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Fly higher with Bird: Enhancing Customer Travel Journeys with Multi-Channel Engagement

Discover how Bird CRM empowers travel companies to nurture customer loyalty with personalized journeys across email, SMS, WhatsApp, and push notifications.

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Jun 28, 2024





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Did you know that companies with a strong omnichannel customer engagement strategy retain an 89 % de leurs clients en moyenne, contre 33 % pour ceux dont la stratégie omnicanale est faible.?

In today's competitive travel industry, keeping customers engaged is crucial. Bird CRM is a powerful tool for companies to connect with travelers, enhance their travel experience, and ultimately drive higher sales.

With so many options in the travel market, focusing on customer loyalty, and targeting these customers through personalisation is the key to standing out. 

In this article, we dive into how Bird can be used to help companies retarget abandoned search customers, keep them updated with flight confirmations, drive personalized holiday search emails, price alerts, and much more!

Avant de voir comment Bird permet aux agences de voyage d'obtenir ces résultats impressionnants, prenons un peu de recul et commençons par le parcours de l'utilisateur en comprenant l'importance de capter l'attention avec des formulaires d'inscription, d'obtenir des informations sur les clients et de personnaliser le contenu avec des modèles omnicanaux. Il est essentiel de comprendre comment les voyageurs interagissent avec les applications et les sites web de voyage pour maximiser l'impact des fonctionnalités de Bird.

1. Capter l'attention : Augmenter le nombre d'abonnés grâce à des formulaires d'inscription et des remises

Bird aide les clients à augmenter leur liste d'abonnés grâce à des offres d'inscription attrayantes

The journey begins with attracting potential customers. Companies can use pop-up forms and Offres d'inscription to capture new subscribers. By providing incentives such as welcome discounts or exclusive offers, you can engage customers early in their journey. 

Bird’s pop-ups are designed to be compliant with privacy regulations, clearly requesting user consent before collecting their information. 

For example, a traveler visits your website to explore flight options. A pop-up form offers a 10% discount on their first booking in exchange for their email address. They sign up, joining your subscriber list and the initial interaction sets the stage for further personalization communication!

2. Comprendre le comportement des consommateurs : Suivi des pixels et connaissance du client

Bird segmente les clients en journeys ciblés sur la base de leur connaissance du web des utilisateurs

Understanding customer behavior is key to delivering personalized experiences. Bird’s tracker de site web captures user interactions, allowing it to segment customers based on their behavior. This enables the creation of targeted, personalized journeys that keep your brand top-of-mind. 

Imagine a traveler searches for flights to Tokyo but doesn’t complete the booking. Bird’s tracker captures this interaction, and they are added to a segment for Tokyo-bound travelers. This data helps tailor future communications to their specific interests, increasing the likelihood of conversion.

3. Personnalisation du contenu en fonction des interactions : Modèles omnicanaux

Bird permet d'attirer du trafic sur votre site web grâce à des offres personnalisées dans plusieurs pays. channels

Bird offers modèles omnichannel that help companies bring traffic to their website with personalized deals on any channel—using email, SMS, WhatsApp, and push notifications. Personalized templates ensure that each interaction is tailored to the customer’s preferences and past behavior, making the engagements even more meaningful.

For instance, the traveler receives a personalized email offering special deals on hotels  in Milan. The email includes dynamic fields like their preferred travel dates, making the offer more relevant and enticing. This not only drives traffic but also boosts the chances of booking.

4. Réengager les clients : Recibler les pages abandonnées

Bird augmente le chiffre d'affaires en reciblant les recherches abandonnées

L'un des moyens les plus efficaces dont dispose Bird pour aider les entreprises à augmenter leurs revenus est le reciblage des pages abandonnées. Lorsqu'un voyageur recherche un train journeys à Tokyo mais ne réserve pas, le suivi Web de Birdenregistre cet événement. Vous pouvez ensuite utiliser le site personnalisé journeys pour recibler ces clients avec des offres et des incitations pertinentes.

Par exemple, le voyageur reçoit une notification push une heure après sa recherche, lui rappelant le voyage en train à Tokyo et lui proposant une réduction limitée dans le temps pour l'inciter à réserver. Cette stratégie permet de s'assurer qu'aucun client potentiel ne passe à travers les mailles du filet, ce qui se traduit en fin de compte par une augmentation des ventes.

