联想 reduces inbound call center costs by 35% while increasing customer satisfaction with Bird

联想 significantly reduced call center costs and enhanced customer satisfaction by integrating Bird’s solutions and deploying the WhatsApp channel for seamless customer interactions.








WhatsApp 支持客户





Headquartered in China and operating worldwide, 联想 is a multinational technology company specializing in consumer electronics and hardware design and manufacturing. 联想 is the largest personal computer vendor by unit sales globally, with $70 billion in revenue. 

The problem: 

Competition is intense in the consumer electronics and hardware industry, which is why 联想 wanted to offer a top-tier customer support experience that could be a competitive differentiator for them as well as satisfy the needs of their tech-savy customers. This meant offering customers the ability to engage through preferred messaging platforms, like WhatsApp, for real-time assistance and resolution to their inquiries. While Lenovo successfully rolled out a new messaging-first customer experience with assistance from a vendor, it didn’t offer the flexibility and customization they were hoping for in order to deliver a next-level customer experience.  

Lenovo wanted to create more complex, customized scenarios that the legacy vendor couldn’t deliver, such as being able to integrate with backend systems to pull customer repair status information to give updates. 

联想集团收到了一家 IT 行业知名跨国企业集团的个人推荐,要求其考虑Bird 。经过介绍,联想最终选择了Bird 来帮助实现他们的愿景。

The solution: 

The first step was to migrate Lenovo’s current WhatsApp channel without customer disruption or having to make changes to Lenovo’s website or existing documentation. Bird seamlessly managed the migration while keeping Lenovo’s WhatsApp number intact. This meant zero customer downtime on Lenovo’s WhatsApp channel. 

Once the WhatsApp migration was complete, Lenovo wanted to focus on three key customer experiences: 交互式语音应答(IVR) deflection, repair status updates, and issue troubleshooting via Lenovo’s virtual assistant. 


Lenovo recognized that they could gain operational efficiencies and improve customer experience by shifting more customer support volume from one-on-one calls to more asynchronous messaging apps, like WhatsApp. They introduced IVR deflection via WhatsApp to give customers the option to switch to a WhatsApp conversation if they didn’t want to wait on hold for an agent conversation. 

通过 IVR 转接,客户可以选择通过聊天机器人或即时代理快速解决问题。这减少了客户等待时间,提高了客户问题处理量,从而改善了客户体验。此外,联想客服人员的工作效率也得到了提高,因为他们不再同时处理简单问题和复杂问题。由于采用了 IVR/WhatsApp 转接,他们能够集中精力处理更少、更复杂的问题,而不会因为简单、重复的问题而分心。


With any technical product, sometimes repairs are needed. Lenovo wanted to give customers using their repair service better visibility on the status of their repairs without the need to speak with a live agent. 

By integrating Bird'sFlows product with Lenovo’s repair tracking system, Lenovo created an interactive, 2-way messaging experience that allowed customers to request and receive repair updates in real-time via WhatsApp. This helps keep customers informed during a time when they are anxious to know updates and prevented call volumes from spiking in the support center. 


联想现有的人工智能技术是由 IBM Watson 提供支持的虚拟助理 "Lena"。公司希望将 Lena 的人工智能功能融入到更多的客户支持场景中,让更多客户能够自助解决常见问题。

联想再次使用Bird的Flows 产品将 Lena 与 WhatsApp 整合,这样客户就可以在 WhatsApp 上聊天,由 Lena 对问题进行 "诊断",并通过故障排除视频提供解决方案。如果需要更多的实际操作来解决问题,Lena 还允许客户将问题上报给现场代理。


联想将Bird 产品和 WhatsApp 作为其多渠道支持战略的重要组成部分,取得了令人瞩目的成果。

WhatsApp 客户支持频道拥有 450K 名客户

在与Bird 合作的前八个月内,联想通过 WhatsApp 客户支持渠道成功服务了近 50 万(450,000)名客户,远远超出了团队的客户参与预期。这种快速采用凸显了新支持渠道的高效性和便利性。

 67% of extremely satisfied customers

这一举措节省了大量成本,并显著提高了客户满意度。令人印象深刻的是,67%的客户表示对在 WhatsApp 上使用联想解决方案的体验 "非常满意",这展示了利用现代通信平台加强客户支持的有效性。这一成功彰显了联想对创新解决方案的承诺,即优先考虑客户需求并简化服务交付。

呼入呼叫中心成本降低 35

通过实施 WhatsApp 支持,联想将呼入呼叫中心的成本降低了 35%。从传统的电话支持到 WhatsApp 的转变,不仅降低了成本,还使呼叫中心的资源能够专注于更复杂的问题,展示了现代通信平台的效率。

