workload. It’s a better experience for everybody.”

Automated messaging also helps you quickly gather more information to accurately score each lead. Once leads are ready to be handed off from the AI tool to a human sales or marketing professional, these leads must be prioritized in order of their potential value. 

Leads in certain countries, for example, may offer more value as a potential customer. Similarly, a B2B prospect with 500 employees will likely represent more revenue potential than a 25-employee organization. 





"凯说:"你可以给人工智能一个提示,让它根据客户资料中填写的信息,从销售代表的角度撰写一封电子邮件。如果人工智能撰写的电子邮件有道理,你就可以按 "确定 "发送。如果不合理,你可以进入电子邮件账户进行编辑,确保信息准确无误。

“As you can imagine, this saves so much time. Your customers get a quicker response, and your sales and marketing teams can handle a higher workload. It’s a better experience for everybody.”

Automated messaging also helps you quickly gather more information to accurately score each lead. Once leads are ready to be handed off from the AI tool to a human sales or marketing professional, these leads must be prioritized in order of their potential value. 

Leads in certain countries, for example, may offer more value as a potential customer. Similarly, a B2B prospect with 500 employees will likely represent more revenue potential than a 25-employee organization. 





"凯说:"你可以给人工智能一个提示,让它根据客户资料中填写的信息,从销售代表的角度撰写一封电子邮件。如果人工智能撰写的电子邮件有道理,你就可以按 "确定 "发送。如果不合理,你可以进入电子邮件账户进行编辑,确保信息准确无误。

“As you can imagine, this saves so much time. Your customers get a quicker response, and your sales and marketing teams can handle a higher workload. It’s a better experience for everybody.”

Automated messaging also helps you quickly gather more information to accurately score each lead. Once leads are ready to be handed off from the AI tool to a human sales or marketing professional, these leads must be prioritized in order of their potential value. 

Leads in certain countries, for example, may offer more value as a potential customer. Similarly, a B2B prospect with 500 employees will likely represent more revenue potential than a 25-employee organization. 






To facilitate this onboarding, many businesses rely on partner interactions with human recruiters to collect information, run background checks, and update existing systems with new partner information. When executed manually, this onboarding process can take weeks. But, by using 由人工智能驱动的入职解决方案, the average timeline for onboarding can be reduced from weeks to hours. With AI, pictures and scans of all necessary documentation can be collected; this information can then be extracted into a platform instantly.




To facilitate this onboarding, many businesses rely on partner interactions with human recruiters to collect information, run background checks, and update existing systems with new partner information. When executed manually, this onboarding process can take weeks. But, by using 由人工智能驱动的入职解决方案, the average timeline for onboarding can be reduced from weeks to hours. With AI, pictures and scans of all necessary documentation can be collected; this information can then be extracted into a platform instantly.




To facilitate this onboarding, many businesses rely on partner interactions with human recruiters to collect information, run background checks, and update existing systems with new partner information. When executed manually, this onboarding process can take weeks. But, by using 由人工智能驱动的入职解决方案, the average timeline for onboarding can be reduced from weeks to hours. With AI, pictures and scans of all necessary documentation can be collected; this information can then be extracted into a platform instantly.



The choice is simple. You could limit generative AI to content creation. 


It’s time for bold, forward-thinking marketing leaders to embrace AI implementations that would improve the revenue potential of their businesses. There’s no shortage of use cases to choose from: Pay one quick visit to the 拥抱的脸 AI community, and you’ll find more than 536,000 (and counting) models laying the foundation for future AI innovation.

As you make plans to develop your own AI solutions, check out all of the tools and support built into Bird全新设计的平台. We make it easy to create powerful, flexible AI solutions because our platform is AI vendor-agnostic, ensuring your solutions will integrate seamlessly with the latest and greatest AI models. Bird allows you to connect with any AI vendor (the popular ones like OpenAI or Gemini), but also even your own custom AI.

现在是时候超越人工智能制作低质量内容的能力了。Bird 使用 OpenAI 已有多年,并在内容生成之外的许多使用案例中得到了应用。我们很乐意帮助您为您的企业做同样的事情。

准备好开始了吗? 立即申请Bird Flows 的定制演示.

The choice is simple. You could limit generative AI to content creation. 


It’s time for bold, forward-thinking marketing leaders to embrace AI implementations that would improve the revenue potential of their businesses. There’s no shortage of use cases to choose from: Pay one quick visit to the 拥抱的脸 AI community, and you’ll find more than 536,000 (and counting) models laying the foundation for future AI innovation.

As you make plans to develop your own AI solutions, check out all of the tools and support built into Bird全新设计的平台. We make it easy to create powerful, flexible AI solutions because our platform is AI vendor-agnostic, ensuring your solutions will integrate seamlessly with the latest and greatest AI models. Bird allows you to connect with any AI vendor (the popular ones like OpenAI or Gemini), but also even your own custom AI.

现在是时候超越人工智能制作低质量内容的能力了。Bird 使用 OpenAI 已有多年,并在内容生成之外的许多使用案例中得到了应用。我们很乐意帮助您为您的企业做同样的事情。

准备好开始了吗? 立即申请Bird Flows 的定制演示.

The choice is simple. You could limit generative AI to content creation. 


It’s time for bold, forward-thinking marketing leaders to embrace AI implementations that would improve the revenue potential of their businesses. There’s no shortage of use cases to choose from: Pay one quick visit to the 拥抱的脸 AI community, and you’ll find more than 536,000 (and counting) models laying the foundation for future AI innovation.

As you make plans to develop your own AI solutions, check out all of the tools and support built into Bird全新设计的平台. We make it easy to create powerful, flexible AI solutions because our platform is AI vendor-agnostic, ensuring your solutions will integrate seamlessly with the latest and greatest AI models. Bird allows you to connect with any AI vendor (the popular ones like OpenAI or Gemini), but also even your own custom AI.

现在是时候超越人工智能制作低质量内容的能力了。Bird 使用 OpenAI 已有多年,并在内容生成之外的许多使用案例中得到了应用。我们很乐意帮助您为您的企业做同样的事情。

准备好开始了吗? 立即申请Bird Flows 的定制演示.

AI-first 营销、服务和支付 CRM

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AI-first 营销、服务和支付 CRM

点击 "查看Bird",即表示您同意Bird 的规定。