How 双威地产 wows and converts more customers with Bird

为了建设以创新、可持续发展为核心使命的社区,双威地产首先寻求改善与客户的互动方式。通过与Bird 合作,该开发商得以重新思考其售前线索资格认证流程和售后客户服务。







双威地产 has two main business goals: to provide a home for everyone and to do so sustainably. As the Master Community Developer, 双威地产 understands that the foundation of a successful real estate enterprise goes beyond bricks and mortar — it's all about building strong relationships with customers, stakeholders and the community at large. 

为了建设以创新、可持续发展为核心使命的社区,双威地产首先寻求改善与客户的互动方式。通过与Bird 合作,该开发商得以重新思考其售前线索资格认证流程和售后客户服务。




"双威地产数字化转型主管 Heng Meng Yong 说:"我们的重点工作之一是提高客户响应速度。"我们需要尽可能即时地回复客户,以便从一开始就给客户留下深刻而积极的印象,并表明我们对潜在客户的认真态度"。


双威地产’s team also had poor visibility into their sales reps’ communications with customers. Customer communications were spread out across SMS, email, and a number of personal WhatsApp accounts, which made it difficult to track leads, customers, and sales – further complicated by the fact that the team had to manually gather and collate this information. 

"总的来说,我们缺乏正确的 360 度视角。我们不知道销售代表是否真正回应了客户、何时回应以及如何与客户交谈,"Yong 说。"我们希望更好地跟踪沟通情况,以帮助我们的销售人员改进工作,并更准确地跟踪客户在销售流程中的位置。



解决方案:建立客户 360 视图并大规模实施 WhatsApp


  • 实施的灵活性, especially flexible 应用程序接口, to retrieve data from various sources

  • 与 Webhooks 兼容 for communications with all platforms

  • 易于使用, with a clean user interface 

Previously, the developer relied on multiple disjointed communication solutions, including personal WhatsApp accounts, SMS messages, and a cheap but ineffective email tool. 

Now, they use Inbox and WhatsApp for Business, allowing them to scale their communications and track their messages in a centralized hub. WhatsApp has become their most effective communication channel, thanks to how interactive and easy it is for customers to engage with 双威地产 representatives through it.


为了充分发挥 WhatsApp 的潜力,双威地产将该渠道整合到销售渠道中。例如,当公司推出一个新的房地产开发项目并在社交媒体上进行宣传时,潜在客户会被转到一个登陆页面。在那里,客户通过 WhatsApp 注册,Bird 立即引导他们通过自动flows ,询问资格问题,以登记他们对特定物业的兴趣。

Once the lead is automatically qualified, Bird passes it to Sunway Property’s sales representatives via Inbox. There, a team member can pick up the lead and continue the conversation with direct, personalized communication, ultimately converting it into a sale.

Capturing customer feedback 

Instead of collecting feedback on pen and paper, an outdated method that was both cumbersome and difficult to analyze, Sunway Property now uses Bird to send WhatsApp messages immediately after customers leave an event.  NPS scores are gathered easily, securely and digitally, automatically integrating that data into their dashboards for real-time analysis. 


他们还计划将Bird 用于 "售后或服务 "用例,例如,当您居住在他们的某个物业中时,您可以使用 WhatsApp 获得礼宾服务或房屋使用方面的一般支持。


"客户对我们的回复速度印象深刻,"Yong 说。"确保他们获得顺畅的端到端体验对我们的整体成功产生了重大影响"。

Sunway Property’s strategic integration of WhatsApp into its sales processes has been transformative, evidenced by significant upticks in conversion rates and customer satisfaction. 

通过 WhatsApp 与公司互动的客户的转化率要高于在网站上填写 "联系我们 "表格的客户。认识到这些收益以及取得更大成果的潜力,双威地产正在进一步投资 WhatsApp,将其作为一个交流平台。

Most importantly, their sales team has achieved its goal of decreasing response times – by an awe-inspiring 300%. Even outside of normal office hours, Sunway's use of Bird’s automated flows allows the company to continue responding to leads 24/7. This creates a “Wow!” effect for prospects and starts off their customer journey on a positive note. 


展望未来,双威置业的下一个宏伟目标是将 WhatsApp 不仅作为获取客户的工具,而且作为持续客户服务的重要组成部分。

Once customers transition from prospective buyers to homeowners, their needs evolve, but the expectation for quick and efficient service remains. By utilizing WhatsApp to answer frequently asked questions and address common concerns, Sunway will be able to deliver instant concierge-style support to homeowners. 

