


Oct 11, 2022










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Women's Equality Day

Today at Bird we’re celebrating Women’s Equality Day – in commemoration of the 19th Amendment 到 United States Constitution. ǞǞǞ 19th amendment was adopted in 1920, giving women the right to vote. More than a century later women’s suffrage is still not a worldwide right! 

In the workplace we still see a lack of parity between genders. According 到 recent 世界经济论坛2021年全球性别差距报告, the distance to parity in all dimensions is at 68%, which means if we continue on our current track it will take 135.6 years to close the gap worldwide! 


Shane Owenby 于 2021 年 12 月加入Bird ,担任首席收入官。

在加入Bird 之前,Shane 在亚马逊(AWS)工作了 12 年,建立并领导了许多组织。Shane 拥有计算机科学学士学位,他的职业生涯始于 IBM,最初担任软件工程师。他在 IT 行业拥有 20 多年的工作经验,曾在澳大利亚、新加坡和美国等国工作。谢恩来自北卡罗来纳州,目前与妻子和两个孩子居住在得克萨斯州奥斯汀。


谢恩:作为一个 11 岁女儿的父亲,以及一名在 IT 行业工作了 20 多年的专业人士,我认为我们在缩小性别差距方面仍有许多工作要做,但在Bird ,我们看到正在取得长足进步。当一家公司把缩小性别平等差距作为首要任务时,我们就会看到更大的成功。在我的职业生涯中,我亲眼目睹了这一点。在Bird ,我们看到招聘团队在吸引多元化求职者方面做出了巨大努力。我们开始看到 C 级高管团队和其他领导职位的代表性更加均衡。在薪酬和晋升方面,确保所有员工,无论性别,都能公平竞争,应该是重中之重。我们都有责任参与促进工作场所的平等。




谢恩:当前的社会环境让许多公司开始评估如何才能创造更强的包容性和归属感。领导力、盟友关系和导师制对于建立成功的公司文化,确保组织中的每个人都能按照自己的意愿发展和提升职业生涯至关重要。导师可以帮助指导被指导者实现具体的发展目标,并帮助创造接触其他机会的机会。通过结盟,你可以积极支持和倡导来自代表人数不足群体的同事,并努力消除这些群体在工作场所面临的障碍。我曾有机会为许多同事提供这种支持,并通过赞助女性和其他不同群体来推动有针对性的发展计划,我希望在Bird 也能这样做。对于任何一家致力于建立包容性工作场所的公司来说,导师和盟友关系都是至关重要的。


Shane:  With Nikita Baranov, the new head of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion on board, here at MessageBird, we can look for opportunities to be engaged in future gender inclusion programs or workshops. We want to be aware of our unconscious bias and how it can affect the workplace. We also want to look for opportunities to help create a space for open conversations and make it a commitment to foster a safe and respectful workplace for all genders.

“It isn't just enough to get women on your Zoom call or make sure that your team has gender representation. It's really important to know that there are centuries of social conditioning of women to reduce confidence, and encourage not speaking up. So you have the responsibility to build an equitable future by encouraging the women that you've just hired to increase gender representation, to make sure they're speaking up, to make sure their voices are heard.”

– Asha Thurthi | Chief Product Officer @ MessageBird

Danielle Ong是大中华区经理,也是职场女性的热情倡导者。目前,Danielle的团队有50%的女性。她也是两个可爱孩子的自豪母亲。



丹妮尔:我对 "罗伊诉韦德 "案的推翻记忆犹新,这让我想到了它对女性在工作场所的平等所产生的持久影响。不幸的是,职场仍然不是一个公平的竞争环境,数据显示pay 男女之间的差距,以及我们对不同性别的不平等标准。无论男性还是女性,每个人都应该关注这一步伐,因为我们在社会中扮演着父母、雇员和社区成员等多重角色,性别均等将推动更高的个人满意度、人际关系和成长。


Danielle: I largely agree with this. Leadership leads  overall culture building and drives change. Allyship would be able to pave the way through personal actions, like calling out divisive behaviour, and using inclusive language in daily interactions. A more inclusive environment can be fostered by mentorship, since mentorship and mentorship programs can improve diversity by helping to map career paths for diverse demographics and helping to retain employees. With this, it enables the improvement of skills and knowledge necessary for advancement. ǞǞǞ only thing I would add on is that on top of that, making little steps personally is also a step in the right direction.


Danielle: This has to be a deliberate, ongoing engagement. Actions that can be taken include advocating for gender-equitable policies, supporting female colleagues and leaders, crediting them fairly and contributing a fair share in the workplace, and carrying an equal mental and physical (e.g household chores) load at home. 


Danielle: Actively read articles on how to be more inclusive, avoid gender bias and take action on it. Little actions add up and become the building blocks of change. 

“Study and become independent. Look to the future with confidence and always find solutions to all the challenges that life throws at you.”

–Anca Barbulescu | Finance Operations Manager @ Bird

Nikita Baranov is the Head of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion at Bird. Prior to joining the company in July 2022 he spent 7 years with METRO in tech and non-tech areas where he has been transforming and developing a couple of Employee Resource Groups and focusing on global acceleration of DE&I, building and leveraging communities of practice. Born in a half Ukrainian and half Russian family with Jewish roots, emigrated to Germany and part of the LGBTIQ+ community, he strongly advocates for non-discriminatory workplaces where everybody has a voice and a safe space to thrive at their best. In 2022 Nikita was voted #1 语音列表 在德国。


Nikita: Looking 在 overall slow pace of the gender gap worldwide I see the opportunity for  more progressed countries to help those that are less progressed to inspect, learn and adapt the good practice to accelerate the gap to close faster. Furthermore I’m convinced that systemic change will require more male voices to shape the solution of fixing the system which is currently unbalanced. We need to become aware of our biases, educate about how diversity dimensions intersect and shape a culture of belonging where all genders feel empowered and valued for who they are. 