Bird 对联想取得的成果感到非常高兴。"有了Bird ,企业可以通过最适合客户的渠道与客户对话。他们可以提供引人入胜的体验和超出预期的客户支持。我们的产品帮助企业将客户置于对话的中心,提供及时的支持,为客户提供所需的信息,使他们能够继续他们的工作,而不必花时间等待。"Bird 的发言人说。

在第一批客户服务计划取得成功的基础上,联想与Bird 一起规划了几项新计划,包括将客户支持channels 扩展到 Messenger,以及执行新的客户支持体验,如产品注册和自动保修索赔处理。


Bird 是AI-first CRM,用于营销、服务和支付。


我们的平台、应用程序和应用程序接口帮助企业通过客户首选的channels (如 WhatsApp、电子邮件、短信、语音、微信、Messenger 和 Instagram)简化对话,并打造功能强大、引人入胜的体验。Bird我们的开箱即用功能和全渠道专业技术为知识工作者提供了便利,帮助他们立即提高工作效率,并利用各种工具构建出色的营销campaigns 、客户服务体验或自动化业务流程。

Bird 总部位于阿姆斯特丹,为包括谷歌、Facebook 和优步在内的 50,000 多家客户处理超过 6.5 万亿次互动。


Lenovo (HKSE: 992) (ADR: LNVGY) is a US$70 billion revenue global technology powerhouse, ranked #171 in the Fortune Global 500, employing 75,000 people around the world, and serving millions of customers every day in 180 markets. Focused on a bold vision to deliver smarter technology for all, Lenovo has built on its success as the world’s largest PC company by further expanding into key growth areas including server, storage, mobile, solutions and services. This transformation together with Lenovo’s world-changing innovation is building a more inclusive, trustworthy, and sustainable digital society for everyone, everywhere. To find out more visit Lenovo, and read about the latest Lenovo news on 故事汇.

Headquartered in China and operating worldwide, Lenovo is a multinational technology company specializing in consumer electronics and hardware design and manufacturing. Lenovo is the largest personal computer vendor by unit sales globally, with $70 billion in revenue. 

The problem: 

Competition is intense in the consumer electronics and hardware industry, which is why Lenovo wanted to offer a top-tier customer support experience that could be a competitive differentiator for them as well as satisfy the needs of their tech-savy customers. This meant offering customers the ability to engage through preferred messaging platforms, like WhatsApp, for real-time assistance and resolution to their inquiries. While Lenovo successfully rolled out a new messaging-first customer experience with assistance from a vendor, it didn’t offer the flexibility and customization they were hoping for in order to deliver a next-level customer experience.  

Lenovo wanted to create more complex, customized scenarios that the legacy vendor couldn’t deliver, such as being able to integrate with backend systems to pull customer repair status information to give updates. 

联想集团收到了一家 IT 行业知名跨国企业集团的个人推荐,要求其考虑Bird 。经过介绍,联想最终选择了Bird 来帮助实现他们的愿景。

The solution: 

The first step was to migrate Lenovo’s current WhatsApp channel without customer disruption or having to make changes to Lenovo’s website or existing documentation. Bird seamlessly managed the migration while keeping Lenovo’s WhatsApp number intact. This meant zero customer downtime on Lenovo’s WhatsApp channel. 

Once the WhatsApp migration was complete, Lenovo wanted to focus on three key customer experiences: 交互式语音应答(IVR) deflection, repair status updates, and issue troubleshooting via Lenovo’s virtual assistant. 

Interactive voice response (IVR)

Lenovo recognized that they could gain operational efficiencies and improve customer experience by shifting more customer support volume from one-on-one calls to more asynchronous messaging apps, like WhatsApp. They introduced IVR deflection via WhatsApp to give customers the option to switch to a WhatsApp conversation if they didn’t want to wait on hold for an agent conversation. 

通过 IVR 转接,客户可以选择通过聊天机器人或即时代理快速解决问题。这减少了客户等待时间,提高了客户问题处理量,从而改善了客户体验。此外,联想客服人员的工作效率也得到了提高,因为他们不再同时处理简单问题和复杂问题。由于采用了 IVR/WhatsApp 转接,他们能够集中精力处理更少、更复杂的问题,而不会因为简单、重复的问题而分心。


With any technical product, sometimes repairs are needed. Lenovo wanted to give customers using their repair service better visibility on the status of their repairs without the need to speak with a live agent. 

By integrating Bird'sFlows product with Lenovo’s repair tracking system, Lenovo created an interactive, 2-way messaging experience that allowed customers to request and receive repair updates in real-time via WhatsApp. This helps keep customers informed during a time when they are anxious to know updates and prevented call volumes from spiking in the support center. 


