How 肉类俱乐部 Increased Customer Reactivations by 500% with Bird

在Bird 的支持下,肉类俱乐部 整合了通信和运营,在channels 上扩大了个性化客户互动,并打破了参与记录。






Shopify 整合


对 WhatsApp 的回复率campaigns


客户重新激活率提高(从 3-4% 提高到 20)


通过 WhatsApp 预购的数量增加

Protein is the name of the game for The Meat Club, a Singapore-based e-commerce business that delivers meats from Australia and New Zealand directly to customers’ doors. Seven years ago, 肉类俱乐部 started off as a humble friends-and-family style endeavor frequenting farmers markets, before rapidly expanding into a lively e-commerce operation. 

对于 The Meat Club 而言,客户服务一直以来都不仅仅是提供支持。这是他们的首要任务,是他们业务的基石,也是他们最有力的推销手段。

"肉类俱乐部首席执行官布拉德-罗斯(Brad Ross)说:"我们尽可能地贴近客户,确保与客户的沟通更加私人化。"我们经常拿起电话直接给客户打电话,或与他们进行一对一的交谈"。

这种关注程度和真诚的人际关系使 The Meat Club 脱颖而出,赢得了良好的声誉和客户忠诚度。但是,随着业务和客户的增长,这个规模虽小但实力雄厚的四人团队一直在寻找新的方法,以便在不分散精力的情况下亲自与客户群接触,并保持出色的客户服务。

在Bird 的支持下,The Meat Club 整合了通信和运营,在channels 上扩大了个性化客户互动,并打破了参与记录。



他们的业务建立在直接向客户餐桌提供定制客户体验的基础之上。但是,随着数字化浪潮将他们的业务推向更高的高度,他们发现自己在一片零散的通信channels ,运营效率低下,有可能冲淡其品牌的精髓。

一个由四名人才组成的小团队在四个不同的平台上忙于沟通,努力保持个人魅力。他们在一个平台上与客户进行 1 对 1 电话聊天,在另一个平台上提供一流的客户服务,并在其他平台上推广新产品和优惠。

The team desperately needed a way to consolidate and streamline all these interactions in one place. 

此外,在从 WordPress 迁移到 Shopify 的过程中,The Meat Club 丢失了相当一部分被搁置的客户订阅。该团队试图挽回这些客户,但却遇到了回复率低的问题--客户没有回复他们的电子邮件。

They needed to take a more dynamic, direct approach via Shopify-compatible technology to breathe life back into these paused relationships. 

Lacking the resources to invest in extensive training or upskilling, The Meat Club prioritized ease of use and all-in-one consolidation. They needed a plug-and-play tool that the whole team could pick up quickly. A tool that could unify all of their channels into just one platform. 

"罗斯说:"我们是一家小企业。"所有团队成员都必须在力所能及的范围内利用技术,并确保我们不会过于分散在多个channels 上"。


The Meat Club chose to partner with Bird for two main reasons: Its wide variety of supported channels and its ease of use. Bird could merge marketing, automation, and support into one and didn’t require an engineering degree to use. 

这不仅仅是一次运营升级,更是一项战略举措,旨在为每一份蛋白质、每一份外卖、每一条 WhatsApp 消息都注入个性化的关怀,而这正是肉类俱乐部从成立第一天起就一直坚持的特色。

以下是肉类俱乐部如何使用Bird 在更大的竞技场上提供一对一的客户互动:

1.利用预制的 Shopify 模板

有了Bird ,一切从一开始就准备就绪。通过利用预制的 Shopify 连接器模板,操作变得简单快捷,几天内就能启动并运行一切。

2.通过 WhatsApp 重新激活客户

The Meat Club set out on a mission to identify and re-engage customers with paused subscriptions directly through WhatsApp — a platform already embedded in the daily lives of their many Southeast Asian customers. 

The strategy was simple yet profound. 客户 received personalized messages that made it effortless to reactivate their subscriptions with straightforward reply buttons like “Yes, reactivate” or “No, cancel.” 


But this strategy was about more than reactivating dormant subscriptions. It laid the foundation for The Meat Club team to use WhatsApp as a vibrant communication channel. The perfect compromise between hyper-personalized 1:1 calls and traditional email marketing — they could now deliver their signature one-on-one interactions with promises of ongoing dialogue. 