Nikita: All three aspects are crucial to create inclusive and fair systems. I personally believe that allyship is key in the process. Men need to become allies of women and vice versa to be able to change the system for the good. To get there, I consider everybody in an organisation to play a role as change agent, identifying and self-reflecting how and where our behaviour is potentially harming people who are different from us. 


Nikita: I have a few practical examples how to engage as #HeForShe. First of all, always take action, don’t be a silent bystander if you hear something that doesn’t sound right! Challenge your peers when they speak disrespectfully of others, change happens right then and there when you speak up. Ensure gender balance in meetings and question your appearance in panel discussions when you see a disbalance of gender. Educate yourself, ask women about their experiences and listen to what is different. Challenge your own assumptions about the roles of men and women. Do most people in your circle look like you? Include women in your network to expand your perspective. 


Nikita: I firmly believe that everybody has a platform and a voice no matter how small to advocate for equity and inclusion. We as Birds are all owners of the company we love to work for and see grow not only in numbers but also culturally. So in a world where Birds can be anyone, stay alert, speak up, be an ally and admit mistakes along the journey, self-reflect, learn and improve! 

“When you're managing a team, you need to understand that there are people with really good strengths and then there are weaknesses. When you put all of the jigsaw together and you see from their perspective that makes a really powerful and successful team. Stepping into somebody else's shoes has served me really well in my career.”  

– Edel Hartog | Head of Commercial, 法律 @ Bird

Susan van Niftrik is a Netherlands native and received her Bachelor and Master of Laws from Utrecht University. After graduation, she started her career as a lawyer at one of the largest law firms in the Netherlands in 2010. Thereafter, she worked at several firms in both the Netherlands and New York, and was involved as an external legal counsel for Bird during its Series A fundraising round in 2017. 

Susan 于 2019 年加入Bird ,目前担任公司法律部主管。她和她的团队负责公司治理、并购、保险、劳动法和Bird 员工股票期权计划。




I hope that Bird aims to keep at least 50% of the leadership positions in the hands of strong women. I think we can become a shining example in our industry. Hopefully a diverse leadership team will have a trickle down effect in our organisation and attract substantially more intelligent women who want to work at Bird in all different departments as well. 


Susan: I think that leadership, allyship and mentorship play a fundamental role in promoting gender equality in a company. 

For me personally, when growing up, my mom was a great example of being successful at work and therefore I have always seen this as a logical step for myself. Both of my parents worked and shared their household and childcare responsibilities equally. 

When starting my career, the amount of men in leadership positions compared to women was a bit of a culture shock for me. The more important it was to be led and mentored by those few women in leadership positions to show me that women can indeed be successful. This was definitely an advantage for my own growth and development. It ensured that I did not feel that I should hold back in any way. 




In my opinion, every company should start with looking at existing gender imbalances based on company data to establish the patterns that advance gender bias. To ensure that the gap is actually closed, we need a diverse leadership team all able to participate in decision making processes and we need to introduce policies that remove bias and discrimination. Policies can advance equality. You can think of policies around parental leave, sexual harassment and equal and transparent pay at all levels in the company. 

However, it won’t be sufficient to solely look at leadership and policies. We all need to assess and acknowledge our own biases, and especially men. Sit down with friends, family, colleagues and others to understand where both your conscious and unconscious biases lie. I would like to suggest you to invite your team members, peers, and possibly also your manager, to do the same. By becoming aware of biassed behaviour, we can acknowledge and address it. 

Even though men might not instantly see this, men need to acknowledge male privilege. Men generally do get more opportunities in life and such opportunities make growth and development possible. So I would also like for men, both in leadership positions and outside of it, to speak up if they see (un)conscious bias. Become an ally. Men need to ensure that women get similar opportunities as men for a positive change. 支持 women throughout their careers, offer sponsorship opportunities, support education and make sure that women participate. By creating opportunities for women, we can ensure that they can grow and develop themselves too, which will hopefully result in closing the gender parity gap. 


In addition, men need to participate in both housework and childcare. If these tasks are not shared equally, how can it be expected from women to focus on their careers, while in practice having 2 jobs? It is hard to be responsible for everything and for me personally, I often have a feeling of guilt while not spending time with family as a consequence of work.  Prevent this from happening to your partners!



最后,我从经验出发,请不要再问你的女同事那些你永远不会问男人的问题。你的工作这么忙,为什么还要生孩子?难道你不想带着3个小家伙休息几年再回去工作吗?这些类型的问题和评论还没有在建立职业生涯时开始。它很早就开始了。不要再对小女孩说她们很霸道,而对一个男孩为自己站出来感到骄傲。扪心自问,为什么你认为这个男孩是 "领袖",而惩罚一个女孩的类似行为。

“If you are out there and you're in a position of privilege or you have a special skill that you could give someone, that is something that people from marginalised groups will never forget. It can give them a leg up in ways that maybe they would not have had prior to that situation.” 

–April Mullen | Senior Director Brand & Content Marketing @ Bird

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