联想现有的人工智能技术是由 IBM Watson 提供支持的虚拟助理 "Lena"。公司希望将 Lena 的人工智能功能融入到更多的客户支持场景中,让更多客户能够自助解决常见问题。

联想再次使用Bird的Flows 产品将 Lena 与 WhatsApp 整合,这样客户就可以在 WhatsApp 上聊天,由 Lena 对问题进行 "诊断",并通过故障排除视频提供解决方案。如果需要更多的实际操作来解决问题,Lena 还允许客户将问题上报给现场代理。


联想将Bird 产品和 WhatsApp 作为其多渠道支持战略的重要组成部分,取得了令人瞩目的成果。

WhatsApp 客户支持频道拥有 450K 名客户

在与Bird 合作的前八个月内,联想通过 WhatsApp 客户支持渠道成功服务了近 50 万(450,000)名客户,远远超出了团队的客户参与预期。这种快速采用凸显了新支持渠道的高效性和便利性。

 67% of extremely satisfied customers

这一举措节省了大量成本,并显著提高了客户满意度。令人印象深刻的是,67%的客户表示对在 WhatsApp 上使用联想解决方案的体验 "非常满意",这展示了利用现代通信平台加强客户支持的有效性。这一成功彰显了联想对创新解决方案的承诺,即优先考虑客户需求并简化服务交付。

呼入呼叫中心成本降低 35

通过实施 WhatsApp 支持,联想将呼入呼叫中心的成本降低了 35%。从传统的电话支持到 WhatsApp 的转变,不仅降低了成本,还使呼叫中心的资源能够专注于更复杂的问题,展示了现代通信平台的效率。

Bird 对联想取得的成果感到非常高兴。"有了Bird ,企业可以通过最适合客户的渠道与客户对话。他们可以提供引人入胜的体验和超出预期的客户支持。我们的产品帮助企业将客户置于对话的中心,提供及时的支持,为客户提供所需的信息,使他们能够继续他们的工作,而不必花时间等待。"Bird 的发言人说。

在第一批客户服务计划取得成功的基础上,联想与Bird 一起规划了几项新计划,包括将客户支持channels 扩展到 Messenger,以及执行新的客户支持体验,如产品注册和自动保修索赔处理。


Bird 是AI-first CRM,用于营销、服务和支付。


我们的平台、应用程序和应用程序接口帮助企业通过客户首选的channels (如 WhatsApp、电子邮件、短信、语音、微信、Messenger 和 Instagram)简化对话,并打造功能强大、引人入胜的体验。Bird我们的开箱即用功能和全渠道专业技术为知识工作者提供了便利,帮助他们立即提高工作效率,并利用各种工具构建出色的营销campaigns 、客户服务体验或自动化业务流程。

Bird 总部位于阿姆斯特丹,为包括谷歌、Facebook 和优步在内的 50,000 多家客户处理超过 6.5 万亿次互动。


Lenovo (HKSE: 992) (ADR: LNVGY) is a US$70 billion revenue global technology powerhouse, ranked #171 in the Fortune Global 500, employing 75,000 people around the world, and serving millions of customers every day in 180 markets. Focused on a bold vision to deliver smarter technology for all, Lenovo has built on its success as the world’s largest PC company by further expanding into key growth areas including server, storage, mobile, solutions and services. This transformation together with Lenovo’s world-changing innovation is building a more inclusive, trustworthy, and sustainable digital society for everyone, everywhere. To find out more visit Lenovo, and read about the latest Lenovo news on 故事汇.

Headquartered in China and operating worldwide, Lenovo is a multinational technology company specializing in consumer electronics and hardware design and manufacturing. Lenovo is the largest personal computer vendor by unit sales globally, with $70 billion in revenue. 

The problem: 

Competition is intense in the consumer electronics and hardware industry, which is why Lenovo wanted to offer a top-tier customer support experience that could be a competitive differentiator for them as well as satisfy the needs of their tech-savy customers. This meant offering customers the ability to engage through preferred messaging platforms, like WhatsApp, for real-time assistance and resolution to their inquiries. While Lenovo successfully rolled out a new messaging-first customer experience with assistance from a vendor, it didn’t offer the flexibility and customization they were hoping for in order to deliver a next-level customer experience.  

Lenovo wanted to create more complex, customized scenarios that the legacy vendor couldn’t deliver, such as being able to integrate with backend systems to pull customer repair status information to give updates. 

联想集团收到了一家 IT 行业知名跨国企业集团的个人推荐,要求其考虑Bird 。经过介绍,联想最终选择了Bird 来帮助实现他们的愿景。

The solution: 

The first step was to migrate Lenovo’s current WhatsApp channel without customer disruption or having to make changes to Lenovo’s website or existing documentation. Bird seamlessly managed the migration while keeping Lenovo’s WhatsApp number intact. This meant zero customer downtime on Lenovo’s WhatsApp channel. 

Once the WhatsApp migration was complete, Lenovo wanted to focus on three key customer experiences: Interactive voice response (IVR) deflection, repair status updates, and issue troubleshooting via Lenovo’s virtual assistant. 

