Estrategias omnicanal para profesionales del marketing

Estrategias omnicanal para profesionales del marketing

Estrategias omnicanal para profesionales del marketing

Feb 3, 2020

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Ready to see Bird
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Omnichannel Strategies for Marketing Professionals

Este artículo se publicó originalmente publicado en el blog Tripolis.

Earlier this week, Tripolis connected with Bird to learn more about omnichannel strategies for marketing professionals. Read on for the interview.

Can you tell us about what Bird does?

  • Bird is a cloud communications platform — also known as a Communications Platform as a Service or CPaaS — that enables businesses to communicate with their customers via WhatsApp, SMS, Voice calling, Facebook Messenger, WeChat, and other popular communication channels. As a cloud communications platform we make it easy for businesses to apply an omnichannel approach to their customer communication experience. With this approach, we help you to communicate with customers as if you’re talking to a friend.

Hablemos de la comunicación omnicanal. Empresas como Amazon están allanando el camino a experiencias de cliente modernas y cómodas, y parece que la comunicación con el cliente desempeña un papel importante en ello. Cómo influye la omnicanalidad en todo esto y cómo se aplica a los profesionales del marketing?

  • Ya hemos superado la época en la que la gente se limitaba a dispositivos de comunicación estáticos (teléfonos depay , faxes, etc.) y hemos pasado a una época en la que los clientes son móviles y esperan que la información e incluso los servicios sean a la carta. Los clientes no están tan dispuestos a hacer una pausa en su jornada para esperar a un agente de atención al cliente o a permanecer atados a un escritorio mientras esperan una respuesta por correo electrónico. Para que las empresas encajen en la ajetreada vida digital de los clientes, necesitan comunicarse con ellos en channels , que es lo que más suelen utilizar. Sin embargo, esos channels pueden variar de un cliente a otro, o incluso dentro de un mismo ciclo de compra. Un enfoque omnicanal ofrece a los clientes una experiencia perfectamente integrada.

  • Today, there are 2.5 billion smartphones in use*, which means that as a global communications channel, a mobile outreach strategy is critical to reaching your audience. And 92%* of people use their smartphone as their primary communications device! While businesses can try to tap into this market by spending hard-earned dollars on a custom app, increased app fatigue can make it challenging to cut through the noise.

¿Puede explicar qué entiende por "fatiga de aplicaciones"?

  • En mobile app marketplace is saturated, with over 2 million apps and counting available for the iPhone alone*. Smartphone users are less and less willing to download new apps, with only 35%* downloading new apps. Moreover, 85%* of consumer’s time is spent on just five apps alone.

  • This information shouldn’t deter marketing professionals from taking a mobile-centric approach. Instead, communications strategies should rethink mobile from the ground up, building interactions and transactions that take place entirely within their customers’ preferred messaging apps. WhatsApp alone hosts 1 billion monthly active users*. Messenger, WeChat, Viber, and more, all present an unprecedented opportunity for customer engagement.

¿Tiene algún ejemplo del sector que lo ilustre?

  • Retail is en el forefront of this shift to mobile-driven experiences. For e-commerce, smartphones accounted for 68% of visits and 46% of orders last holiday season*. At MessageBird, we’ve worked with a variety of global retailers, from Rituals to Hugo Boss to Suitsupply to personalize their customer experiences. There are so many different ways to action an omnichannel strategy. If you’re sending anything from delivery updates to special offers based on customer preferences, from location-specific promotions to feedback surveys, it’s really easy to implement an approach that suits your specific business needs.

Como profesional del marketing, estoy seguro de que te sientes identificado con la escasez de recursos técnicos. ¿Existen formas de crear experiencias omnicanal sin depender de un desarrollador?

  • At this point, these solutions are actually more accessible and painless to implement than ever. For technical and non-technical teams alike, Bird’s no-code Flows tool enables retailers to build omnichannel communication flows that handle customer calls, power chatbots, manage subscriptions and opt-outs, and automate customer feedback requests in a matter of minutes.

Genial, ¿hay alguna conclusión final para los lectores?

  • Hoy en día, los clientes tienen el mundo al alcance de la mano. Y como empresa que opera en un mundo ruidoso y abarrotado, dar prioridad a una comunicación fácil y bidireccional con el cliente es una obviedad. Con la tecnología al alcance de la mano y accesible incluso para los no expertos en tecnología, no hay excusa para no dar un paso más.

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En right message -> a la right person -> en el right time.

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Your new standard in Marketing, Pay & Sales. It's Bird

The right message -> a la right person -> at the right time.

By clicking "See Bird" you agree to Bird's Confidencialidad.