How Propseller automated WhatsApp messaging and increased sales conversions by 250 percent

Bird Inbox 为 Propseller 提供了一个可以协同管理所有 WhatsApp 消息的中央目的地。信息可根据其内容和紧急程度进行标记,从而加快响应速度并简化客户沟通。








WhatsApp management





Propseller is an innovative tech-powered real estate agency aiming to revolutionize the real estate industry in Singapore. The company uses a technology-driven approach to streamline various aspects of the real estate process, supporting agents and customers while facilitating more efficient property sales.


Propseller 通过将技术置于房地产体验的中心,改变了买卖流程。Propseller 将技术与其内部的顶级房地产经纪人团队相结合,提供端到端的买卖体验,促进更快、更高效的交易,优化房产定价,更快地与合格买家建立联系--所有这一切的佣金率低至 1%,是传统中介公司收费的一半。

"Propseller运营主管泰勒-吉姆(Taylor Jim)说:"传统的房地产经纪人需要独自处理从市场营销到客户管理的所有事务,而Propseller则不同,它利用专业团队和先进技术来简化流程。"这使得我们内部的顶级经纪人能够专注于为客户提供卓越的服务,并取得最佳成果。


WhatsApp is one of Propseller’s core communication channels with both buyers and sellers. To stay on top of messages, a dedicated admin team was tasked with labeling and prioritizing them as they arrived. 

As Propseller’s business has grown, though, its WhatsApp channel began generating hundreds of messages per day—which strained the admin team’s ability to manage communications effectively. In some cases, incoming messages were missed entirely. 

As a result, the company regularly struggled with slow response times — which hurt business since a faster response increased the odds of a conversion. 

为了应对这些业务挑战,该公司需要一个能够提高 WhatsApp 消息功能和效率的平台。

"我们正在直接使用 WhatsApp,我们意识到我们需要一个更强大的系统。我们需要一个能与我们现有的无代码系统集成的系统,实现消息优先级,简化客户沟通。- Gaithri Raveendran,Propseller 客户成功经理。


With its no-code workflows and automation capabilities, Bird offered all the capabilities and features Propseller needed to transform its WhatsApp communications. 

Bird Flows 它允许 Propseller 的客户成功团队自动进行沟通,并将高优先级的潜在客户发送给内部销售团队成员。Bird 平台使 Propseller 能够轻松创建针对日程提醒、潜在客户生成、客户参与和其他使用案例的有针对性的消息。

Those slow response times? Once Propseller was onboarded with Bird, they improved response times by 60%. 

Bird Inbox 为 Propseller 提供了一个可以协同管理所有 WhatsApp 消息的中央目的地。信息可根据其内容和紧急程度进行标记,从而加快响应速度并简化客户沟通。


Through message tagging and collaborative communications, Bird Inbox ensures that Propseller’s sales team is quick to identify and respond to customer inquiries sent through WhatsApp. 

Customized Bird Flows can automate much of this work, using tags to categorize prospects while automatically scoring leads based on their potential value. 

"通过Bird 实现的最大影响之一就是能够轻松委托查询。我们不会再错过有希望的线索。我们可以快速跟进收到的每一个询盘,从而更快地将询盘客户转化为买家。Bird该平台还允许多人同时处理询盘,不会出现任何混乱。- Propseller 运营主管 Taylor Jim。


随着 WhatsApp 数量的增加,自动消息发送功能帮助 Propseller 管理回复每个咨询或其他通信的资源成本。Flows 可以设置为根据所提问题的类型自动返回回复。

诸如预约确认、仪表板更新和其他时效性信息等程序性信息都可以通过Bird 自动发送,而不需要人工干预。这简化了座席人员和客户的沟通,提供了当今消费者所期待的客户体验。


当取消或重新安排看房预约时,必须快速通知所有受影响的各方。Propseller 使用Bird Flows 中的触发操作功能自动发送这些信息,并及时更新看房信息。

"我们的客户可以在需要重新安排或取消观看时使用弹出式窗口。他们可以轻松点击按钮,申请取消。提出请求后,我们团队的人员就会主动联系客户,讨论其他看房方案。这种方法减少了在设置这些预约时经常出现的低效来回折腾"。- 泰勒-吉姆

结果WhatsApp 消息投资回报率激增

BirdPropseller 的平台帮助 Propseller 提升了客户体验,提供了更快、更高效的通信,帮助他们更快地售出更多房屋,并随着公司的发展而扩大规模。

“In our ecosystem, the faster that we can have customers confirm a property viewing, the faster we sell the houses. We’re able to operate with more speed, organization, and clarity because of Bird.” - Taylor Jim. 

