4 Wawasan tentang Dampak yang Tidak Langsung Terlihat dari Perubahan Perlindungan Privasi Mail iOS 15

4 Wawasan tentang Dampak yang Tidak Langsung Terlihat dari Perubahan Perlindungan Privasi Mail iOS 15

4 Wawasan tentang Dampak yang Tidak Langsung Terlihat dari Perubahan Perlindungan Privasi Mail iOS 15

Aug 25, 2021

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Chris Adams

Chris Adams





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4 Insights on the Not-Immediately-Obvious Impacts of iOS 15 Mail Privasi Protection Changes

Back in June, we initially reported about the upcoming changes in iOS 15. Since that time, there has been a lot of discussion, articles and webinar about the topic.  

There’s no doubt the iOS 15 Mail Privasi Protection changes are significant and will have a direct impact on how marketers track the success of their email programs. When faced with such a drastic and sudden change, it’s only natural to try and seek out ways that will keep or rationalize the status quo.  

Di bawah ini adalah empat wawasan tentang dampak yang lebih bernuansa dan tidak langsung terlihat dari perubahan iOS 15.

1. Dampaknya Melampaui Akun Email iCloud.com

Mail Privasi Protection will impact any email account that is set up within the Apple Mail.app in iOS 15, iPadOS 15, or MacOS Monterey. Generally, we expect this to impact 30-40% of a recipient’s user list. 

2. Pengguna Tidak Perlu Aktif Menggunakan Mail.App agar Email Terkena Dampak Perlindungan Privasi Email

Let’s consider a common scenario: a user sets up their email account in Apple Mail.app, Gmail’s App, and also routinely makes use of the Gmail Web App. Even if the user rarely (or never) opens their email in Apple Mail.app, Mail Privasi Protection will still pre-load images because the email account was set up in Apple’s Mail.app. In this case, a sender will see opens from Apple’s image proxy and Gmail’s image proxy.  

3. Memantau Perubahan pada String Agen-Pengguna Secara Teratur

Per Google, a browser’s user-agent string helps identify which browser is being used, what version, and on which operating system. Currently, the user-agent string that Apple’s proxy servers are sending when requesting images is Mozilla/5.0. While there is no direct indication that this belongs to Apple’s image proxies, our testing indicates that the string tidak accurately identify requests coming from Apple’s image proxies. This, in turn, may allow senders to filter out Apple proxy opens from their metrics or segment them differently. It is unknown whether Apple will change this in the future. As such, it will be important for senders to monitor for changes to this string and to adjust accordingly.

4. Jangan Bergantung pada Peretasan Teknis atau Solusi

History has shown us that any technical workarounds to bypassing privacy-related functionality are often short-lived, harms your reputation, and are quickly closed. Even though early testing indicates there are some workarounds to Apple’s preloading of images, we believe senders should not rely upon or use these workarounds. 

Batasan Perlindungan Privasi Email berikut ini telah diamati dalam pengujian beta awal:

  • Preloading terutama terjadi ketika pengguna menggunakan wifi dan ketika dicolokkan.
    Early testing indicates that preloading only happens when the user is on wifi and their phone is plugged into power. This behavior is a little unexpected and will be interesting to observe as Apple moves to General Availability for iOS15. In practice, what this means is that the open events are even more random than initially thought. It seems open events can occur when the user actually opens the message, or when the user hasn’t opened the message but is on wifi and the phone is charging – or some other combination of events that Apple decides. All of this points ke same conclusion: open tracking on Apple devices can’t be trusted.

  • Peristiwa terbuka yang diprakarsai pengguna dipicu ketika gambar dimuat melalui CSS eksternal.
    Testing also indicates that user-initiated open events are triggered when the image is loaded via an external CSS file. While on the surface this might seem like good news, we strongly recommend against using this approach. It’s extremely likely that Apple, like HEY already did, will close this loophole. (Baca utas Twitter.)

Namun ada alasan yang lebih mendasar untuk tidak menggunakan pendekatan ini: pengguna yang telah memilih Mail Privasi Protection secara eksplisit mengatakan bahwa mereka tidak ingin penyedia layanan melacak mereka melalui email yang terbuka. Menggunakan solusi semacam ini akan mengkhianati kepercayaan pengguna, merupakan praktik yang buruk, dan pada akhirnya akan merusak reputasi merek Anda.

Change is inevitable. And with change, comes uncertainty.  

Penting untuk diingat bahwa tujuan utamanya bukanlah melacak jumlah pembukaan - namun untuk menjangkau target audiens kita dengan mengirimkan email yang membuat penerima ingin berinteraksi. Selama pengirim tetap menjadikan hal tersebut sebagai pedoman, kita semua akan beradaptasi bersama untuk menemukan cara-cara baru yang berpusat pada pengguna dan privasi untuk mengukur hasilnya.

~Chris Adams
Distinguished Engineer 

Dengan bantuan tim impian: George Schlossnagle, April Mullen, Elliot Ross, dan Koertni Adams

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