Apa yang dimaksud dengan video banking?

Apa yang dimaksud dengan video banking?

Apa yang dimaksud dengan video banking?

Mar 22, 2022

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What is video banking?

Video banking is when customers talk to their bank from home, using their laptop, tablet or smartphone. It uses teknologi video langsung to connect a customer with a financial advisor or banker. 

The video connection allows banks to offer clients personal financial advice - via a digital channel. And customers can get in touch with a human advisor remotely, when it best suits them.

Bagaimana cara kerja video banking?

Dengan Video Banking, bank Anda membuat koneksi video langsung antara nasabah dan salah satu penasihat keuangan, atau agen.

Beginilah cara kerja video banking:

  1. Customers schedule an appointment for video advice on your website
    OR advisors plan the video meeting themselves and send the client an invite

  2. Pelanggan Anda menerima email otomatis dengan tautan akses unik

  3. Ketika tiba waktunya untuk memulai rapat video, pelanggan mengklik tautan akses

  4. Panggilan video dimulai, dan membangun koneksi langsung antara pelanggan dan penasihat

  5. Setelah panggilan video selesai, Anda dapat meminta umpan balik instan kepada klien. Anda dapat mengukur kualitas saran video Anda, dan melacak kinerja pada metrik lainnya.

On top of scheduled video advice, you can also offer clients a click-to-video button to langsung memulai panggilan video on your website, or escalate to a video call from a current chat or phone conversation.

Definisi baru tentang video banking

The term video banking used to imply banking via video in a narrow, more physical sense, i.e. at a physical cabang bank. In the past, it stood for performing banking transactions through a tangible mesin teller enabled with video, or via a physical bank branch enabled with technology for live video contact.

According to this traditional definition, the teknologi perbankan video then established a live video connection between the customer - at a physical teller or bank branch - and an agent. The agent was connected from a centralized contact center or another bank branch.

Then in 2014 Indian bank IndusInd was the first in the world to introduce a new video banking service. With its 24/7 ‘Video Branch’ service, IndusInd Bank allowed its customers to have a face-to-face video call with a bank staff member digitally, using their desktop, tablet or smartphone. This new digital way of video banking allowed customers to interact with a bank agent or financial advisor from anywhere.  Using any device connected ke internet, customers can start a video banking session from home, the office, or on the go.


Mengapa video banking berkembang pesat

Video banking is growing faster and faster - even since before the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Hal ini dikarenakan bank-bank berada di bawah tekanan besar untuk mengupayakan efisiensi: kantor cabang telah ditutup dan alur kerja didigitalisasi. Di saat yang sama, nasabah mulai menunjukkan perilaku baru. Interaksi pelanggan mungkin beralih ke online dan menjauh dari cabang fisik, tetapi klien masih mencari kontak pribadi.

To take their Digital Transformation strategy safely through this pandemic, banks are looking for a digital banking solution to solve both of these challenges.

Untungnya, cabang digital tidak harus sama dengan interaksi pelanggan yang tidak personal. Bank-bank sedang mencari cara untuk memasukkan sentuhan manusia ke dalam transformasi digital mereka, terutama di masa-masa ini ketika seluruh staf cabang diharuskan bekerja dari jarak jauh dan konsumen di seluruh dunia diminta untuk lebih banyak berada di rumah daripada sebelumnya.

Video banking adalah solusi bagi bank untuk berinteraksi dengan nasabah secara aman dan digital, namun tetap bersifat personal. Ada banyak kasus penggunaan video banking di mana saran jarak jauh memberikan nilai tambah bagi bank, misalnya pengajuan pinjaman hipotek, manajemen kekayaan, atau perbankan bisnis.


Manfaat video banking

Video banking adalah cara yang efisien untuk memberikan nasihat keuangan pribadi kepada nasabah melalui channels digital Anda - secara aman dan jarak jauh. Tahun ini, saran video jarak jauh telah menjadi 'normal baru' dalam dunia perbankan.

The default channel for interacting with customers has suddenly shifted from face-to-face in branch to 100% remote and digital. However, 80% of financial institutions were already offering video banking in 2018 or planning to offer it in the near future. That's because unlike face-to-face contact, video banking is safe, efficient and easy to use for both the customer and the advisor.

These are the benefits of video banking to you and your customers:

  • Offer safe & personal financial advice from the comfort of your customers’ own home

  • Menghemat waktu perjalanan untuk klien dan penasihat Anda

  • Boost customer satisfaction: clients of Bird Video receive NPS scores of up to +78 for video meetings 

  • Build stronger customer relationships: video banking allows you to personally inform customers on the financial impact of current affairs, like the Brexit or the corona crisis

  • Meningkatkan tingkat konversi penjualan hingga +33% karena percakapan video banking yang singkat namun tetap menampilkan wajah manusia

  • Speed up the sales cycle. Video banking is clearer than a telephone conversation, because visual aids like screen sharing or co-browsing make it easier to explain complex topics

Misalnya, memberikan saran yang cepat dan personal tentang hipotek dan pinjaman. Nasabah dapat melalui proses keputusan secepat mungkin, yang memberi Anda keunggulan kompetitif

  • Boost efficiency & productivity: video meetings with banking clients are up to +30% shorter than physical meetings

  • If customers have urgent or more complex question, you can give interactive, personal support - which improves first-time fixes & reduces ticket handling time


Bagaimana cara menggunakan video banking?

At MessageBird Video, we use video banking in the more modern, 100% digital sense. This type of completely remote video advice is now being offered by many more banks. Some major European banks use our teknologi panggilan video, like Rabobank, SNS and Nationwide.

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