Bird flows 和 自动化管理工具帮助 Propseller 实现了以下成果:inbox

销售转化率提高 250

Propseller 最重要的关键绩效指标是其安排的看房率,这意味着销售额的增加。安排看房的速度和数量通过其平台促成了更多的房产销售。

在将其 WhatsApp 战略转向Bird 后,Propseller 的销售转化率提高了 250%,证明了Bird平台的价值,同时帮助该房地产品牌建立了momentum ,以实现持续增长。


Bird 帮助 Propseller 更快、更有效地与客户沟通。围绕安排看房和更新预约等接触点及时发送信息,减少了房产购买过程中的摩擦。

等待时间缩短了 60%,帮助潜在买家快速安排他们感兴趣的房产看房,增加了销售转化机会,同时改善了整体客户体验。

Through lead qualification, automated messaging, and inbox prioritization tools, Bird has also reduced the administrative burden on client success and sales teams. 

BirdFlow Heatmap 已成为帮助 Propseller 监控传入 WhatsApp 消息进度的重要工具。随着消息流量的增加,这些数据可以为销售转化工作提供支持,同时帮助 Propseller 根据安排的看房请求计划内部房地产代理的分配。


Propseller is a tech-powered real estate agency that offers consumers the most reliable way to successfully and efficiently sell, buy, or rent a property. Combining cutting-edge technology with its in-house team of top-tier real estate agents, Propseller is on a mission to transform the property market in Singapore by ensuring faster transactions, higher prices, and a significantly lower commission rate from as low as 1% —half of what is charged by traditional agents. 

Founded in 2018 and headquartered in Singapore, Propseller is backed by prominent investors, including Vertex Ventures South East Asia and India (the venture capital arm of Singapore's state investor Temasek Holdings), and notable angel investors like Jani Rautiainen (co-founder of PropertyGuru) and Marta Higuera (co-founder of OpenAgent). 


Bird is an AI-first CRM for marketing, services, and payments. 


Our platform, our applications, and our 应用程序接口 help businesses streamline conversations through their customers’ preferred channels — like WhatsApp, Email, SMS, Voice, WeChat, Messenger, Instagram - and build powerful and engaging experiences. Bird's out-of-the-box functionality and omnichannel expertise tips the scales for knowledge workers and helps them be productive right away, with tools to build great marketing campaigns, customer service experiences, or automated business processes.

Propseller is an innovative tech-powered real estate agency aiming to revolutionize the real estate industry in Singapore. The company uses a technology-driven approach to streamline various aspects of the real estate process, supporting agents and customers while facilitating more efficient property sales.


Propseller 通过将技术置于房地产体验的中心,改变了买卖流程。Propseller 将技术与其内部的顶级房地产经纪人团队相结合,提供端到端的买卖体验,促进更快、更高效的交易,优化房产定价,更快地与合格买家建立联系--所有这一切的佣金率低至 1%,是传统中介公司收费的一半。

"Propseller运营主管泰勒-吉姆(Taylor Jim)说:"传统的房地产经纪人需要独自处理从市场营销到客户管理的所有事务,而Propseller则不同,它利用专业团队和先进技术来简化流程。"这使得我们内部的顶级经纪人能够专注于为客户提供卓越的服务,并取得最佳成果。


WhatsApp is one of Propseller’s core communication channels with both buyers and sellers. To stay on top of messages, a dedicated admin team was tasked with labeling and prioritizing them as they arrived. 

As Propseller’s business has grown, though, its WhatsApp channel began generating hundreds of messages per day—which strained the admin team’s ability to manage communications effectively. In some cases, incoming messages were missed entirely. 