通过 WhatsApp,顾客重新认识了 The Meat Club 的 "朋友和家人 "氛围,并体验到了新的联系感和品牌认知度。

3.通过 WhatsApp 推动预购

For The Meat Club, Christmas is more than just a peak sales period; it's a time to deliver joy and connect with customers through their festive tables. Their holiday sales strategy relies heavily on pre-orders, especially for seasonal specialties like hams & turkeys, which are highly sought after but not available on their site throughout the year.

在使用Bird 之前,客户会浏览 The Meat Club 网站并使用预购功能,但这并不十分有效。这往往导致预购的注册率不理想,使客户和企业都希望获得更多的体验。

在实施Bird 后,The Meat Club 发起了一个 WhatsApp 活动,鼓励客户直接登记他们的兴趣。通过在 WhatsApp 消息中链接谷歌表单,他们创建了一个简化的会话流程,用于管理节假日预购订单,并实现了集中可见性。


By using Bird’s Shopify connectors to connect their e-commerce store with their communication channels, The Meat Club was able to deliver a new level of personalized, targeted customer engagement. 

With customer data automatically synced between the Meat Club’s online store and Bird, the team could now automate communication based on triggers. The direct approach that has always been part of The Meat Club’s mission simply took a new form: Hyper-targeted, omnichannel campaigns instead of phone calls. 

One of the channels that’s proven successful so far is WhatsApp. 在 WhatsApp 的一次宣传活动中,重新激活率高达 20%,而以往电子邮件的平均重新激活率仅为 3-4%。campaigns. Moreover, 这次 WhatsApp 活动的回复率约为 80%、 a drastic improvement over their typical response rates to email campaigns.

The Christmas pre-order WhatsApp campaigns experienced similarly remarkable results, with a notable 预购注册人数增加 30 compared to the previous year. 

这仅仅是一个渠道。WhatsApp、Facebook Messenger、Instagram、SMS、电子邮件--Shopifyconnectors 让您随时随地满足客户需求变得易如反掌。这些全渠道campaigns 的成功不仅仅是数字上的。它们代表了 The Meat Club 与其社区联系方式的转变,将那些有意义的一对一电话交谈转化为现代通信channels 。


Looking ahead, The Meat Club sees a future where Bird shifts e-commerce customer experience towards chat commerce. Customers will replace the traditional desktop shopping experience with placing orders through more seamless, conversational interactions. 

"Ross 说:"对于像我们这样以订阅为基础的企业来说,轻松快捷地重复订购和管理追加销售至关重要。"Bird 允许我们简化这些流程,而不是要求客户登录账户仪表板进行更改。通过这种方式,客户的交易变得更加快捷和方便。

As The Meat Club looks into delivering more frictionless customer experiences, especially purchasing and account management, the team is looking forward to continuing its partnership with Bird. 

“We’re just beginning to explore the full potential of what Bird can offer in this evolving landscape,” says Ross. 


The Meat Club connects you with the taste of Australia and New Zealand.



Bird is an AI-first CRM for marketing, services, and payments. 


Our platform, our applications, and our 应用程序接口 help businesses streamline conversations through their customers’ preferred channels — like WhatsApp, Email, SMS, Voice, WeChat, Messenger, Instagram - and build powerful and engaging experiences. Bird's out-of-the-box functionality and omnichannel expertise tips the scales for knowledge workers and helps them be productive right away, with tools to build great marketing campaigns, customer service experiences, or automated business processes.

Protein is the name of the game for The Meat Club, a Singapore-based e-commerce business that delivers meats from Australia and New Zealand directly to customers’ doors. Seven years ago, The Meat Club started off as a humble friends-and-family style endeavor frequenting farmers markets, before rapidly expanding into a lively e-commerce operation. 

对于 The Meat Club 而言,客户服务一直以来都不仅仅是提供支持。这是他们的首要任务,是他们业务的基石,也是他们最有力的推销手段。

"肉类俱乐部首席执行官布拉德-罗斯(Brad Ross)说:"我们尽可能地贴近客户,确保与客户的沟通更加私人化。"我们经常拿起电话直接给客户打电话,或与他们进行一对一的交谈"。

这种关注程度和真诚的人际关系使 The Meat Club 脱颖而出,赢得了良好的声誉和客户忠诚度。但是,随着业务和客户的增长,这个规模虽小但实力雄厚的四人团队一直在寻找新的方法,以便在不分散精力的情况下亲自与客户群接触,并保持出色的客户服务。

With support from Bird, The Meat Club consolidated its communications and operations, scaling personalized customer interactions across channels and breaking engagement records.