5. Building trust: Keeping customers updated with booking confirmations and schedule changes 

Bird permet aux clients d'établir une relation de confiance grâce à des confirmations de réservation instantanées dans plusieurs pays. channels

Getting an instant booking confirmation is the key to building trust with your customers. Bird’s automatisé journeys send instant confirmation notifications across multiple channels—email, SMS, WhatsApp, push notifications—ensuring travelers have all the necessary details.

This immediate confirmation gives travelers peace of mind, ensuring they have all the necessary travel details right at their fingertips.

By offering instant confirmation, Bird helps companies build trust and reliability with their customers. This quick and efficient communication reassures travelers that their plans are set, enhancing their overall travel experience and fostering customer loyalty.

Additionally, when plans get disrupted, it’s a major pain point. Bird uses AI and multiple channels to handle issues like rebooking and payments smoothly, all in one platform. 

Informed travelers and smooth disruption handling are the cornerstones of building trust and loyalty. This translates to customers feeling valued, ultimately driving repeat business with their chosen provider.

6. Accroître la fidélité : Engagement continu et offres personnalisées

Encourager les réservations et fidéliser les clients grâce à un engagement personnalisé

Au cas où vous ne l'auriez pas encore réalisé, la fidélisation à long terme est essentielle dans l'industrie du voyage ! En tirant parti des fonctionnalités CRM de Bird, les entreprises de voyage peuvent créer des expériences personnalisées qui incitent les clients à revenir. Ces expériences vont des e-mails de recherche de vacances ciblés aux offres exclusives et aux alertes de prix.

Alertes sur les prix

Travelers always appreciate being informed about fare changes for flights they are interested in. Bird’s push notifications allow users to subscribe to price alerts for specific flights. 

When there is a fare change, automated notifications are sent out, showing the new price and a comparison to the previous price, such as “Your flight to Tokyo increased by $12.” This helps travelers save money and encourages timely bookings.

By providing real-time price alerts, Bird keeps travelers updated on the best deals, ensuring they never miss out on a great fare. This feature not only helps travelers save money but also fosters a sense of trust and reliability, making them more likely to book their flights promptly.

Courriels ciblés basés sur des modèles de recherche

Targeted emails based on search patterns are another powerful tool to drive loyalty. By segmenting users based on their search data, Bird can identify those interested in specific deals and destinations, and target them effectively. 

Personalized email campaigns are then created, featuring travel guides, tips, and special offers tailored to these destinations. This approach not only engages users with relevant content but also boosts holiday booking rates and builds brand loyalty.

Transformez votre parcours client avec Bird

By keeping travelers informed, handling disruptions smoothly, and offering personalized experiences, Bird helps your customers feel valued. This ongoing engagement nurtures loyalty and encourages repeat bookings, making your company their top choice.

See how Bird’s features can make the travel experience better, from the first interaction to the final booking and beyond. Our multi-channel approach—including email, SMS, WhatsApp, and push notifications—ensures timely and relevant communication at every step.

Plus, with AI-driven solutions for handling flight issues and extras like baggage upgrades and Uber rides, Bird boosts satisfaction and opens up new revenue opportunities.

Demander une démonstration today and see how Bird can make your customer journey smoother, more engaging, and build lasting loyalty.

Did you know that companies with a strong omnichannel customer engagement strategy retain an 89 % de leurs clients en moyenne, contre 33 % pour ceux dont la stratégie omnicanale est faible.?

In today's competitive travel industry, keeping customers engaged is crucial. Bird CRM is a powerful tool for companies to connect with travelers, enhance their travel experience, and ultimately drive higher sales.

With so many options in the travel market, focusing on customer loyalty, and targeting these customers through personalisation is the key to standing out. 

In this article, we dive into how Bird can be used to help companies retarget abandoned search customers, keep them updated with flight confirmations, drive personalized holiday search emails, price alerts, and much more!

Avant de voir comment Bird permet aux agences de voyage d'obtenir ces résultats impressionnants, prenons un peu de recul et commençons par le parcours de l'utilisateur en comprenant l'importance de capter l'attention avec des formulaires d'inscription, d'obtenir des informations sur les clients et de personnaliser le contenu avec des modèles omnicanaux. Il est essentiel de comprendre comment les voyageurs interagissent avec les applications et les sites web de voyage pour maximiser l'impact des fonctionnalités de Bird.

1. Capter l'attention : Augmenter le nombre d'abonnés grâce à des formulaires d'inscription et des remises

Bird aide les clients à augmenter leur liste d'abonnés grâce à des offres d'inscription attrayantes

The journey begins with attracting potential customers. Companies can use pop-up forms and Offres d'inscription to capture new subscribers. By providing incentives such as welcome discounts or exclusive offers, you can engage customers early in their journey. 

