





23 Ways to Increase Email Marketing Opt-Ins

Learn the 23 techniques top email marketers use to grow their email opt-ins via social media, websites, traditional channels, and more.




May 24, 2024






准备好一睹Bird 的风采了吗?


电子商务email marketing 成功的最关键因素之一与内容、CTA 或时机无关。它与电子邮件选择加入(也就是众所周知的订阅)息息相关。

电子邮件campaigns 的成败在很大程度上取决于收件人名单的质量,而收件人名单的获取和维护可能比你想象的更具挑战性。消费者经常会更换电子邮件地址或服务提供商,创建账户只是为了填写表格,或者选择完全退出通信。为了不断提高订阅者的数量、质量和收入潜力,您需要一种持续、简便的方法来获得目标市场的选择订阅。

The rumors are true: Buying lists is old-school and just won’t cut it anymore. There are too many potential consequences with purchased lists, ranging from diminished trust in your brand to legal issues for violating data privacy and compliance regulations. But with a more organic email opt-in process, you can build your brand’s reputation, avoid privacy issues, and generate ROI. 

本指南展示了 23 种跳过购买列表,转而增加email marketing 选择进入以提高转化率的方法。 These methods leverage communication channels already at your disposal, such as social media, your company website, and more. By deploying the right tactics, you’ll reduce email list churn and unlock more earning potential from your email emails.


Like WhatsApp and 短信, direct email marketing messages may only be sent to consumers who’ve previously opted into receiving them. This process involves either an explicit opt-in, typically via 填写表格, or implicit consent, where an email address may be submitted for another business purpose that automatically opts the user into receiving marketing promotional material.


为了让接收电子邮件成为一种享受而非负担,我们建议您利用与潜在客户和顾客的现有沟通channels ,邀请他们订阅您的电子邮件。实现这一目标的最快方法之一是通过有机社交媒体。与昂贵的付费方式不同,这些平台被广泛使用,您无需花费任何费用即可开始使用。


截至 2023 年 10 月, 4.95 billion internet users worldwide frequent social media platforms. That’s over 61% of the global population. These numbers should help you come to a clear conclusion— if you’re not taking advantage of social media channels to grow your email subscriber list, you’re leaving a large portion of your audience out of the conversation.


通过 Facebook 企业页面增加电子邮件订阅者

Though its popularity may have ebbed in recent years, Facebook can still be a powerful tool to add quality email subscribers to your lists. With 月活跃用户超过 30 亿, there’s still ample opportunity to reach a substantial audience. 

利用 Facebook 推动更多电子邮件注册的一些建议包括


在 Facebook 页面的封面照片上放置一个引人注目的 "行动号召"(CTA),鼓励用户订阅您的电子邮件列表,从而产生立竿见影的效果。确保 CTA 的文案部分切中要害,让浏览者知道他们注册的目的是什么。添加二维码也是一个不错的点缀。

2. Implement CTAs on business pages 

Your cover photo shouldn’t be the only place where you display a CTA for potential email subscribers. Add a button in the main navigation of your company’s page and insert links further down in the 关于 section that directs followers to opt into emails. Be sure to get creative with your CTA text to entice people to want more of your content. 

3. Showcase email newsletter snippets 

以 Facebook 帖子的形式分享电子邮件通讯中的预告或亮点,从而激发对品牌电子邮件内容的兴趣和好奇心。这些片段可以满足追随者的预览期望,有助于激发他们的好奇心。

4. Promote gated content that requires email access 


Turn video views into email subscriptions via YouTube 

地球上近 43% 的人口 watches a YouTube video every month, making it the second-largest search engine in the world. Here’s what you need to do to leverage this indispensable marketing channel to grow your email subscriber list:


Encourage viewers to subscribe to your email list by including compelling CTAs within your videos. They can be part of the video itself or inserted after the fact using the 信息卡 feature. Don’t forget to mention the benefits of subscribing as you direct viewers to opt in.


