How CARSOME shortened response times and increased conversion rates through WhatsApp

将Bird 整合到 CARSOME 的运营中,彻底改变了他们与客户沟通的方式。主要区别在于,CARSOME 现在可以在整个复杂的客户journeys 中与用户保持持续沟通。







CARSOME, Southeast Asia's largest integrated car e-commerce platform, simplifies selling and buying high-quality used cars. They offer a complete experience, encompassing online retail, in-person showrooms, and value-added services like financing, insurance, and after-sales support.

However, buying used cars involves more than just browsing through online listings. At CARSOME, only cars that have gone through and passed a stringent 175-point inspection will be sent to their CARSOME Certified Lab for another round of inspection for no major accidents, flood and fire damage or mileage tampering. 

CARSOME prioritizes giving customers an enjoyable car buying experience  and engages extensively with every customer across various channels. This includes discussing car details and pricing, scheduling test drives, and customer support. They do this by leveraging technology, AI, data, and enhanced customer engagement strategies.

"CARSOME 产品副总裁宋飞说:"我们的核心使命是提供无忧的汽车交易体验。"与传统二手车销售商相比,无论客户是买车还是卖车,我们都努力提供最优惠的价格和最优质的服务"。


CARSOME 客户从最初感兴趣到最终成交的过程涉及多个步骤和接触点,因此比典型的电子商务 "点击到购买 "模式更为复杂。在每个阶段,代理商和最终用户之间的沟通在推动销售周期向前发展方面都起着至关重要的作用。销售过程还涉及 "线下 "接触点--例如试驾和亲临车库--这些接触点必不可少,但要将其整合到数字通信中却具有挑战性flows 。

All these communications were siloed from each other, and CARSOME handled some replies manually while others were automated, making the process unorganized and difficult to manage. Plus, they relied mostly on traditional SMS messages, which did not convert very well. 

CARSOME 还试用了 WhatsApp,将其作为自动进行客户沟通(如通知和营销信息)的潜在选择。他们的客户群中有很多人已经喜欢使用 WhatsApp 与企业保持联系。不过,不同的客户喜欢不同的channels ,因此 CARSOME 需要一种方法将他们所有的通信channels 整合到一个平台上。


在对多家供应商进行评估后,Bird 成为 CARSOME 最强大的解决方案。channels Bird 还提供了使 CARSOME 的通信自动化的方法,将其手工、不连贯的流程转变为集中可视的简化、客户友好的旅程。

"宋飞说:"我们的目标是将通信整合到一个单一、集成的平台中,提供灵活性并满足客户的偏好。"我们与Bird 的合作是一项战略举措,目的是更有效地利用 WhatsApp,增强客户参与度,并在未来探索Bird的更多功能。"

将Bird 整合到 CARSOME 的运营中,彻底改变了他们与客户沟通的方式。主要区别在于,CARSOME 现在可以在整个复杂的客户journeys 中与用户保持持续沟通。


CARSOME can now easily send automated updates to customers via WhatsApp about the status of their bookings, upcoming events, or changes to their service requests. These straightforward flows keep customers in the loop and relieve staff from having to manually send and track messages. 

Bird has also helped CARSOME send out one-way communications, like one-time-password messages and appointment reminders. 


CARSOME 可以通过 WhatsApp 发送极具针对性的信息,与特定客户的需求和偏好产生共鸣。例如,当汽车降价时,CARSOME 可以向之前对该车感兴趣的客户发送个性化信息。

无论是通知客户新的交易、促销信息,还是根据客户兴趣量身定制的活动,Bird 都有助于确保 CARSOME 的每条信息都具有相关性和吸引力。


通过Flows ,CARSOME 更新了其自助聊天选项。现在,客户可以轻松浏览各种服务,并从自动聊天回复中选择所需的信息。

当客户确实需要将问题升级或与某人通话时,Bird 可将他们无缝连接到正确的人,从而保持顺畅高效的沟通流程。

"事实证明,Flowbuilder 是一个强大的工具,可以捕捉客户的参与度,为客户使用自助服务创造正确的途径,并减轻座席人员的工作。


CARSOME set out to boost sales with Bird, and that’s exactly what happened. More than 10% of orders are converted during the pre-screen process through WhatsApp. Once a customer engages with the customer service team via WhatsApp, they’re more likely to place an order directly now. 