In terms of digital engagement, Sunway Property is the front-runner across the wider Sunway group, says Yong. And now, they’re looking to help the rest of Sunway catch up to their success. 

“We’re exploring working with other business units to see how they can leverage WhatsApp, too,” said Yong. 


Sunway Property is the property division of Sunway Group, Malaysia’s leading conglomerate with diversified interests that is listed on Bursa Malaysia and a constituent of the FTSE4Good Index Series. As a Master Community Developer, Sunway Property fulfills UNSDG 11, aiming to make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient, and sustainable. Sunway Property builds, owns, and operates integrated townships and developments spanning over 5,000 acres across Malaysia, creating healthy, safe, and well-connected ecosystems for communities to live, learn, work, and play within. Sunway Property’s portfolio includes internationally acclaimed properties in Malaysia and abroad, including China, Cambodia, Vietnam, and Singapore. For more information, visit



我们的平台、应用程序和应用程序接口帮助企业通过客户首选的channels (如 WhatsApp、电子邮件、短信、语音、微信、Messenger 和 Instagram)简化对话,并打造功能强大、引人入胜的体验。Bird我们的开箱即用功能和全渠道专业技术为知识工作者提供了便利,帮助他们立即提高工作效率,并利用各种工具构建出色的营销campaigns 、客户服务体验或自动化业务流程。

Bird 总部位于阿姆斯特丹,为 Google、Facebook 和 Uber 等 29K+ 客户处理超过 5 万亿条信息、电话和电子邮件,涉及channels (如 WhatApp、电子邮件、短信等)。公司成立于 2011 年,现已发展成为拥有 800 多名员工的强大团队,员工来自 55 个国家,我们为自己是一家 "远程友好型 "公司而感到自豪。

Sunway Property has two main business goals: to provide a home for everyone and to do so sustainably. As the Master Community Developer, Sunway Property understands that the foundation of a successful real estate enterprise goes beyond bricks and mortar — it's all about building strong relationships with customers, stakeholders and the community at large. 

为了建设以创新、可持续发展为核心使命的社区,双威地产首先寻求改善与客户的互动方式。通过与Bird 合作,该开发商得以重新思考其售前线索资格认证流程和售后客户服务。




"双威地产数字化转型主管 Heng Meng Yong 说:"我们的重点工作之一是提高客户响应速度。"我们需要尽可能即时地回复客户,以便从一开始就给客户留下深刻而积极的印象,并表明我们对潜在客户的认真态度"。


Sunway Property’s team also had poor visibility into their sales reps’ communications with customers. Customer communications were spread out across SMS, email, and a number of personal WhatsApp accounts, which made it difficult to track leads, customers, and sales – further complicated by the fact that the team had to manually gather and collate this information. 

"总的来说,我们缺乏正确的 360 度视角。我们不知道销售代表是否真正回应了客户、何时回应以及如何与客户交谈,"Yong 说。"我们希望更好地跟踪沟通情况,以帮助我们的销售人员改进工作,并更准确地跟踪客户在销售流程中的位置。



解决方案:建立客户 360 视图并大规模实施 WhatsApp


  • 实施的灵活性, especially flexible 应用程序接口, to retrieve data from various sources

  • 与 Webhooks 兼容 for communications with all platforms

  • 易于使用, with a clean user interface 

Previously, the developer relied on multiple disjointed communication solutions, including personal WhatsApp accounts, SMS messages, and a cheap but ineffective email tool. 

Now, they use Inbox and WhatsApp for Business, allowing them to scale their communications and track their messages in a centralized hub. WhatsApp has become their most effective communication channel, thanks to how interactive and easy it is for customers to engage with Sunway Property representatives through it.


为了充分发挥 WhatsApp 的潜力,双威地产将该渠道整合到销售渠道中。例如,当公司推出一个新的房地产开发项目并在社交媒体上进行宣传时,潜在客户会被转到一个登陆页面。在那里,客户通过 WhatsApp 注册,Bird 立即引导他们通过自动flows ,询问资格问题,以登记他们对特定物业的兴趣。

Once the lead is automatically qualified, Bird passes it to Sunway Property’s sales representatives via Inbox. There, a team member can pick up the lead and continue the conversation with direct, personalized communication, ultimately converting it into a sale.

Capturing customer feedback 

Instead of collecting feedback on pen and paper, an outdated method that was both cumbersome and difficult to analyze, Sunway Property now uses Bird to send WhatsApp messages immediately after customers leave an event.  NPS scores are gathered easily, securely and digitally, automatically integrating that data into their dashboards for real-time analysis. 