YouTube 的视频描述部分提供了主要的 CTA 空间,鼓励读者注册您的电子邮件。这种策略很有帮助,因为即使观众可能不会马上订阅,但当他们准备好转换时,也可以返回视频,访问登陆页面或表单链接。

通过 Instagram 账户获得电子邮件吸引力

As popular as Instagram is, it hasn’t reached its peak yet. By 2025, 估计有 14.4 亿人 will access the platform monthly. Consider the following tactics to increase email opt-ins using Instagram:

7.在个人简介中加入 CTA

Instagram bios have limited character counts, so maximize engagement opportunities by using the limited space to create a compelling CTA to opt-in to your emails. You could also add the opportunity to subscribe to your emails to a list of other options using a tool like Bitly 的链接 or 链接树.


如果你能在 Instagram Stories 中使用向上滑动功能(截至本文撰写时,只有拥有 10,000+ 粉丝的账户或经过验证的账户才能使用),那么也可以在这里链接到你的电子邮件选择页面或表单,从而捕捉入站兴趣。


与个人账户相比,Instagram 的企业简介可以在页面顶部列出更多按钮。有不同的选项可供选择,但就电子邮件而言,应剔除任何杂乱的导航按钮,直接链接到您的电子邮件加入表单。过程越无缝,用户体验就越好。

通过 LinkedIn 在企业社区内建立重要兴趣

Of its nearly 900 million active users, 超过 16% 的人登录并查看 LinkedIn daily. It’s more than simply a networking platform for marketers—it can be an extremely valuable (and often untapped) resource to grow a quality email subscriber list. Here are some strategies to consider:



11. Keep conversations going by sharing signup links 

在 LinkedIn 上与某人进行有意义的对话后,抓住机会分享相关链接,进一步吸引潜在用户访问您的登陆页面或注册您的电子邮件。无论是在评论区还是在直接消息线程中进行这些跟进,它们都能帮助感兴趣的专业人士转化为选择加入的潜在客户。


与 Facebook 一样,利用 LinkedIn 向用户提供独家内容,以换取他们的电子邮件地址。电子书、网络研讨会、行业报告,只要你的受众会感兴趣。你还应在相关的小组讨论中积极分享这些内容,并以此为载体吸引订阅者。

Convert e-commerce website traffic to opt-ins 

Your brand’s website is arguably the most important piece of digital marketing collateral you have. Because of this, you need to build it and use it as a springboard for consumer relationships. It’s up to you to give them a way to continue the conversation with you, on their terms, after they visit your website.

One of the easiest ways to accomplish this is to promote the benefits of signing up for your marketing emails. The proven web strategies below will help you gain more subscribers without taking up a lot of resources or bandwidth.


Website pop-ups may sound archaic and intrusive, but 高绩效网站的访客转化率高达惊人的 9.28. Most website builders allow you to trigger pop-ups based on user behavior, such as the page they visit, time spent on a page, and exit intent. If you offer an enticing incentive, like a “thanks for visiting” discount code, you’ll be surprised how many people will happily offer up their email to continue the conversation.






目前分享的策略主要集中在阅读和回复的节奏上。然而,一些最好的消费者互动并不是发生在评论区或聊天线程中。要想提高电子邮件订阅量,就必须对channels 进行 360 度全方位审视,避免遗忘更为传统但同样有效的方法。


无论是自办活动还是人流密集的行业会议,现场活动都是在面对面交谈期间或之后收集电子邮件订阅者的绝佳机会。在您的展位上制作专门的 QR 码标牌或摆放注册平板电脑,让与会者提供他们的电子邮件地址,以换取独家优惠或未来更新。


Virtual events, like webinars or hosted Q&A sessions, require attendees to provide their email. This built-in engagement factor means it’s easy to upsell an email subscription before or after the event. You also could communicate during webinar registration that attendees are automatically opting in to your future marketing sends by registering, but they can unsubscribe anytime they’d like to. This is an excellent way to boost brand authority and grow trust at the same time.

18.在所有印刷的销售促进工具上放置 QR 码

From brochures to book covers to billboards, 在营销和广告中加入 QR 码campaigns has risen 332%. It’s easy to see why, as it can provide viewers with instant access to your email subscription landing page or form via a scanned link, as well as a focused gateway to future interactions with your brand’s digital persona.



Turn email sends into subscriptions 

Finally, let’s look at arguably the most apparent conduit for increasing email opt-ins: existing email campaigns. 数据显示 that 83% of satisfied customers are willing to provide referrals, and 92% of consumers trust recommendations from people they know. To amplify these voices successfully, consider deploying any or all of the following tactics.