As a result, the company regularly struggled with slow response times — which hurt business since a faster response increased the odds of a conversion. 

为了应对这些业务挑战,该公司需要一个能够提高 WhatsApp 消息功能和效率的平台。

"我们正在直接使用 WhatsApp,我们意识到我们需要一个更强大的系统。我们需要一个能与我们现有的无代码系统集成的系统,实现消息优先级,简化客户沟通。- Gaithri Raveendran,Propseller 客户成功经理。


With its no-code workflows and automation capabilities, Bird offered all the capabilities and features Propseller needed to transform its WhatsApp communications. 

Bird Flows 它允许 Propseller 的客户成功团队自动进行沟通,并将高优先级的潜在客户发送给内部销售团队成员。Bird 平台使 Propseller 能够轻松创建针对日程提醒、潜在客户生成、客户参与和其他使用案例的有针对性的消息。

Those slow response times? Once Propseller was onboarded with Bird, they improved response times by 60%. 

Bird Inbox provides a central destination where all WhatsApp messages can be collaboratively managed by Propseller. Messages can be tagged based on their content and urgency, accelerating responsiveness and streamlining customer communications.


Through message tagging and collaborative communications, Bird Inbox ensures that Propseller’s sales team is quick to identify and respond to customer inquiries sent through WhatsApp. 

Customized Bird Flows can automate much of this work, using tags to categorize prospects while automatically scoring leads based on their potential value. 

"通过Bird 实现的最大影响之一就是能够轻松委托查询。我们不会再错过有希望的线索。我们可以快速跟进收到的每一个询盘,从而更快地将询盘客户转化为买家。Bird该平台还允许多人同时处理询盘,不会出现任何混乱。- Propseller 运营主管 Taylor Jim。


随着 WhatsApp 数量的增加,自动消息发送功能帮助 Propseller 管理回复每个咨询或其他通信的资源成本。Flows 可以设置为根据所提问题的类型自动返回回复。

诸如预约确认、仪表板更新和其他时效性信息等程序性信息都可以通过Bird 自动发送,而不需要人工干预。这简化了座席人员和客户的沟通,提供了当今消费者所期待的客户体验。


当取消或重新安排看房预约时,必须快速通知所有受影响的各方。Propseller 使用Bird Flows 中的触发操作功能自动发送这些信息,并及时更新看房信息。

"我们的客户可以在需要重新安排或取消观看时使用弹出式窗口。他们可以轻松点击按钮,申请取消。提出请求后,我们团队的人员就会主动联系客户,讨论其他看房方案。这种方法减少了在设置这些预约时经常出现的低效来回折腾"。- 泰勒-吉姆

结果WhatsApp 消息投资回报率激增

BirdPropseller 的平台帮助 Propseller 提升了客户体验,提供了更快、更高效的通信,帮助他们更快地售出更多房屋,并随着公司的发展而扩大规模。

“In our ecosystem, the faster that we can have customers confirm a property viewing, the faster we sell the houses. We’re able to operate with more speed, organization, and clarity because of Bird.” - Taylor Jim. 

Bird flows 和 自动化管理工具帮助 Propseller 实现了以下成果:inbox

销售转化率提高 250

Propseller 最重要的关键绩效指标是其安排的看房率,这意味着销售额的增加。安排看房的速度和数量通过其平台促成了更多的房产销售。

在将其 WhatsApp 战略转向Bird 后,Propseller 的销售转化率提高了 250%,证明了Bird平台的价值,同时帮助该房地产品牌建立了momentum ,以实现持续增长。


Bird 帮助 Propseller 更快、更有效地与客户沟通。围绕安排看房和更新预约等接触点及时发送信息,减少了房产购买过程中的摩擦。

等待时间缩短了 60%,帮助潜在买家快速安排他们感兴趣的房产看房,增加了销售转化机会,同时改善了整体客户体验。

Through lead qualification, automated messaging, and inbox prioritization tools, Bird has also reduced the administrative burden on client success and sales teams. 