他们还计划将Bird 用于 "售后或服务 "用例,例如,当您居住在他们的某个物业中时,您可以使用 WhatsApp 获得礼宾服务或房屋使用方面的一般支持。


"客户对我们的回复速度印象深刻,"Yong 说。"确保他们获得顺畅的端到端体验对我们的整体成功产生了重大影响"。

Sunway Property’s strategic integration of WhatsApp into its sales processes has been transformative, evidenced by significant upticks in conversion rates and customer satisfaction. 

通过 WhatsApp 与公司互动的客户的转化率要高于在网站上填写 "联系我们 "表格的客户。认识到这些收益以及取得更大成果的潜力,双威地产正在进一步投资 WhatsApp,将其作为一个交流平台。

Most importantly, their sales team has achieved its goal of decreasing response times – by an awe-inspiring 300%. Even outside of normal office hours, Sunway's use of Bird’s automated flows allows the company to continue responding to leads 24/7. This creates a “Wow!” effect for prospects and starts off their customer journey on a positive note. 


展望未来,双威置业的下一个宏伟目标是将 WhatsApp 不仅作为获取客户的工具,而且作为持续客户服务的重要组成部分。

Once customers transition from prospective buyers to homeowners, their needs evolve, but the expectation for quick and efficient service remains. By utilizing WhatsApp to answer frequently asked questions and address common concerns, Sunway will be able to deliver instant concierge-style support to homeowners. 

In terms of digital engagement, Sunway Property is the front-runner across the wider Sunway group, says Yong. And now, they’re looking to help the rest of Sunway catch up to their success. 

“We’re exploring working with other business units to see how they can leverage WhatsApp, too,” said Yong. 


Sunway Property is the property division of Sunway Group, Malaysia’s leading conglomerate with diversified interests that is listed on Bursa Malaysia and a constituent of the FTSE4Good Index Series. As a Master Community Developer, Sunway Property fulfills UNSDG 11, aiming to make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient, and sustainable. Sunway Property builds, owns, and operates integrated townships and developments spanning over 5,000 acres across Malaysia, creating healthy, safe, and well-connected ecosystems for communities to live, learn, work, and play within. Sunway Property’s portfolio includes internationally acclaimed properties in Malaysia and abroad, including China, Cambodia, Vietnam, and Singapore. For more information, visit



我们的平台、应用程序和应用程序接口帮助企业通过客户首选的channels (如 WhatsApp、电子邮件、短信、语音、微信、Messenger 和 Instagram)简化对话,并打造功能强大、引人入胜的体验。Bird我们的开箱即用功能和全渠道专业技术为知识工作者提供了便利,帮助他们立即提高工作效率,并利用各种工具构建出色的营销campaigns 、客户服务体验或自动化业务流程。

Bird 总部位于阿姆斯特丹,为 Google、Facebook 和 Uber 等 29K+ 客户处理超过 5 万亿条信息、电话和电子邮件,涉及channels (如 WhatApp、电子邮件、短信等)。公司成立于 2011 年,现已发展成为拥有 800 多名员工的强大团队,员工来自 55 个国家,我们为自己是一家 "远程友好型 "公司而感到自豪。

Sunway Property has two main business goals: to provide a home for everyone and to do so sustainably. As the Master Community Developer, Sunway Property understands that the foundation of a successful real estate enterprise goes beyond bricks and mortar — it's all about building strong relationships with customers, stakeholders and the community at large. 

In order to build the innovative, sustainable communities that are at the center of its mission, Sunway Property first sought to improve how it engages with its customers. By partnering with Bird, the developer was able to rethink its pre-sales lead qualification process and post-sales customer service offerings.




"双威地产数字化转型主管 Heng Meng Yong 说:"我们的重点工作之一是提高客户响应速度。"我们需要尽可能即时地回复客户,以便从一开始就给客户留下深刻而积极的印象,并表明我们对潜在客户的认真态度"。


Sunway Property’s team also had poor visibility into their sales reps’ communications with customers. Customer communications were spread out across SMS, email, and a number of personal WhatsApp accounts, which made it difficult to track leads, customers, and sales – further complicated by the fact that the team had to manually gather and collate this information. 

"总的来说,我们缺乏正确的 360 度视角。我们不知道销售代表是否真正回应了客户、何时回应以及如何与客户交谈,"Yong 说。"我们希望更好地跟踪沟通情况,以帮助我们的销售人员改进工作,并更准确地跟踪客户在销售流程中的位置。



解决方案:建立客户 360 视图并大规模实施 WhatsApp


  • 实施的灵活性, especially flexible 应用程序接口, to retrieve data from various sources

  • 与 Webhooks 兼容 for communications with all platforms

  • 易于使用, with a clean user interface 

Previously, the developer relied on multiple disjointed communication solutions, including personal WhatsApp accounts, SMS messages, and a cheap but ineffective email tool. 