有时,你只需提出要求。每当您设计email marketing 营销活动时,都要加入按钮或链接,让读者能够快速、无缝地与他们的网络分享内容。如果您能让现有订阅者轻松分享您的电子邮件内容,您就能扩大品牌影响力,吸引新的订阅者,而无需花费太多精力。


The most effective way to turn supporters into brand evangelists is to gamify the process and create a referral program. By offering increasingly valuable incentives, such as discounts or freebies, for hitting subscription referral milestones, you give existing readers a chance to turn their goodwill into a tangible reward, all while growing email opt-ins for your business. 晨间啤酒 does this masterfully.


选择加入campaigns 也并非只针对新用户。对您的电子邮件列表进行细分并创建有针对性的选择campaigns ,以便随着时间的推移重新吸引不活跃的订阅者,尤其是当您的受众不断扩大时,这一点至关重要。为他们提供一个令人信服的重新选择的理由,如限时促销,以最大限度地提高电子邮件订阅者列表的质量。


最后但并非最不重要的一点是,确保你团队中的每个人都在他们的签名末尾有一个促进电子邮件订阅的选择链接或可视化 CTA。这是一种更微妙的方法,但也是一种易于实施的策略,其目标是那些可能已经在第一时间参与您的内容的商业网络。


电子邮件只是成功的、可扩展的选择加入营销活动的一部分。您可以将联系人和列表集中到一个地方,而不是在孤立的空间和channels 中管理选择加入活动。


进一步了解Bird的email marketing 解决方案 and how they can help you realize your growth goals.

电子商务email marketing 成功的最关键因素之一与内容、CTA 或时机无关。它与电子邮件选择加入(也就是众所周知的订阅)息息相关。

电子邮件campaigns 的成败在很大程度上取决于收件人名单的质量,而收件人名单的获取和维护可能比你想象的更具挑战性。消费者经常会更换电子邮件地址或服务提供商,创建账户只是为了填写表格,或者选择完全退出通信。为了不断提高订阅者的数量、质量和收入潜力,您需要一种持续、简便的方法来获得目标市场的选择订阅。

The rumors are true: Buying lists is old-school and just won’t cut it anymore. There are too many potential consequences with purchased lists, ranging from diminished trust in your brand to legal issues for violating data privacy and compliance regulations. But with a more organic email opt-in process, you can build your brand’s reputation, avoid privacy issues, and generate ROI. 

本指南展示了 23 种跳过购买列表,转而增加email marketing 选择进入以提高转化率的方法。 These methods leverage communication channels already at your disposal, such as social media, your company website, and more. By deploying the right tactics, you’ll reduce email list churn and unlock more earning potential from your email emails.


Like WhatsApp and 短信, direct email marketing messages may only be sent to consumers who’ve previously opted into receiving them. This process involves either an explicit opt-in, typically via 填写表格, or implicit consent, where an email address may be submitted for another business purpose that automatically opts the user into receiving marketing promotional material.


为了让接收电子邮件成为一种享受而非负担,我们建议您利用与潜在客户和顾客的现有沟通channels ,邀请他们订阅您的电子邮件。实现这一目标的最快方法之一是通过有机社交媒体。与昂贵的付费方式不同,这些平台被广泛使用,您无需花费任何费用即可开始使用。


截至 2023 年 10 月, 4.95 billion internet users worldwide frequent social media platforms. That’s over 61% of the global population. These numbers should help you come to a clear conclusion— if you’re not taking advantage of social media channels to grow your email subscriber list, you’re leaving a large portion of your audience out of the conversation.


通过 Facebook 企业页面增加电子邮件订阅者

Though its popularity may have ebbed in recent years, Facebook can still be a powerful tool to add quality email subscribers to your lists. With 月活跃用户超过 30 亿, there’s still ample opportunity to reach a substantial audience. 

利用 Facebook 推动更多电子邮件注册的一些建议包括


在 Facebook 页面的封面照片上放置一个引人注目的 "行动号召"(CTA),鼓励用户订阅您的电子邮件列表,从而产生立竿见影的效果。确保 CTA 的文案部分切中要害,让浏览者知道他们注册的目的是什么。添加二维码也是一个不错的点缀。

2. Implement CTAs on business pages 

Your cover photo shouldn’t be the only place where you display a CTA for potential email subscribers. Add a button in the main navigation of your company’s page and insert links further down in the 关于 section that directs followers to opt into emails. Be sure to get creative with your CTA text to entice people to want more of your content. 