利用Bird的Inbox ,CARSOME 跟踪客户咨询的响应时间。这些洞察力帮助他们缩短延迟时间,更快地获取潜在客户。通过最大限度地缩短回复线索所需的时间,CARSOME 可确保潜在客户得到及时关注,从而大大提高将咨询转化为销售的可能性。


通过Bird ,CARSOME 获得的主要好处之一是提高了对沟通效果的可视性。现在,他们可以轻松跟踪哪些信息击中了目标,哪些没有,从而不断改进他们的沟通策略,使信息传递与客户偏好保持一致。因此,他们的客户对品牌的参与度更高,客户满意度也更高。


Bird Flows 为 CARSOME 的团队带来了巨大价值,尤其是在马来西亚这样的多元文化社会中,有许多不同的文化庆祝活动。轻松复制和重复使用通信 的能力使 CARSOME 能够迅速更新流程,并针对特定活动和客户群定制通信。这种适应性节省了时间,并使信息更加贴切,进一步提高了参与度和满意度。flows

通过 Flowbuilder,CARSOME 可以精确处理从首次咨询到售后跟踪的每一个客户流程。


Looking towards the future, CARSOME wants to explore even more of Flows’ functionality to capture more user activities that could open up new sales opportunities. By integrating Bird more deeply into their systems, they aim to trigger more automated messages. 

例如,如果客户关系管理(CRM)中的潜在客户状态发生变化,Bird 就可以针对客户旅程的该阶段自动发送信息。CARSOME 希望通过这种方式减少其小型客户服务团队的工作量,加快线索管理流程,从而更好地控制销售漏斗。

They also intend to leverage customer engagement data to understand customer preferences and behaviour more closely. 

“Understanding better what messages to send and what kind of customers to approach will allow us to start segmenting users more deeply and send recurring marketing messages to generate more opportunities,” said Fei Song. 


CARSOME is Southeast Asia’s largest integrated car e-commerce platform. With presence across Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand and Singapore, we aim to digitalize the region’s used car industry by reshaping and elevating the car buying and selling experience.

CARSOME 为消费者和二手车经销商提供端到端的解决方案,从汽车检测到所有权转移再到融资,承诺提供值得信赖、便捷高效的服务。



我们的平台、应用程序和应用程序接口帮助企业通过客户首选的channels (如 WhatsApp、电子邮件、短信、语音、微信、Messenger 和 Instagram)简化对话,并打造功能强大、引人入胜的体验。Bird我们的开箱即用功能和全渠道专业技术为知识工作者提供了便利,帮助他们立即提高工作效率,并利用各种工具构建出色的营销campaigns 、客户服务体验或自动化业务流程。

Bird 总部位于阿姆斯特丹,为 Google、Facebook 和 Uber 等 29K+ 客户处理超过 5 万亿条信息、电话和电子邮件,涉及channels (如 WhatApp、电子邮件、短信等)。公司成立于 2011 年,现已发展成为拥有 800 多名员工的强大团队,员工来自 55 个国家,我们为自己是一家 "远程友好型 "公司而感到自豪。

CARSOME, Southeast Asia's largest integrated car e-commerce platform, simplifies selling and buying high-quality used cars. They offer a complete experience, encompassing online retail, in-person showrooms, and value-added services like financing, insurance, and after-sales support.

However, buying used cars involves more than just browsing through online listings. At CARSOME, only cars that have gone through and passed a stringent 175-point inspection will be sent to their CARSOME Certified Lab for another round of inspection for no major accidents, flood and fire damage or mileage tampering. 

CARSOME prioritizes giving customers an enjoyable car buying experience  and engages extensively with every customer across various channels. This includes discussing car details and pricing, scheduling test drives, and customer support. They do this by leveraging technology, AI, data, and enhanced customer engagement strategies.

"CARSOME 产品副总裁宋飞说:"我们的核心使命是提供无忧的汽车交易体验。"与传统二手车销售商相比,无论客户是买车还是卖车,我们都努力提供最优惠的价格和最优质的服务"。


CARSOME 客户从最初感兴趣到最终成交的过程涉及多个步骤和接触点,因此比典型的电子商务 "点击到购买 "模式更为复杂。在每个阶段,代理商和最终用户之间的沟通在推动销售周期向前发展方面都起着至关重要的作用。销售过程还涉及 "线下 "接触点--例如试驾和亲临车库--这些接触点必不可少,但要将其整合到数字通信中却具有挑战性flows 。

All these communications were siloed from each other, and CARSOME handled some replies manually while others were automated, making the process unorganized and difficult to manage. Plus, they relied mostly on traditional SMS messages, which did not convert very well. 