BirdFlow Heatmap 已成为帮助 Propseller 监控传入 WhatsApp 消息进度的重要工具。随着消息流量的增加,这些数据可以为销售转化工作提供支持,同时帮助 Propseller 根据安排的看房请求计划内部房地产代理的分配。


Propseller is a tech-powered real estate agency that offers consumers the most reliable way to successfully and efficiently sell, buy, or rent a property. Combining cutting-edge technology with its in-house team of top-tier real estate agents, Propseller is on a mission to transform the property market in Singapore by ensuring faster transactions, higher prices, and a significantly lower commission rate from as low as 1% —half of what is charged by traditional agents. 

Founded in 2018 and headquartered in Singapore, Propseller is backed by prominent investors, including Vertex Ventures South East Asia and India (the venture capital arm of Singapore's state investor Temasek Holdings), and notable angel investors like Jani Rautiainen (co-founder of PropertyGuru) and Marta Higuera (co-founder of OpenAgent). 


Bird is an AI-first CRM for marketing, services, and payments. 


Our platform, our applications, and our 应用程序接口 help businesses streamline conversations through their customers’ preferred channels — like WhatsApp, Email, SMS, Voice, WeChat, Messenger, Instagram - and build powerful and engaging experiences. Bird's out-of-the-box functionality and omnichannel expertise tips the scales for knowledge workers and helps them be productive right away, with tools to build great marketing campaigns, customer service experiences, or automated business processes.

Propseller is an innovative tech-powered real estate agency aiming to revolutionize the real estate industry in Singapore. The company uses a technology-driven approach to streamline various aspects of the real estate process, supporting agents and customers while facilitating more efficient property sales.


Propseller 通过将技术置于房地产体验的中心,改变了买卖流程。Propseller 将技术与其内部的顶级房地产经纪人团队相结合,提供端到端的买卖体验,促进更快、更高效的交易,优化房产定价,更快地与合格买家建立联系--所有这一切的佣金率低至 1%,是传统中介公司收费的一半。

"Propseller运营主管泰勒-吉姆(Taylor Jim)说:"传统的房地产经纪人需要独自处理从市场营销到客户管理的所有事务,而Propseller则不同,它利用专业团队和先进技术来简化流程。"这使得我们内部的顶级经纪人能够专注于为客户提供卓越的服务,并取得最佳成果。


WhatsApp is one of Propseller’s core communication channels with both buyers and sellers. To stay on top of messages, a dedicated admin team was tasked with labeling and prioritizing them as they arrived. 

As Propseller’s business has grown, though, its WhatsApp channel began generating hundreds of messages per day—which strained the admin team’s ability to manage communications effectively. In some cases, incoming messages were missed entirely. 

As a result, the company regularly struggled with slow response times — which hurt business since a faster response increased the odds of a conversion. 

为了应对这些业务挑战,该公司需要一个能够提高 WhatsApp 消息功能和效率的平台。

"我们正在直接使用 WhatsApp,我们意识到我们需要一个更强大的系统。我们需要一个能与我们现有的无代码系统集成的系统,实现消息优先级,简化客户沟通。- Gaithri Raveendran,Propseller 客户成功经理。


With its no-code workflows and automation capabilities, Bird offered all the capabilities and features Propseller needed to transform its WhatsApp communications. 

Bird Flows 它允许 Propseller 的客户成功团队自动进行沟通,并将高优先级的潜在客户发送给内部销售团队成员。Bird 平台使 Propseller 能够轻松创建针对日程提醒、潜在客户生成、客户参与和其他使用案例的有针对性的消息。

Those slow response times? Once Propseller was onboarded with Bird, they improved response times by 60%. 

Bird Inbox provides a central destination where all WhatsApp messages can be collaboratively managed by Propseller. Messages can be tagged based on their content and urgency, accelerating responsiveness and streamlining customer communications.


Through message tagging and collaborative communications, Bird Inbox ensures that Propseller’s sales team is quick to identify and respond to customer inquiries sent through WhatsApp. 

Customized Bird Flows can automate much of this work, using tags to categorize prospects while automatically scoring leads based on their potential value. 