3. Showcase email newsletter snippets 

以 Facebook 帖子的形式分享电子邮件通讯中的预告或亮点,从而激发对品牌电子邮件内容的兴趣和好奇心。这些片段可以满足追随者的预览期望,有助于激发他们的好奇心。

4. Promote gated content that requires email access 


Turn video views into email subscriptions via YouTube 

地球上近 43% 的人口 watches a YouTube video every month, making it the second-largest search engine in the world. Here’s what you need to do to leverage this indispensable marketing channel to grow your email subscriber list:


Encourage viewers to subscribe to your email list by including compelling CTAs within your videos. They can be part of the video itself or inserted after the fact using the 信息卡 feature. Don’t forget to mention the benefits of subscribing as you direct viewers to opt in.


YouTube 的视频描述部分提供了主要的 CTA 空间,鼓励读者注册您的电子邮件。这种策略很有帮助,因为即使观众可能不会马上订阅,但当他们准备好转换时,也可以返回视频,访问登陆页面或表单链接。

通过 Instagram 账户获得电子邮件吸引力

As popular as Instagram is, it hasn’t reached its peak yet. By 2025, 估计有 14.4 亿人 will access the platform monthly. Consider the following tactics to increase email opt-ins using Instagram:

7.在个人简介中加入 CTA

Instagram bios have limited character counts, so maximize engagement opportunities by using the limited space to create a compelling CTA to opt-in to your emails. You could also add the opportunity to subscribe to your emails to a list of other options using a tool like Bitly 的链接 or 链接树.


如果你能在 Instagram Stories 中使用向上滑动功能(截至本文撰写时,只有拥有 10,000+ 粉丝的账户或经过验证的账户才能使用),那么也可以在这里链接到你的电子邮件选择页面或表单,从而捕捉入站兴趣。


与个人账户相比,Instagram 的企业简介可以在页面顶部列出更多按钮。有不同的选项可供选择,但就电子邮件而言,应剔除任何杂乱的导航按钮,直接链接到您的电子邮件加入表单。过程越无缝,用户体验就越好。

通过 LinkedIn 在企业社区内建立重要兴趣

Of its nearly 900 million active users, 超过 16% 的人登录并查看 LinkedIn daily. It’s more than simply a networking platform for marketers—it can be an extremely valuable (and often untapped) resource to grow a quality email subscriber list. Here are some strategies to consider:



11. Keep conversations going by sharing signup links 

在 LinkedIn 上与某人进行有意义的对话后,抓住机会分享相关链接,进一步吸引潜在用户访问您的登陆页面或注册您的电子邮件。无论是在评论区还是在直接消息线程中进行这些跟进,它们都能帮助感兴趣的专业人士转化为选择加入的潜在客户。


与 Facebook 一样,利用 LinkedIn 向用户提供独家内容,以换取他们的电子邮件地址。电子书、网络研讨会、行业报告,只要你的受众会感兴趣。你还应在相关的小组讨论中积极分享这些内容,并以此为载体吸引订阅者。

Convert e-commerce website traffic to opt-ins 

Your brand’s website is arguably the most important piece of digital marketing collateral you have. Because of this, you need to build it and use it as a springboard for consumer relationships. It’s up to you to give them a way to continue the conversation with you, on their terms, after they visit your website.

One of the easiest ways to accomplish this is to promote the benefits of signing up for your marketing emails. The proven web strategies below will help you gain more subscribers without taking up a lot of resources or bandwidth.


Website pop-ups may sound archaic and intrusive, but 高绩效网站的访客转化率高达惊人的 9.28. Most website builders allow you to trigger pop-ups based on user behavior, such as the page they visit, time spent on a page, and exit intent. If you offer an enticing incentive, like a “thanks for visiting” discount code, you’ll be surprised how many people will happily offer up their email to continue the conversation.