CARSOME 还试用了 WhatsApp,将其作为自动进行客户沟通(如通知和营销信息)的潜在选择。他们的客户群中有很多人已经喜欢使用 WhatsApp 与企业保持联系。不过,不同的客户喜欢不同的channels ,因此 CARSOME 需要一种方法将他们所有的通信channels 整合到一个平台上。


在对多家供应商进行评估后,Bird 成为 CARSOME 最强大的解决方案。channels Bird 还提供了使 CARSOME 的通信自动化的方法,将其手工、不连贯的流程转变为集中可视的简化、客户友好的旅程。

"宋飞说:"我们的目标是将通信整合到一个单一、集成的平台中,提供灵活性并满足客户的偏好。"我们与Bird 的合作是一项战略举措,目的是更有效地利用 WhatsApp,增强客户参与度,并在未来探索Bird的更多功能。"

Integrating Bird into CARSOME’s operations has overhauled how they communicate with their customers. The main difference is that CARSOME is now in constant communication with users throughout their complex customer journeys.


CARSOME can now easily send automated updates to customers via WhatsApp about the status of their bookings, upcoming events, or changes to their service requests. These straightforward flows keep customers in the loop and relieve staff from having to manually send and track messages. 

Bird has also helped CARSOME send out one-way communications, like one-time-password messages and appointment reminders. 


CARSOME 可以通过 WhatsApp 发送极具针对性的信息,与特定客户的需求和偏好产生共鸣。例如,当汽车降价时,CARSOME 可以向之前对该车感兴趣的客户发送个性化信息。

无论是通知客户新的交易、促销信息,还是根据客户兴趣量身定制的活动,Bird 都有助于确保 CARSOME 的每条信息都具有相关性和吸引力。


通过Flows ,CARSOME 更新了其自助聊天选项。现在,客户可以轻松浏览各种服务,并从自动聊天回复中选择所需的信息。

当客户确实需要将问题升级或与某人通话时,Bird 可将他们无缝连接到正确的人,从而保持顺畅高效的沟通流程。

"事实证明,Flowbuilder 是一个强大的工具,可以捕捉客户的参与度,为客户使用自助服务创造正确的途径,并减轻座席人员的工作。


CARSOME set out to boost sales with Bird, and that’s exactly what happened. More than 10% of orders are converted during the pre-screen process through WhatsApp. Once a customer engages with the customer service team via WhatsApp, they’re more likely to place an order directly now. 


利用Bird的Inbox ,CARSOME 跟踪客户咨询的响应时间。这些洞察力帮助他们缩短延迟时间,更快地获取潜在客户。通过最大限度地缩短回复线索所需的时间,CARSOME 可确保潜在客户得到及时关注,从而大大提高将咨询转化为销售的可能性。


通过Bird ,CARSOME 获得的主要好处之一是提高了对沟通效果的可视性。现在,他们可以轻松跟踪哪些信息击中了目标,哪些没有,从而不断改进他们的沟通策略,使信息传递与客户偏好保持一致。因此,他们的客户对品牌的参与度更高,客户满意度也更高。


Bird Flows 为 CARSOME 的团队带来了巨大价值,尤其是在马来西亚这样的多元文化社会中,有许多不同的文化庆祝活动。轻松复制和重复使用通信 的能力使 CARSOME 能够迅速更新流程,并针对特定活动和客户群定制通信。这种适应性节省了时间,并使信息更加贴切,进一步提高了参与度和满意度。flows

通过 Flowbuilder,CARSOME 可以精确处理从首次咨询到售后跟踪的每一个客户流程。


Looking towards the future, CARSOME wants to explore even more of Flows’ functionality to capture more user activities that could open up new sales opportunities. By integrating Bird more deeply into their systems, they aim to trigger more automated messages. 

例如,如果客户关系管理(CRM)中的潜在客户状态发生变化,Bird 就可以针对客户旅程的该阶段自动发送信息。CARSOME 希望通过这种方式减少其小型客户服务团队的工作量,加快线索管理流程,从而更好地控制销售漏斗。

They also intend to leverage customer engagement data to understand customer preferences and behaviour more closely. 

