





7 种为持卡客户创建即时聊天结账体验的方法

The future of e-commerce is frictionless payments. Try one (or many) of these seven actionable in-chat checkout experiences to boost your revenue potential.


Síle Cleary


May 30, 2024






准备好一睹Bird 的风采了吗?



A new approach is needed and we have the in-chat checkout experience to thank for that. This new way of shopping prioritizes efficiency and convenience by meeting customers where they are: on SMS, iMessage, WhatsApp, and Facebook Messenger. Customers are able to ask questions, receive personalized recommendations, and make adjustments to their order(s) without ever leaving their familiar chat interface. 


截至 2023 年,聊天机器人市场价值 120 亿美元,预计这一数字将飙升至 720 亿美元 到 2028 年。所以,也许是时候听一听了!

Here we have put together seven practical ways you can craft revolutionary in-chat checkout experiences for your business using card-on-file technology. 

利用聊天式结账体验增加收入的 7 种方法

In-chat checkout experiences are engineered to boost customer engagement, delivering value at every customer touchpoint. The potential to amplify your revenue through them lies in the art of automated, personalized conversations. 



In-chat payment solutions can boost customer satisfaction and loyalty by offering value at a moment when customers are already engaged and thinking about their upcoming experience. 

Imagine your favorite airline, which already knows your preferences and travel patterns, reaching out to you directly through WhatsApp a few days before your flight. The message is personalized and timely: 




To win back existing customers, reminding them about empty or soon-to-be-empty products is a solid customer retention strategy. 


Leveraging the intimate and direct nature of chat communication, the company sends you a friendly text message: 

This message not only reminds the customer that they need to reorder, but offers them an effortless way to do so, all within the comfort of their current chat window. 




Imagine receiving a message from your preferred coffee brand through Facebook Messenger: 



Encourage customers to tack on additional items to their purchase to improve your customer's shopping journey while also boosting your company’s average order value. This method is particularly effective when the add-ons complement the initial purchase. 

Take, for example, the experience of buying a MacBook through Apple’s online chatbot. As you're finalizing the details of your MacBook purchase, the chat interface smartly suggests: 


这就是将更多选择无缝整合到顾客的购物流程中。 Instead of navigating away from the checkout process to browse for accessories or protection plans, customers are efficiently presented with a curated selection of complementary products or services that they might not have considered otherwise. Your customers will appreciate the personalized recommendations and feel like they’ve made the most of their purchase.

5. 提前Pay

对于需求量大的预约和预订,客户对确保自己的位置有切身利益,而企业也有很大的动力来减少爽约现象。通过允许客户提前pay ,企业可以简化预约流程。

Consider the scenario of booking a much-needed chiropractor appointment. The chat service sends you a message: 


pay 提前付费模式不仅适用于医疗预约,还适用于各种领域,包括独家餐饮预订、健身课程和活动门票。通过聊天对话直接支付预付款以保留位置,可以消除最后一刻无法预约的沮丧感,同时强调所提供的体验或服务的价值。

By requiring payment in advance, companies can also better forecast demand, allocate resources more effectively, and keep operations running smoothly. Additionally, it reinforces the commitment on both sides of the client and provider relationship. 



Imagine receiving a personalized iMessage from your favorite skincare brand: 


By offering discounts for purchases made with a card-on-file, businesses capitalize on the efficiency and security of in-chat transactions while still giving customers a compelling reason to engage repeatedly with their services. Customers enjoy the convenience and savings, while businesses benefit from increased loyalty and a smoother, faster checkout process. 


An abundance of choices often leads to analysis paralysis; meanwhile, in-chat checkout experiences, equipped with intelligent decision trees, can serve as a beacon of guidance for customers. 

Imagine a customer is interested in purchasing a tent but unsure about the specifics required for their upcoming camping trip. Through a WhatsApp conversation, the company can deploy a series of simple, guided questions to narrow down the customer's needs: 

"Are you looking for a tent to use in cold weather conditions, or will you be camping in a warmer climate?" 



使用以下工具引入无摩擦聊天结账Bird Pay

Bird Pay makes all of this—and more—possible, offering unparalleled support for a global market, thanks to its ability to handle transactions in 160 currencies. 

无论您的客户身在何处,购买何种商品,Bird Pay 都能让结账过程像对话一样顺畅。此外,Bird Pay 大大加快了传统的结账流程,将浏览器转化为买家的速度提高了 9 倍。

We're committed to making this groundbreaking technology accessible to as many businesses as possible. 因此,我们提供Bird Pay ,没有任何加价,只收取银行手续费。. We want to democratize access to advanced payment solutions, getting this technology into the hands of both existing Bird customers and soon-to-be customers.