目前分享的策略主要集中在阅读和回复的节奏上。然而,一些最好的消费者互动并不是发生在评论区或聊天线程中。要想提高电子邮件订阅量,就必须对channels 进行 360 度全方位审视,避免遗忘更为传统但同样有效的方法。


无论是自办活动还是人流密集的行业会议,现场活动都是在面对面交谈期间或之后收集电子邮件订阅者的绝佳机会。在您的展位上制作专门的 QR 码标牌或摆放注册平板电脑,让与会者提供他们的电子邮件地址,以换取独家优惠或未来更新。


Virtual events, like webinars or hosted Q&A sessions, require attendees to provide their email. This built-in engagement factor means it’s easy to upsell an email subscription before or after the event. You also could communicate during webinar registration that attendees are automatically opting in to your future marketing sends by registering, but they can unsubscribe anytime they’d like to. This is an excellent way to boost brand authority and grow trust at the same time.

18.在所有印刷的销售促进工具上放置 QR 码

From brochures to book covers to billboards, 在营销和广告中加入 QR 码campaigns has risen 332%. It’s easy to see why, as it can provide viewers with instant access to your email subscription landing page or form via a scanned link, as well as a focused gateway to future interactions with your brand’s digital persona.



Turn email sends into subscriptions 

Finally, let’s look at arguably the most apparent conduit for increasing email opt-ins: existing email campaigns. 数据显示 that 83% of satisfied customers are willing to provide referrals, and 92% of consumers trust recommendations from people they know. To amplify these voices successfully, consider deploying any or all of the following tactics.


有时,你只需提出要求。每当您设计email marketing 营销活动时,都要加入按钮或链接,让读者能够快速、无缝地与他们的网络分享内容。如果您能让现有订阅者轻松分享您的电子邮件内容,您就能扩大品牌影响力,吸引新的订阅者,而无需花费太多精力。


The most effective way to turn supporters into brand evangelists is to gamify the process and create a referral program. By offering increasingly valuable incentives, such as discounts or freebies, for hitting subscription referral milestones, you give existing readers a chance to turn their goodwill into a tangible reward, all while growing email opt-ins for your business. 晨间啤酒 does this masterfully.


选择加入campaigns 也并非只针对新用户。对您的电子邮件列表进行细分并创建有针对性的选择campaigns ,以便随着时间的推移重新吸引不活跃的订阅者,尤其是当您的受众不断扩大时,这一点至关重要。为他们提供一个令人信服的重新选择的理由,如限时促销,以最大限度地提高电子邮件订阅者列表的质量。


最后但并非最不重要的一点是,确保你团队中的每个人都在他们的签名末尾有一个促进电子邮件订阅的选择链接或可视化 CTA。这是一种更微妙的方法,但也是一种易于实施的策略,其目标是那些可能已经在第一时间参与您的内容的商业网络。


电子邮件只是成功的、可扩展的选择加入营销活动的一部分。您可以将联系人和列表集中到一个地方,而不是在孤立的空间和channels 中管理选择加入活动。


进一步了解Bird的email marketing 解决方案 and how they can help you realize your growth goals.

电子商务email marketing 成功的最关键因素之一与内容、CTA 或时机无关。它与电子邮件选择加入(也就是众所周知的订阅)息息相关。

电子邮件campaigns 的成败在很大程度上取决于收件人名单的质量,而收件人名单的获取和维护可能比你想象的更具挑战性。消费者经常会更换电子邮件地址或服务提供商,创建账户只是为了填写表格,或者选择完全退出通信。为了不断提高订阅者的数量、质量和收入潜力,您需要一种持续、简便的方法来获得目标市场的选择订阅。

The rumors are true: Buying lists is old-school and just won’t cut it anymore. There are too many potential consequences with purchased lists, ranging from diminished trust in your brand to legal issues for violating data privacy and compliance regulations. But with a more organic email opt-in process, you can build your brand’s reputation, avoid privacy issues, and generate ROI. 

本指南展示了 23 种跳过购买列表,转而增加email marketing 选择进入以提高转化率的方法。 These methods leverage communication channels already at your disposal, such as social media, your company website, and more. By deploying the right tactics, you’ll reduce email list churn and unlock more earning potential from your email emails.


Like WhatsApp and 短信, direct email marketing messages may only be sent to consumers who’ve previously opted into receiving them. This process involves either an explicit opt-in, typically via 填写表格, or implicit consent, where an email address may be submitted for another business purpose that automatically opts the user into receiving marketing promotional material.