Now, they use Inbox and WhatsApp for Business, allowing them to scale their communications and track their messages in a centralized hub. WhatsApp has become their most effective communication channel, thanks to how interactive and easy it is for customers to engage with Sunway Property representatives through it.


为了充分发挥 WhatsApp 的潜力,双威地产将该渠道整合到销售渠道中。例如,当公司推出一个新的房地产开发项目并在社交媒体上进行宣传时,潜在客户会被转到一个登陆页面。在那里,客户通过 WhatsApp 注册,Bird 立即引导他们通过自动flows ,询问资格问题,以登记他们对特定物业的兴趣。

Once the lead is automatically qualified, Bird passes it to Sunway Property’s sales representatives via Inbox. There, a team member can pick up the lead and continue the conversation with direct, personalized communication, ultimately converting it into a sale.

Capturing customer feedback 

Instead of collecting feedback on pen and paper, an outdated method that was both cumbersome and difficult to analyze, Sunway Property now uses Bird to send WhatsApp messages immediately after customers leave an event.  NPS scores are gathered easily, securely and digitally, automatically integrating that data into their dashboards for real-time analysis. 


他们还计划将Bird 用于 "售后或服务 "用例,例如,当您居住在他们的某个物业中时,您可以使用 WhatsApp 获得礼宾服务或房屋使用方面的一般支持。


"客户对我们的回复速度印象深刻,"Yong 说。"确保他们获得顺畅的端到端体验对我们的整体成功产生了重大影响"。

Sunway Property’s strategic integration of WhatsApp into its sales processes has been transformative, evidenced by significant upticks in conversion rates and customer satisfaction. 

通过 WhatsApp 与公司互动的客户的转化率要高于在网站上填写 "联系我们 "表格的客户。认识到这些收益以及取得更大成果的潜力,双威地产正在进一步投资 WhatsApp,将其作为一个交流平台。

Most importantly, their sales team has achieved its goal of decreasing response times – by an awe-inspiring 300%. Even outside of normal office hours, Sunway's use of Bird’s automated flows allows the company to continue responding to leads 24/7. This creates a “Wow!” effect for prospects and starts off their customer journey on a positive note. 


展望未来,双威置业的下一个宏伟目标是将 WhatsApp 不仅作为获取客户的工具,而且作为持续客户服务的重要组成部分。

Once customers transition from prospective buyers to homeowners, their needs evolve, but the expectation for quick and efficient service remains. By utilizing WhatsApp to answer frequently asked questions and address common concerns, Sunway will be able to deliver instant concierge-style support to homeowners. 

In terms of digital engagement, Sunway Property is the front-runner across the wider Sunway group, says Yong. And now, they’re looking to help the rest of Sunway catch up to their success. 

“We’re exploring working with other business units to see how they can leverage WhatsApp, too,” said Yong. 


Sunway Property is the property division of Sunway Group, Malaysia’s leading conglomerate with diversified interests that is listed on Bursa Malaysia and a constituent of the FTSE4Good Index Series. As a Master Community Developer, Sunway Property fulfills UNSDG 11, aiming to make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient, and sustainable. Sunway Property builds, owns, and operates integrated townships and developments spanning over 5,000 acres across Malaysia, creating healthy, safe, and well-connected ecosystems for communities to live, learn, work, and play within. Sunway Property’s portfolio includes internationally acclaimed properties in Malaysia and abroad, including China, Cambodia, Vietnam, and Singapore. For more information, visit



我们的平台、应用程序和应用程序接口帮助企业通过客户首选的channels (如 WhatsApp、电子邮件、短信、语音、微信、Messenger 和 Instagram)简化对话,并打造功能强大、引人入胜的体验。Bird我们的开箱即用功能和全渠道专业技术为知识工作者提供了便利,帮助他们立即提高工作效率,并利用各种工具构建出色的营销campaigns 、客户服务体验或自动化业务流程。

Bird 总部位于阿姆斯特丹,为 Google、Facebook 和 Uber 等 29K+ 客户处理超过 5 万亿条信息、电话和电子邮件,涉及channels (如 WhatApp、电子邮件、短信等)。公司成立于 2011 年,现已发展成为拥有 800 多名员工的强大团队,员工来自 55 个国家,我们为自己是一家 "远程友好型 "公司而感到自豪。

准备好一睹Bird 的风采了吗?








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