If you're ready to transform your e-commerce experience and give your customers the smooth, secure, and speedy checkout process they deserve, 联系我们 to join the early access program for Bird Pay. 


A new approach is needed and we have the in-chat checkout experience to thank for that. This new way of shopping prioritizes efficiency and convenience by meeting customers where they are: on SMS, iMessage, WhatsApp, and Facebook Messenger. Customers are able to ask questions, receive personalized recommendations, and make adjustments to their order(s) without ever leaving their familiar chat interface. 


截至 2023 年,聊天机器人市场价值 120 亿美元,预计这一数字将飙升至 720 亿美元 到 2028 年。所以,也许是时候听一听了!

Here we have put together seven practical ways you can craft revolutionary in-chat checkout experiences for your business using card-on-file technology. 

利用聊天式结账体验增加收入的 7 种方法

In-chat checkout experiences are engineered to boost customer engagement, delivering value at every customer touchpoint. The potential to amplify your revenue through them lies in the art of automated, personalized conversations. 



In-chat payment solutions can boost customer satisfaction and loyalty by offering value at a moment when customers are already engaged and thinking about their upcoming experience. 

Imagine your favorite airline, which already knows your preferences and travel patterns, reaching out to you directly through WhatsApp a few days before your flight. The message is personalized and timely: 




To win back existing customers, reminding them about empty or soon-to-be-empty products is a solid customer retention strategy. 


Leveraging the intimate and direct nature of chat communication, the company sends you a friendly text message: 

This message not only reminds the customer that they need to reorder, but offers them an effortless way to do so, all within the comfort of their current chat window. 




Imagine receiving a message from your preferred coffee brand through Facebook Messenger: 



Encourage customers to tack on additional items to their purchase to improve your customer's shopping journey while also boosting your company’s average order value. This method is particularly effective when the add-ons complement the initial purchase. 

Take, for example, the experience of buying a MacBook through Apple’s online chatbot. As you're finalizing the details of your MacBook purchase, the chat interface smartly suggests: 


这就是将更多选择无缝整合到顾客的购物流程中。 Instead of navigating away from the checkout process to browse for accessories or protection plans, customers are efficiently presented with a curated selection of complementary products or services that they might not have considered otherwise. Your customers will appreciate the personalized recommendations and feel like they’ve made the most of their purchase.

5. 提前Pay

对于需求量大的预约和预订,客户对确保自己的位置有切身利益,而企业也有很大的动力来减少爽约现象。通过允许客户提前pay ,企业可以简化预约流程。

Consider the scenario of booking a much-needed chiropractor appointment. The chat service sends you a message: 


pay 提前付费模式不仅适用于医疗预约,还适用于各种领域,包括独家餐饮预订、健身课程和活动门票。通过聊天对话直接支付预付款以保留位置,可以消除最后一刻无法预约的沮丧感,同时强调所提供的体验或服务的价值。

By requiring payment in advance, companies can also better forecast demand, allocate resources more effectively, and keep operations running smoothly. Additionally, it reinforces the commitment on both sides of the client and provider relationship. 



Imagine receiving a personalized iMessage from your favorite skincare brand: 


By offering discounts for purchases made with a card-on-file, businesses capitalize on the efficiency and security of in-chat transactions while still giving customers a compelling reason to engage repeatedly with their services. Customers enjoy the convenience and savings, while businesses benefit from increased loyalty and a smoother, faster checkout process. 


An abundance of choices often leads to analysis paralysis; meanwhile, in-chat checkout experiences, equipped with intelligent decision trees, can serve as a beacon of guidance for customers. 

Imagine a customer is interested in purchasing a tent but unsure about the specifics required for their upcoming camping trip. Through a WhatsApp conversation, the company can deploy a series of simple, guided questions to narrow down the customer's needs: 

"Are you looking for a tent to use in cold weather conditions, or will you be camping in a warmer climate?" 



使用以下工具引入无摩擦聊天结账Bird Pay

Bird Pay makes all of this—and more—possible, offering unparalleled support for a global market, thanks to its ability to handle transactions in 160 currencies. 

无论您的客户身在何处,购买何种商品,Bird Pay 都能让结账过程像对话一样顺畅。此外,Bird Pay 大大加快了传统的结账流程,将浏览器转化为买家的速度提高了 9 倍。

We're committed to making this groundbreaking technology accessible to as many businesses as possible. 因此,我们提供Bird Pay ,没有任何加价,只收取银行手续费。. We want to democratize access to advanced payment solutions, getting this technology into the hands of both existing Bird customers and soon-to-be customers.

If you're ready to transform your e-commerce experience and give your customers the smooth, secure, and speedy checkout process they deserve, 联系我们 to join the early access program for Bird Pay. 