他们的业务建立在直接向客户餐桌提供定制客户体验的基础之上。但是,随着数字化浪潮将他们的业务推向更高的高度,他们发现自己在一片零散的通信channels ,运营效率低下,有可能冲淡其品牌的精髓。

一个由四名人才组成的小团队在四个不同的平台上忙于沟通,努力保持个人魅力。他们在一个平台上与客户进行 1 对 1 电话聊天,在另一个平台上提供一流的客户服务,并在其他平台上推广新产品和优惠。

The team desperately needed a way to consolidate and streamline all these interactions in one place. 

此外,在从 WordPress 迁移到 Shopify 的过程中,The Meat Club 丢失了相当一部分被搁置的客户订阅。该团队试图挽回这些客户,但却遇到了回复率低的问题--客户没有回复他们的电子邮件。

They needed to take a more dynamic, direct approach via Shopify-compatible technology to breathe life back into these paused relationships. 

Lacking the resources to invest in extensive training or upskilling, The Meat Club prioritized ease of use and all-in-one consolidation. They needed a plug-and-play tool that the whole team could pick up quickly. A tool that could unify all of their channels into just one platform. 

"罗斯说:"我们是一家小企业。"所有团队成员都必须在力所能及的范围内利用技术,并确保我们不会过于分散在多个channels 上"。


The Meat Club chose to partner with Bird for two main reasons: Its wide variety of supported channels and its ease of use. Bird could merge marketing, automation, and support into one and didn’t require an engineering degree to use. 

这不仅仅是一次运营升级,更是一项战略举措,旨在为每一份蛋白质、每一份外卖、每一条 WhatsApp 消息都注入个性化的关怀,而这正是肉类俱乐部从成立第一天起就一直坚持的特色。

以下是肉类俱乐部如何使用Bird 在更大的竞技场上提供一对一的客户互动:

1.利用预制的 Shopify 模板

有了Bird ,一切从一开始就准备就绪。通过利用预制的 Shopify 连接器模板,操作变得简单快捷,几天内就能启动并运行一切。

2.通过 WhatsApp 重新激活客户

The Meat Club set out on a mission to identify and re-engage customers with paused subscriptions directly through WhatsApp — a platform already embedded in the daily lives of their many Southeast Asian customers. 

The strategy was simple yet profound. Customers received personalized messages that made it effortless to reactivate their subscriptions with straightforward reply buttons like “Yes, reactivate” or “No, cancel.” 


But this strategy was about more than reactivating dormant subscriptions. It laid the foundation for The Meat Club team to use WhatsApp as a vibrant communication channel. The perfect compromise between hyper-personalized 1:1 calls and traditional email marketing — they could now deliver their signature one-on-one interactions with promises of ongoing dialogue. 

通过 WhatsApp,顾客重新认识了 The Meat Club 的 "朋友和家人 "氛围,并体验到了新的联系感和品牌认知度。

3.通过 WhatsApp 推动预购

For The Meat Club, Christmas is more than just a peak sales period; it's a time to deliver joy and connect with customers through their festive tables. Their holiday sales strategy relies heavily on pre-orders, especially for seasonal specialties like hams & turkeys, which are highly sought after but not available on their site throughout the year.

在使用Bird 之前,客户会浏览 The Meat Club 网站并使用预购功能,但这并不十分有效。这往往导致预购的注册率不理想,使客户和企业都希望获得更多的体验。

在实施Bird 后,The Meat Club 发起了一个 WhatsApp 活动,鼓励客户直接登记他们的兴趣。通过在 WhatsApp 消息中链接谷歌表单,他们创建了一个简化的会话流程,用于管理节假日预购订单,并实现了集中可见性。


By using Bird’s Shopify connectors to connect their e-commerce store with their communication channels, The Meat Club was able to deliver a new level of personalized, targeted customer engagement. 

With customer data automatically synced between the Meat Club’s online store and Bird, the team could now automate communication based on triggers. The direct approach that has always been part of The Meat Club’s mission simply took a new form: Hyper-targeted, omnichannel campaigns instead of phone calls. 

One of the channels that’s proven successful so far is WhatsApp. 在 WhatsApp 的一次宣传活动中,重新激活率高达 20%,而以往电子邮件的平均重新激活率仅为 3-4%。campaigns. Moreover, 这次 WhatsApp 活动的回复率约为 80%、 a drastic improvement over their typical response rates to email campaigns.

The Christmas pre-order WhatsApp campaigns experienced similarly remarkable results, with a notable 预购注册人数增加 30 compared to the previous year. 