Interactive voice response (IVR)

Lenovo recognized that they could gain operational efficiencies and improve customer experience by shifting more customer support volume from one-on-one calls to more asynchronous messaging apps, like WhatsApp. They introduced IVR deflection via WhatsApp to give customers the option to switch to a WhatsApp conversation if they didn’t want to wait on hold for an agent conversation. 

通过 IVR 转接,客户可以选择通过聊天机器人或即时代理快速解决问题。这减少了客户等待时间,提高了客户问题处理量,从而改善了客户体验。此外,联想客服人员的工作效率也得到了提高,因为他们不再同时处理简单问题和复杂问题。由于采用了 IVR/WhatsApp 转接,他们能够集中精力处理更少、更复杂的问题,而不会因为简单、重复的问题而分心。


With any technical product, sometimes repairs are needed. Lenovo wanted to give customers using their repair service better visibility on the status of their repairs without the need to speak with a live agent. 

By integrating Bird'sFlows product with Lenovo’s repair tracking system, Lenovo created an interactive, 2-way messaging experience that allowed customers to request and receive repair updates in real-time via WhatsApp. This helps keep customers informed during a time when they are anxious to know updates and prevented call volumes from spiking in the support center. 


联想现有的人工智能技术是由 IBM Watson 提供支持的虚拟助理 "Lena"。公司希望将 Lena 的人工智能功能融入到更多的客户支持场景中,让更多客户能够自助解决常见问题。

联想再次使用Bird的Flows 产品将 Lena 与 WhatsApp 整合,这样客户就可以在 WhatsApp 上聊天,由 Lena 对问题进行 "诊断",并通过故障排除视频提供解决方案。如果需要更多的实际操作来解决问题,Lena 还允许客户将问题上报给现场代理。


联想将Bird 产品和 WhatsApp 作为其多渠道支持战略的重要组成部分,取得了令人瞩目的成果。

WhatsApp 客户支持频道拥有 450K 名客户

在与Bird 合作的前八个月内,联想通过 WhatsApp 客户支持渠道成功服务了近 50 万(450,000)名客户,远远超出了团队的客户参与预期。这种快速采用凸显了新支持渠道的高效性和便利性。

 67% of extremely satisfied customers

这一举措节省了大量成本,并显著提高了客户满意度。令人印象深刻的是,67%的客户表示对在 WhatsApp 上使用联想解决方案的体验 "非常满意",这展示了利用现代通信平台加强客户支持的有效性。这一成功彰显了联想对创新解决方案的承诺,即优先考虑客户需求并简化服务交付。

呼入呼叫中心成本降低 35

通过实施 WhatsApp 支持,联想将呼入呼叫中心的成本降低了 35%。从传统的电话支持到 WhatsApp 的转变,不仅降低了成本,还使呼叫中心的资源能够专注于更复杂的问题,展示了现代通信平台的效率。

Bird 对联想取得的成果感到非常高兴。"有了Bird ,企业可以通过最适合客户的渠道与客户对话。他们可以提供引人入胜的体验和超出预期的客户支持。我们的产品帮助企业将客户置于对话的中心,提供及时的支持,为客户提供所需的信息,使他们能够继续他们的工作,而不必花时间等待。"Bird 的发言人说。

在第一批客户服务计划取得成功的基础上,联想与Bird 一起规划了几项新计划,包括将客户支持channels 扩展到 Messenger,以及执行新的客户支持体验,如产品注册和自动保修索赔处理。


Bird 是AI-first CRM,用于营销、服务和支付。


我们的平台、应用程序和应用程序接口帮助企业通过客户首选的channels (如 WhatsApp、电子邮件、短信、语音、微信、Messenger 和 Instagram)简化对话,并打造功能强大、引人入胜的体验。Bird我们的开箱即用功能和全渠道专业技术为知识工作者提供了便利,帮助他们立即提高工作效率,并利用各种工具构建出色的营销campaigns 、客户服务体验或自动化业务流程。

Bird 总部位于阿姆斯特丹,为包括谷歌、Facebook 和优步在内的 50,000 多家客户处理超过 6.5 万亿次互动。


Lenovo (HKSE: 992) (ADR: LNVGY) is a US$70 billion revenue global technology powerhouse, ranked #171 in the Fortune Global 500, employing 75,000 people around the world, and serving millions of customers every day in 180 markets. Focused on a bold vision to deliver smarter technology for all, Lenovo has built on its success as the world’s largest PC company by further expanding into key growth areas including server, storage, mobile, solutions and services. This transformation together with Lenovo’s world-changing innovation is building a more inclusive, trustworthy, and sustainable digital society for everyone, everywhere. To find out more visit Lenovo, and read about the latest Lenovo news on 故事汇.

准备好一睹Bird 的风采了吗?








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点击 "查看Bird",即表示您同意Bird 的规定。