“Understanding better what messages to send and what kind of customers to approach will allow us to start segmenting users more deeply and send recurring marketing messages to generate more opportunities,” said Fei Song. 


CARSOME is Southeast Asia’s largest integrated car e-commerce platform. With presence across Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand and Singapore, we aim to digitalize the region’s used car industry by reshaping and elevating the car buying and selling experience.

CARSOME 为消费者和二手车经销商提供端到端的解决方案,从汽车检测到所有权转移再到融资,承诺提供值得信赖、便捷高效的服务。



我们的平台、应用程序和应用程序接口帮助企业通过客户首选的channels (如 WhatsApp、电子邮件、短信、语音、微信、Messenger 和 Instagram)简化对话,并打造功能强大、引人入胜的体验。Bird我们的开箱即用功能和全渠道专业技术为知识工作者提供了便利,帮助他们立即提高工作效率,并利用各种工具构建出色的营销campaigns 、客户服务体验或自动化业务流程。

Bird 总部位于阿姆斯特丹,为 Google、Facebook 和 Uber 等 29K+ 客户处理超过 5 万亿条信息、电话和电子邮件,涉及channels (如 WhatApp、电子邮件、短信等)。公司成立于 2011 年,现已发展成为拥有 800 多名员工的强大团队,员工来自 55 个国家,我们为自己是一家 "远程友好型 "公司而感到自豪。

CARSOME, Southeast Asia's largest integrated car e-commerce platform, simplifies selling and buying high-quality used cars. They offer a complete experience, encompassing online retail, in-person showrooms, and value-added services like financing, insurance, and after-sales support.

However, buying used cars involves more than just browsing through online listings. At CARSOME, only cars that have gone through and passed a stringent 175-point inspection will be sent to their CARSOME Certified Lab for another round of inspection for no major accidents, flood and fire damage or mileage tampering. 

CARSOME prioritizes giving customers an enjoyable car buying experience  and engages extensively with every customer across various channels. This includes discussing car details and pricing, scheduling test drives, and customer support. They do this by leveraging technology, AI, data, and enhanced customer engagement strategies.

"CARSOME 产品副总裁宋飞说:"我们的核心使命是提供无忧的汽车交易体验。"与传统二手车销售商相比,无论客户是买车还是卖车,我们都努力提供最优惠的价格和最优质的服务"。


CARSOME 客户从最初感兴趣到最终成交的过程涉及多个步骤和接触点,因此比典型的电子商务 "点击到购买 "模式更为复杂。在每个阶段,代理商和最终用户之间的沟通在推动销售周期向前发展方面都起着至关重要的作用。销售过程还涉及 "线下 "接触点--例如试驾和亲临车库--这些接触点必不可少,但要将其整合到数字通信中却具有挑战性flows 。

All these communications were siloed from each other, and CARSOME handled some replies manually while others were automated, making the process unorganized and difficult to manage. Plus, they relied mostly on traditional SMS messages, which did not convert very well. 

CARSOME 还试用了 WhatsApp,将其作为自动进行客户沟通(如通知和营销信息)的潜在选择。他们的客户群中有很多人已经喜欢使用 WhatsApp 与企业保持联系。不过,不同的客户喜欢不同的channels ,因此 CARSOME 需要一种方法将他们所有的通信channels 整合到一个平台上。


在对多家供应商进行评估后,Bird 成为 CARSOME 最强大的解决方案。channels Bird 还提供了使 CARSOME 的通信自动化的方法,将其手工、不连贯的流程转变为集中可视的简化、客户友好的旅程。

"宋飞说:"我们的目标是将通信整合到一个单一、集成的平台中,提供灵活性并满足客户的偏好。"我们与Bird 的合作是一项战略举措,目的是更有效地利用 WhatsApp,增强客户参与度,并在未来探索Bird的更多功能。"

Integrating Bird into CARSOME’s operations has overhauled how they communicate with their customers. The main difference is that CARSOME is now in constant communication with users throughout their complex customer journeys.


CARSOME can now easily send automated updates to customers via WhatsApp about the status of their bookings, upcoming events, or changes to their service requests. These straightforward flows keep customers in the loop and relieve staff from having to manually send and track messages. 