Bird’s pop-ups are designed to be compliant with privacy regulations, clearly requesting user consent before collecting their information. 

For example, a traveler visits your website to explore flight options. A pop-up form offers a 10% discount on their first booking in exchange for their email address. They sign up, joining your subscriber list and the initial interaction sets the stage for further personalization communication!

2. Comprendre le comportement des consommateurs : Suivi des pixels et connaissance du client

Bird segmente les clients en journeys ciblés sur la base de leur connaissance du web des utilisateurs

Understanding customer behavior is key to delivering personalized experiences. Bird’s tracker de site web captures user interactions, allowing it to segment customers based on their behavior. This enables the creation of targeted, personalized journeys that keep your brand top-of-mind. 

Imagine a traveler searches for flights to Tokyo but doesn’t complete the booking. Bird’s tracker captures this interaction, and they are added to a segment for Tokyo-bound travelers. This data helps tailor future communications to their specific interests, increasing the likelihood of conversion.

3. Personnalisation du contenu en fonction des interactions : Modèles omnicanaux

Bird permet d'attirer du trafic sur votre site web grâce à des offres personnalisées dans plusieurs pays. channels

Bird offers modèles omnichannel that help companies bring traffic to their website with personalized deals on any channel—using email, SMS, WhatsApp, and push notifications. Personalized templates ensure that each interaction is tailored to the customer’s preferences and past behavior, making the engagements even more meaningful.

For instance, the traveler receives a personalized email offering special deals on hotels  in Milan. The email includes dynamic fields like their preferred travel dates, making the offer more relevant and enticing. This not only drives traffic but also boosts the chances of booking.

4. Réengager les clients : Recibler les pages abandonnées

Bird augmente le chiffre d'affaires en reciblant les recherches abandonnées

L'un des moyens les plus efficaces dont dispose Bird pour aider les entreprises à augmenter leurs revenus est le reciblage des pages abandonnées. Lorsqu'un voyageur recherche un train journeys à Tokyo mais ne réserve pas, le suivi Web de Birdenregistre cet événement. Vous pouvez ensuite utiliser le site personnalisé journeys pour recibler ces clients avec des offres et des incitations pertinentes.

Par exemple, le voyageur reçoit une notification push une heure après sa recherche, lui rappelant le voyage en train à Tokyo et lui proposant une réduction limitée dans le temps pour l'inciter à réserver. Cette stratégie permet de s'assurer qu'aucun client potentiel ne passe à travers les mailles du filet, ce qui se traduit en fin de compte par une augmentation des ventes.

5. Building trust: Keeping customers updated with booking confirmations and schedule changes 

Bird permet aux clients d'établir une relation de confiance grâce à des confirmations de réservation instantanées dans plusieurs pays. channels

Getting an instant booking confirmation is the key to building trust with your customers. Bird’s automatisé journeys send instant confirmation notifications across multiple channels—email, SMS, WhatsApp, push notifications—ensuring travelers have all the necessary details.

This immediate confirmation gives travelers peace of mind, ensuring they have all the necessary travel details right at their fingertips.

By offering instant confirmation, Bird helps companies build trust and reliability with their customers. This quick and efficient communication reassures travelers that their plans are set, enhancing their overall travel experience and fostering customer loyalty.

Additionally, when plans get disrupted, it’s a major pain point. Bird uses AI and multiple channels to handle issues like rebooking and payments smoothly, all in one platform. 

Informed travelers and smooth disruption handling are the cornerstones of building trust and loyalty. This translates to customers feeling valued, ultimately driving repeat business with their chosen provider.

6. Accroître la fidélité : Engagement continu et offres personnalisées

Encourager les réservations et fidéliser les clients grâce à un engagement personnalisé

Au cas où vous ne l'auriez pas encore réalisé, la fidélisation à long terme est essentielle dans l'industrie du voyage ! En tirant parti des fonctionnalités CRM de Bird, les entreprises de voyage peuvent créer des expériences personnalisées qui incitent les clients à revenir. Ces expériences vont des e-mails de recherche de vacances ciblés aux offres exclusives et aux alertes de prix.

Alertes sur les prix

Travelers always appreciate being informed about fare changes for flights they are interested in. Bird’s push notifications allow users to subscribe to price alerts for specific flights. 

When there is a fare change, automated notifications are sent out, showing the new price and a comparison to the previous price, such as “Your flight to Tokyo increased by $12.” This helps travelers save money and encourages timely bookings.

