Trusted by over 25,000 businesses
Fully featured
Most complete solution in the market. Built-in workflows, booking system, NPS & more.
Easy to set up and use
Anyone can use MessageBird Video without training or installing software. Just click a link and go!
Secure and compliant
Encrypted, ISO 27001, GDPR & trusted by banks and central governments.
Unrivalled support
We love to help. Our customer success team is always available via chat for you and your users.
Explain complex topics more efficiently by making a personal connection and sharing your screen. This leads to improved first-time fixes. Spot opportunities for up and cross-selling, increasing sales revenue.
Retail banking
Connect more frequently and conveniently with customers to help manage their financial situation. For example, offer video calls to review customer’s savings and give practical tips on how to better manage their savings.
Private banking
Build stronger customer relationships by making touch points more proactive, relevant and frequent. This enables advisors to inform their customers on the impact of current affairs in real time, such as Brexit.
Business banking
Enable advisors to become a trusted partner. For example, offer video calls to discuss business dynamics and advise on financing options & loans. Many business customers travel extensively and love that they are one click away from meeting their advisor.
Customer service
Offer a seamless experience from text chat to video calls when customers require a more in-depth conversation with a financial advisor.
Mortgages & loans
Provide fast and personal advice on mortgages and loans. Help your customers go through the decision process faster with video calling, and empower them to buy the house of their dreams.
Personally advise customers on the right insurance products. For example, offer video calls during life-changing moments that are likely to impact one’s insurance needs.
Give personal advice on how to manage their portfolio. For example, offer video calls to coach customers how to get started with investments.