A new approach is needed and we have the in-chat checkout experience to thank for that. This new way of shopping prioritizes efficiency and convenience by meeting customers where they are: on SMS, iMessage, WhatsApp, and Facebook Messenger. Customers are able to ask questions, receive personalized recommendations, and make adjustments to their order(s) without ever leaving their familiar chat interface. 


截至 2023 年,聊天机器人市场价值 120 亿美元,预计这一数字将飙升至 720 亿美元 到 2028 年。所以,也许是时候听一听了!

Here we have put together seven practical ways you can craft revolutionary in-chat checkout experiences for your business using card-on-file technology. 

利用聊天式结账体验增加收入的 7 种方法

In-chat checkout experiences are engineered to boost customer engagement, delivering value at every customer touchpoint. The potential to amplify your revenue through them lies in the art of automated, personalized conversations. 



In-chat payment solutions can boost customer satisfaction and loyalty by offering value at a moment when customers are already engaged and thinking about their upcoming experience. 

Imagine your favorite airline, which already knows your preferences and travel patterns, reaching out to you directly through WhatsApp a few days before your flight. The message is personalized and timely: 




To win back existing customers, reminding them about empty or soon-to-be-empty products is a solid customer retention strategy. 


Leveraging the intimate and direct nature of chat communication, the company sends you a friendly text message: 

This message not only reminds the customer that they need to reorder, but offers them an effortless way to do so, all within the comfort of their current chat window. 




Imagine receiving a message from your preferred coffee brand through Facebook Messenger: 



Encourage customers to tack on additional items to their purchase to improve your customer's shopping journey while also boosting your company’s average order value. This method is particularly effective when the add-ons complement the initial purchase. 

Take, for example, the experience of buying a MacBook through Apple’s online chatbot. As you're finalizing the details of your MacBook purchase, the chat interface smartly suggests: 


这就是将更多选择无缝整合到顾客的购物流程中。 Instead of navigating away from the checkout process to browse for accessories or protection plans, customers are efficiently presented with a curated selection of complementary products or services that they might not have considered otherwise. Your customers will appreciate the personalized recommendations and feel like they’ve made the most of their purchase.

5. 提前Pay

对于需求量大的预约和预订,客户对确保自己的位置有切身利益,而企业也有很大的动力来减少爽约现象。通过允许客户提前pay ,企业可以简化预约流程。

Consider the scenario of booking a much-needed chiropractor appointment. The chat service sends you a message: 


pay 提前付费模式不仅适用于医疗预约,还适用于各种领域,包括独家餐饮预订、健身课程和活动门票。通过聊天对话直接支付预付款以保留位置,可以消除最后一刻无法预约的沮丧感,同时强调所提供的体验或服务的价值。

By requiring payment in advance, companies can also better forecast demand, allocate resources more effectively, and keep operations running smoothly. Additionally, it reinforces the commitment on both sides of the client and provider relationship. 



Imagine receiving a personalized iMessage from your favorite skincare brand: 


By offering discounts for purchases made with a card-on-file, businesses capitalize on the efficiency and security of in-chat transactions while still giving customers a compelling reason to engage repeatedly with their services. Customers enjoy the convenience and savings, while businesses benefit from increased loyalty and a smoother, faster checkout process. 


An abundance of choices often leads to analysis paralysis; meanwhile, in-chat checkout experiences, equipped with intelligent decision trees, can serve as a beacon of guidance for customers. 

Imagine a customer is interested in purchasing a tent but unsure about the specifics required for their upcoming camping trip. Through a WhatsApp conversation, the company can deploy a series of simple, guided questions to narrow down the customer's needs: 

"Are you looking for a tent to use in cold weather conditions, or will you be camping in a warmer climate?" 



使用以下工具引入无摩擦聊天结账Bird Pay

Bird Pay makes all of this—and more—possible, offering unparalleled support for a global market, thanks to its ability to handle transactions in 160 currencies. 

无论您的客户身在何处,购买何种商品,Bird Pay 都能让结账过程像对话一样顺畅。此外,Bird Pay 大大加快了传统的结账流程,将浏览器转化为买家的速度提高了 9 倍。

We're committed to making this groundbreaking technology accessible to as many businesses as possible. 因此,我们提供Bird Pay ,没有任何加价,只收取银行手续费。. We want to democratize access to advanced payment solutions, getting this technology into the hands of both existing Bird customers and soon-to-be customers.

If you're ready to transform your e-commerce experience and give your customers the smooth, secure, and speedy checkout process they deserve, 联系我们 to join the early access program for Bird Pay. 

准备好一睹Bird 的风采了吗?


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点击 "查看Bird",即表示您同意Bird 的规定。