为了让接收电子邮件成为一种享受而非负担,我们建议您利用与潜在客户和顾客的现有沟通channels ,邀请他们订阅您的电子邮件。实现这一目标的最快方法之一是通过有机社交媒体。与昂贵的付费方式不同,这些平台被广泛使用,您无需花费任何费用即可开始使用。


截至 2023 年 10 月, 4.95 billion internet users worldwide frequent social media platforms. That’s over 61% of the global population. These numbers should help you come to a clear conclusion— if you’re not taking advantage of social media channels to grow your email subscriber list, you’re leaving a large portion of your audience out of the conversation.


通过 Facebook 企业页面增加电子邮件订阅者

Though its popularity may have ebbed in recent years, Facebook can still be a powerful tool to add quality email subscribers to your lists. With 月活跃用户超过 30 亿, there’s still ample opportunity to reach a substantial audience. 

利用 Facebook 推动更多电子邮件注册的一些建议包括


在 Facebook 页面的封面照片上放置一个引人注目的 "行动号召"(CTA),鼓励用户订阅您的电子邮件列表,从而产生立竿见影的效果。确保 CTA 的文案部分切中要害,让浏览者知道他们注册的目的是什么。添加二维码也是一个不错的点缀。

2. Implement CTAs on business pages 

Your cover photo shouldn’t be the only place where you display a CTA for potential email subscribers. Add a button in the main navigation of your company’s page and insert links further down in the 关于 section that directs followers to opt into emails. Be sure to get creative with your CTA text to entice people to want more of your content. 

3. Showcase email newsletter snippets 

以 Facebook 帖子的形式分享电子邮件通讯中的预告或亮点,从而激发对品牌电子邮件内容的兴趣和好奇心。这些片段可以满足追随者的预览期望,有助于激发他们的好奇心。

4. Promote gated content that requires email access 


Turn video views into email subscriptions via YouTube 

地球上近 43% 的人口 watches a YouTube video every month, making it the second-largest search engine in the world. Here’s what you need to do to leverage this indispensable marketing channel to grow your email subscriber list:


Encourage viewers to subscribe to your email list by including compelling CTAs within your videos. They can be part of the video itself or inserted after the fact using the 信息卡 feature. Don’t forget to mention the benefits of subscribing as you direct viewers to opt in.


YouTube 的视频描述部分提供了主要的 CTA 空间,鼓励读者注册您的电子邮件。这种策略很有帮助,因为即使观众可能不会马上订阅,但当他们准备好转换时,也可以返回视频,访问登陆页面或表单链接。

通过 Instagram 账户获得电子邮件吸引力

As popular as Instagram is, it hasn’t reached its peak yet. By 2025, 估计有 14.4 亿人 will access the platform monthly. Consider the following tactics to increase email opt-ins using Instagram:

7.在个人简介中加入 CTA

Instagram bios have limited character counts, so maximize engagement opportunities by using the limited space to create a compelling CTA to opt-in to your emails. You could also add the opportunity to subscribe to your emails to a list of other options using a tool like Bitly 的链接 or 链接树.


如果你能在 Instagram Stories 中使用向上滑动功能(截至本文撰写时,只有拥有 10,000+ 粉丝的账户或经过验证的账户才能使用),那么也可以在这里链接到你的电子邮件选择页面或表单,从而捕捉入站兴趣。


与个人账户相比,Instagram 的企业简介可以在页面顶部列出更多按钮。有不同的选项可供选择,但就电子邮件而言,应剔除任何杂乱的导航按钮,直接链接到您的电子邮件加入表单。过程越无缝,用户体验就越好。

通过 LinkedIn 在企业社区内建立重要兴趣

Of its nearly 900 million active users, 超过 16% 的人登录并查看 LinkedIn daily. It’s more than simply a networking platform for marketers—it can be an extremely valuable (and often untapped) resource to grow a quality email subscriber list. Here are some strategies to consider:



11. Keep conversations going by sharing signup links 

在 LinkedIn 上与某人进行有意义的对话后,抓住机会分享相关链接,进一步吸引潜在用户访问您的登陆页面或注册您的电子邮件。无论是在评论区还是在直接消息线程中进行这些跟进,它们都能帮助感兴趣的专业人士转化为选择加入的潜在客户。