By providing real-time price alerts, Bird keeps travelers updated on the best deals, ensuring they never miss out on a great fare. This feature not only helps travelers save money but also fosters a sense of trust and reliability, making them more likely to book their flights promptly.

Courriels ciblés basés sur des modèles de recherche

Targeted emails based on search patterns are another powerful tool to drive loyalty. By segmenting users based on their search data, Bird can identify those interested in specific deals and destinations, and target them effectively. 

Personalized email campaigns are then created, featuring travel guides, tips, and special offers tailored to these destinations. This approach not only engages users with relevant content but also boosts holiday booking rates and builds brand loyalty.

Transformez votre parcours client avec Bird

By keeping travelers informed, handling disruptions smoothly, and offering personalized experiences, Bird helps your customers feel valued. This ongoing engagement nurtures loyalty and encourages repeat bookings, making your company their top choice.

See how Bird’s features can make the travel experience better, from the first interaction to the final booking and beyond. Our multi-channel approach—including email, SMS, WhatsApp, and push notifications—ensures timely and relevant communication at every step.

Plus, with AI-driven solutions for handling flight issues and extras like baggage upgrades and Uber rides, Bird boosts satisfaction and opens up new revenue opportunities.

Demander une démonstration today and see how Bird can make your customer journey smoother, more engaging, and build lasting loyalty.

Did you know that companies with a strong omnichannel customer engagement strategy retain an 89 % de leurs clients en moyenne, contre 33 % pour ceux dont la stratégie omnicanale est faible.?

In today's competitive travel industry, keeping customers engaged is crucial. Bird CRM is a powerful tool for companies to connect with travelers, enhance their travel experience, and ultimately drive higher sales.

With so many options in the travel market, focusing on customer loyalty, and targeting these customers through personalisation is the key to standing out. 

In this article, we dive into how Bird can be used to help companies retarget abandoned search customers, keep them updated with flight confirmations, drive personalized holiday search emails, price alerts, and much more!

Avant de voir comment Bird permet aux agences de voyage d'obtenir ces résultats impressionnants, prenons un peu de recul et commençons par le parcours de l'utilisateur en comprenant l'importance de capter l'attention avec des formulaires d'inscription, d'obtenir des informations sur les clients et de personnaliser le contenu avec des modèles omnicanaux. Il est essentiel de comprendre comment les voyageurs interagissent avec les applications et les sites web de voyage pour maximiser l'impact des fonctionnalités de Bird.

1. Capter l'attention : Augmenter le nombre d'abonnés grâce à des formulaires d'inscription et des remises

Bird aide les clients à augmenter leur liste d'abonnés grâce à des offres d'inscription attrayantes

The journey begins with attracting potential customers. Companies can use pop-up forms and Offres d'inscription to capture new subscribers. By providing incentives such as welcome discounts or exclusive offers, you can engage customers early in their journey. 

Bird’s pop-ups are designed to be compliant with privacy regulations, clearly requesting user consent before collecting their information. 

For example, a traveler visits your website to explore flight options. A pop-up form offers a 10% discount on their first booking in exchange for their email address. They sign up, joining your subscriber list and the initial interaction sets the stage for further personalization communication!

2. Comprendre le comportement des consommateurs : Suivi des pixels et connaissance du client

Bird segmente les clients en journeys ciblés sur la base de leur connaissance du web des utilisateurs

Understanding customer behavior is key to delivering personalized experiences. Bird’s tracker de site web captures user interactions, allowing it to segment customers based on their behavior. This enables the creation of targeted, personalized journeys that keep your brand top-of-mind. 

Imagine a traveler searches for flights to Tokyo but doesn’t complete the booking. Bird’s tracker captures this interaction, and they are added to a segment for Tokyo-bound travelers. This data helps tailor future communications to their specific interests, increasing the likelihood of conversion.

3. Personnalisation du contenu en fonction des interactions : Modèles omnicanaux

Bird permet d'attirer du trafic sur votre site web grâce à des offres personnalisées dans plusieurs pays. channels

Bird offers modèles omnichannel that help companies bring traffic to their website with personalized deals on any channel—using email, SMS, WhatsApp, and push notifications. Personalized templates ensure that each interaction is tailored to the customer’s preferences and past behavior, making the engagements even more meaningful.

For instance, the traveler receives a personalized email offering special deals on hotels  in Milan. The email includes dynamic fields like their preferred travel dates, making the offer more relevant and enticing. This not only drives traffic but also boosts the chances of booking.