Bird has also helped CARSOME send out one-way communications, like one-time-password messages and appointment reminders. 


CARSOME 可以通过 WhatsApp 发送极具针对性的信息,与特定客户的需求和偏好产生共鸣。例如,当汽车降价时,CARSOME 可以向之前对该车感兴趣的客户发送个性化信息。

无论是通知客户新的交易、促销信息,还是根据客户兴趣量身定制的活动,Bird 都有助于确保 CARSOME 的每条信息都具有相关性和吸引力。


通过Flows ,CARSOME 更新了其自助聊天选项。现在,客户可以轻松浏览各种服务,并从自动聊天回复中选择所需的信息。

当客户确实需要将问题升级或与某人通话时,Bird 可将他们无缝连接到正确的人,从而保持顺畅高效的沟通流程。

"事实证明,Flowbuilder 是一个强大的工具,可以捕捉客户的参与度,为客户使用自助服务创造正确的途径,并减轻座席人员的工作。


CARSOME set out to boost sales with Bird, and that’s exactly what happened. More than 10% of orders are converted during the pre-screen process through WhatsApp. Once a customer engages with the customer service team via WhatsApp, they’re more likely to place an order directly now. 


利用Bird的Inbox ,CARSOME 跟踪客户咨询的响应时间。这些洞察力帮助他们缩短延迟时间,更快地获取潜在客户。通过最大限度地缩短回复线索所需的时间,CARSOME 可确保潜在客户得到及时关注,从而大大提高将咨询转化为销售的可能性。


通过Bird ,CARSOME 获得的主要好处之一是提高了对沟通效果的可视性。现在,他们可以轻松跟踪哪些信息击中了目标,哪些没有,从而不断改进他们的沟通策略,使信息传递与客户偏好保持一致。因此,他们的客户对品牌的参与度更高,客户满意度也更高。


Bird Flows 为 CARSOME 的团队带来了巨大价值,尤其是在马来西亚这样的多元文化社会中,有许多不同的文化庆祝活动。轻松复制和重复使用通信 的能力使 CARSOME 能够迅速更新流程,并针对特定活动和客户群定制通信。这种适应性节省了时间,并使信息更加贴切,进一步提高了参与度和满意度。flows

通过 Flowbuilder,CARSOME 可以精确处理从首次咨询到售后跟踪的每一个客户流程。


Looking towards the future, CARSOME wants to explore even more of Flows’ functionality to capture more user activities that could open up new sales opportunities. By integrating Bird more deeply into their systems, they aim to trigger more automated messages. 

例如,如果客户关系管理(CRM)中的潜在客户状态发生变化,Bird 就可以针对客户旅程的该阶段自动发送信息。CARSOME 希望通过这种方式减少其小型客户服务团队的工作量,加快线索管理流程,从而更好地控制销售漏斗。

They also intend to leverage customer engagement data to understand customer preferences and behaviour more closely. 

“Understanding better what messages to send and what kind of customers to approach will allow us to start segmenting users more deeply and send recurring marketing messages to generate more opportunities,” said Fei Song. 


CARSOME is Southeast Asia’s largest integrated car e-commerce platform. With presence across Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand and Singapore, we aim to digitalize the region’s used car industry by reshaping and elevating the car buying and selling experience.

CARSOME 为消费者和二手车经销商提供端到端的解决方案,从汽车检测到所有权转移再到融资,承诺提供值得信赖、便捷高效的服务。



我们的平台、应用程序和应用程序接口帮助企业通过客户首选的channels (如 WhatsApp、电子邮件、短信、语音、微信、Messenger 和 Instagram)简化对话,并打造功能强大、引人入胜的体验。Bird我们的开箱即用功能和全渠道专业技术为知识工作者提供了便利,帮助他们立即提高工作效率,并利用各种工具构建出色的营销campaigns 、客户服务体验或自动化业务流程。

Bird 总部位于阿姆斯特丹,为 Google、Facebook 和 Uber 等 29K+ 客户处理超过 5 万亿条信息、电话和电子邮件,涉及channels (如 WhatApp、电子邮件、短信等)。公司成立于 2011 年,现已发展成为拥有 800 多名员工的强大团队,员工来自 55 个国家,我们为自己是一家 "远程友好型 "公司而感到自豪。

准备好一睹Bird 的风采了吗?








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