这仅仅是一个渠道。WhatsApp、Facebook Messenger、Instagram、SMS、电子邮件--Shopifyconnectors 让您随时随地满足客户需求变得易如反掌。这些全渠道campaigns 的成功不仅仅是数字上的。它们代表了 The Meat Club 与其社区联系方式的转变,将那些有意义的一对一电话交谈转化为现代通信channels 。


Looking ahead, The Meat Club sees a future where Bird shifts e-commerce customer experience towards chat commerce. Customers will replace the traditional desktop shopping experience with placing orders through more seamless, conversational interactions. 

"Ross 说:"对于像我们这样以订阅为基础的企业来说,轻松快捷地重复订购和管理追加销售至关重要。"Bird 允许我们简化这些流程,而不是要求客户登录账户仪表板进行更改。通过这种方式,客户的交易变得更加快捷和方便。

As The Meat Club looks into delivering more frictionless customer experiences, especially purchasing and account management, the team is looking forward to continuing its partnership with Bird. 

“We’re just beginning to explore the full potential of what Bird can offer in this evolving landscape,” says Ross. 


The Meat Club connects you with the taste of Australia and New Zealand.



Bird is an AI-first CRM for marketing, services, and payments. 


Our platform, our applications, and our 应用程序接口 help businesses streamline conversations through their customers’ preferred channels — like WhatsApp, Email, SMS, Voice, WeChat, Messenger, Instagram - and build powerful and engaging experiences. Bird's out-of-the-box functionality and omnichannel expertise tips the scales for knowledge workers and helps them be productive right away, with tools to build great marketing campaigns, customer service experiences, or automated business processes.

Protein is the name of the game for The Meat Club, a Singapore-based e-commerce business that delivers meats from Australia and New Zealand directly to customers’ doors. Seven years ago, The Meat Club started off as a humble friends-and-family style endeavor frequenting farmers markets, before rapidly expanding into a lively e-commerce operation. 

对于 The Meat Club 而言,客户服务一直以来都不仅仅是提供支持。这是他们的首要任务,是他们业务的基石,也是他们最有力的推销手段。

"肉类俱乐部首席执行官布拉德-罗斯(Brad Ross)说:"我们尽可能地贴近客户,确保与客户的沟通更加私人化。"我们经常拿起电话直接给客户打电话,或与他们进行一对一的交谈"。

这种关注程度和真诚的人际关系使 The Meat Club 脱颖而出,赢得了良好的声誉和客户忠诚度。但是,随着业务和客户的增长,这个规模虽小但实力雄厚的四人团队一直在寻找新的方法,以便在不分散精力的情况下亲自与客户群接触,并保持出色的客户服务。

With support from Bird, The Meat Club consolidated its communications and operations, scaling personalized customer interactions across channels and breaking engagement records.



他们的业务建立在直接向客户餐桌提供定制客户体验的基础之上。但是,随着数字化浪潮将他们的业务推向更高的高度,他们发现自己在一片零散的通信channels ,运营效率低下,有可能冲淡其品牌的精髓。

一个由四名人才组成的小团队在四个不同的平台上忙于沟通,努力保持个人魅力。他们在一个平台上与客户进行 1 对 1 电话聊天,在另一个平台上提供一流的客户服务,并在其他平台上推广新产品和优惠。

The team desperately needed a way to consolidate and streamline all these interactions in one place. 

此外,在从 WordPress 迁移到 Shopify 的过程中,The Meat Club 丢失了相当一部分被搁置的客户订阅。该团队试图挽回这些客户,但却遇到了回复率低的问题--客户没有回复他们的电子邮件。

They needed to take a more dynamic, direct approach via Shopify-compatible technology to breathe life back into these paused relationships. 

Lacking the resources to invest in extensive training or upskilling, The Meat Club prioritized ease of use and all-in-one consolidation. They needed a plug-and-play tool that the whole team could pick up quickly. A tool that could unify all of their channels into just one platform. 

"罗斯说:"我们是一家小企业。"所有团队成员都必须在力所能及的范围内利用技术,并确保我们不会过于分散在多个channels 上"。


The Meat Club chose to partner with Bird for two main reasons: Its wide variety of supported channels and its ease of use. Bird could merge marketing, automation, and support into one and didn’t require an engineering degree to use. 

