

15 电子邮件 Deliverability Best Practices For Gmail

Feb 12, 2018










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With 超过18亿用户, there is no debate that Gmail is a leader among email providers. Chances are you have many subscribers on your business lists with Gmail addresses, and increasing your chances of successfully reaching them is essential to your company. Understanding the filters and criteria Gmail uses to determine email validity will create improved deliverability for your communications.

Gmail uses many different algorithms to determine inbox placement as well as delivery of your messages. Those algorithms use countless points of reference such as engagement, complaints, bad addresses for a combination of sending subdomain and top domain, bounce domain and DKIM, IP address, body content, branding, source coding, etc. Therefore when you have an issue, 排除故障会让人不知所措.


1. Secure the Opt-in



2. Track Engagement

ǞǞǞ most important thing to remember is to send messages to subscribers who are engaged with your brand. They are opening, reading, clicking and interacting with your brand. Interacting may mean purchasing or even getting involved with the discussion depending on your business model. Develop a list hygiene process to remove nonengaged subscribers from your active sending list on a regular basis.

3. Keep Your Subscriber List Healthy




Being polite and professional helps create a positive impression for your business and increases Gmail deliverability. Your business name and purpose should be clear as the sender. Google also 推荐电子邮件主题词 relevant to message content and links whose purpose and destinations are clear and pertinent.



6. Monitor Blacklistings

Gmail 确实使用第三方黑名单(具体名单不详)来确定inbox 的位置。

7. Avoid URL Shorteners


8. Use the Unsubscribe Features

Make it easy for subscribers to unsubscribe from your message! Google’s one-click feature permits users to click the unsubscribe button inside the email to simplify the process and prevent a user complaint. Spam complaints are not shared back to you through feedback loops like other ISPs. Therefore it is crucial that your subscribers unsubscribe rather than reporting as spam. SparkPost deploys the list-unsubscribe header and suppresses unsubscribes.

9. Avoid Affiliate Marketing Links

Affiliate marketers — those who earn commissions by directing web traffic to specific sites — have been known for spamming in the past. Establishing an identification as a spam sender can affect the deliverability of all future communications from your business. For best performance, Gmail states you should avoid including affiliate marketing links as a tactic. It is also against SparkPost policy to send affiliate marketing through our system.

10. Authenticate Your Emails


11. Use Subdomains Wisely


Different subdomains can define your different email streams. (Example:;; Be consistent. Don’t add too many as you want to be able to develop a reputation for each subdomain. However, remember that the top level domain reputation is also important.


确保你的指针(PTR)或反向DNS(rDNS)记录是最新的和正确的。遵守标准的信息、HTML和国际域名格式。保持编码的清洁和透明 - 隐藏代码可能导致Gmail将你的邮件归类为垃圾邮件。

13. Execute a Configuration Warm-up



14. Boost Engagement


15. Research Promotions vs. Primary Tabs

由于引入了文件夹,用户流量现在可以传送到其他位置,而不仅仅是inbox 或垃圾邮件文件夹。它不像被称为垃圾邮件文件夹的丢失邮件的可怕荒地。如果您有一个有趣的主题行和一个订阅者希望与之合作的品牌engage ,促销选项卡仍会为您带来打开率和点击率。


由于引入了文件夹,用户流量现在可以传送到其他位置,而不仅仅是inbox 或垃圾邮件文件夹。它不像被称为垃圾邮件文件夹的丢失邮件的可怕荒地。如果您有一个有趣的主题行和一个订阅者希望与之合作的品牌engage ,促销选项卡仍会为您带来打开率和点击率。

  • 按用户过滤。 Remember that just because some subscriber messages may be in the promotions tab does not mean that all subscriber messages are in the promotions tab. Filtering is done on the individual subscriber level not bulk sender level.

  • HTML到文本的平衡。 Keep the balance of HTML to text similar.

  • 鼓励互动。 Subscriber awareness is important. Train your subscribers to expect the message and move the message into the Primary tab. ǞǞǞ messages should start going 到 Primary tab after a few moves.

  • 不要发送促销信息。 When the above fails and you need a message to get into the inbox design your message to NOT look like a promotion.

    • 使你的信息个性化。 Include the reader’s first name in your message to Gmail subscribers.

    • 失去了图像。 Gmail sees images as a sign of a promotion or spam message. You will increase your readership by not having pictures.

    • 使用信件格式。 Design the Gmail template to look more personal and natural like an email.

    • 不要包括明显的行动呼吁。 The best way to keep from looking like a promotion is to have no more than 1 link and no upsells or RSS Feeds. Keep it short and simple like talking to a friend.

  • 欣赏促销标签。 When it comes down to it, if a subscriber wants your message in the primary tab they can move it there and will receive it there after a few moves. However, Gmail’s tabs are not new and subscribers know how they work and often go to that tab for promotions they are interested in. The promotions tab can actually work in your favor. For example, if a subscriber is very involved in social media and receives a large volume of social media notifications, marketing messages can get lost in the inbox and separating them out 到 social tab can actually be a plus, which leaves your message to be seen 在 top of the promotions tab easily found by your engaged subscriber. Just remember that if you send your subscribers what they want and leave them wanting more they will go to that promotions tab to see what you have to say!

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