4. Réengager les clients : Recibler les pages abandonnées

Bird augmente le chiffre d'affaires en reciblant les recherches abandonnées

L'un des moyens les plus efficaces dont dispose Bird pour aider les entreprises à augmenter leurs revenus est le reciblage des pages abandonnées. Lorsqu'un voyageur recherche un train journeys à Tokyo mais ne réserve pas, le suivi Web de Birdenregistre cet événement. Vous pouvez ensuite utiliser le site personnalisé journeys pour recibler ces clients avec des offres et des incitations pertinentes.

Par exemple, le voyageur reçoit une notification push une heure après sa recherche, lui rappelant le voyage en train à Tokyo et lui proposant une réduction limitée dans le temps pour l'inciter à réserver. Cette stratégie permet de s'assurer qu'aucun client potentiel ne passe à travers les mailles du filet, ce qui se traduit en fin de compte par une augmentation des ventes.

5. Building trust: Keeping customers updated with booking confirmations and schedule changes 

Bird permet aux clients d'établir une relation de confiance grâce à des confirmations de réservation instantanées dans plusieurs pays. channels

Getting an instant booking confirmation is the key to building trust with your customers. Bird’s automatisé journeys send instant confirmation notifications across multiple channels—email, SMS, WhatsApp, push notifications—ensuring travelers have all the necessary details.

This immediate confirmation gives travelers peace of mind, ensuring they have all the necessary travel details right at their fingertips.

By offering instant confirmation, Bird helps companies build trust and reliability with their customers. This quick and efficient communication reassures travelers that their plans are set, enhancing their overall travel experience and fostering customer loyalty.

Additionally, when plans get disrupted, it’s a major pain point. Bird uses AI and multiple channels to handle issues like rebooking and payments smoothly, all in one platform. 

Informed travelers and smooth disruption handling are the cornerstones of building trust and loyalty. This translates to customers feeling valued, ultimately driving repeat business with their chosen provider.

6. Accroître la fidélité : Engagement continu et offres personnalisées

Encourager les réservations et fidéliser les clients grâce à un engagement personnalisé

Au cas où vous ne l'auriez pas encore réalisé, la fidélisation à long terme est essentielle dans l'industrie du voyage ! En tirant parti des fonctionnalités CRM de Bird, les entreprises de voyage peuvent créer des expériences personnalisées qui incitent les clients à revenir. Ces expériences vont des e-mails de recherche de vacances ciblés aux offres exclusives et aux alertes de prix.

Alertes sur les prix

Travelers always appreciate being informed about fare changes for flights they are interested in. Bird’s push notifications allow users to subscribe to price alerts for specific flights. 

When there is a fare change, automated notifications are sent out, showing the new price and a comparison to the previous price, such as “Your flight to Tokyo increased by $12.” This helps travelers save money and encourages timely bookings.

By providing real-time price alerts, Bird keeps travelers updated on the best deals, ensuring they never miss out on a great fare. This feature not only helps travelers save money but also fosters a sense of trust and reliability, making them more likely to book their flights promptly.

Courriels ciblés basés sur des modèles de recherche

Targeted emails based on search patterns are another powerful tool to drive loyalty. By segmenting users based on their search data, Bird can identify those interested in specific deals and destinations, and target them effectively. 

Personalized email campaigns are then created, featuring travel guides, tips, and special offers tailored to these destinations. This approach not only engages users with relevant content but also boosts holiday booking rates and builds brand loyalty.

Transformez votre parcours client avec Bird

By keeping travelers informed, handling disruptions smoothly, and offering personalized experiences, Bird helps your customers feel valued. This ongoing engagement nurtures loyalty and encourages repeat bookings, making your company their top choice.

See how Bird’s features can make the travel experience better, from the first interaction to the final booking and beyond. Our multi-channel approach—including email, SMS, WhatsApp, and push notifications—ensures timely and relevant communication at every step.

Plus, with AI-driven solutions for handling flight issues and extras like baggage upgrades and Uber rides, Bird boosts satisfaction and opens up new revenue opportunities.

Demander une démonstration today and see how Bird can make your customer journey smoother, more engaging, and build lasting loyalty.

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Planifiez une démonstration maintenant.

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Le CRM AI-first pour le marketing, le service et les paiements

En cliquant sur "Voir Bird", vous acceptez les conditions d'utilisation du site Bird.

Le CRM AI-first pour le marketing, le service et les paiements

En cliquant sur "Voir Bird", vous acceptez les conditions d'utilisation du site Bird.