这不仅仅是一次运营升级,更是一项战略举措,旨在为每一份蛋白质、每一份外卖、每一条 WhatsApp 消息都注入个性化的关怀,而这正是肉类俱乐部从成立第一天起就一直坚持的特色。

以下是肉类俱乐部如何使用Bird 在更大的竞技场上提供一对一的客户互动:

1.利用预制的 Shopify 模板

有了Bird ,一切从一开始就准备就绪。通过利用预制的 Shopify 连接器模板,操作变得简单快捷,几天内就能启动并运行一切。

2.通过 WhatsApp 重新激活客户

The Meat Club set out on a mission to identify and re-engage customers with paused subscriptions directly through WhatsApp — a platform already embedded in the daily lives of their many Southeast Asian customers. 

The strategy was simple yet profound. Customers received personalized messages that made it effortless to reactivate their subscriptions with straightforward reply buttons like “Yes, reactivate” or “No, cancel.” 


But this strategy was about more than reactivating dormant subscriptions. It laid the foundation for The Meat Club team to use WhatsApp as a vibrant communication channel. The perfect compromise between hyper-personalized 1:1 calls and traditional email marketing — they could now deliver their signature one-on-one interactions with promises of ongoing dialogue. 

通过 WhatsApp,顾客重新认识了 The Meat Club 的 "朋友和家人 "氛围,并体验到了新的联系感和品牌认知度。

3.通过 WhatsApp 推动预购

For The Meat Club, Christmas is more than just a peak sales period; it's a time to deliver joy and connect with customers through their festive tables. Their holiday sales strategy relies heavily on pre-orders, especially for seasonal specialties like hams & turkeys, which are highly sought after but not available on their site throughout the year.

在使用Bird 之前,客户会浏览 The Meat Club 网站并使用预购功能,但这并不十分有效。这往往导致预购的注册率不理想,使客户和企业都希望获得更多的体验。

在实施Bird 后,The Meat Club 发起了一个 WhatsApp 活动,鼓励客户直接登记他们的兴趣。通过在 WhatsApp 消息中链接谷歌表单,他们创建了一个简化的会话流程,用于管理节假日预购订单,并实现了集中可见性。


By using Bird’s Shopify connectors to connect their e-commerce store with their communication channels, The Meat Club was able to deliver a new level of personalized, targeted customer engagement. 

With customer data automatically synced between the Meat Club’s online store and Bird, the team could now automate communication based on triggers. The direct approach that has always been part of The Meat Club’s mission simply took a new form: Hyper-targeted, omnichannel campaigns instead of phone calls. 

One of the channels that’s proven successful so far is WhatsApp. 在 WhatsApp 的一次宣传活动中,重新激活率高达 20%,而以往电子邮件的平均重新激活率仅为 3-4%。campaigns. Moreover, 这次 WhatsApp 活动的回复率约为 80%、 a drastic improvement over their typical response rates to email campaigns.

The Christmas pre-order WhatsApp campaigns experienced similarly remarkable results, with a notable 预购注册人数增加 30 compared to the previous year. 

这仅仅是一个渠道。WhatsApp、Facebook Messenger、Instagram、SMS、电子邮件--Shopifyconnectors 让您随时随地满足客户需求变得易如反掌。这些全渠道campaigns 的成功不仅仅是数字上的。它们代表了 The Meat Club 与其社区联系方式的转变,将那些有意义的一对一电话交谈转化为现代通信channels 。


Looking ahead, The Meat Club sees a future where Bird shifts e-commerce customer experience towards chat commerce. Customers will replace the traditional desktop shopping experience with placing orders through more seamless, conversational interactions. 

"Ross 说:"对于像我们这样以订阅为基础的企业来说,轻松快捷地重复订购和管理追加销售至关重要。"Bird 允许我们简化这些流程,而不是要求客户登录账户仪表板进行更改。通过这种方式,客户的交易变得更加快捷和方便。

As The Meat Club looks into delivering more frictionless customer experiences, especially purchasing and account management, the team is looking forward to continuing its partnership with Bird. 

“We’re just beginning to explore the full potential of what Bird can offer in this evolving landscape,” says Ross. 


The Meat Club connects you with the taste of Australia and New Zealand.



Bird is an AI-first CRM for marketing, services, and payments. 


Our platform, our applications, and our 应用程序接口 help businesses streamline conversations through their customers’ preferred channels — like WhatsApp, Email, SMS, Voice, WeChat, Messenger, Instagram - and build powerful and engaging experiences. Bird's out-of-the-box functionality and omnichannel expertise tips the scales for knowledge workers and helps them be productive right away, with tools to build great marketing campaigns, customer service experiences, or automated business processes.

准备好一睹Bird 的风采了吗?








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AI-first 营销、服务和支付 CRM

点击 "查看Bird",即表示您同意Bird 的规定。