"通过Bird 实现的最大影响之一就是能够轻松委托查询。我们不会再错过有希望的线索。我们可以快速跟进收到的每一个询盘,从而更快地将询盘客户转化为买家。Bird该平台还允许多人同时处理询盘,不会出现任何混乱。- Propseller 运营主管 Taylor Jim。


随着 WhatsApp 数量的增加,自动消息发送功能帮助 Propseller 管理回复每个咨询或其他通信的资源成本。Flows 可以设置为根据所提问题的类型自动返回回复。

诸如预约确认、仪表板更新和其他时效性信息等程序性信息都可以通过Bird 自动发送,而不需要人工干预。这简化了座席人员和客户的沟通,提供了当今消费者所期待的客户体验。


当取消或重新安排看房预约时,必须快速通知所有受影响的各方。Propseller 使用Bird Flows 中的触发操作功能自动发送这些信息,并及时更新看房信息。

"我们的客户可以在需要重新安排或取消观看时使用弹出式窗口。他们可以轻松点击按钮,申请取消。提出请求后,我们团队的人员就会主动联系客户,讨论其他看房方案。这种方法减少了在设置这些预约时经常出现的低效来回折腾"。- 泰勒-吉姆

结果WhatsApp 消息投资回报率激增

BirdPropseller 的平台帮助 Propseller 提升了客户体验,提供了更快、更高效的通信,帮助他们更快地售出更多房屋,并随着公司的发展而扩大规模。

“In our ecosystem, the faster that we can have customers confirm a property viewing, the faster we sell the houses. We’re able to operate with more speed, organization, and clarity because of Bird.” - Taylor Jim. 

Bird flows 和 自动化管理工具帮助 Propseller 实现了以下成果:inbox

销售转化率提高 250

Propseller 最重要的关键绩效指标是其安排的看房率,这意味着销售额的增加。安排看房的速度和数量通过其平台促成了更多的房产销售。

在将其 WhatsApp 战略转向Bird 后,Propseller 的销售转化率提高了 250%,证明了Bird平台的价值,同时帮助该房地产品牌建立了momentum ,以实现持续增长。


Bird 帮助 Propseller 更快、更有效地与客户沟通。围绕安排看房和更新预约等接触点及时发送信息,减少了房产购买过程中的摩擦。

等待时间缩短了 60%,帮助潜在买家快速安排他们感兴趣的房产看房,增加了销售转化机会,同时改善了整体客户体验。

Through lead qualification, automated messaging, and inbox prioritization tools, Bird has also reduced the administrative burden on client success and sales teams. 

BirdFlow Heatmap 已成为帮助 Propseller 监控传入 WhatsApp 消息进度的重要工具。随着消息流量的增加,这些数据可以为销售转化工作提供支持,同时帮助 Propseller 根据安排的看房请求计划内部房地产代理的分配。


Propseller is a tech-powered real estate agency that offers consumers the most reliable way to successfully and efficiently sell, buy, or rent a property. Combining cutting-edge technology with its in-house team of top-tier real estate agents, Propseller is on a mission to transform the property market in Singapore by ensuring faster transactions, higher prices, and a significantly lower commission rate from as low as 1% —half of what is charged by traditional agents. 

Founded in 2018 and headquartered in Singapore, Propseller is backed by prominent investors, including Vertex Ventures South East Asia and India (the venture capital arm of Singapore's state investor Temasek Holdings), and notable angel investors like Jani Rautiainen (co-founder of PropertyGuru) and Marta Higuera (co-founder of OpenAgent). 


Bird is an AI-first CRM for marketing, services, and payments. 


Our platform, our applications, and our 应用程序接口 help businesses streamline conversations through their customers’ preferred channels — like WhatsApp, Email, SMS, Voice, WeChat, Messenger, Instagram - and build powerful and engaging experiences. Bird's out-of-the-box functionality and omnichannel expertise tips the scales for knowledge workers and helps them be productive right away, with tools to build great marketing campaigns, customer service experiences, or automated business processes.

准备好一睹Bird 的风采了吗?








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点击 "查看Bird",即表示您同意Bird 的规定。