Få kontakt med miljarder kunder vid sök- och upptäcktsögonblicket

Få kontakt med miljarder kunder vid sök- och upptäcktsögonblicket

Få kontakt med miljarder kunder vid sök- och upptäcktsögonblicket

Jan 8, 2021

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Google Business-meddelanden

Google Business-meddelanden

Ready to see Bird
in action?

Ready to see Bird
in action?

Connect with billions of customers vid moment of search and discovery

Har du någonsin funderat på hur stor del av våra liv vi ägnar åt att vänta? En genomsnittlig person tillbringar 235 dagar i kö och 43 dagar i vänteläge. Att ha kontakt med företag är en så central del av vår vardag att vi lägger ner mycket tid och kraft på att försöka göra just det. Resultatet blir ofta att vi inte kan ägna oss åt de saker som verkligen betyder något i livet.

So, this begs the question: why not make it easy for your customers to connect and start a dialogue in their own time, where they already are — vid moment of search and discovery? This is where Google’s Business Messages comes in. 

Framväxten av dialogbaserad handel

As the length of time spent waiting grows longer, your customers’ patience grows shorter. Consumer behavior has shifted towards asynchronous conversational messaging channels like Google’s Business Messages — a trend now known as “Conversational Commerce”. COVID-19 has only acted as an accelerant to this trend. Although 60% av smartphone-användarna have historically contacted businesses using the “Click to Call” entry point on Google Search, 79 % av konsumenterna prefer to talk to businesses using conversational messaging channels compared to legacy support channels like phone calling.  

By combining the entry points of Google Maps and Search, businesses of all sizes can offer multiple low-barrier, high-intent touchpoints at key moments in your customer journey. With a 92% andel of global mobile search volume, 70 000 sökningar every second, and the average human making 4 sökfrågor varje dag, Google is undoubtedly where your customers are digitally present, right now. 

On top of that, your customers are actively transacting online, with 75% av de som handlar using a Google product (including Search and Maps) in the past week to help with their shopping. By using Business Messages to organically reduce call volumes and drive rich, asynchronous messaging experiences, you can delight customers and boost sales, loyalty, and customer satisfaction. This is what makes Business Messages such a powerful communication channel to add to your omnichannel strategy using MessageBird. 

But, what makes Google’s Business Messages unique? 

På ytan sker konversationerna i Business Messages i en vanlig Live Chat-miljö. Ge dina kunder ett varmt välkomnande från en digital handläggare, lämna över konversationerna till dina mänskliga supporthandläggare och aktivera en CSAT-undersökning i slutet av konversationen.

However, you’ll quickly discover that there’s more till conversation. 

Business Messages is supercharged by Google’s rich media, authentication, and personalization capabilities. Suggested actions, smart automation, and assistive messaging provide immediate answers for routine questions. Product carousels help guide your customers through the conversation to exactly what they want. Built-in Google authentication enables your team to verify who they're talking to from the first message and remembers them for 30 days if and when they return to pick up where they left off. Ultimately, Business Messages creates delightful and memorable end-to-end experiences that lead to happier customers and help your brand stand out from the rest.

Mer channels, mer problem?

Med ytterligare en kontaktpunkt med låg barriär ökar samtalsvolymen och därmed kostnaderna för supportteamet. Fragmenterad kommunikation channels med en icke enhetlig strategi kommer ofta att resultera i inkonsekventa kundupplevelser över channels.

Det är detta problem vi löser.

By combining Google’s Business Messages with Bird’s omnichannel platform, your business can seamlessly unify all of your communication channels, no matter how many, and create a consistent messaging experience that delights. 

With Bird, the choice is yours. 

You can use Google’s Business Messages as a channel in Flows to design smart automation flows that can route conversations till right places, answer frequently asked questions with FAQ Bot, create support tickets in Inbox. Alternatively, you can programmatically enable two-way conversations over any channel directly using the Conversations API.

You can do all of this in just a matter of minutes with Bird. 

Tvinga inte dina kunder att komma till dig. Gå dit de är och ge dem tillbaka hela dagar av deras liv med Googles företagsmeddelanden och Bird.

Your new standard in Marketing, Betalningar & Sales. It's Bird

Den right message -> to the right person -> at the right time.

By clicking "See Bird" you agree to Bird's Meddelande om integritet.

Your new standard in Marketing, Betalningar & Sales. It's Bird

Den right message -> to the right person -> at the right time.

By clicking "See Bird" you agree to Bird's Meddelande om integritet.