与 Facebook 一样,利用 LinkedIn 向用户提供独家内容,以换取他们的电子邮件地址。电子书、网络研讨会、行业报告,只要你的受众会感兴趣。你还应在相关的小组讨论中积极分享这些内容,并以此为载体吸引订阅者。

Convert e-commerce website traffic to opt-ins 

Your brand’s website is arguably the most important piece of digital marketing collateral you have. Because of this, you need to build it and use it as a springboard for consumer relationships. It’s up to you to give them a way to continue the conversation with you, on their terms, after they visit your website.

One of the easiest ways to accomplish this is to promote the benefits of signing up for your marketing emails. The proven web strategies below will help you gain more subscribers without taking up a lot of resources or bandwidth.


Website pop-ups may sound archaic and intrusive, but 高绩效网站的访客转化率高达惊人的 9.28. Most website builders allow you to trigger pop-ups based on user behavior, such as the page they visit, time spent on a page, and exit intent. If you offer an enticing incentive, like a “thanks for visiting” discount code, you’ll be surprised how many people will happily offer up their email to continue the conversation.






目前分享的策略主要集中在阅读和回复的节奏上。然而,一些最好的消费者互动并不是发生在评论区或聊天线程中。要想提高电子邮件订阅量,就必须对channels 进行 360 度全方位审视,避免遗忘更为传统但同样有效的方法。


无论是自办活动还是人流密集的行业会议,现场活动都是在面对面交谈期间或之后收集电子邮件订阅者的绝佳机会。在您的展位上制作专门的 QR 码标牌或摆放注册平板电脑,让与会者提供他们的电子邮件地址,以换取独家优惠或未来更新。


Virtual events, like webinars or hosted Q&A sessions, require attendees to provide their email. This built-in engagement factor means it’s easy to upsell an email subscription before or after the event. You also could communicate during webinar registration that attendees are automatically opting in to your future marketing sends by registering, but they can unsubscribe anytime they’d like to. This is an excellent way to boost brand authority and grow trust at the same time.

18.在所有印刷的销售促进工具上放置 QR 码

From brochures to book covers to billboards, 在营销和广告中加入 QR 码campaigns has risen 332%. It’s easy to see why, as it can provide viewers with instant access to your email subscription landing page or form via a scanned link, as well as a focused gateway to future interactions with your brand’s digital persona.



Turn email sends into subscriptions 

Finally, let’s look at arguably the most apparent conduit for increasing email opt-ins: existing email campaigns. 数据显示 that 83% of satisfied customers are willing to provide referrals, and 92% of consumers trust recommendations from people they know. To amplify these voices successfully, consider deploying any or all of the following tactics.


有时,你只需提出要求。每当您设计email marketing 营销活动时,都要加入按钮或链接,让读者能够快速、无缝地与他们的网络分享内容。如果您能让现有订阅者轻松分享您的电子邮件内容,您就能扩大品牌影响力,吸引新的订阅者,而无需花费太多精力。


The most effective way to turn supporters into brand evangelists is to gamify the process and create a referral program. By offering increasingly valuable incentives, such as discounts or freebies, for hitting subscription referral milestones, you give existing readers a chance to turn their goodwill into a tangible reward, all while growing email opt-ins for your business. 晨间啤酒 does this masterfully.


选择加入campaigns 也并非只针对新用户。对您的电子邮件列表进行细分并创建有针对性的选择campaigns ,以便随着时间的推移重新吸引不活跃的订阅者,尤其是当您的受众不断扩大时,这一点至关重要。为他们提供一个令人信服的重新选择的理由,如限时促销,以最大限度地提高电子邮件订阅者列表的质量。


最后但并非最不重要的一点是,确保你团队中的每个人都在他们的签名末尾有一个促进电子邮件订阅的选择链接或可视化 CTA。这是一种更微妙的方法,但也是一种易于实施的策略,其目标是那些可能已经在第一时间参与您的内容的商业网络。


电子邮件只是成功的、可扩展的选择加入营销活动的一部分。您可以将联系人和列表集中到一个地方,而不是在孤立的空间和channels 中管理选择加入活动。


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